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Canary Islands reduce R-rate to below one following measures to curb August resurgence

The Canary Islands have managed to reduce the average number of people infected by each known coronavirus carrier, the R-rate, to below one, following last month's resurgence when that all important number had reached, at least at one point, as high as five, which now suggests that measures taken since mid-August, to stop further outbreaks, are seemingly taking effect. In his Canarias Radio interview this morning, the Canary Islands President, Ángel Víctor Torres, said Gran Canaria, Lanzarote...

Canary Islands demands a comprehensive response to growing migrant crisis

Spain's Migration Minister, José Luis Escrivá, has decided to delay his trip scheduled for this week to the Canary Islands. The Canary Islands demands a comprehensive response to the growing migrant crisis. The President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, in statements to journalists, said "powerful reasons" have prevented Escrivá's visit this week, but that a "precise and immediate" solution was required to deal with the continuous arrival of migrants in boats,...

#CanaryIslandsMigrantCrisis: Five more migrant boats arrived on Saturday, there are many more to come

Five "Pateras" (open boats) arrived to the archipelago this Saturday carrying a total of 62 African migrants. 2020 has seen growing numbers risk their lives to try to reach European shores, via this, one of the most dangerous routes in the world. Four boats landed on Gran Canaria and one on Fuerteventura, according to information provided by the Spanish Marine Rescue, Salvamento Marítimo, the Red Cross and the...

Canary Islands ICU beds are now at 45% of total capacity

Following a sudden increase in detected coronavirus cases here on the islands, over this last month, while well-meaning, if sometimes ill informed, people argue about the virulence of coronavirus and its death rate, or their objections to masks, the government, conspiracy theories or whether we shouldn't just let people die to keep businesses running; the increase in cases has tangibly led to a creeping growth in hospital admissions and, of particular concern, Canary Islands ICU admissions....

RIU confirm hotels closing on Gran Canaria as temporary measure and “are ready to reopen”

It was reported yesterday that Mallorca based hotel chain RIU Hotels & Resorts, owned by the TUI group, have announced to its suppliers that they will be closing eight hotels in the Canary Islands.  Initial reports incorrectly stated that the hotels would close this weekend, however sources from within RIU confirm these hotels are closing, in fact, from as of September 13. In communications to clarify the closure the Balearic hotel chain, RIU Hotels & Resorts, say they have been forced...

Hoteliers on Gran Canaria offer temporary accommodation for irregular migrants

In a shrewd master stroke of resources management and public collaboration, at a time of real crisis, it has come to light this Friday morning that hoteliers, on the south of Gran Canaria, have stepped forward and shown willingness to allow their empty, closed establishments to be utilised as emergency temporary accommodation for irregular migrants, who have arrived in open boats over recent weeks, and for whom the central government has not been able to provide any suitable accommodation or...

#Tourism0: RIU close eight hotels on The Canary Islands

RIU close eight hotels in the Canary Islands as of Sunday September 6 2020. The news, that RIU Hotels & Resorts hotel chain have reportedly announced to their suppliers, comes following Germany having included the region, this week, on its list of destinations not recommended for travel. It is feared the move may cause other hotels in the archipelago to follow suit, as economic mayhem builds in the wake of continued uncertainty about the coronavirus pandemic in The Canary Islands. Though...

Canary Islands decree fines for failing to comply with COVID-19 prevention measures

The Canary Islands Government are taking stringent action to enforce COVID-19 prevention measures and try to keep businesses, as much as possible, and the economy open by targeting fines and sanctions at anyone who is found to be breaching measures to tackle coronavirus. The last month has seen a sudden increase in covid19 detections, particularly in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which has lead to a near total drop off in tourism and hospitality businesses, primarily affecting the south of...

Commitment from Spain’s Labour Minister to extend the ERTEs for as long as necessary

The President of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, received a commitment on Tuesday from the Spain's Minister of Labour and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, that the Temporary Employment Regulation Files (ERTE), the Spanish Government "furlough scheme" for contracted employees at companies that could not continue operating this year, maintained in the Canary Islands and elsewhere since the state emergency, to extend the ERTEs for as long as necessary, as of September 30, the day they are...

The Canary Islands are reporting 31 new outbreaks, but far fewer numbers in a cluster

The Canary Islands Health Department are today reporting 31 new outbreaks, in addition to the 66 current outbreaks active over the last 15 days, added to thirty more outbreaks currently being followed-up, on the basis that they are due to be closed as having had no new cases detected over the last fortnight. Of the new outbreaks, 30 are in the province of Las Palmas ( 2 of them in Fuerteventura) and one is in the province of Tenerife, in Granadilla, involving 5 individuals, one of them...

Canary Islands now on Germany’s travel “Blacklist” requiring PCR test results on return

The German government has announced, this Wednesday afternoon, that the Canary Islands are, as of today, being placed on the Germany's travel "Blacklist" of regions to which they do not recommend travel. Berlin say that they will oblige all those coming from the islands, as well as the rest of Spain, to either quarantine or to present a valid PCR test result on arrival at the airport to prove that they are not infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus. Germany's decision puts in check all the...

Arguineguín footballer David Silva tests positive for COVID19 after negative result in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Arguineguín-born footballer David Silva, staunch supporter of The Food Project in the small but popular Gran Canaria fishing-cum-tourist town where he was raised, recently joined Spanish La Liga team Real Sociedad, and was presented to the press this Monday in San Sebastián after taking a second PCR test in 72 hours, news arrived this afternoon however that he has in fact tested positive for Covid-19 and will now be obliged to quarantine, according to a report from the San Sebastian club. The...

Nightlife and Tourism businesses in the Canary Islands are demanding an urgent rescue plan

Nightlife and Tourism businesses in the Canary Islands are demanding an urgent rescue plan saying, in presentations to the regional parliament this Monday, that they are "fed up" of the regional Executive "continuing to ignore" the sector. The statements come on the day that all four of the primary tourism associations in the Canary Islands - Ashotel, FEHT, Lanzarote Tourist Federation and Asofuer - have demanded the implementation of tests for tourists both at origin and destination, along...

Gran Canaria doctors appeal for individual responsibility due to “very serious situation”

A large number of Gran Canaria doctors appeal to the public, as medical professionals and staff members in the main Insular Hospital Universitario, having signed a group statement, trying to convey to the population their growing concern about the evolution of coronavirus in the capital of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The statement, which was released by Dr. Víctor Pons, a long standing and well respected member of the Emergency Service at the hospital, and medical officer for UD Las Palmas...

COVID19 cases rising, Government asks everyone to avoid social gatherings and makes masks mandatory at work

COVID19 cases have continued rising over the last week. Gran Canaria and Lanzarote currently have about a dozen so-called hot zones, that is a rate of infection where more than 100 cases of coronavirus have been detected out of every 100,000 inhabitants in the Accumulated Index (AI) of cases declared over the previous seven days. On Gran Canaria more than half the municipalities on the island now currently exceed this threshold. "In these places we have made the most restrictive decisions"...

Sweeping new measures aimed at controlling soaring infection rates on Canary Islands

The President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, announced "tough and drastic" sweeping new measures this Thursday, following the extraordinary session of the Governing Council and a meeting for the coordination of security forces, in an appearance before the media.  The new rules will apply to those islands that show COVID19 infections incidence of 100 cases or more per 100,000 inhabitants, as is currently the case on Gran Canaria and is expected to be on Lanzarote...

Arrested for attacking police after refusing to wear a mask in Maspalomas

A 50-year-old woman was arrested for attacking police today, with a prior police record in southern municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, after she allegedly rushed at officers at an establishment in the main tourist area of Maspalomas. The woman along and a friend, were said to be causing a scene and refusing to wear masks at a commercial establishment. The detainee is said to have run at the officers, attacking and biting them. The police also recommended that a second woman, having...

146 Covid19 patients are in hospital in the Canary Islands, 68% of available hospital beds are in use and 33% of ICU capacity has been reached

146 Covid19 patients are currently being monitored in Canary Islands hospitals, both public and private. The Intensive Care Units (ICU) are currently at 33% of total capacity, 24 of these patients are there due to complications derived from having been infected with coronavirus, out of a total of 477 units available across the islands. Of this total number of ICU beds, 402 are critical units with a respirator - 37% of them already occupied with 149 admissions, 24 of them people with...

Puerto Rico party boat excursion fined following serious safety infringements

The Canary Islands Health Service, following a proposal from the General Corps of the Policia Canaria (CGPC), have issued a fine of €6.000 to the owners of a commercial party boat excursion based in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria for serious infractions having failed to comply with measures established by the Government of the Canary Islands against COVID-19, such as not keeping interpersonal safety distance and not wearing masks. The events took place at an excursion that was held on August 16...

Canary Islands alert issued for 40-44ºC temperatures and high risk of fires over the next few days

The Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) have this afternoon increased their advisory Canary Islands alert level to red due to high temperatures expected across the Canary Islands with temperatures on the islands set to reach 40º C in the shade, in particular inland and on the south of Gran Canaria, where temperatures could reach up towards 44ºC.  It is always hotter in direct sunlight. The Ministry of the Interior General Directorate of Civil Protection and Emergencies has issued an...

Government of Spain and Prime Minister met today to suggest regional lockdowns, and military trackers and tracers

Spain's Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez , has made an "institutional appearance" after the Government of Spain met this Tuesday, in a press conference following the first Council of Ministers since August 4, after their annual summer break. Taking stock of the growing coronavirus outbreaks and the latest measures taken by some autonomous communities to stop the rise in numbers, he has reasserted the government intention to reopen schools, and the possibility of giving regional parliaments the...

2136 active Coronavirus cases on Canary Islands, a second wave of confusion and fear

There can be no doubt, a second wave of coronavirus infections in the Canary Islands Archipelago is upon us. The increase in positives in the capital Las Palmas throughout the month of August has meant Gran Canaria for the first time has now accumulated more cases than any other island since the beginning of the health crisis. On Sunday 2136 active cases of coronavirus have been confirmed, more than half of them on Gran Canaria. Meanwhile, tourism is once again in decline, having barely...

State of Emergency “is not our choice”, Minister makes clear Spain does not want to declare another

Spain's Minister for Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón, has this Saturday said that the Government's "choice" is to invest in coordination with Spain's 17 autonomous communities so that they can face the pandemic "within their powers", instead of again decreeing a state emergency, which, however, they have not ruled out should it become necessary. "[A state of emergency] is not our choice. Our choice is that within the competences of the autonomous communities there may be excellent...

Maximum temperatures reaching 42ºC this weekend, Gran Canaria declared at risk of forest fires

Gran Canaria has been declared at risk of forest fire with maximum temperatures set to reach up to 38ºC in the shade.  Temperatures in direct sunlight could easily be significantly hotter, reaching 40-42ºC+ The Cabildo de Gran Canaria, island government, has asked that all citizens act responsibly and do not head inlands towards the summits as this can only complicate any potential situation during this extreme heat wave. All appropriate prohibitions have been activated, ranging from the use...

In August Gran Canaria has more than doubled Coronavirus infections

Despite The Canary Islands having been the most successful region in Spain at tackling COVID-19, Gran Canaria has seen a worrying upturn in new positives over recent weeks, having detected 736 new cases so far in August, which is 73 more than the 663 previously detected since the beginning of the pandemic until July 31. Gran Canaria has more than doubled Coronavirus infections in three short weeks. The latest data published by the Ministry of Health at 2:00 p.m. yesterday, confirms the island...

Mogán sports fields closed by Town Council over coronavirus security fears

Mogán Town Council today announced all sports fields closed in the southwestern municipality over fears they will be unable to avoid infections among the younger population having observed, they say, several not complying with the Regional Government's safety measures imposing maximum numbers on people allowed at "social gatherings". Policia local sealed off all sports spaces after verifying that maximum numbers of people gathered exceeded the rules of the regional executive aimed at dealing...

1,113 active cases in the Archipelago following 91 more newly detected

91 new positive of coronavirus have been confirmed over the last 24 hours, in the latest report by the Regional Ministry of Health this Tuesday afternoon.  There are now a total of 1,113 active cases in the Archipelago, on balance an increase of 62 people, taking into account the 29 medical discharges over the last 24 hours, 21 of them on Gran Canaria. There are now eight patients in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), two more than on Monday, while 63 are under observation in normal hospital wards,...

Smoking on bar terraces and on the street is not banned on Gran Canaria

Ever since the extraordinary meeting of the Canary Islands Government's governing council last Thursday, faced with a sudden increase in cases of coronavirus over the previous two weeks, there has been confusion among smokers about what is or is not allowed when it comes to smoking on Gran Canaria.  The decision to restrict smoking has led to a range of complaints and many smokers deciding to stay at home or in private spaces rather than visiting bars, restaurants and other hospitality...

Increase in new infections may have slowed this weekend

Are there are possible early signs that, for the first time in two weeks, the increase in new infections may have slowed? The latest data from the Canary Islands' Ministry of Health today seems to suggest that is a possiblity. Official confirmation over the last 24 hours shows 77 having tested newly positive and one new death, which means there are 1,051 active cases currently throughout the archipelago, of which 60 are hospitalised and 6 remain in the ICU. The number of people who have died...

Anti-mask protesters numbered less than active COVID-19 infections in Las Palmas

About a hundred anti-mask protesters gathered together this Sunday, August 16, by the sculpture of Alfredo Kraus, on the capital's Las Canteras beach, demonstrating against what they see as the imposition of the mandatory use of masks, along with a range of other complaints and theories about the latest decisions by the governments of the Canary Islands and Spain to further restrict activities that are thought to favour the increasing numbers of coronavirus cases being detected daily across...

Latest Canary Islands figures confirm 1025 COVID19 cases active and increasing

The Latest Canary Islands figures, this Sunday, exceeded a thousand active cases of coronavirus. 134 more than yesterday, in total, according to data from the Regional Health Ministry. Todays declaration confirms 146 new COVID-19 positives detected across the archipelago over the last 24 hours. Of the new cases, 95 are on Gran Canaria, 29 on Tenerife, 18 on Lanzarote with 2 on La Gomera. The situation across the archipelago continues to get a little more complicated every day, however the...

144 new coronavirus cases in The Canary Islands, one deceased, 891 total active cases

A total of 891 active COVID-19 infections have been confirmed this Saturday in The Canary Islands. 144 new coronavirus cases have been registered since Friday, and one new death registered.  More than 200,000 PCR tests have been carried out since March 1st 2020 The Canary Islands Health Ministry statistics confirm four people are in the ICU and 47 others hospitalised in various hospitals in the archipelago. 840 people are isolated, confined to their homes. Since the pandemic began, The Canary...

Total COVID-19 cases increasing fastest on Gran Canaria as new restrictions attempt to curb contagion

Total COVID-19 cases detected in the Canary Islands since the start of the pandemic currently stand at 3,323, 111 more over the last 24 hours, with 748 active cases throughout the archipelago this Friday. There are two people currently being treated in the Intensive Care Units,  38 are being monitored in hospital and 708 are in self-isolation at home, according to the data published this afternoon by the Canarian Ministry of Health. The archipelago has registered a considerable increase in...

All Nightlife venues in Spain closed, nationwide rules and recommendations for Care Homes

"This is the first time in democracy that coordinated measures have been formally declared in the field of Health that will be adopted jointly by all autonomous communities and cities," highlighted the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa as he announced the closure of all Nightlife venues in Spain August 14, 2020.- Spain's Ministry of Health, along with every autonomous community in Spain have today unanimously agreed, during an extraordinary Interterritorial Council meeting, called today, to...

The Food Project: When your local council refuse to help Families in Need and you have to call the Army

Original reporting on The Food Project by: Adrián Suárez of Canarias Ahora   Images: Alejandro Ramos Additional interpretation: Edward Timon, The Canary The pandemic has multiplied the numbers of individuals and families in need of social assistance throughout Spain and The Canary Islands, hitting tourist areas such as the south of Gran Canaria with extra force. However, that does not seem to have hindered the Mogán Town Council, during the biggest crisis in more than 100 years, from appearing...

Canary Islands President: “If security measures are not kept up in the face of the pandemic, people and the economy will pay for it”

- President Angel Victor Torres announces that in the Canary Islands smoking will be prohibited in public spaces, as soon as the new rules are published in the BOC (Canary Island Official Bulletin) tomorrow- The head of the regional Executive emphasised that the latest data has forced restrictions on nightlife again and that the elderly and workers in their residences will be screened increasingly- The Canary Islands government does not foresee a return to confinement in any particular areas,...

Masks mandatory everywhere: Canary Islands restricts nightlife despite lowest number of infections in Spain

The Canary Islands Extraordinary Governing Council meeting held  Thursday morning (August 13, 2020) has agreed to approve a series of health measures seeking to contain the current outbreaks on the islands. At the request of the Spanish Ministry of Health, they approved mandatory use of masks, both in open outdoor spaces as well as closed indoor spaces, irregardless of whether the prescribed 1.5 meter safety distance can be maintained. The Council also brought in sweeping new restrictions for...

COVID-19: More than 85% of newly detected cases are people under 30 infected during leisure time

The Canary Islands Ministry of Health have today reported that more than 85% of newly diagnosed COVID-19 cases  in the Canary Islands over the last week have been people under 30 years of age, who have been infected during leisure activities or at family gatherings without having maintained the prescribed security measures such as social distancing. Over the last 24 hours, 85 new COVID-19 cases have been detected,  59 of which are on Gran Canaria, 20 on Tenerife, 2 on Fuerteventura and 4 on...

More than half of the 421 Canary Islands active cases are now on Gran Canaria

The Canary Islands continues to carry out, on average, of more than 1000 tests a day, having so far carried out more than 192,000 tests, and have gone for almost 2 whole months without any new deaths attributed to Covid-19, but this weekend added two more fatalities, last Saturday, to bring the total to 164 dead since the pandemic first arrived on the islands, on January 30th.  The total infections detected over that time has now nearly reached 3,000 (2,959 as of Monday afternoon) and so the...

Tragic migrants dying to reach Canary Islands this week

[Patera capsizes (Archive Image), Patera washes ashore (UNHCR)] - Reports estimate up to 50 sub-Saharan migrants drowned this last week, when the boats in which they were travelling towards the Canary Islands were either run aground or broke down. Moroccan authorities found seven bodies, and rescued 40, last Monday, and details started to emerge on Thursday night of a patera or cayuco (open boat) wrecked off the coast of Nouadhibou, Mauritania, where it was thought up to 40 people had...

Is the mayor of Mogán planning to evict The Food Project in Arguineguín?

This afternoon it came to our attention that Item 6 on the Ayuntamiento de Mogán council meeting agenda for (tomorrow) Wednesday August 5th is a sudden proposal, without warning, to evict in Arguineguín from the premises where they have been serving the poorest people in our community, as the only food bank in the area, and helping hundreds of local families, for years, by supplyIng emergency rations of food once a week to the most poverty stricken in our area of...

All newly clarified Canary Islands safety rules regarding masks, hospitality and drinking on the street

There has been much debate, since the Canary Islands de-escalated from the State of Emergency, between bar owners, hospitality providers, clients, residents and tourists about when and where masks must be used and safety distances maintained.  From the beginning it has always been the case that if you are meeting with someone you do not live with you are expected to maintain a minimum interpersonal distance of 1.5m and if you are unable to guarantee that, then you are expected to wear a mask....

Canary Islands to tighten control over bars and nightspots, large gatherings and private parties

The Canary Islands Government has been evaluating whether it needs to strengthen the rules obliging the use of masks in public places, as has happened in recent days and weeks in other autonomous regions of Spain, the consensus seems to be that this is not a necessary measure at this time, so long as guidelines are being followed. They have said however that they will intensify and harden controls over young people gathering, in what are locally known as "botellones", as well as poeple at...

Plot Twist: UK Government suddenly includes Canary Islands in non-essential travel advice

In a sudden and surprising move from the UK, following appeals to exclude Canary Islands from their quarantine requirements, the British Government travel advisory has now been amended, but not as had been hoped for.  The new advice for British travellers is now to also avoid the Canary Islands for all non-essential journeys. The move is bound to anger and further confuse a situation caused by the sudden announcement on Saturday that all returning from Spain would have to quarantine, despite...

British Government confirm they are reviewing Canary Islands epidemiological data

The BBC have reported this Monday that The British Government is discussing with the Spanish the possibilities for "air corridors" between the UK and the Canary Islands, although first they want to review the epidemiological data well and will not make an immediate decision. In a radio interview with BBC Radio Four's The World At One, ex-minister now travel broadcaster, Michael Portillo, himself of Spanish descent, expressed his consternation at the lack of thought behind the British...

Gran Canaria Tourist board working to secure an agreement with the United Kingdom

The Gran Canaria Tourism board have announced that they are working closely with the Government of the Canary Islands to support the regional administration's request to establish safe and direct air-corridors with the United Kingdom, based on the low incidence of cases related to Covid-19 in the Archipelago. "Gran Canaria is a completely safe destination, which is why the Tourist Board are aligned with the efforts initiated by the Presidency of the Canary Islands Government to avoid...

TUI will resume flights to the Canary Islands from Monday

Tour operator TUI has announced this Sunday that they will be suspending all holiday packages to Spain until August 9, with the exception of those flying to the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, to which clients will once again be able to travel starting on Monday July 27.  In a statement, the popular tourism company indicated that those who were travelling to mainland Spain between July 27 and August 9 will be able to cancel or modify their reservations, while those who have packages...

Canary Islands safe and direct air corridors to the United Kingdom

The President of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, and the Minister of Tourism, Yaiza Castilla, are to hold talks with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Tourism, and representatives of the British Government, to try to prevent UK tourists from being subjected to the 14 day "self isolation" quarantine, announced this Saturday evening, when returning from their holidays on the islands. No warning was given ahead of the announcement. Popular tour operator TUI reacted angrily to...

33 people rescued in a boat adrift 6 nautical miles from Gran Canaria

Salvamento Marítimo (Marine Rescue) on Tuesday night saved 33 people adrift on board an open boat about six nautical miles southwest of Gran Canaria, according to the 112 Canary Islands Emergency and Security Coordinating Centre. Canary Islands 112 were alerted to the location of the boat at 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, transferring the rescued migrants to the Arguineguín dock , in the municipality of Mogán. Once ashore, Canarian Emergency Service (SUC) personnel, together with staff from the local...

Murder trial underway in Las Palmas over strangulation of disabled homeless man in Playa del Inglés

A wheelchair-bound homeless man, Stefan Putreanu, 61, was strangled and his body burned at an unused kiosk where he used to sleep in Playa del Inglés last year.  The man accused of his murder, known only as Ali GG, has denied any involvement in the killing during the dramatic first days of his murder trial, which started on Monday before a jury in Las Palmas. Turkish born Ali GG, of Spanish nationality, is accused of having strangled the disabled vagrant and then set his body on fire at the...

Canary Islands on The New York Times front page: Southern Europe Opens Its Doors to Tourists. Not Many Are Coming. –

Music blared from a beachfront cafe along the normally bustling southwestern coast of Tenerife, the largest of Spain’s Canary Islands. But several tables sat empty, a month after a Covid-19 lockdown had ended, and the doors to many resorts remained shut. Though tourism is returning to southern Europe — stretching from Portugal to Greece — its restart has been sluggish amid new outbreaks in some countries. Bookings are down 80 percent in Italy despite government incentives. Ferries to the Greek...

The Canary Islands track and trace more contacts for every individual new corona virus case than anywhere in Spain

Click here to see the latest Canary Islands corona virus figures, updated daily.  The Canary Islands Health Service manages to locate up to 27 contacts per newly detected case of Covid-19, whereas regions such as Catalonia only manage to identify no more than two on average. This was reflected in the latest report published by the Carlos III Health Institute, on the Covid-19 situation in Spain, looking at cases diagnosed between May 11 and July 15, during which time 22,997 cases of coronavirus...

€100 Fines for failure to comply with masks rules

The Canary Islands Government will activate increased controls this weekend to guarantee the use of masks as one of the most fundamental measures of protection against COVID 19. Special vigilance is to be carried out at recreational and festive gatherings such as bars, nightspots, Private parties, and celebrations in open spaces. Members of the Policia Canaria, Local Police and State Security Forces, including the Guardia Civil, will be deployed in a visible show of enforcement. Failure to use...

Canary Islands masks rules unchanged, but must be enforced

Mask guidance on Gran Canaria and the Canary Islands remains as it was, following The Canary Islands Government review of the current rules around wearing masks in public.  The regional executive say they plan to intensify enforcement to ensure existing regulations are being properly met, however have stopped short this week of increasing the number of mandated settings in which they are advisable to wear. Face Protection must be used in all enclosed spaces and in any public area, indoors and...

Scorching high temperatures on Gran Canaria for the next 4 days, Risk to Health advisories issued

The Canary Islands Government's Ministry of Health have activated a heat advisory, through the General Directorate of Public Health, warning of potential risk on Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma and Fuerteventura with forecasts overcoming the coming days predicting sustained high temperatures in the south ranging between 24ºC at night through to 38ºC in the daytime shade, with the potential for temperatures in direct sunlight to be significantly higher. These temperatures exceed the...

Hillside Fire Near Pueblo de Mogán, Man Arrested

A little shock tonight for the south west of Gran Canaria after a raging fire broke out on a hillside, just after 21:30, on Tuesday night, above the main GC200 highway connecting the popular town of Pueblo de Mogán and the village of Veneguera. Arriving to the blaze Policia Local immediately arrested a resident of La Aldea, in his mid 30s, on suspicion of having allegedly started the fire. Local residents had made sure that the man could not leave until the authorities arrived and took charge,...

#UNHCR will deploy a team to the Canary Islands to assess refugees arriving by boat

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR / ACNURspain) have this week announced that they will be sending a specialist team, to the Canary Islands, to work on this year's worrying increases in migrants who risk their lives in open boats trying to reach the archipelago.  It is thought that nearly 200 people have been lost already this year, having failed to make landfall. Pressure is quickly mounting on the islands' ability to patrol, retrieve, accommodate, then identify those who do survive...

The Canary Islands to review measures ensuring masks are worn when necessary

With a sudden spike in new corona virus cases on the mainland over the last week, there are growing indications this week that the Government of the Canary Islands Ministry of Health are going to approve new measures, to reinforce the mandatory use of masks in various places, where members of the public are likely to come into contact with each other, following reports this Monday of their communications with Spain's Inter-territorial Health Council.  We expect to know more by the end of this...

Canary Islands COVID prevention guide for hotels agreed by employers and unions 

Minister of Economy, Elena Máñez has announced today that The Canary Islands Government's Hospitality Advisory Board has this Monday approved a guide to job security advising companies in the hotel sector dealing with the COVID-19 response, in collaboration with tourism employers and unions. Representatives of the sector's main business associations (FEHT, Ashotel, Asolan and Asofuer), the UGT and CCOO unions, the government's Labor and Social Security Inspectorate have all participated...

The Canary Islands celebrate one whole month without COVID19 deaths

Corona virus, it appears, has almost been completely eradicated on The Canary Islands, but not yet eliminated.  The preventative quick actions of the government, regional and local administrations, and the outstanding compliance and cooperation of the resident population has left the region as one of the least affected in numbers of detected cases. As of Saturday July 11 an accumulated 2,459 people had been confirmed to have contracted the condition, and 2,224 of those have already been...

World Tourism Organisation flight to Gran Canaria, endorses Canary Islands as a safe tourism destination

The Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, and the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism for the Government of Spain, Reyes Maroto, flew to Gran Canaria this week (Wednesday July 8) aboard a scheduled promotional flight to demonstrate the Canary Islands as a safe tourism destination. The first official flight of its kind promoting safe tourism to Spain in the post pandemic era. Just like King Felipe and Queen Letizia  did a couple weeks...

Spanish Government launches new residency document for UK nationals

On Monday 6 July the Spanish Government launched a new residency document for UK nationals who are protected by the Withdrawal Agreement – the Tarjeta de identidad de extranjero or TIE. This means some changes to the appointments process and that anyone registering from now on will be issued with the biometric TIE card, rather than the current green paper document.  Spain is one of the first EU countries to bring in a new residency system for British nationals and HMA Hugh Elliott welcomed its...

All the “New Normality” rules you need to follow when in The Canary Islands (new updates this week)

The Canary Islands government have produced a handy guide to understanding social distancing rules in Spain under the so-called “New Normal“, to help avoid spreading infection. Whether you like it or not this is what everyone is expected to do to stay safe. These New Normality rules are not always crystal clear, they are still new, and subject to changes, and everyone has an opinion, but for everyone’s safety and well-being we are all being asked to try to follow the instructions. You can be...

Mogán closes all the beaches on the eve of San Juan festivities

Mogán Town Council will close accesses to all the beaches throughout the south-west's municipal areas from 20:00 on Tuesday, June 23 to avoid possible concentrations of people on the occasion of the popular San Juan night celebrations. Citizens will be able to enjoy the beaches once again from Wednesday morning at 8:00 on the 24th. "We have decided to close our beaches as a preventive measure in order to avoid gatherings of people on this date, when our neighbours as well as residents of other...

Gran Canaria’s southern beaches to close for a night to avoid crowds celebrating San Juan

Councilman Samuel Henríquez Quintana said today that San Bartolomé de Tirajana (inc. Maspalomas/Playa del Inglés/San Agustín) have announced the closure of all its beaches on the eve of the Fiestas de San Juan The Town Council of San Bartolomé de Tirajana announced the closure of all its beaches as a preventive measure against the spread of COVID-19. Usually this evening is marked by large crowds on the beaches, with bonfires and fireworks and a collective midnight dip in the sea. Public...

British holidaymakers can fly to Gran Canaria and the rest of Spain from Sunday Without Needing to Quarantine

Spain's foreign minister, Arancha Gonzalez Laya, has told the BBC this Saturday that British tourists will now be allowed to fly to Spain from from Sunday without the need for them to spend two weeks in quarantine, out of fears of them bringing the coronavirus. "We will allow British visitors to enter Spain just like the rest of the European Union or Schengen area from 21 June freely and without the need for the quarantine," she told the BBC News in an announcement that has surprised many...

How to identify the freshest Gran Canaria eggs, and ensure they are humanely produced

For years, the Cabildo de Gran Canaria island government has been promoting food sovereignty, energy self sufficiency, eco-island, buying local produce, and green renewable energies;  the Cabildo has continued this trend by launching this week a campaign, in coordination with the Sanitary Defense of Poultry of Gran Canaria Group, with the hashtag #YoComproHuevosDeAquí, loosely translating to "#IBuyEggsFromHere" to promote across social networks consumption of local eggs from the island, which...

Gran Canaria Cabildo recovery centre rescues a huge 38 kg turtle and two others, all on the same day

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria has rescued a 38-kg Caretta Caretta turtle, the largest ever to have been taken in at the island's pioneering Wildlife Recovery Centre in six years. It is a sub-adult turtle specimen that was found at the Bocabarranco Beach, on the island's north-north east coast, which was very weak and has a very deep wound on one of its fins caused by nets in which the animal had been snared. On the same day this week that this majestic specimen appeared, another 4-kilo turtle...

The Canary Guide: The new “Mercado de Maspalomas” will bring residents, tourists and local produce together

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria is allocating €3.2 million for the Mercado de Maspalomas main municipal market place to be revamped into an attractive link between tourists, residents and local produce.  The San Bartolomé de Tirajana town hall has been working for a year on the project which will also transform the popular local market place into an energy self-sufficient facility powered by solar panels. It will have 28 commercial and refreshments premises, a 1,000 m2 marquee space, and...

Historic Mogán windmill prepares to open as a tourist attraction

This month works have begun on the famous old Mogán windmill, known as the Molino de Viento or Molino Quemado de Mogán, and the surrounding grounds for "musealisation" of the site, preparing it to become an official museum exhibit. Once completed, there will be new toilet facilities and a reception, sales area, cultivation area, children's games as well as other features to attract visitors to learn more about this important and historic landmark. February of this year already saw the final...

Canary Islands Latest Report On COVID19 Figures Since First Case Last January

You can see all the data, updated daily, on our corona virus confirmed data tracking page The Canary Islands Government's Health Department on Wednesday afternoon released the very latest data on the 2,391 cases of COVID-19 corona virus detected since the crisis began, with one new positive case recorded on Tuesday. Currently, in the Canary Islands, there are still just 63 active cases, of which 54 are receiving care at home, 9 are hospitalised and since Tuesday, for the first time in many...

Canary Islands’ Tourism Minister says we are ready, but testing needs to be finalised

The Canary Islands Minister of Tourism, Yaiza Castilla, has admitted this Monday afternoon that the plan to reopen borders to June 21 has forced the regional government to have to work "against the clock" to finalise a "plan B" in the face of a lack of clarity from the European Union regarding her calls for covid-19 testing of tourists at origin, before they board a plane. In statements to journalists during a presentation of the regional tourism board's Spanish domestic tourism campaign for...

Canary Islands regulate passengers at ports and airports, while asking nightspots to wait a while longer

The Canary Islands Official Bulletin ( BOE) on Tuesday in an extraordinary issue published two decrees from the President of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres: The conditions for the provision of inter-island maritime transport and measures for the control of people who travel by air or sea in the Canary Islands, to ensure the containment of the COVID-19 pandemic,and another on The non-reopening of nightclubs and nightlife bars to the public. Both decrees were approved following a...

Canary Islands Court approves Siam Park Gran Canaria project and rejects Santana Cazorla appeal.

The TSJC Canary Islands´ Superior Court of Justice today provided a green light for the long awaited and biggest tourism development of its kind on Gran Canaria, approving regulatory changes, supported by various public administrations, to authorise the construction of the large water park to be developed by the Loro Parque Group (Siam Park) in El Veril (San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas) . The Administrative Litigation Chamber's Second Section, at its headquarters in Las Palmas, has...

Guide: Maspalomas Soul Festival 2020 officially cancelled

The 6th Maspalomas Soul Festival 2020, was to be held on the last weekend of July, on the pristine beaches of San Agustín on the south of Gran Canaria. The various measures in place for avoidance of Covid-19 contagions, and security in public places, have forced the Town Council of San Bartolomé de Tirajana to announce the cancellation of this year's event due to the limited possibilities for soul music fans to gather around a stage on the beaches of San Agustín. The 33rd Porretta Soul...

Car crash in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria leaves three injured

Three young people were injured on Monday night after the car they were in overturned and caught fire in the GC500 roundabout near Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria, in the municipality of Mogán. The youths managed to escape the vehicle on their own before the fire took hold. The driver tested positive for alcohol and drugs, according to sources at the scene. The accident occurred at 8:40 p.m. when the main 112 Canarinan Coordinating Centre for Emergencies and Security (Cecoes) received an alert...

Cabildo de Gran Canaria and Alcampo join forces to promote #Km0 local products in their hypermarket in Telde

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria and Alcampo have signed an agreement to promote the consumption of local products with an advertising campaign and a promotional area at their hypermarket in Telde, where the island's produce have been grouped under the umbrella of the "Gran Canaria Me Gusta" brand. Shoppers have been able to find agro-food, in a large 400 m² space, all produced and made on Gran Canaria. Among the delicacies on offer, there are potatoes from San Mateo, avocados from Mogán,...

Arguineguín pier disinfected following small number of migrants testing positive for corona virus

A crew from the Mogán town hall's Street Cleaning team has disinfected the Arguineguín Pier, to where, in recent weeks, increasing numbers of migrant boats have been escorted by Salvamento Maritimo (Maritime Rescue).  Despite the small likelihood of infections in such an outdoors environment, Mogán decided last week that it would be best to ensure disinfection procedures, following the news that a small number of the rescued migrant travellers had tested positive for coronavirus. The municipal...

Gran Canaria Cabildo delivers 5,000 coffee trees to increase production of this historic crop in Agaete

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria has delivered 5,000 coffee trees to the Association for the Promotion and Agricultural Development of Agaete, the municipality in the Northwest of Gran Canaria, aiming to increase the amount of ​​coffee plantations and continue with the recovery of this historic crop in the municipality. The seedlings distributed are Arabica species, a 'typical' variety, ( also known as "coffee shrub of Arabia" or "mountain coffee") from seeds collected at traditional coffee...

Suspension deadlines for passing ITV end Monday 1 June

Vehicles with Technical Vehicle Inspection expiring from June 1, will have to pass their inspection by the assigned date Spain's Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, through the General Directorate of Industry, have reminded everyone that, starting from today, Monday, June 1, additional provisions,  as a result of the decree of the State of Emergency on March 14, that suspended deadlines related to  Technical Inspection of Vehicles (ITV), are now repealed (void, annulled, cancelled)....

Spain will not yet encourage British tourists to return until situation improves in UK

​Spain's Minister for Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, has, this weekend, made clear that British tourism to Spain will not be the first to return nor encouraged until the UK situation improves.  For now she is expecting German and Nordic tourism to tentatively begin to return from mid-June, with careful monitoring and gradual adaptation to help ensure the safety of visitors.  The Canary Islands, and the Balearics, are likely to be among the first to see some sort of return for...

47 migrants rescued 10 miles south of Gran Canaria, all of sub-saharan origins

Another boat adrift in the Atlantic was rescued this morning south of Gran Canaria, report sources from Spain's Salvamento Maritimo (Marine Rescue) and Red Cross . The patera (open boat) with 47 migrants on board was rescued in the early hours of this morning, at sea to the south of Gran Canaria, by the Salvamento Marítimo and transferred to the south of the island, a spokesman for the emergency service reported. The boat was located by the Guardia Civil's Integrated External Surveillance...

A clear example of early detection: thirteen quarantined after flight to Lanzarote with COVID-19 passenger, a second passenger also has symptoms

Thirteen passengers have been quarantined, as soon as they landed in Lanzarote yesterday, having travelled on a plane from Madrid, which had also been boarded by man who was awaiting the results of COVID-19 diagnostic tests, despite being warned of that he should not fly, as he was suspected of potentially having been infected. The Canary Islands Government's Health Minister, Jesús López, has said that one other passenger with symptoms was also detected on the same flight, who has been...

Rescued migrant confirmed as corona virus carrier, one other suspected on Fuerteventura

It was confirmed last night that one of the 86 migrants who arrived on the south coast of Gran Canaria last Tuesday has tested positive for coronavirus. The person has been isolated from the rest of the combined group who were spotted in two pateras before being moved to Arguineguín port for health checks, and then immediately confined on a ship in the capital's main port of Las Palmas the Puerto de La Luz. Another foreign citizen, who also arrived that same day on Fuerteventura on a similar...

Saga holidays announce no travel before September

Over 50s travel operator SAGA have announced that they will not be organising any holiday departures at all before September 1st.  They have advised all customers with trips booked before the end of August to take advantage of their Peace Of Mind policy to rebook another trip in 2021, and offered large discounts off future cruises, European destinations and long-haul trips. The note signed by Managing Director Chris Simmonds thanked everyone for their patience and understanding while the...

Fire being tackled in Santa Lucia de Tirajana barranco

This just in from the Tirajana Valley in the municipality of Santa Lucia on the south east of GranCanaria. Two fire crews have been deployed to tackle a blaze in the Barranco de Tirajana, on the side nearest Pozo Izquierdo, where primarily heavy industry and aggregate extraction businesses operate. The blaze itself is not thought to have caused any damage to property and there have been no injuries reported. The firefighters are trying to keep a controlled perimeter around what seems to be a...

3.6 earthquake felt across Gran Canaria on Wednesday morning

This Wednesday morning a fairly small earthquake has been reported from various places across Gran Canaria.  Tremors were felt from Agaete to Vecindario.  INVOLCAN, The Canary Islands Volcanic Institute (Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias), have reported that at 08:19 (Canary Islands time) The Canarian Seismic Network operated by INVOLCAN registered a quake with a magnitude of 3.6 on the Richter scale, to the north east of Gran Canaria, not far from Telde and the capital Las Palmas, at a...

Gran Canaria Cabildo urges careful disposal of masks and gloves to avoid new sources of infection and environmental damage

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria, island government, has urged people on the island to dispose of masks and gloves properly and with great care. While the State of Emergency de-escalation continues, and once it is over, gloves and mask use will be massive and so it is very important that these protective materials are placed into a closed bag, and put in the grey general waste containers, to help avoid them becoming potential sources of contagion or contaminating streets, parks, ravines or beaches,...

Two boatloads of migrants rescued on the south of Gran Canaria

Spanish Marine Rescue (Salvamento Marítimo) on Monday night, May 25, transferred 51 people located adrift in an open boat (patera), just 1 nautical mile south of Gran Canaria, to the south west coastal port of Arguineguín. The patera, all male, were sighted at sea, not far from Arguineguín around midnight, according to sources at the 112 Canary Islands Emergency and Security Coordination Centre. Staff from the SUC Emergency Services, the main Maspalomas Health Centre and members of the Red...

The Canary Guide : Virtual concert to celebrate Canary Islands Day on 29 May

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria, island government, have adapted their planned celebration for Canary Islands Day to organise a major music concert, which can be joined and followed live on social networks: Festival CanariON. In addition to virtual participation over the internet, the event seeks to energise the cultural sector and will bring together many popular artists from around the Canary Islands, including Efecto Pasillo, Cristina Ramos, Los Coquillos, Arístides Moreno y Germán López among...

Spain plans to drop 14-day quarantine rules from July 1st for foreign visitors

Spain plans to put an end to the two-week mandatory coronavirus quarantine for foreign travellers arriving from 1 JULY 2020! The Spanish Government has announced having set itself a goal to remove the one State of Emergency measure seen as the biggest obstacle to summer tourism. The tourism industry generates around 12% of Spain’s GDP, and the country is now taking steps so as to not completely lose this summer season. It is an important move for the sector, and for the Spanish economy, as...

The new COVID-19 European Union safety guidelines for air travel

Last week the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) issued a joint guidance document defining approved measures to help assure the health safety of air travellers and aviation personnel, once airlines resume regular flight schedules following the severe disruption caused by COVID-19. While Gran Canaria and The Canary Islands have seen some of the lowest infection rates, and perhaps the least fatalities, throughout Spain and...

Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria and Amadores beaches in Mogán get reconditioning treatments

Last week the town hall of Mogán, on the south west coast of Gran Canaria, began the work of aerating the sand on the beaches of the municipality so as to to improve its quality, condition it and kill bacteria that can proliferate in areas where the sea water does not usually reach. This week the private company that holds the administrative concession for the popular tourist beaches of Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria and Amadores has carried out similar work to ensure the cleanest possible...

Spain and The Canary Islands to attempt to restart safe tourist activity from July, though the islands counsel patience

The Spanish Government has, as of this Saturday May 23, begun the daunting task of trying to set out how international tourists can start return to the country in time for this 2020 summer season, hoping to save, at least in part, the vast expected losses caused by the corona virus shut down. The expected return of international tourists, to Spain and The Canary Islands, is a cause for great celebration, however it is to be remembered that many countries throughout Europe are still...

Beaches, Bars, Pools and Shopping centres re-open as Gran Canaria enters De-Escalation Phase 2

From Monday May 25 Gran Canaria's beaches, bars and shopping centres all begin to reopen, with restrictions and limited capacity. The government has announced that starting from Monday all the Canary Islands will enter phase 2 of the de-escalation plan, as laid out by the Spanish government. However, the final regulations have not yet been approved, so we will not know the fine detail until the Spanish State Gazette (known as the BOE) is published. These are the activities that will be allowed...

The Canary Guide: San Bartolomé de Tirajana suspends all festivities at least until end of August

Preventive measures to protect health and avoid risks, say the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, have forced the town hall to suspend all festivities and events planned until the end of August 2020. Based on superior legal provisions, as a consequence of the current pandemic, the Tirajanero Consistory (SBT town council) says it has been forced to suspend the annual festivities planned for San Juan, which are celebrated in at least two communities within this extensive municipality; as...

Forest Fire Risk Alert for Saturday 23 May on Gran Canaria, and the western Canary Islands

The Government of the Canary Islands, through the General Directorate of Security and Emergencies, has declared as of 07:00 hours on Saturday, May 23, an Alert for Risk of Forest Fires in the mid-altitude, high and summit areas of the islands of El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera, Tenerife and Gran Canaria. This decision has been made taking into account the available information and in application of the Specific Plan for Civil Protection and Attention to Emergencies due to Forest Fires of the...

Mogán’s beaches will open on Monday to the public but with Phase 2 restrictions

The Mogán town hall has set out a series of measures to guarantee the safety of beach users on the south-west of Gran Canaria, when the island advances to Phase 2 of the de-escalation Plan for the Transition towards a New Normality. Currently, only individual federated sportspeople are allowed on the beaches of the municipality of Mogán, but from Monday the recreational use of these public coastal spaces will also be permitted.  According to the local town hall You can enjoy the beaches...

You can now be fined for straying from the paths through the Dunes of Maspalomas

The Dunas de Maspalomas Special Nature Reserve on the south of Gran Canaria is to now have a permanent surveillance team made up of 4 environmental agents and 2 officers from the Policia Local of San Bartolomé de Tirajana. The Maspalomas Dune system is unique in the Canary Islands will be maintained by a specialist environmental care team of 7 people.  Members of the public are no longer to be allowed to just wander through the dunes. The four Environment officers and the policia local...

Face masks in public places to be mandatory in Spain

Spain’s Minister of Finance and government spokesperson, María Jesús Montero, announced on Sunday, at a press conference, the mandatory use of face masks in public places, likely to form part of the de-escalation plan as they seek support for a latest one-month extension to the State of Emergency. The move comes following requests from several of the country’s autonomous regional governments, despite initial resistance from central government to legislate on mask use, following divisions and...

For the first time in two months Canary Islands have reported no corona virus deaths for 5 days running

Thankfully, the death toll, related to this initial wave of Covid19, here in The Canary Islands, remained until this Sunday morning at just 151 individuals since last Monday May 11. The number detected and diagnosed throughout the archipelago rose a little further on Friday to 2,289 according to the latest data from the Canary Islands Government Ministry of Health, updated at 8:00 p.m. this Saturday, which shows that we have detected 106 people with coronavirus for every 100,000 of the Canary...

Gran Canaria’s southern apricot harvest has been reduced by 70% due to calima and drought

The south of Gran Canaria is currently in the middle of the Tirajana apricot harvest. The municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana have predicted that the harvest will see a 70% reduction, having gone from 100,000 kilos last year to a forecast of 30,000 kilos of fruit for 2020, beingf of good quality. The February calima, which caused significant damage to the flowering of the earliest apricot varieties, as well as a severe lack of rain that has been suffered over recent years, has led to a...

New pedestrian signs along Las Canteras promenade and the beaches of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria city council's 'Ciudad de Mar' Department have announced new signage for pedestrians along the Paseo de Las Canteras this week, and at access points to the capital city's various beaches. The aim is to clearly set out safe physical distances, established by the health authorities during the different stages of the de-escalation from the State of Emergency, declared in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. On the Paseo de Las Canteras, the promenade, can get very crowded...

Mogán thoroughly cleans and aerates the beach sands of Gran Canaria’s sunny South West coast

The Mogán town hall on the sunny south west of Gran Canaria have spent the last week carrying out oxygenation work to the sand on its beaches. This action, they say, will improve the quality of the sand as it compacts over time and can be uncomfortable for beach users. The works started on the beach at Taurito, where a tractor carried out intense and continuous plowing of the sand down to 30 centimeters deep, so as to aerate it and kill any bacteria that might proliferate in areas where the...

Spain’s Prime Minister to request one month more to end State of Emergency

The Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, has confirmed that he will ask for a final one month extension to the State of Emergency, declared on March 14 throughout Spain. That is how long he expects it to take for the entire Spanish territory to have completed the de-escalation process and reach what he has termed as the "new normality". This announcement was made today, confirming that next Wednesday he will request a 30-day extension to the State of Emergency, keeping measures in place...

Spain designates Gran Canaria as one of only five airports and eight ports of entry to the country

An order from the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda published in Spain's Official State Gazette (BOE) this Friday, has designated just five airports through which travellers from outside Spain may now enter the country. These are: Gran Canaria (Las Palmas); Josep Tarradellas Barcelona -El Prat; Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas; Málaga -Costa del Sol; and Palma de Mallorca. The order takes effect this Saturday May 16 and will be remain in force until at least May 24. The sea ports...

The Cabildo budgets €1 million for “firefighter sheep” to clear public land and combat forest fires

The island government, the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, have allocated a budget of one million euros for utilising what they have termed as 'firefighter sheep' to help in the prevention of forest fires on Gran Canaria. The money will be used to support shepherds, on the basis that their livestock can be used as an important method of reducing flammable vegetation in the natural environment. GPS systems will be used to monitor flocks and fencing will help to protect repopulations. In addition to...

Nowhere near Covid-19 “herd immunity” in Spain or Canary Islands

According to preliminary data from a seroprevalence study, measuring the level of the novel corona virus covid-19 pathogen in the population, as measured in blood serum, undertaken by the Ministry of Health and the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), only 1.4% of the province of Las Palmas and 2.1% of Santa Cruz de Tenerife residents, in the Canary Islands, have developed antibodies to the coronavirus since the pandemic began, which extrapolates to an average of just 1.8% of those living in...

Just three out of every ten cases diagnosed in Canary Islands remain active

In the Canary Islands, we only have 645 corona virus cases that remain active of a total of 2,271 detected and diagnosed, which means that 65% of those we know about have recovered. If we take into account the 151 known deaths from Covid-19 throughout the archipelago, we can now clearly say that three out of ten confirmed infections remain in progress. Of those remaining, 17 are in intensive care units (ICU) and 50 remain under observation in hospital. The remaining 578 are confined to their...

Spain has ordered all incoming flight passengers to spend 14 days in quarantine

In a clear demonstration that the coronavirus crisis is still a long way from over, Spain's Ministry of Health have announced they will require all visitors from abroad spend 14 days in quarantine if they enter the country after May 15 2020. The new order from the Ministry of Health, published on Tuesday in the BOE Official State Gazette, says that the objective is "to limit the risks derived from international traffic of people" during the de-escalation of the so-called "lockdown" confinement...


There are already serious concerns regarding how Spain is entering De-escalation Phase 1 conditions and how restrictions are to be implemented by companies hungry to return to business as usual, after an Iberia Express flight to Gran Canaria was revealed to have taken off from Madrid airport last Sunday without any minimum safety distances between passengers, and in spite of tense and vocal complaints from those who purchased tickets. Many of those booked on the flight expressed consternation...

Spain urgently seeking European agreement on flight controls and third-party nationals

The Spanish Government have made clear that they will seek to strictly regulate entry of third-country nationals who begin to arrive in the country, as airlines continue flights to Spanish destinations. The statements come as German airline Lufthansa has announced that it is preparing to restart flights to Mallorca from June.  Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has made clear that international travel before mid-june is not even on the table yet. Currently there is no official prohibition...

Canary Islands hotels and accommodations allowed to re-open

Hotels across Gran Canaria can once again open their doors to the public, under strict conditions, as part of Phase 1 of the de-escalation plan announced by the Spanish government.  But how many establishments can really afford to open in the face of #Tourism0, no non-residents allowed and already 60 days of lost revenues?  Anyone who does come to stay, cannot use the pool or any other common facilities.  We are a long way away from any return to tourism norms. Opening of hotels and tourist...

Canary Islands announce pioneering first World Tourism Organisation pilot of “safe tourism” electronic health certificates

The Canary Islands have, this Friday evening, been announced as the tourist destination selected to receive the very first pilot flight to carry passengers monitored by what is being promoted as “a secure health application” called Hi+Card intended to certify card holders as being “free of Covid-19”. The Director General of the World Tourism Organization, UNWTO, Zurab Pololikashvili this afternoon confirmed the decision in a call to the Tourism Minister of the Canary Islands Government, Yaiza...

Gran Canaria’s Mogán town hall propose dividing tourist beaches into sectors, once recreational use is allowed again

Mogán Town Council, on the sunny southwest of Gran Canaria, have been working on a project for what they intend to be a reorganisation of the municipality's beaches, once recreational use is allowed again, that is, sunbathing and bathing in the sea. The council has devised a system of social distancing sectors to help ensure that crowds cannot form on the beaches, therefore, maintaining space between beach users so that a beach day can be enjoyed comfortably and within the health guidelines...

Puerto Rico shopping centre takes advantage of crisis to try to catch up with works announced 5 years ago

Many people have been asking what is happening at Centro Comercial y Civico Puerto Rico as there have been various videos and images emerging of serious construction work throughout the centre, that nobody seems to know much about.  Almost all of the images being shared are around five years old. We first covered the renovation plans in our print edition of September 2015, and while some minor parts of the rennovations had begun some months ago, it seems the centre's management have cleverly...

More than 2,000 migrants have arrived by boat so far this year in The Canary Islands

A boat carrying 28 people reached the west coast of Gran Canaria yesterday afternoon, landing at Tasarte in the municipality of La Aldea. The occupants included two women and a minor, all were in good health. This new boat, added to the other two that arrived during the previous two days, now brings the number of migrants, to have reached the islands via the Atlantic route, to 2,020 according to official figures, reported by Spanish daily La Provincia. A total of 2,698 were counted for the...

Maspalomas Dunes recover to look more like the dreamy landscape it was 50 years ago, before mass tourism

The so-called 'lockdown' confinement restrictions on the sunny subtropical island of Gran Canaria, coupled with #Tourism0, has had a very positive effect on the world famous Dunes of Maspalomas. There have been no passers-by or visitors which has resulted there no longer being any footprints visible and the unique landscape have recovered its natural "dreamy" sand dunes unseen in their virgin state for 50 years. It's infinite undulations, reminiscent of the nearby Sahara dessert just 160km to...

Spanish Minister for Work Confirms Continuation of Tourism Industry ERTE Special Measures beyond State of Emergency

The central government in Madrid have said they will prolong the temporary employment suspensions regulation (ERTE) due to force majeure. However there are no guarantees yet that the measures in place can be maintained until the end of this year. The confirmation was communicated on Monday at a meeting, within the framework of the Economic Management Committee, the regional Minister for Economy, Knowledge and Employment, Elena Máñez; the Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Yaiza...

The beaches of Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés will reopen this Wednesday, along with all others in San Bartolomé de Tirajana

The southern beaches of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, which include Maspalomas & Playa del Inglés, will reopen for all residents this Wednesday, May 6, for the exercise, federated sportspeople and other uses which have been allowed under the new State of Emergency rules decreed on May 1, say the local town hall. The council has decided, after a meeting this Monday, with members of the municipality's local security institutions. The Town Council of San Bartolomé de Tirajana originally said...

Two more migrant boats rescued in Canary islands waters. Tragedy averted, but how many more will try?

In the early hours of the morning this Monday, May 4, a Maritime Rescue patrol intercepted a boat about 11km south of Gran Canaria with 56 people on board,  according to reports from the Red Cross and the main 112 Canary Islands Coordinating Centre for Emergencies and Security.  Confusingly a second boat, spotted 74km south of Fuerteventura, was also intercepted last night, which some reports seem to have placed on Gran Canaria, however was this morning reported to have actually landed at...

Mogán opens the beaches for sports and walks

The South West Gran Canaria Town hall of Mogán have announced they will allow beaches to open from Saturday, May 2, for individual non-professional outdoor sports and walks. This will be done following the time slots and security measures established by the Government of Spain this week as lockdown de-escalation begins. The Consistory say they will monitor effective compliance with the ministerial order published on Friday, May 1 in the Official State Gazette (BOE). In the event that any...

Coronavirus – Spain travel advice from British Government

Spain has put measures in place to limit the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). For information on how to return to the UK from Spain, see Return to the UK If you’re currently in Spain, follow the advice of local authorities. Anybody planning to travel to Spain should consult their airline or tour operator and note that the FCO advises British nationals against all but essential international travel. Spain declared a State of Emergency (“Estado de Alarma”) on 14 March, which introduces a series...

Restrictions on international travel to Spain are expected to last until at least October

The current restrictions on the arrival of international travellers to Spain will last until October, at the earliest, according to Spanish Government forecasts. This week the Council of Ministers approved a calendar that looks set to maintain some of the strictest restrictions on mobility in Europe with the closure of borders until well into the autumn. This calendar reflects a "guideline" schedule that ministers have warned is not "exhaustive". "The decisions and specific dates on the...

Hoteliers express disappointment at the Spanish government de-escalation plan

The Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodations (CEHAT) have said today that they have been most disappointed by the de-escalation plan announced yesterday by the Government of Spain, designed to gradually reduce restrictions brought in during the start of the crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Spain will currently maintain what has been term "tourism zero" (#Tourism0) throughout the country, set in motion by the State of Emergency restrictions announced last March 14. During...

Mogán cancels all festivities and outdoor events until September

The Mogán town hall have announced their cancellation of all local celebrations planned between May and September, both months included, due to the COVID-19 crisis and rules surrounding mass gatherings while Spain begins to de-escalate the State of Emergency. Starting in September, the City Council will assess whether to maintain or suspend the remaining events on its annual agenda, depending on the evolution of the pandemic and the security measures issued by the State. The cancellations...

Mogán working to create a directory of local businesses open during the state of emergency

The Mogán town hall last week prepared a form for business owners or commercial establishments that continue to offer their services during the State of Emergency. The objective is to create a virtual list that will be made available to citizens to support local consumption. Entrepreneurs in the municipality who want their establishment to appear in the directory must fill out the form available on the website of the Mogan Town Hall. In this they can provide basic information such as the type...

The Insular-Materno Infantil connects relatives and patients hospitalised by covid-19 with tablets and mobile phones

This initiative started last week aims to make the stay of patients more pleasant, especially those who do not have sufficient command of new technologies or who do not have adapted mobile phones to be able to make video calls The Insular-Maternal and Children's department of the University Hospital Complex, a centre under the Ministry of Health of the Canary Islands Government, the closed facility caring for high risk patients during the State of Emergency, has made mobile devices and tablets...

46 illegal actions detected in Special Conservation Zones during the state of alarm in the Archipelago

The Ministry of Ecological Transition, The Fight against Climate Change and Territorial Planning of the Government of the Canary Islands has detected a total of 46 illegal actions in the Marine Special Conservation Zones (ZECs) of Gran Canaria and Tenerife, during the state of emergency decreed by the Central government as a result of COVID-19. The minister for ecology, José Antonio Valbuena, explained that “during the confinement, the land surveillance service of the marine ZECs of Gran...

Thirty new species added to the Canary Islands Biodiversity Data Bank

The Ministry of Ecological Transition, Fight against Climate Change and Territorial Planning of the Canary Islands Government has updated the information of the Canary Islands Biodiversity Data Bank (BIOTA), registering a total of 31 new species throughout the first quarter of 2020 in the Archipelago, which have been added into the official registry of wild species of the Canary Islands. 950 new photographs of animals and plants have been added to the database, in addition to the more than...

Phased Relaxation of Lockdown Restrictions –  Speech by Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez

Spain's Prime Minister, President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, at a press conference on Tuesday evening, April 28 2020, explained the government’s plans for the de-escalation of coronavirus confinement measures in Spain. The measures include ongoing limits on mobility until potentially at the end of June, meaning people will, for now, still not be able to visit family members or their second residences if they are in another province. Translation...

Cabildo de Gran Canaria & firefighters carry out controlled burns at summits

Fire prevention work is today continuing on the summits of GranCanaria, if you see smoke from the top of the mountain it is due to the controlled burns being undertaken by firefighters. These actions are carried out regularly in winter and spring, to clear forest debris and help to control how far wildfires can spread, these actions were decisive during last year's summer fires, which had the potential to devastate 25,000 hectares, however were controlled and limited within around 10,000...

EY report estimates hospitality businesses may be able to reopen terraces between May 10 and 25

Sources among Spanish employers have been speaking to news agency Efe, in an attempt to suggest an appropriate timetable for the reopening of some hospitality businesses, as Spain turns its hand to a phased reduction in lockdown restrictions. They have been careful to emphasise that the dates for some sort of return to business are likely to vary from Autonomous Community to Autonomous Community, depending on how badly each has been affected and the remaining risk in each region. From what...

Spain’s Secretary of State for Tourism and Autonomous Regions agree to coordinate a single protocol to prepare the sector for reopening

Spain's Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, working with Tourism Minister Reyes Moroto, has set out plans for a coordinated approach to tourism planning in the future. An extraordinary meeting of the Tourism Sector Commission chaired by The Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, has in principal agreed to coordinate a single health protocol in the face of COVID-19 to prepare for the reopening of the tourism sector once containment measures can be eased. “Security is going to...

The suggested four phases for a return of Spain’s hospitality industry

The Spanish hospitality industry has started to suggest the phases through which bars and restaurants may be able to start to open again as we all adjust to our new reality in a post confinement Covid-19 world. Throughout Spain up to 680,000 jobs, from a total of 1.7m employed in bars and restaurants, are likely to be directly affected at the most critical moments of the process with a definitive structural loss of 207,000 job already expected.  8.8% of the Spanish workforce is employed in the...

Six Canary Islands Post Office Workers have contracted coronavirus

Unions, and workers rights organisations, the CCOO and the UGT, have this Monday reported "high numbers of contagion and the high percentage of workers affected" among post office employees, with six positive cases detected in the Canary Islands and 57 workers in quarantine, included in the 836 positive cases known among workers nationwide and almost 2,200 Correos workers quarantined as of April 13, according to their latest figures. This data places the Correos workers almost 5 times above...

World Health Organisation report says we are unlikely to have “Immunity passports” any time soon

It is time to start facing facts.  There is no test that can yet prove your immunity to the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.  Any talk of restarting tourism, or for that matter a return to how life was before the outbreak, using so-called "immunity passports", should be seen as little more than wishful thinking at this stage.  We will get there, but we should be clear, unless there is a major breakthrough, that can be verified and replicated in record time, the "new normal" is something...

Spain and The Canary Islands start to return to work, with strict security measures #WeStopThisVirusTogether

Workers in "non-essential activities" have been allowed to resume work this Monday throughout Spain and The Canary Islands, specifically for businesses where it would not be possible to resume work online. Security and protection measures and 10 million masks are being distributed on public transport. Following the Easter holidays, and the end of the officially recoverable paid leave, from this Monday the situation returns to how things were for the first 15 days of the state of emergency, so...

Air connections between Canary islands and mainland Spain see 97% reduced demand

The number of passengers, who flew each day to and from the peninsula, has decreased dramatically since the state of emergency was declared, from the 10,622 travellers recorded in March 2019, to the 254 current daily average, we are currently seeing a decrease of more than 97%. The Canary Islands Minister of Public Works, Transport and Housing, Sebastián Franquis, has negotiated new restrictions for airlines on air connections with the peninsula, with the aim of increasing control measures and...

Guardia civil interrupts a pool party in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria

Agents respond to request from the Mogán Policia Local, after complaints from several citizens. The crimes are classified as serious and include fines ranging between €601 and €30,000.   The Main Guardia civil Post in the south-western municipality of Mogán have denounced two people, both Italian and resident in Spain, who were participating in a party around the community pool of an apartment complex in the tourist enclave of Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria, along with others who were also...

Canary Islands Government Confirms 1834 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus

The Canary Islands Government Ministry of Health has this afternoon confirmed an accumulated 1834 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus detected since January 31, 2020*. Over this period, a total of 730 people have required hospitalisation, of which 140 have needed ICU care. In addition, the report confirms 379 accumulated discharges and 92 virus related deaths in that period. Likewise, say the Ministry, it should be noted that since Monday, March 30,...

1649 cases of coronavirus COVID-19 detected in the Archipelago, as of 8pm Sunday, April 5

The Canary Islands Government Ministry of Health at 1pm confirmed an accumulated total of 1649 cases of coronavirus COVID-19 detected in the Archipelago, as of 8pm Sunday, April 5, 2020. Cumulatively, a total of 651 people have required hospitalisation and 133 have been admitted in ICU. In addition, a total of 157 cases have been discharged and 85 have died. The total number of health personnel with COVID-19 stands at 336. It should also be noted that, since Monday, March 30, the number of...

Could Canary Islands be through the worst of Covid-19 already?

A spokesman for the scientific committee that advises the Government of the Canary Islands on the coronavirus, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health (ULPGC), Lluis Serra, said on Friday that "without any doubt" the peak of infections in the Canary Islands has already past and that in his opinion that restrictions on confinement may be lifted, in a progressive manner as we move through April. Of course, he warned during an interview on Canarias Radio that the "battle is not won",...

Half a million masks and nearly 60,000 diagnostic test kits arrive on Canary Islands

Two planes chartered by the Canary Islands Government landed on Wednesday with a million and a half masks and nearly 60,000 diagnostic kits for use by the healthcare professionals working in the fight against the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. This was reported today by the president of the regional Executive, Ángel Víctor Torrres, through his account on the social network Twitter, in which he added that this material will be distributed throughout the Islands. The first shipment purchased...

The Canary Islands have detected 1,380 cases of coronavirus COVID-19, 77 discharged 62 dead

The Canary Islands Government Ministry of Health have confirmed a cumulative total of 1,380 cases of coronavirus COVID-19. Of these, 532 people have required hospitalisation and 110 of those have needed the ICU. 77 have been discharged from hospital and 62 have died. There are 277 healthcare personnel affected by coronavirus. Number of cases by islands Tenerife has detected 826 positive cases, Gran Canaria 384, Fuerteventura 32, Lanzarote 59, La Palma 68, El Hierro 3, La Gomera 8, La Graciosa...

Rapid drive-through testing for coronavirus begins at the Elder Museum

The Canary Islands Ministry of Health have announced that they will this week start to take diagnostic test samples for COVID-19 from a special facility erected at the ground floor of the Elder Museum of Science and Technology in the capital, for any professionals who present symptoms of respiratory infection, without the subject having to leave their vehicle. The first 30 or so people, this Tuesday, who were able to access this test sampling point, are mainly healthcare personnel,...

Coronavirus crisis: New government measures announced

The Council of Ministers (The Spanish Cabinet) have this Tuesday approved a law by royal decree that aims to extend all the measures already implemented to help mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 crisis by keeping the assistance in place for at least one month beyond the end of the state of emergency, except for those measures with a specific end date, and has approved more than 50 new measures regarding rent, a moratorium on quotas for self-employed workers and SMEs and on a subsidy for...

Canary Islands Ministry of Health confirms 1262 cases of coronavirus COVID-19

The Canary Islands Government Ministry of Health have this afternoon confirmed a cumulative total of 1262 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus detected at the close of the statistic at 20:00 on Monday. Of these, 483 have required hospital admission and 94 were admitted to ICU.  57 people have recieved hospital discharges and 55 have died upto yesterday, with the number of cases of death having been readjusted after reconfirmation that all of them were deaths due to COVID-19. 252 health professionals...

1025 cases of coronavirus COVID-19, as of yesterday’s final data, to 8:00 pm on Friday, March 27, 2020

The Canary Islands Government Ministry of Health daily briefing has this afternoon confirmed 1025 cases of coronavirus COVID-19 tested positive so far, as of yesterday's final data, to 8:00 pm on Friday, March 27, 2020. Cumulatively a total of 377 people have required hospitalisation and 68 have been referred to ICU. In addition, an accumulated total of 25 discharges and 36 deaths had been recorded at that time. 210 health personnel are among the COVID-19 cases detected thus far. So far the...

 The Government of Spain is working on a rents suspension aimed at ‘small landlords’, and maybe Universal Minimum Income

A proposal to suspend rents for at least two months is on the table this weekend, before the Government of Spain, although its duration may be extended "until the month following the end of the state of emergency". Self-employed and small to medium businesses could benefit from the suspension of rents for their premises and offices If approved, some form of "financial compensation" could be introduced, based on the number of rental properties they lease, based on the proposal aimed at small...

Canary Islands confirms increase to 878 cases of the COVID-19

The Canary Islands Government Ministry of Health have confirmed the latest accumulated total of 878 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus who have tested positive, as reflected in the report sent to the Ministry of Health at 20:00 hours on Thursday. In total so far 328 people have required hospitalisation and 61 have been placed in ICU. In addition, there have been 20 cases recovered and discharged and 27 deaths. The total number of health personnel in the archipelago with COVID-19 stands at 181. With...

#Tourism0: 16,000 visitors who have not yet been able to return home, now confirmed able to continue in accommodation

Visitors to The Canary Islands who have not been able to yet return to their countries of origin, will be, for now, able to continue to stay at vacation homes, rural houses, hostels, hotels and other accommodation, regardless of the published list of declared essential services establishments. Since the declaration of the state of emergency on 14th of March, 400,000 tourists have left the islands though an estimated 16,000 still remain. The Canary Islands Government's Ministry of Tourism,...

The Spanish Government allow two people to travel per car with one in front and the other in the back seat.

The Spanish Government have announced that during the State of Emergency up to two people, including the driver, may now travel in the same public, or private vehicle , provided that one does so in the front seats and the other in the rear, and only whenever the journey is made for one of the allowed reasons under force majeure legislation set forth in the royal decree that established the State of Emergency. Spain's General Secretary for Transport, María Jesús Rallo, clarified the adjustment...

303 more Canary Islands corona virus infections detected so far this week

In total, this Wednesday the Canary Islands archipelago now has an accumulated total of 784 cases, confirmed to have been infected by Covid-19, which is 127 more than on Tuesday. This represents the largest day-to-day increase to date since the crisis began. With Tuesday having brought 100 cases more than Monday which saw 76 more than the total stood at on Sunday. The data confirms that at least 303 corona virus positives have occurred so far this week, with the total standing at 673 more...

Corona Virus Cases in Canary Islands rise to 657, with 15 recovered

The Canary Islands Regional Government Ministry of Health has confirmed 657 accumulated cases of COVID-19 coronavirus detected since the crisis began.  Of these, 235 people have required hospitalisation; of which 43 have required the Intensive Care Unit. The number of recovered patients discharged has increased to 15 and there are now 21 dead, 10 women and 11 men, almost all of whom were elderly and/or presented previous underlying conditions. Tenerife has confirmed 409 cases, Gran Canaria...

Canary Islands Ministry of Health confirms 557 accumulated cases of coronavirus

The Ministry of Health have confirmed their official count of 557 accumulated cases of corona virus COVID-19 confirmed in the archipelago since the beginning of the crisis; Of these, 207 have had to be hospitalised, 36 are in the ICU. 8 have now been discharged as recovered and 16 with previous underlying conditions have died, all but one were elderly. Tenerife has accumulated a total of 338 cases; Gran Canaria, 158; Lanzarote, 13; La Palma, 24; El Hierro, 3; La Gomera, 3 and Fuerteventura; 18...

Canary Islands Government Confirm 481 Cases Of Coronavirus COVID-19

The Ministry of Health has confirmed the daily accumulated total of coronavirus COVID-19 cases up to Sunday, at 8:00 p.m. currently stands at 481. Of them 172 have required hospital admission of those 32 in the ICU. To date,  7 have recovered and 11 deaths have been announced. 10 of the dead were elderly people; four women between 62 and 78 years old; a 77-year-old man; three women and three men over 80 and one 34-year-old woman, all with previous underlying conditions. Tenerife has confirmed...

Official coronavirus numbers climb in Canary Islands, as of 8pm previous night.

The official Canary Islands Ministry of Health information reported this Sunday stands at 414 accumulated cases of coronavirus COVID-19 as of 20:00 on Saturday night. Of these, 150 have required hospitalisation and 32 of them ICU beds or similar. The number of discharges stood at 7 and deceased, 9. Of the dead, seven are women and two are men, and five of them were in their eighties (three women and two men); one woman in her seventies and two women in their sixties. Only one so far in the...

Weather: Canary Islands warnings for wind, rain and rough seas

Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET has rectified its latest weather forecast and reactivated advisory warnings throughout the Canary Islands due to strong winds, rain and coastal phenomena caused by rough seas, which had been deactivated late on Saturday. Rains are expected from the afternoon onward, which may be locally moderate and persistent, especially on the north of the islands, with showers possibly continuing into the evening. Northwest winds increasing speed in the afternoon...

Newsbrief: The Spanish government wants to extend the State of Emergency

The state of emergency declared throughout Spain on March 14, in a bid to slow the coronavirus outbreak, is most probably to be extended for another 15 days beyond the original declaration, to a total of 30 days. The measure must first be approved by Congress and assuming it is would see Spain in lockdown until at least April 12, after the popular vacation period of Easter. This is the main message that Pedro Sánchez has conveyed to the regional presidents this Sunday, in their second...

Spain’s Prime Minister tries to prepare country for “worst yet to come”

The Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, has asked citizens tonight to prepare emotionally for the end of next week because "very hard days are coming" and forecast the "impact of the hardest wave" by the end of next week. "The worst is yet to come," he insisted. During his address to the nation at around half past nine he took stock of the first week following the declaration of the decree enacting a state of emergency throughout Spain. During his speech, Sánchez tried to prepare citizens...

Health Department reorganises the criteria and care measures in Canary Islands’ Hospitals, Health Centers and Clinics

The objective is to decrease the concentration of patients and protect the professionals and population at greatest risk The Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands, through the General Directorate of Assistance Programs, has reorganized the activity of Hospital Management, Primary Care and Health Services in the Canary Islands due to the COVID19 pandemic. The objective is to decrease the concentration of patients in the centres, especially in the most sensitive areas,...

The Government of the Canary Islands postpones the IGIC until June 1

The Government of #Canarias have postponed IGIC, the local value added tax, until June 1, allowing an injection of €600M into the economy of the islands President Ángel Víctor Torres has created a Management Committee in the areas of Health, Economy and Social Rights, focused on stopping the spread of Covid-19 The President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, announced this week, after the ordinary Government Council was held, a reorganization of the health ministry...

Transport of passengers by air and sea connections restricted between the peninsula and the Canary Islands including inter-island travel

In order to protect people, property and places: As of March 19, only a limited number of daily connections have been allowed between the rest of the Spanish national territory and the islands of the Canary archipelago. Likewise, air connections between the islands of the archipelago have been limited to certain daily frequencies. As of the order, the disembarkation of passenger ship passengers at the islands' ports which originate in the mainland Spanish peninsula have been prohibited, with...

Arehucas halts production and dedicates factory to distilling sanitary alcohol

The famous Canarian rum company, Arehucas, has joined the fight against coronavirus with a shift to scale up the distillation of alcohol for sanitary use, they have paralyzed the production of rum due to the preventive closure of its factory. Currently the distillery, located in the municipality of Arucas has 1.08 million liters of raw material from which to distill alcohol, for hydroalcoholic gels and to obtain sanitary alcohol. This Canarian industry dedicated to the production of rums and...

Newsbrief: First coronavirus case on El Hierro

The most Western point of Spain, the tranquil and beautiful island of El Hierro, has reported its first detected case of coronavirus. Five days after a nationwide State of Emergency was declared, a 61-year-old man, resident in the capital, Valverde, has been confirmed as carrying the COVID-19 infection. Since Thursday night, the patient, who happens to be the father of the Tourism Minister in the Cabildo de El Hierro insular government, Lucía Fuentes, has been isolated in the Nuestra Señora de...

Newsbrief: The first “patera” since the declaration of the state of emergency

During the early hours of Friday morning, March 20, on the south of Gran Canaria, Maritime Rescue and the Guardia Civil rescued 45 immigrants of sub-Saharan origin, 22 possible minors, this is the first boat to reach the islands since last Saturday when the Spanish Government declared a state of emergency, nationwide. The immigrants, all male and mostly from Mali, arrived at the port of Arguineguín at around 04.15 hours after about 7 days at sea. The majority were in good health, except for...

#Tourism0: On Friday 80.000 tourists were still in the Canary Islands, all due to leave this weekend

Since Thursday night, when the order of the Ministry of Health of the Government of Spain was approved, an mass repatriation campaign has been launched in eight languages for those who still remain in the archipelago. It is estimated that there were over 80,000 tourists in the Canary Islands still on Friday night with 30,000 due to leave that day, thanks to repatriation flights organised from all the countries of origin. The Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce of the Government of the...

Coronavirus and companion animals

Press release by the Mogán Town Hall : The General Directorate for Animal Rights communicate to the local, regional and state security bodies a series of recommendations regarding companion animals and their caretakers during the State of Emergency. Given the situation caused by the pandemic declared by COVID-19, the following aspects and recommendations are insisted on, in relation to pet health care. There is no scientific evidence that domestic animals suffer from or transmit COVI-19....

Community: Motor Grande dog pound has empty cages because of volunteers

These are difficult times for everyone. The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting all of us, whether you are taking care of our elderly family members, looking in on neighbours, those financially less fortunate and those who can't take care of themselves. For some it is time to see that it is truly when community comes together that magic can happen. The municipal dog pound of Mogán, located in Motor Grande at the back of  Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria is largely dependent of volunteers who come to...

TheCanaryCoronavirus:334 active cases, 139 hospitalized and 29 admitted to the ICU

So far, Tenerife has detected an accumulated total of 219 cases; on Gran Canaria, 97; on La Gomera, 3; on La Palma, 11; on Lanzarote, 4; on Fuerteventura, 13 and on El Hierro, 1. On Friday, the first case was confirmed on El Hierro, admitted and isolated at the Virgen de los Reyes de Valverde Hospital. While this morning a new case of coronavirus has also been confirmed on Lanzarote. Nine deaths linked to coronavirus infection have been reported as of 8:00 p.m. this evening, by the Canary...

#Tourism0: Spanish State gives Spanish hotels until March 26 to close

The Spanish Ministry of Health last night issued an Order Declaring the obligatory closure of hotels, tourist establishments, camping sites, caravan parks and short-stay accommodation before next 26th of March, 2020. The Order was published on Thursday night in the Official State Gazette (Boletín) and specifies that closing must take place as soon as the establishment has no customers and, in any case, within a maximum period of seven calendar days from the entry into force of this regulation,...

181 cases accumulated in Canary Islands, 8 recovered and 3 dead

The Canary Islands Health Department have now registered three deaths, all people with previous underlying health conditions The Ministry of Health daily report confirmed this Wednesday a cumulative total of 181 cases of coronavirus COVID-19 confirmed in the Canary Islands Region. Numbers are rising all the time, and this is latest available official count, as of 20:00 the day previous to being reported, indicated in the orders issued March 15, regarding the adoption of provisions and measures...

So far just 13 people in intensive care and 2 dead, out of 148 confirmed

The Canary Islands' Ministry of Health has confirmed, this Tuesday afternoon, a cumulative total of 148 cases of coronavirus COVID-19 have been detected throughout the archipelago. Of these, 138 are active; 8 cases recovered and 2 have died. Of these, 50 people have been hospitalized with 13 of those in ICU. The two deaths were elderly people with previous pathologies, one of them on Gran Canaria and the other, reported this morning, on Tenerife. The number of infections detected are slowly...

As they close the borders, Spain seeks to extend Coronavirus lockdown beyond the initial 15 days

The President of the Spanish Government, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, has been speaking this Monday by videoconference with the representatives of all major political parties, whose support he needs in the Congress of Deputies if his government is to extend the state of emergency in force since midnight on Sunday in a bid to control the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, Sánchez has chaired a meeting of the Coronavirus Technical Management Committee this morning, which has been keeping track...

Failing to comply with Spanish State of Emergency guidance will result in fines or prison

Failure to comply with the measures included in the COVID19 health crisis emergency powers decree, declaring the State of Emergency, can lead to fines of 100 euros to a sentence of 3 months in prison for the crime of disobedience and 4 years if found to have attacked someone in authority . The list of fines handled by state security forces and various bodies is included in the Citizen Security Law, known as the gag law; in public health law, that of civil protection and the Penal Code. Those...

Canary coronavirus evolution: 119 confirmed cases, nine of them in the ICU

This Monday the Canary Islands Ministry of Health have reported a cumulative total of 119 people infected  by  Covid-2019 coronavirus , ten more than on Sunday, of which 111 are active and nine of them are being treated in Intensive Care Units. On the islands there has been one death reported as a result and seven cases have been discharged as having recovered. Tenerife has 66 accumulated cases; Gran Canaria, 34 and one death, which adds up to 35; Lanzarote, 4; Fuerteventura, 6; La Palma, 3;...

109 cases now confirmed on Canary Islands, and rising

The Canary Islands Ministry of Health has confirmed at least 101 active cases of coronavirus COVID-19 in the autonomous community, to which must be added the 7 recovered patients and one death. The cumulative total of cases as of 12:00 midday this Sunday is 109. By islands, Tenerife has confirmed 75 accumulated cases, 70 active cases and 5 discharged; on Gran Canaria there are 20 cases confirmed, 19 active and 1 death; on Lanzarote 3 cases; on La Palma 5 cases; on La Gomera 3 cases in total,...

Coronavirus in the Canary Islands: 82 active cases of coronarivus, Islands On Lockdown

The Canary Islands Ministry of Health reported today that there were 82 active cases of COVID-19 coronavirus as of midday on Saturday in the archipelago, 20 more than on Friday, adding that the accumulated number confirmed has now reached 90, with seven discharged and on death, on Gran Canaria.  Of these, there are currently two serious cases, one on Tenerife and the other on Gran Canaria. Confirmed COVID19 Cases By island: -  Tenerife this Saturday has reported 13 new cases, adding to the 50...

Mogán: Midnight Start of COVID-19 Health Emergency Measures on Gran Canaria

The Government of Spain has declared by, Royal Decree, a State of Emergency throughout the country to deal with the health emergency caused by coronavirus COVID-19.  All measures will be in force from Midnight Tonight. Obey the authorities. Close your doors.  Do not go out without good reason.  #StayAtHome #NowWashYourHands The Town Hall of the Municipality of Mogán, on the South West of Gran Canaria have announced the following instructions for all citizens, residents and visitors to follow:...

Covid-19 – Royal Decree Limiting Movements in Spain

President Pedro Sanchez of Spain has announced sweeping measures to control the spread of Coronavirus in Spain, here slow we have a translation from professional community advisor and volunteer Nicky Gordon... More as we get it: NEW “State of Alert “. Rules and regulations STARTING DATE - MONDAY 16th March 8am Spain has announced emergency measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 that restrict public movement to essential journeys only. The measure affects the Canary Islands and come into...

Two Nurses Confirmed With COVID-19 on Gran Canaria

Two nurses, who work at a health centre in the neighbourhood of Schamann, in the capital Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, have been confirmed on Friday afternoon as new cases who have tested positive for coronavirus on the island. According to reports, the healthcare professionals, who have been admitted to the Doctor Negrín Hospital, were recently in Madrid and have spent several days at home before going to the Emergency Department for treatment. As of Friday afternoon, that brought the total...

The Ministry of Health confirms 63 active cases of coronavirus COVID-19 and 7 discharges

The Canary Islands Ministry of Health report 63 active cases of coronavirus COVID-19 this Friday 13th and 7 recovered, representing a total of 70 accumulated cases confirmed in the archipelago so far. Of these, 18 people are hospitalised, 3 of them serious; two in Gran Canaria and one in Tenerife. Tenerife now has 45 positive active cases and 5 recovered and discharged, two of which have occurred in the last hours. This means 50 accumulated cases on Tenerife so far. On Gran Canaria there are...

Serious concern among health professionals in the Canary Islands about the coronavirus response

Canarian public health professionals are "exhausted, overwhelmed, and concerned." The coronavirus curve is on the rise and cases are expected to increase exponentially over the coming days. The staff working in the health sector are not hiding their "concern and confusion" regarding the health situation, and insist on the importance of protocols that are more "demanding, more preventive, with more and better contingency measures and information, which we have to say is not arriving". The same...

Spanish Government to decree State of Alarm: what is it and how long can I last?

The Government of Spain is reportedly about to announce that it has decreed a state of emergency to deal with the coronavirus epidemic. This same measure was taken in 2010 to deal with an air traffic controllers crisis. MORE INFORMATION Countries that prohibit the entry of Spaniards due to the threat of the coronavirus The Organic Law of States of Alarm, Exceptions and Situations (La Ley Orgánica de Estados de Alarma, Excepción y Sitio) of June 1, 1981, contains the elements necessary to apply...

Coronavirus on the Canary Islands: Confirmed Cases Double

The Ministry of Health have today reported a total of 46 active cases of COVID-19 in the Canary Islands with 5 recovered. Of these, 15 cases are in hospital under close supervision, with two of them in intensive care. The accumulated total is 51 cases so far. On Tenerife 34 positive cases have been reported, of which three have recovered, Gran Canaria has 12 active cases , there is one case in Fuerteventura, two currently on La Palma and two who have recovered on La Gomera . Containment...

Mogán suspends carnival events and markets to prevent coronavirus COVID-19

The town hall of Mogán, following the measures of the Government of the Canary Islands to prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, has suspended the events of the Carnival Costa Mogán 2020, the Carnival of Barrios in Playa de Mogán and the municipal markets.One of the indications of the Canary Islands Executive is the suspension of mass events of sports, social or cultural nature for the next three weeks. For the Mogan government, prevention of the spread of the coronavirus comes first,...

The Canary Government insists that all events with crowds of more than 1,000 people are prohibited

The President of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, insisted today, Thursday, March 12, that the order of the Minister of Health of the Autonomous Government, Teresa Cruz, signed yesterday, Wednesday 11, establishes with complete clarity and legal legitimacy that on the islands all sporting, cultural and social events, both in bounded and unbounded spaces, involving crowds of people over 1,000 are banned or suspended and also stressed that this measure to protect public health, is being...

Maspalomas suspends all markets for a period of fifteen calendar days

The town hall of San Bartolomé de Tirajana suspends the activities of the Municipal Market of Maspalomas, the second market "rastro" and the Farmers' Market. The suspension will operate, in principle, for a period of fifteen calendar days.In compliance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands and having seen the opinion of the municipal technicians linked to this service, the City of San Bartolomé de Tirajana has suspended all markets, usually held in...

Seven more confirmed Corona cases in the Canary Islands

The Ministry of Health reported this afternoon that seven new Covid-19 corona virus positives have been confirmed, bringing the total active cases registered in the Canary Islands to 28.  The seven new cases are on the island of Tenerife, where a total of 20 active cases are being monitored and of these, four are from the same group of Italians who were hospitalised last week, three of them without symptoms and one presenting clear symptoms.  Outside that group, one other has been hospitalised...

Maspalomas Carnival Parade Events Cancelled Due To Contagion Risk

The touristed southern municipal town hall of San Bartolomé de Tirajana has announced this Wednesday afternoon that they will be cancelling all official events connected to the Maspalomas International Carnival grand parade, which had been planned for this Saturday 14th March, to prevent further contagion that risks increasing the number of cases of coronavirus on Gran Canaria, already confirmed to have affected at least seven people. The Consistory has sought advice and taken on board the...

Canary Islands Government suspend all events and activities of more than 1,000 people

Following the instructions from the Canary Islands Government Ministry of Health , the Municipal Town Hall of San Bartolomé de Tirajana have been told unequivocally that they need to suspend all remaining events for the Maspalomas International Carnival 2020. The quadripartite coalition who form the governing group of San Bartolomé de Tirajana has accepted without objection that the prevention of the Corona Virus contagion must take precedence over any potential disappointment or damage caused...

Gran Canaria Health Department denies reported eighth case of Corona Virus

The Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands have this Wednesday morning denied reports that a first case of a Canary Islander catching Corona Virus was detected. Spanish language news sources had reported that a woman of Canarian origin had been admitted last Tuesday at the Maternity Hospital of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria after testing positive for the virus. The Canary archipelago at the time of writing has 22 active cases of Covid-19 registered yesterday until Tuesday,...

Los Verdes (The Greens) call for the suspension of Maspalomas Carnival

The Green party on the south of Gran Canaria have today said that they consider it inappropriate for Maspalomas to hold a massive party "when we are in a moment of a health emergency for the coronavirus" and asked for the events immediate suspension. Ramón González, spokesman for Los Verdes, today requested the suspension or postponement of the upcoming International Carnival de Maspalomas parade as a precaution, “especially when this event is a massive confluence point for a potentially...

Seventh case of Corona Virus on Gran Canaria confirmed

A new case of Corona Virus positive on Gran Canaria adds to the six infections confirmed so far on the island. The new case has been confirmed on the same day that the last two of the four Italians who tested positive on the island for Corona Virus have been admitted, alongside the first two of their group, to the main Insular Hospital, because of declining health, having been self-isolated in a holiday home in the south eastern coastal town of Arinaga (Agüimes) until this morning. The new...

Health Ministry confirms a thousand infected in Spain, and 28 dead, from Corona Virus

The Ministry of Health has confirmed its 999th case of Corona Virus in Spain, "a significant increase" since Sunday, when most focus was on the Community of Madrid (with 469 confirmed cases) and the Basque Country (with 149), these were the two areas which are most worrying and where specific measures could be taken. The death toll has risen to 28, after two more deaths were confirmed in Catalonia. The nine hundred and ninety ninth person infected was reported by the Health Ministry shortly...

On Gran Canaria: Two Dutch tourists test positive for coronavirus

Two new positive confirmations of Corona Virus tonight on Gran Canaria bring the total now to six. The latest cases are two Dutch tourists who are, according to the Canary Islands regional government, in good health and in isolation. The active cases of Coronavirus Covid-19 in the Canary Islands now has risen to 19 this Monday, three more than Sunday. There are also five patients who have been discharged as having fully recovered, giving a total of 24 cases. The Italian tourist who became the...

Canary Islands Health Department confirms 18 active cases of Corona Virus CoViD19

• The departure operation at the quarantined hotel on Tenerife is continuing, with restrictive measures, and by Sunday morning 643 people had already left the premises The Canary Islands Health Department have confirmed 18 positive cases of corona virus COVID-19 along with three medical discharges, meaning an accumulated total of 21 cases. Of these, 13 are in Tenerife, four in Gran Canaria and one in Fuerteventura. Of the 13 cases on Tenerife, six were part of the initial group of Italian...

Italian visitors who tried to leave Gran Canaria also have Corona Virus

The 61-year-old Italian woman, who last Thursday became the first person to be confirmed to have been infected by SARS COV2 here on Gran Canaria, had been sharing a holiday home in the south-eastern port town of Arinaga. Her travelling companions have now also tested positive for the virus, which causes the Covid19 respiratory disease. The Canary Islands Regional Government's Ministry of Health has confirmed the new cases, emphasising that the new patients are all in home isolation, at their...

Covid-19 Corona Virus confirmed on Gran Canaria, we all need to work together

Well, it has finally happened; at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday March 5, the Gran Canaria medical authorities located, confirmed and isolated our first case of the corona virus Covid-19, part of an epidemic that has been sweeping across the world since at least the middle of December 2019. A 61-year-old woman visiting the island to see her son, from the Lombardy area of Italy. She had not been travelling alone. Three friends accompanied her. The Italian tourists arrived last week and had planned to...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 6-8 March 2020

It's International Women's Day weekend with official celebrations happening this Sunday, 8th of March. AEMET, the Spanish state meteorological agency is predicting unpredictable weather for Friday on the north of the island and at the summits, with a high possibility of some rain but  improving everywhere as we reach Sunday, which is looking to be a beautiful winters day. We have a super busy weekend ahead with local and European cheeses on offer in the northern highlands of Valleseco. Loads...

The Maspalomas International Carnival 2020

The International Carnival of Maspalomas 2020 starts tomorrow, running from March 5 to 15, dedicated this year to the theme of ‘Musicals’. Once again it will be focused on the main public square at the Yumbo Shopping Centre, in Playa del Inglés, with some events in various new locations around this popular southern tourist heartland of Gran Canaria. Carnival in the south starts this Thursday, March 05, at 20:00 with an Inaugural Gala and a Drag Queen pre-selection event, where candidates will...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 28 February – 1 March 2020

  Gran Canaria Weather: A beautifully gorgeous and much more "normal" for this time of year, late-winter weekend ahead on Gran Canaria, following last weekend's Calima mayhem, sunshine and bright blue skies are predicted. There have been some reports of a return of the Saharan dust, which closed airports last Saturday and Sunday, however we have seen very little evidence of anything to be expected more than a slight haze in the air . With temperatures climbing to around 26ºC...

“Worst calima in forty years” says Canary Islands president “A nightmare weekend”

The president of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, said on Monday that the Canary Islands hope to begin to recover normalcy after "a nightmare weekend", as a result of the worst Calima (Saharan dust storm) "in 40 years." Speaking on breakfast television Los Desayunos de TVE, Torres said that the archipelago is still on alert for calima, but conditions are gradually improving, especially on two of the four fronts that have kept the islands in an exceptional situation: the strong winds...

The two seaplanes required for the Tasarte fire, on Gran Canaria, will arrive this afternoon

At the moment two Canadair amphibious airplanes are being directed from Torrejón de Ardoz (near Madrid) to Gran Canaria, which were requested since the fires began and made available by the Government of Spain. These seaplanes were not able to leave before now due to weather conditions and operational problems that have occurred over recent days in Canarian airports, as a result of the yellow alert for weather and wind. At around 6:00 p.m., the two Canadair are scheduled to arrive on Gran...

Gran Canaria fire crews continue to try to control fire #IFTasarte in high winds

The Gran Canaria fire that broke out on Saturday (hashtagged #IFTasarte by official sources for Incendio Forestal Tasarte) has so far affected more than 1,000 hectares of the Inagua natural park, which has the potential to transfer the blaze across the inland sections of Mogán municipality and towards the summits at the centre of the island. The areas affected at the moment have been primarily scrublands and so far the fire has not been reported to have entered the pine forests   Several fire...

Gran Canaria airport closing again to all flights in or out

Gran Canaria airport have reported that they are now closed to all flights inbound and outbound this Sunday afternoon due to the intense episode of Calima, bringing thick dust from the Sahara desert and continuing to complicate the work of Canary Islands airports. The extreme weather event is affecting the entire archipelago, along with strong winds, which in some parts of the islands have exceeded 160km/h According to sources from Spanish Airport Authority AENA, until around 1230 today the...

Fires on Gran Canaria appear controlled, situation evolving…

The Canary Islands' Government's 1-1-2 Emergency and Security Coordination Centre (CECOES) recorded nearly 200 wind-related incidents through the night, mostly centred on Gran Canaria and Tenerife and to a lesser extent on Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, La Palma and La Gomera islands. The incidents are primarily related to tree falls, awnings, billboards, pergolas, lamp posts, metal plates and container movements, among others. By island, the most affected municipalities are San Bartolomé de...

Calima and Wind to continue for another few days, with possibility of rain showers to follow

Following a night of heavy Calima gusting across the north, south and west of Gran Canaria it seems that this morning things have calmed, just a little, though there is still and abundance of wind and dust, with prediction models suggesting that a return of some of the intensity is likely through the day on Sunday and, at least, into the first half of tomorrow, Monday. The Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET have forecast more strong winds and dust, leading them to issue a further yellow...

Tasarte fires have Gran Canaria on high alert throughout the night

So far the fires on the west of Gran Canaria, in the area around the village of Tasarte, have burned at least 150 hectares however official sources are now saying that about 60% of the blaze has been brought under control. An active front continues to advance through the upper parts of the affected zone, where several houses have burned, and work is continuing so that the flames do not travel down the next ravine and reach the nearby village of Tasartico. The UME emergency military unit was...

230 flights and more than 20,000 passengers affected in the Canary Islands

Airports have tentatively started to reopen this evening after a total of 230 flights carrying more than 20,000 passengers have been affected by the closure of Gran Canaria airport, along with heavy restrictions on Tenerife South and Tenerife North due to the intense weather conditions in the archipelago. The low visibility, which was officially down to just 400 meters at LPA Gran Canaria, as little as 200m according to some air traffic controllers, has also led to the diversion of more than...

Firefighters face long windy night on west of Gran Canaria as blaze burns on two fronts

The fire that broke out at around 6.30pm this Saturday evening, in the remote western Gran Canaria village of Tasarte, in the municipality of La Aldea de San Nicolás, has forced the local population of around 500 inhabitants to be confined to their homes, while fire crews remain watchful of a developing situation, facing a fast moving blaze, which is being fuelled by very strong winds, as it heads inland towards the Inagua Natural Park, which also borders the higher altitude parts of the...

Gran Canaria Weather: Uncertainty, Strong Winds, Heavy Seas, and Calima Dust

The Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) have today warned of uncertain conditions as a deepening storm system over the Atlantic ocean, to the south and west of the Canary Islands, over the next few days is expected to cause strong winds, heavy seas and the potential for quite intense Calima winds bringing dust from the Sahara to the archipelago, with higher temperatures expected too. From Saturday strong winds are expected to reach Gran Canaria with very strong gusts from...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 14-16 February 2020

  It’s mid February and we have a warm, spring weekend ahead. The recent weather couldn’t have been better on Gran Canaria, even despite the two calima episodes we've seen so far. AEMET, the Spanish state meteorological agency, is predicting gorgeous weather around the island with temperatures well above 20 degrees celsius in the shade across the island, reaching to almost 30º around the tourists enclaves of the south, and likely higher in direct sunlight. For Valentine's Day on Friday and you...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 7-9 February 2020

And here we go! A grand weekend ahead on the island. The Gran Canaria Carnival season 2020 starts this weekend in the capital Las Palmas. "Gran Canaria Me Gusta"- fair is at INFECAR. The first edition of Traditions fair in Artenara and more beside.  Blue skies and some more manageable winter weather is back after a few days of heavy calima. AEMET, the Spanish meteorological agency are predicting sunny days in the south with a steady 25º celsius in the shade and some possible clouds in the sky....

The Canary Guide to Carnivals on Gran Canaria 2020

The most exciting of annual celebrations on Gran Canaria is about the start.  The capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, kicks off Carnival season 2020 this Friday, 7th of February. The biggest of all the carnival celebrations on the island, lasting a whole month until the 1st of March. Carnival festivities will be celebrated in almost every corner of the island so there will be plenty to go and see and experience the unique magic, colour, fun and sheer spectacle of a truly magnificent start to...


The first weekend of February 2020 and on the verge of Carnival season on Gran Canaria about to start with a bang in the capital Las Palmas. Before that however there is Almond blossom blooming across the mountainous summits and a major festival to celebrate in Tejeda, the Virgin of Candelaria is a major celebration here on the islands marking the first of the years patronal pilgrimage fiestas and romerias, as well as some really lovely markets to go and visit.  AEMET, the Spanish state...

The second phase of works along the GC-500 between Patalavaca and Anfi is underway

Work has begun on conditioning and strengthening the pedestrian promenade along the GC-500 road between the Patalavaca and Anfi del Mar on the south west coast of the municipality of Mogán. 755 meters of walk way are to be renovated and improved. The route of the promenade to be rehabilitated goes from the Doñana apartments to the Montemarina complex. Caution for traffic and pedestrian traffic Traffic restrictions will be partial during the working day, starting from Montemarina towards...

Could work on Siam Park Gran Canaria really start this year?

Wolfgang Kiessling, president of the Loro Park Group, has been trying for at least 6 years to build what was billed as Europe's biggest water park, here on Gran Canaria, in fact the original Siam Park was suggested more than 15 years ago, but red tape and bureaucracy on Gran Canaria it seems led to that first park opening instead on Tenerife back in 2008, where his successful if sometimes controversial parrot park zoo has been operating since 1972 and grown 10 fold in size to now cover more...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 24-26 January 2020

It's the last weekend of January and winter has finally caught up with us; the weather prediction is, well ... unpredictable, which basically means a little less sunny than usual in the south and some colder winds and cloud likely to the north.  Nevertheless Spring is never faraway here and there are some amazing events going on including almond blossom festivities in Valsequillo, free concerts in the capital, a snail eating fiesta in Agüimes, a vintage car rally in Mogán among many others....

Events : Almond Blossom Festivities in Valsequillo

The beginning of the almond trees blossoming completely changes the landscape of Valsequillo creating a wonderful natural spectacle. To celebrate the beautiful picture of pink and white flowers in the municipality, since 1971, the Almond Tree blossom Route is held every year. Although the flower of the almond tree typically arrives at the end of winter, as it prefers cold temperatures, the weather over recent weeks has accelerated the blossoms arrival and therefore, once more , Valsequillo...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 10-12 January 2020

It's one of those inbetweeny weekends, the weekend just after the Reyes Magos celebrations at the end of weeks and weeks of holiday season. So the next two weekends are perhaps a little more tranquil, until some of the most scenic & nature-infused mountain flower festivals get going with the Almond blossom season, centred around Valsequillo and Tejeda, followed of course by Carnival season starting with a bang in the capital Las Palmas. Meanwhile there'll be plenty of January sunshine on...

Ryanair closes Canary Islands bases and dismisses 204 pilots and crew

Infamous Irish low-cost airline Ryanair announced on Tuesday that they would begin to apply redundancy regulations today at their Canary Islands bases on Gran Canaria, Tenerife & Lanzarote for the 70 pilots and 134 passenger cabin crew based in the archipelago. The pilots union, Sepla , has reported that 20 workers, including pilots and cabin crew, have been relocated to other bases, adding that the rest (204 people) have been laid off. Staff had not however yet received their respective...

Maspalomas town hall grants building licenses for the construction of two new five-star hotels

The Local Governing Board of the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana approved the licensing of major works at the end of December 2019, for the construction of two new hotels, a five-star and a five star luxury, which are to be located in Pasito Blanco. The promoter, Centro Helioterápico de Gran Canaria S.A., plan to make an investment of €120 million, of which €3,838,863 will end up in council coffers in construction taxes and other municipal taxes. The new sites plan, in total, 1,454...

Mogán and the Government of the Canary Islands discuss Pueblo de Mogán bypass and the planned Taurito tunnel

Minister of Public Works, Transportation and Housing for the Canary Islands Government, Sebastián Franquis, held a meeting on Friday with the serving mayor of Mogán, Onalia Bueno at which the mayor of La Aldea de San Nicolás, Tomás Pérez, also participated. The gathering was to discuss a bypass necessary for Pueblo de Mogán as well as possible alternatives in the long running project to the complete the "Insular Ring" and guarantee greater safety in travelling around the entire coastline areas...

The Canary Guide “Reyes Magos” Weekend Tips 3-5 January 2020

A lovely long weekend ahead as the holiday season draws to a close here on Gran Canaria. Monday is officially a national bank holiday; Twelfth night is almost upon us, the Epiphany, preceded by the Noche del Reyes Magos, or night of the kings, the spectacular finale of the holiday season, when 3 wise men are expected to visit every home in the kingdom, in celebration of a newly born child. REYES MAGOS- THE THREE WISE MEN / THE THREE KINGS This is the most magical time of the year for kids in...

The Canary Guide to New Year’s Eve on Gran Canaria 2020

Well it's New Year's Eve and perhaps you are still wondering what there is to do tonight on this balmy sub-tropical island with daytime temperatures of 25ºC+ in the shade? There will be celebrations for the start of 2020 across Gran Canaria all across the island in most bars and restaurants, with several fireworks displays, the biggest and most popular of which include the main beach in the capital, Las Canteras, Anfi Beach, The Faro de Maspalomas lighthouse (where many of the hotels have...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 27-29 December 2019

Here is the last weekend of 2019 and then, hello 2020, it does have a nice ring to it. Some really gorgeous weather predicted over coming days with highs in the shade of 27º & 28º C in the south, mostly bright blue skies with some Calima expected to bring some warm desert winds and a little dust from the east as we head for the end of year. Of course festivities continue here until the main gift giving day Reyes Magos, Kings Day, and so there are many seasonal events going on all through...

The Canary Guide Weekend & Yule Tips 20-24 December 2019

From sunny Gran Canaria we wish you all Feliz navidad! Happy holidays! Merry Yuletime! The last weekend before celebrations on the 24th and 25th and it looks like it is going to be wonderful. This week we extend our normal Weekend Tips to cover events all the way to christmas eve. There are loads of wonderful seasonal goings on all around Gran Canaria. You may also see the island's now traditional cheery motorcycle gang dressed in seasonal costumes cruising all around and dispensing smiles and...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 13-15 December 2019

It's the second last weekend before the main seasonal festivities. All the holiday events programs for the municipalities are now in full swing and continue until January 5. This weekend is a perfect opportunity to enjoy many of the season's joys here on Gran Canaria. The main festive weekend in honour of the patron saint of Santa Lucia is this weekend, as ever bringing too a Swedish flavour to the Triajana valley. There are seasonal, artisanal and agricultural markets happening around the...

New recreational park of Playa de Mogán

The Mogán city council last month awarded Bernegal Infraestructuras y Construcciones Ruesma S.A. a €850,909 contract for the building of a leisure and recreation area with green zones, areas for children and sports, a picnic area, an amphitheatre, a museum devoted to local artisanal fishing, a skatepark and public toilets. The work, which is scheduled to begin before the end of this year, will be carried out in Plaza Las Gañanías in Playa de Mogán to be completed within eight months. This...

Mogán Christmas program 2019-2020

Mogán present their Christmas program for the municipality with more than 40 events for the festive season 2019-2020. The Christmas program runs from this Thursday December 12 to January 5 and includes activities spread across virtually every neighborhoods of the southwestern municipality. Arguineguín, Pueblo de Mogán, Motor Grande, Las Filipinas, Barranquillo Andrés, El Horno, Veneguera and Playa de Mogán will each enjoy free events aimed at the whole family and especially the...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 6-8 December 2019

A lovely, long December weekend ahead with a bank holiday on a Friday making it an option for many locals to enjoy a “puente”, long “bridge” weekend. in the run up to the season's festivities. With unfavourable weather forecast for many areas, rain and wind are predicted for pretty much the whole island, it is worth remembering that adverse conditions might cause cancellation of some outdoor events. This Friday is Spanish Constitution Day (Día de la Constitución) and marks the 41st anniversary...

Concern for migrant baby sent to hospital after 5 days adrift at sea

News travelled the globe last night after twenty-four individuals, including three babies and three other minors, arrived on Saturday morning in an open boat, known as a patera, coming ashore on Playa del Águila (Eagle Beach), on the south eastern shores of Gran Canaria. The quiet beach is used by a range of visitors and residents, many of whom immediately ran to help the clearly distressed occupants of the little fishing vessel. Having spend five days adrift at sea 13 of the migrants were...

Events: Christmas program in Las Palmas 2019-2020

The Santa Ana square will start the capital's Christmas program on Thursday the 28th of November. From 20:00 the heart of Vegueta, the original old quarter, will me illuminated as well as the decorations installed on numerous streets and squares around Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.The lighting event on Thursday will feature a Christmas concert by the Symphonic Band of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in the Plaza de Santa Ana. Also on the same day, the...

The Canary Guide “Black Friday” Weekend Tips 29 Nov – 1 Dec 2019

Whew! What a ride. Already the Last Weekend of November as we say hello to December and the start of a decade. We have one busy weekend coming up, and that most American celebration of consumerism, the so called Black Friday, arrives once again on the island. Spanish State Meterological Agency, AEMET, are predicting clear skies across much of the island this weekend, though fairly constant cloud cover in the capital and to the nort of the island, warm winds from the east and south-east are...

Mogán grants the license for the construction of a luxury tourist complex in Puerto Rico

The Local Government of Mogán has granted planning permission to Rentivestcan S.L. for the construction of a 5 star multi-apartment complex in Puerto Rico. The Consistory is set to receive around €120,000 in capital gains revenues when this development has been approved for inclusion in the Costa de Mogán's existing Plan for Modernization, Improvement and Increase of Competitiveness (PMM). The complex, which is to be named 'Grand Horizon', will be located on Roque del Este Avenue, on plot 177...

Idea shop opens in Telde, just next to GC-1

A huge warehouse shop, in the well known "Chinese" style officially opened its doors last week in the industrial area of Las Huesas neighborhood. The new store is one of the biggest of its kind, perhaps the biggest on the island with over 5000m2. The "IDEA MARKET" is clearly visible from GC-1, with its bright red façade on the coastal side of motorway heading north to the capital. Exit just after the old IKEA warehouse. The new outlet is selling all kinds of household goods as one usually...

Las Palmas sand art nativity opens on 29th of November- Belén de arena de Las Canteras

Gran Canaria's biggest nativity sculpture, the sand art Belen de Arena 2019 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, is opening next week on Las Canteras Beach. One of the main seasonal attractions in the capital, and for the island, has once more begun the countdown to its opening day. A total of 8 international sand sculptors are creating a range of traditional Christmas scenes in the run up to this annual beach exhibition of ingenious craftsmanship evoking images of ephemeral sculpture which will...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 22-24 November 2019

It’s one month until you-know-what-mas and the town halls around the island have set up their street decorations ready to be lit. This weekend the first of the many "Switching on the lights" events will be in Las Arenas shopping centre, there is a Fashion and Friends event in Las Palmas, our bi-annual food drive Operation Kilo is on all over the island, and there'll be a Gastronomic day in one of the most beautiful mountain villages in all Spain, Tejeda. Here is our run little down of just...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 15-17 November 2019

Mid November with an Autumnal chill already in the night time air. AEMET, the Spanish state meteorological agency are predicting a weekend a touch cooler than we have enjoyed over the last few.  The south will see some cloudy skies, with highs of around 22ºC in the shade with a small possibility of rain, a touch more cloud to the north, particularly at the summits, with plenty some more rain coming in set to turn the island ever more verdant. There is even a snow level prediction for the...

The Saint: Las Palmas v Alcorcón

    09/11/2019 Sunday: Las Palmas play mid table Alcorcón looking to get back to winning ways after losing 3 in a row. The Problem tonight might be the lack of experience due to having 11 first team squad players out due to injury or suspension. 2 mins LP win a free kick in a dangerous position just outside the box. Ball hits the wall but Pekhart picks it up and gets brought down. Penalty given and Pekhart picks himself up and puts the pen straight down the middle... 1-0 LP - an excellent...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 8-10 November 2019

We are well into November and winter is finally attempting to catch up with Gran Canaria, some fast winds this week bringing a few clouds in off the Atlantic with stormy weather out mid-ocean the north of the island can expect occasional downpours. As ever a little brighter and breezier on the south and south west. AEMET, the Spanish meteorological Agency, predict "cool in the air". Temperatures to the south around 24ºCin the shade with some cloud cover, and even a small possibility of rain....

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 1-3 November 2019

And November is here. We have been truly blessed with the very tropical weather all week across the whole island and though the warm weather should continue throughout the weekend, temperatures may drop a few degrees, except in the south which forecasters predict should maintain highs of around 30ºC in the shade.  The weather continues its unpredictable Autumn behaviour with some possibility of clouds and even rain in...

Events: Noche de Finaos vs. Halloween on Gran Canaria 2019

The 31st of October has long been celebrated here in The Canary Islands. A most traditional celebration where families gather and tell each other stories of family members long departed, ancestors of note, parents, grandparents and the occasional spooky ghost story.  Of course US influences have seeped in over recent years, but the more traditional Canarians have always seen this as a great opportunity to reconnect with the past and munch on sweet chestnuts, freshly roasted over open fires, as...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Fuenlabrada

    27/10/19 Las Palmas entertain Fuenlabrada knowing a home win would move them up to 3rd in the league. 3 mins - good move down the right by LP, ball played into the box and falls nicely to Viera but his shot is just over. 18mins another good move down the left, great control by A. Lemos who puts in a lovely cross, but the shot is blocked and cleared. 23mins - good move from the away team, ball plays into the box, and is blocked by Lemos but his touch is poor, letting in the forward who...

Spanish Treasury claims land ownership confirmation and rights to compensation for the Siam Park project

The Spanish Treasury have reportedly demanded the stoppage of the long awaited and controversial Siam Park water park project, with local Spanish language daily La Provincia reporting that this has been caused by the inaction of the insular government, the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. The Ministry, through the delegation of Economy and Finance in the Canary Islands, have, say sources, since January been requesting that the Gran Canaria Island Water Council clarify State funds that correspond to...

US & Turkish fighter jets play cat and mouse with Eurofighter and Spanish Air Force F-18s over Gran Canaria

You may have noticed a lot of warplanes over Gran Canaria over the last week with more expected over coming days.  Nothing to worry about, it is just a bunch of US F15 and Turkish F16 fighter jets engaging in the skies over the east Atlantic pursued by Spanish F18s and Eurofighters, just your normal everyday NATO Dissimilar Aircraft Combat Training (DACT) manoeuvres ongoing in the skies above The Canary Islands, literally trying to slip under the radar while they fly simulation sortees of...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 25-27 October 2019

The last weekend of October and it is going to be an interesting one, with the forecasts still for nice, warm weather around the island, though a chance of some cloud cover, perhaps even a drop of rain. AEMET, the Spanish meteorological agency predict highs of around 30ºC in the south and just a few degrees lower to the north and even up towards the summit. Highlights this weekend include the 46th Maspalomas Rally, a patron saint's romeria pilgrimage offering in Vecindario, "Change the Time"...

Maspalomas Parque Sur Pet Fair

Open to all ages and types of animals, from 11:00 in the morning this coming Saturday and Sunday, with numerous activities to enjoy the 4th annual Pets Fair "Feria Mascotas" is being held in the Parque Sur de Maspalomas. Good forecasts in terms of public participation, animal attendance and numerous activities, seem to set this weekend, Saturday 19 and Sunday, 20, as a great day for animal lovers to get out into the park with their favourite furry friends from 11:00 in the morning until the...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 11-13 October 2019

The beautiful warm October weekend ahead on Gran Canaria includes a National bank holiday, the FrontonKing world bodyboarding championship, bringing the best in the world to Gran Canaria, Patronal festivities in La Isleta, Las Palmas, a wonderful charity "colour festival" sports event in Ingenio, the Mazdanza contemporary dance festival and much more. AEMET, the Spanish meteorological agency predict highs of around 26º celcius in the south accompanied by the possibility of some cloud cover, a...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 4-6 October 2019

And its October! Here on Gran Canaria we have enjoyed the first autumn heatwave this week, with hot sticky weather looking sure to continue through the weekend. There are lots of amazing events planned including patron saint festivities in Valsequillo & Castillo de Romeral, there are beer festival events in the capital and in the south, an apple and cider festival in the northern mountains, free music events and of course the Caminata Maspalomas walk, in solidarity with anyone...

About a thousand King snakes already captured this year on Gran Canaria

The Canary Islands Government Ministry for Ecological Transition, the fight against Climate Change and for Territorial Planning, in collaboration with the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, have captured about a thousand California King snakes (Lampropeltis californiae) on the island already in 2019 as part of the targetted control program against this invasive species. The counsellor responsible, José Antonio Valbuena, stressed that this project has accumulated about 7,000 catches since 2009 and...

A pink taxi against breast cancer

The Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council yesterday presented a 'pink taxi' , which will travel the streets of the capital during the months of October and November.  The 100% electric vehicle is wrapped in pink with the internationally recognisable pink ribbon and the motto "Together against cancer" Juntos contra el cáncer. The taxi also carries some painted margaritas in honour of the name of the woman who previously owned and drove the vehicle, who died recently due to breast cancer. In...

Body found in San Agustín

About 10am this morning, the Centro Coordinador de Emergencias y Seguridad CECOES (112) Emergency and Security Coordinating Centre received a call from a member of the public who reported seeing a body floating off the coast, near the San Agustín beach. The Canarian Emergency Service (SUC) sent two ambulances, one medicalised and another basic life support. When they arrived at the place they could only verify that it was a person already deceased. The Red Cross  were deployed by boat, located...

Gran Canaria Weather: Yellow heat warning continues

The yellow advisory warning, for high temperatures,  declared yesterday is expected to continue throughout Wednesday on Gran Canaria, with maximum highs in the shade expected to reach up to 34ºC at the island's summits and in southern Gran Canaria, according to the Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET. There will be some clouds at high altitude, with some intervals of low cloud on the north coast of the island during the early morning, with some probability of "calima" also bringing warm...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 27-29 September 2019

How did we get already to the end of September and it seems summer sped past super fast. There's a big weekend ahead with some awesome events going on, a coast-to-coast hike and several major charity events, Chillout time in Agaete, Patron Saint festivities, the big North Gran Canaria Festival, as well as beer and music events. Absolutely something for everyone. AEMET, the Spanish State Meteorological Agency is predicting beautiful weather down in the south with highs of almost 30ºC in the...

The Gran Canaria forest fire suspected to have originated from a power line in contact with a tree

An electrical supply cable in contact with a large Canary Island pine tree is thought to have caused the raging fire that burned more than 10,000 hectares in August on the island of Gran Canaria, according to researchers' first conclusions. That tree, located on a steep slope in the Ravine of the Virgin, in the municipality of Valleseco, caught alight and the subsequent fire spread violently upward through the ravine.The cable that ignited the tree was a low voltage power line...

The Canary Guide weekend Tips 20-22 September 2019

September rolls forward with uncanny speed and there are many wonderful events happening this weekend around Gran Canaria to go and explore. Including one of the oldest festival events in Veneguera, patron saints' festivities, a World Peace Day event and World clean up day celebrations, two beer festivals, a wedding fair and much more to delight and amuse you. AEMET, the Spanish State Meteorological Agency are predicting highs of 27º in the south and around 26º in the...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Almeria

    14/9/19 Las Palmas take on the unbeaten Almeria who sit 3rd in the league. LP had another draw last week against bitter rivals Tenerife. LP would of been disappointed last week as Tenerife played the last part of the match with 10 men but LP failed to take the advantage. 3mins gone and a lively start by the away side. They had the ball in the net but it was offside. 21mins - some good passing by the Alemaria, ball played out wide right and the full back cross looped into the far corner...

The Canary Guide to your weekend ahead, September 13-15 2019

It's mid September already and the weather predictions for the weekend ahead is looking great. There are so many wonderful events happening around Gran Canaria throughout what promises to be a blissful weekend. AEMET, the Spanish meteorological Agency are predicting highs of around 30ºC in the south and probably a few degrees lower in the north. We might see few clouds too during the days ahead. The Canary Guide to your weekend 13-15 September 2019 The Canary Guide to your...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 6-8 September 2019

A grand set of events for the weekend ahead, and over days that follow, with two of the most popular traditional annual celebrations on Gran Canaria happening back to back. AEMET, the Spanish meteorological agency, predict highs in the shade of 28º to 30ºC in the south with some cloud cover over the island, particularly to the north, and maximum temperatures ranging from 25º-27ºC in the mountain town of Teror for their weekend over the main fiesta days. Exceptionally, this edition...

Three new direct air routes from Gran Canaria to Pamplona, Zaragoza and Murcia

Gran Canaria will have three new Binter airlines routes that will link the island with Pamplona, Zaragoza and Murcia on the east of mainland Spain.  Connectivity with the peninsula, and so mainland Europe, will improve with each of the cities having two weekly flights scheduled. Canarian airline Binter has already put these new routes on sale which will operate from the end of October and facilitate arrivals of domestic, Spanish national tourists, a very important...

£3 million grant to help UK nationals in the EU prepare for Brexit

UK Government announces £3 million grant to help UK nationals in the EU prepare for Brexit UK nationals who may struggle to complete their residency applications will be helped by measures announced by the UK Government. Up to £3 million is being provided for organisations who will inform UK nationals who live in EU member states including Spain, about the need to register as resident and support them as they complete their applications. The Government wants to support those who...

The Saint: Las Palmas v Racing Santander

    31/8/19 Las Palmas looking for their first win of the season against Racing Club Santander. Last weekend they got a good draw away to Malaga, where they took the lead but couldn’t manage to hold on, game ending 1-1. Before kick off, a good round of applause by the crowd as some of the local fireman come onto the pitch for the fans to show their appreciation for their tremendous work during the forest fires. 7mins - LP win their first corner. Ball comes out to the edge of the box but the...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 30 August -1 September 2019

Can you believe it, September is here! What a summer its been, and as we roll towards the autumn there is a full weekend of activities ahead, with various events and fairs to go and see. Some of our favourite highlights include Wine and Tapas, mangoes and avocados in Mogán, the Patron Saint of Gran Canaria's festivities get going in Teror, clowns in Valsequillo, and some seaside festivities in Melenara (Telde)and in Arinaga among many other events for this first weekend...

The first Artenara forest fire on Gran Canaria is now considered extinguished

The emergency services of the Canary Islands Government have announced this Sunday that the first forest fire declared on August 10 in Artenara (Gran Canaria) that burned 1,500 hectares, is now considered extinguished. This was the first of three forest fires that affected the island in the last two weeks, this first one  originating due to the negligence of a man doing welding work on a dry grassy patch of land near the GC-21 road, to the north of the summits. The...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 23-25 August 2019

It's has been a scary couple of weeks on our beautiful little island of Gran Canaria. With 3 forest fires up in the mountains and the last one "IFValleseco" hitting our rural communities hard, as well as the animals and our pristine natural wilderness.  Many ongoing local festivities, celebrations and patronal fiestas were cancelled during the emergencies and the situation is not yet clear for now, with the remaining fires "stabilised, but not yet controlled". The...

Gran Canaria breathes a sigh of relief as firefighters regain control

The president of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, has  announced that “when people return to their homes it means that we are overcoming the fire” confirming that the Gran Canaria fire is now finally in a stabilisation phase after “a complicated night” and great work throughout Tuesday by the various emergency services, the results of which "have allowed us to deliver this magnificent news."Despite the long awaited good news, the official perimeter of the fire has now been...

The Saint: Las Palmas v Huesca

    18/8/19 First game of the new season and LP entertain Huesca with temperatures of 30ºc at kick off. The game nearly didn’t go ahead due the the terrible forest fires up in the mountains. Both teams came out before the game wearing T-shirts supporting the fireman for their bravery. Good quick start by LP with a young looking side. First good shooting chance for LP on 21mins when Galarreta fires a shot from outside the box but it’s just over. A couple of half chances for the visitors but...

Gran Canaria Fires: Fire slows as winds die down and conditions favour our forest firefighters

Though the danger is not yet passed, at last this morning a change has begun to occur with wind conditions subsiding to favour the work of the forest firefighters as the the progression of blaze has slowed in several places, according to reports from the main 112 coordination team. On Monday, the Canarian president, Angel Torres, and the Minister for Agriculture, Luis Planas,  announced that the next 48 hours would be key in the effort to extinguish the fire, with the work of the...

Gran Canaria Fires: Canary Islands Government praise firefighters and resolve to beat the fire

The president of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, began his most recent briefing by highlighting all the work carried out throughout the night along the right flank of the fire, which is designated from the tail of the fire, as if standing at the point of origin. The right flank crosses the municipalities of Valleseco, Moya, Santa María de Guía and Agaete, and the work there has been effective, preventing the flames from reaching populated areas, a priority objective since...

Gran Canaria Fires: Spanish Minister joins press conference, protecting life is priority

The president of the Canary Islands, Ángel Victor Torres, together with the president of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria , Antonio Morales , and the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Agriculture, Luis Planas, have, at a press conference this afternoon, reported on the situation surrounding the Gran Canaria forest fires currently ravaging the mountains of Valleseco, Artenara, Tejeda, Guía, Gáldar, Agaete and Moya, that last night reached the protected area of ​​Tamadaba.In total, more...

Gran Canaria Fires: Island people join together to help animals affected by the flames

The devastating fires on Gran Canaria are also affecting animals; domestic, wild and farm. What is most heart warming is the way that whole communities have come together to help ensure as many of them as safe as possible. Twitter has played an important role in getting the information out there, both for people offering and people needing the help. Offers of transport in cars, vans, trucks have been made to move animals as well as people offering place in their homes, farmhouses, stables,...

Gran Canaria Fires: could be 60km2 burned, 8,000 evacuated, no injuries, but many houses lost

With the first rays of daylight, the largest fire fighting air deployment in the history of the Canary Islands has been launched, with 16 aircraft including 4 seaplanes and supported by more than 700 ground troops.At least 8,000 people have already been evacuated from the summits and the north of Gran Canaria as a result of the latest forest fire that started on Saturday at a ravine in the municipality of Valleseco and this Monday more than 700 fire fighters will be battling...

Largest fire fighting deployment ever, 34km2 affected, fire expected to burn for up to three days…

SUMMARY of the press conference headed by the President of the Government of the Canary Islands and the director of fire fighting for the Environment of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Federico Grillo.   The Fire is currently out of control it has reached the ancient pine forest at the Pinar de Tamadaba.   The entire perimeter is beyond extinguishing capacity, including the tail of the fire.   Fire fighters are in extreme danger on land due to changing winds and large amount of combustible...

Ongoing Gran Canaria fire now bigger than last week and continues to advance

The latest fire has already affected the highest points of the municipalities of Tejeda, Valleseco, Moya, Gáldar, San Mateo and Santa María de Guía The priority is now focused on "guaranteeing the safety of people" stressed the president of the Canary Islands The area affected by this new Gran Canaria fire, which began on Saturday 17 August, in the Barranco del Andén, in the municipality of Valleseco, has already exceeded 1,500 hectares and continues to advance on...

Gran Canaria Fire Latest: “The fire is neither contained nor stabilised nor controlled”

|"The fire is neither contained nor stabilised nor controlled" explains the president of the Canary Islands Government | 4,000 people have been evacuated from six different municipalities more than 15km2 affected | Within the next few hours there will be four seaplanes operating to try and control a fire now expanding on three fronts The president of the Canary Islands Government, Ángel Víctor Torres, has appeared before the media to take stock, report and explain everything that...

New & Ferocious Gran Canaria Forest Fire consumes hillsides around Valleseco

A new and ferocious forest fire has been declared early this afternoon in the municipality of Valleseco, according to reports from the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. The fire has started in the Los Pajaritos ravine, between Cueva Corcho and Crespo. Aircraft including the Russian Kamov32, from the Los Rodeos airport (Tenerife), have been deployed to the area. The island of Gran Canaria is on orange alert for temperatures up to 37 degrees. Last Saturday another forest fire broke out at the summit of...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 16-18 August 2019

The summer month of August is already in its 3rd weekend and it's going to be a hot one. There is a heatwave warning for the weekend and AEMET, Spain's meteorological agency, are predicting highs of up to 40º in the shade for pretty much for the entire island. Plenty of liquids and staying out of direct sunlight will be the wise thing to do for the next couple of days, though there are still plenty of ways to enjoy yourself.There are several patron saint festivities going on around...

Fire alert for the long hot weekend ahead on Gran Canaria, 38º+ in the shade expected

The Canary Islands Government have this afternoon declared an Alert for a Risk of Forest Fire on the Islands of Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro and Gran Canaria from 00:00 hours on Friday, August 16. As ironic as it may seem following the events on Gran Canaria over the last few days, at this time of year wild fires can start anywhere, and so it is quite usual when heat waves approach, as is the case this weekend, for a Risk Alert to be declared, to keep everyone vigilant... This...

Gran Canaria Fire declared stable, though firefighters remain vigilant…

The Canary Islands Government has declared the Gran Canaria forest fire as "stabilised", after burning for more than 3 days and nights, since last Saturday afternoon, having affected a 15km2 area around where the municipalities of Tejeda, Artenara and Gáldar all join in the mountainous centre of the island.  Only two buildings were destroyed in the fire, with life beginning to return to normal for most of the thousand or so people who had to be evacuated.  No lasting damage has...

The tail of the fire is controlled, but the head is travelling towards La Aldea to the west

The forest fire which started on Saturday at the summit of Gran Canaria has already affected 15km2 in the central zone of the island and remains very much active, particularly on one of its flanks, with firefighting teams battling against high winds of up to 70 kilometres per hour, in a race against the clock as a heat wave approaches the island expected to raise temperatures still further over the next few days. President of the Canary Islands Ángel Víctor Torres has reported in a press...

Fire contained within perimeter for now, though strong winds continue to threaten Tejeda & Artenara

The forest fire raging in the the summits of the central municipalities of Artenara, Tejeda and Gáldar, on Gran Canaria, has been contained within a perimeter stretching 23 kilometres and has not yet spread beyond it as this black afternoon has worn on.  The brave firefighters who have battled from more than 30 hours straight have, for the moment managed to contain the area affected by the fire to within approximately 1,000 hectares, according to the president of the Canary...

Fires rage out of control on the sacred mountains of Gran Canaria

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria has closed several roads at the top of the island due to the fire declared on Saturday afternoon. The closed roads include:  GC- 210 (Tejeda to Artenara), GC- 21 ( to Artenara) GC- 150 (Cruz de Tejeda to Pinos de Gáldar).  People who are in Artenara can only  leave the municipality by the following routes: the GC-215 or GC-217 down the Los Pérez dam and access the GC-220 or the GC-210 towards La Aldea.  Risco Caído and the Sacred Mountains of Gran Canaria was...

Firefighters battle blaze at the summits of Gran Canaria

A level 1 fire has been declared at the summits of Gran Canaria - high temperatures in the area have led to distinct fears of the flames spreading. Firefighters are working to prevent it from spreading toward Cruz de Tejeda and Artenara, just two years after a devastating fire caused the evacuation of thousands from the area.3 helicopters are on the scene, and fire fighters feel confident they can bring it under control but for now the island watches and waits.Roads have been...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 2-4 August 2019

The long hot Gran Canaria August is here and it's a busy summer weekend with some amazing and popular Patronal festivities going on like La Rama up in Agaete as well as the 3rd edition of Tuna fair in Arguineguin, Mogán.  Since its August the weather predictions are... well usual! Expect it to be gorgeous and hot in the south with highs around 30ºC in the shade. Up on the North around 25º with a few odd clouds, according to the latest from AEMET.   The Canary...

The show ends for universally adored Gran Canaria star Asa Ashton

Many in the Gran Canaria English speaking community awoke feeling desolate this morning, to the sad news that well known and universally loved cabaret star Asa Ashton had passed away in the night, after a few days in hospital to treat pneumonia. The entertainment community in particular are somewhat devastated by the loss, completely unexpected and hard to comprehend. As one social media comment put it, Heaven just gained one hell of an entertainer! Asa Ashton - Bring Him...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 26-28 July 2019

It's the last weekend of July and what a spectacular summer we are having... as if you expected anything less here on Gran Canaria! Weather predictions feature highs of around 30ºC in the shade to the south, blue skies and bright sunshine raising the thermometers still higher; and perhaps few degrees lower to the north, where a little bit of cloud cover is quite normal at this time of year. Some splendid events are happening this weekend across the island with a Tomato...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 19-21 July 2019

A blissful summer weekend ahead on Gran Canaria with  some pretty amazing events to go and see. Top picks for the coming weekend include the maritime processions both up in La Isleta, in the capital, and down along the coast of Mogán, in honour of Virgen del Carmen, the patron protector of sailors and fisherfolk, the Canarias Jazz Festival comes to a head and world class performances at the Temudas festival, both in Las Palmas, the Maspalomas Trumpet Festival performs free...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 12-14 July 2019

We have an absolutely gorgeous mid July weekend ahead with weather predictions plenty of sun and blue skies, highs of 30º and 31ºC on the south of Gran Canaria. Some cloud cover is likely to the north of the island, with even a possibility of rain, but highs still around 26º in the shade.  Remember direct sunlight is likely to be much hotter. Festivities and events to enthrall and excite you this weekend, include the continuing Fiestas in honour of the Virgen del Carmen, around the island...

16 stores in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria found selling fake branded products

The Guardia Civil have investigated 16 people, between June 17 and July 4, alleged of having committed crimes against industrial property, having discovered counterfeit goods from several well-known brands, in their shops in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria. The Guardia Civil began after receiving complaints from representatives of the plagiarized brands; so agents inspected the businesses identified, in conjunction with a legal representative of the commercial brands or...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 5-7 July 2019

The first weekend of July and there are loads of excellent events to go, see and experience. In particular on the south of the island, the festivities in honour of our lady del Carmen, patron saint of fishermen and sailors, starts in Arguineguin, there is a huge mucky mud party in Santa Brigida, massive world class free performances kick off a month of Temudas, the theatre, dance and music festival, in the capital, as well as various markets up and down the island...

Marvel considering Canary Islands for next blockbuster “The Eternals”

Several outlets have reported that Marvel are seriously considering 3 of The Canary Islands as possible locations for their next big production, set to start shooting in the Autumn.  The production is likely to be the upcoming adaptation of Jack Kirby's 1976 graphic series "The Eternals" and with names as big as Salma Hayek Pinault, Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden of “Game of Thrones” and “Bodyguard” fame, and Kumail Nanjiani, best known for "The Big sick" and "Silicon...

The Canary Guide tips : What’s on in July on Gran Canaria 2019

The Summer month of July on Gran Canaria is one of the most amazing for events and festivities happening around the island. There are multiple celebrations in honour of the Virgen del Carmen, the patron saint of Sailors and fishermen, including in Mogán, Telde & Las Palmas and elsewhere. Here are just some of the highlights of festivities and activities going on. There is also several patronal festivities happening during the summer month of July so keep on eye on our The Canary Guide...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 28-30 June 2018

It's the last weekend of June and the Summer has officially arrived. It is also a weekend that follows some of the islands biggest celebrations, with San Juan last week, so there will be a little lull in large institutional festivities before the Virgen del Carmen season gets going in July along with  many other big events for the summer here on Gran Canaria. AEMET's weather predictions suggest some cloud cover across the island in coming days, mostly lovely, warm summer weather,...

The Canary Guide San Juan Weekend Tips 21-24 June 2019

It’s San Juan, one of the biggest celebration weekends on Gran Canaria and elsewhere with various festivities observed for the midsummers night and summer solstice that with a mixture traditional fiestas, midnight dips in the sea and various rituals with bonfires and fireworks. Every municipality and neighbourhood is likely to have their own bonfire and some will add fireworks in to the mix. As long as there is no fire warnings the traditional bonfires will be on and there are strict rules to...

Canary Islands tourist board launches a campaign to attract resident inter-island tourism

Promotur Turismo de Canarias has launched a new campaign to attract visitors to the Canary Islands during the summer, as residents are the fourth most important market for the tourist sector of the Islands.  In-house tourism turned over of €730 million in 2018, with almost one and a half million Canary Islanders staying in establishments within the Archipelago. This market complements national and international tourism positively especially in periods of uncertainty regarding other markets....

Two beaches in the south closed due to sewage discharges

The popular tourist beaches at Las Burras and El Cochino were closed suddenly on the morning of Monday, June 17, due to concerns over discharge from the sewage treatment plant in the area, according to the San Bartolome de Tirajana town hall. The incident is said to have occurred due to a breakdown in one of the pump motors at the facilities, which caused water from one of its tanks to overflow and reach the sea. The Canary Islands Health Service have taken water...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 14-16 June 2019

An engaging mid June weekend ahead with with midsummer solstice on the way and many delightful events to get involved with on Gran Canaria. Harvest fair arrives on the south in El Tablero, the humble Potato is celebrated up in the mountains of Tejeda, founding festivities in the capital as well as patron saint fiestas and romerias in Moya, Telde, Arucas and Mogán among many other events.The weather forecast is a bit changeable across the island with showers possible on Friday...

Gran Canaria Creates New Guinness World Record on World Oceans Day

An outstanding team of planet lovers have, this Saturday June 8 2019, here on Gran Canaria, achieved an extraordinary new record for World Oceans Day, and (pending official verification) they hope to be recognised as Guinness World Record holders for the most nationalities ever gathered together to complete a beach clean.Oceans4Life is a charitable association set up here on the island little over a year ago by British resident Julie Dass with her son Nathan, with a whole bunch of...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 7-9 June 2019

This is the second weekend of June and summer is in full swing on Gran Canaria with a multitude of events, fiestas, celebrations, concerts and other happenings, along with some relief from the "scorchio" weather we've been seeing with the first heat wave of the summer having passed over in recent days, temperatures are looking set to lower back down to a more typical seasonal averages and beautiful summer days across the archipelago, with highs of 25º & 26ºC in the shade. It's...

New Las Palmas footbridge “Puerto Onda Atlántica” joins La Isleta, Las Canteras and the Puerto de la Luz

Installation of the outstanding new footbridge that will link the Sanapú dock, in the main port area, with the old Mercado del Puerto, La Isleta and Las Canteras beach started at the end of May, with the first pieces that form the artistic Port Atlantic Wave structure having been moved into place. Each of the pieces is 20 meters in length, seven meters in width and weighs 20 tons. This important new bridge reconnects one of the oldest neighbourhoods in the capital with the modern port,...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Almeria

    2/6/19Well it is the last home game of the season and for once, a lovely warm day in the capital. Only a tiny crowd with most preferring the beach and a cool drink rather than a mid table nothing match.A good start from the away team and the ball is straight in the net but disallowed due to a foul on Garcia.In the eighth minute a good break by LP and Castro shoots just wide.A couple of minutes later and LP hit the bar with a good shot from edge of the box by Cedres, simply...

F18 fighters and military aircraft in the skies over Gran Canaria

This Friday, May 31 various F-18 aircraft from 462 Squadron 46th Wing, based at Gando Air Base, will rehearse over Las Palmas for their participation on Saturday in the military parades that will take place in both Canarian capitals to mark the occasion of Armed ForcesDay, the Spanish Air Force have reported. Every year military rehearsals are frequent around this time, taking many members of the public by surprise as the passing aircraft become one of the most talked...

A warm weekend ahead, up to 32ºC in the shade expected

The the north of Gran Canaria started with a little cloud cover this Friday, blue skies and high temperatures are expected to prevail throughout the Canary Islands this weekend. At sea north winds of force 3 or 4, up to force 5 around the northwest and northeast coasts. Strong swell along the southwest coasts. Temperatures rising, this being more pronounced in higher altitude areas. Northwest winds, and predominantly breezes on the south coast; and at the summits, the...

Fishing boat loaded with 1,500 kg of cocaine intercepted near Canary Islands

In the framework of a joint operation with the British N.C.A, French Customs, the Judicial Police of Portugal and the Federal Police of Brazil. Policia Nacional last week intercepted a fishing boat loaded with 1,500 kilos of cocaine in international waters near the Canary Islands The boat, a fishing boat without a flag, left Brazil for Spain with a load that was destined for the Spanish and European market. The fishing boat was assaulted by the Grupo Especial de...

23 detained for selling counterfeit goods in Playa del Inglés.

Agents of the Policia Nacional have detained 20 men and 3 women in San Bartolomé de Tirajana, many of them with prior police records for similar activities, crimes against industrial and intellectual property. Officials carried out inspections and searches in nine stores, located in two shopping centres in southern Gran Canaria. Also during the police interaction, 80 large boxes were confiscated, with counterfeit materials valued at up to €1,083,535. The police...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 31 May – 2 June 2019

Canary Islands day on Thursday May 30 is the main regional celebration of all things Canarian, commemorating the inauguration of the archipelagos first Autonomous Regional Parliament back in 1983.  A bank holiday, many will also take the Friday off as well and this is to be a weekend of relaxation, family and many traditional activities across the islands. There are some potential heat warnings in place with temperatures in the shade climbing to at least 32ºC by Sunday,...

Canarian Day celebrations on Gran Canaria 2019 – Día de Canarias

On the 30th of May 1983 The Canary Islands officially became an Autonomous National Region of Spain when The Government of The Canary Islands Parliament sat for the first time.  The day has been marked ever since by all 88 municipal town halls, on all the islands, in each of the two provinces that make up the archipelago as the official day of celebration of all things Canarian. A bank holiday here on the islands, most people enjoy a day off spent mainly with friends...

June 8: Gran Canaria Guinness World Record beach clean attempt with Oceans4Life

This astounding initiative by the Oceans4life non profit environmental association is their second attempt to break a Guinness World Record. The main event is happening on World Oceans Day, this coming Saturday 8 June at a beach called La Gaviota, best accessed from the road between the Las Terrazas Shopping Centre and the Mirador shopping centre in the municipality of Telde.  Here is where the meeting will take place  Gran Canaria is aiming to beat the Guinness World...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 24-26 May 2019

The end of May is fast approaching and in the south patron saint's fiesta season is in full swing, and there is even a little Jazz festival on offer, as well as free outdoor music in the capital Las Palmas and a ticketed event to see an outstanding tribute concert to none other than the Diva Queen of Soul Music, Aretha Franklin. Beautiful weather is expected all through the weekend in the south, according to the AEMET forecast, and Northern parts may be accompanied by some cloud...

Events: 2019 Fiestas de San Fernando, Maspalomas, on until June 2nd

The Maspalomas neighbourhood of San Fernando, once a simple village of tomato growers, this week begin to enjoy their patron saint celebrations from 23 May – 2 June. Saturday 1st of June. is the day for the main Romeria pilgrimage offering for the patron saint San Fernando, where attendees will be likely dressed in traditional costume and processing through the streets around the church. There is a full program at the end of this article ( in Spanish). The playful festive programming under the...

Government prohibits 48 invasive species from entering the Canary Islands

The Spanish Council of Ministers last month approved a specific list of 48 species of plants, mammals, birds and reptiles that from now on will be prohibited from entering the Canary Islands (banning also their possession and sale), due to their "worrying" invasive potential. The Canary Islands list, prepared in collaboration with the Autonomous Community, appears in the royal decree that updates the Spanish Catalogue of Invasive Alien Species. Its objective is to establish rules to minimise...

Women in Business: 5th Gran Canaria Summit 2019 – Bilingual Event

- Presented by Heroikka Association and the San Francisco International Women Entrepreneurs ForumEstablished in 2013, SFIWEF delivers a platform for diverse international organisations to collaborate and share resources and give visibility to various projects and initiatives, startups and businesses directed at or run by women. The Forum is a unique alliance of international chambers, business associations and organisations which originated in the San Francisco Bay Area.The Gran...

Another “tablet scam” in Puerto Rico, Mogán, investigated and charges brought

Guardia Civil in Puerto Rico, Mogán, have released details of their investigation into a person, identified with the initials A.K.S., for the alleged crime of fraud, deceiving a tourist of foreign nationality in the locality of Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria by charging his credit card, without his knowledge, with two charges totalling €2475.08. The investigations began after a complaint was made regarding the scam, and reported to police at the end of last year, after a...

The ex-chief of Costas being prosecuted for Tauro Beach claims he is the victim of “a trap”

The disgraced former head of the Demarcation of Coasts for the Canary Islands, José María Hernández de León, stands accused of having illegally authorised the artificial beach at Tauro for the benefit of the Anfi group, last week declared before the Provincial Court of Las Palmas that his only motivation was "for the public interest when granting the license", adding that he had been the "victim of a trap" engineered by his sub-ordinate technician Ignacio López-San...

The first 100% electric bus on Gran Canaria proudly announced in Las Palmas

The municipal city bus service in the capital Las Palmas de Gran Canaria have proudly announced receiving their latest addition to the fleet which firmly places the Atlantic City at the vanguard of sustainable transport solutions. The 'Irizar' guagua bus 100% electric model has slow charge batteries, with a capacity of 525 kWh on board, which translates into a range of more than 200 kilometres. With an aesthetic similar to that offered by the new MetroGuagua express city bus. 18...

The Saint: Las Palmas V CF Rayo Majadahonda

    19/5/19 Las Palmas entertain the Madrid based Rayo who sit in the relegation zone, 4th from bottom. With only 4 games remaining and 2 at home, the LP fans are hoping for a strong finish to the season after some very disappointing displays in recent weeks. 9 mins gone and a first chance for the home side. Poor play at the back by the visitors and they give the ball away to Castro who goes down in the box, but no penalty. On 17 mins another good chance, free kick gets...

Tragedy off the south coast of Gran Canaria as woman and baby die trying to make landfall

An attempt by migrants trying to reach the Canary Islands Archipelago, in search of a better life, ended in tragedy in the early hours of Thursday morning, with at least one woman and a one and a half year old baby drowned and one other woman missing, possibly dead, after they were forced from a ship into an open boat of about seven meters in length on Wednesday night, to attempt landing on a rocky Arguineguín beach in the dark. 28 people were thought to have been on...

Motor Grande Patronal celebrations, Puerto Rico 18-25 May 2019

Throughout the summer months there are several fiestas and festivals worth visiting in the south-western municipality of Mogán. Many of these are religious festivals and others celebrate traditions or produce important to the area, its history and culture. The original residential area of the Puerto Rico Valley, Motor Grande, is celebrating the local patronal fiestas in honour of Maria Auxiliadora, (Mary the helper of Christians) between 18-25 May 2019. The program of events is organised by...

Thomas Cook shares nosedive after third major profit warning and losses of £1.5billion

Shares in travel group Thomas Cook lost most of their value this Friday seeing a near 40% drop on the London Stock Exchange, in a second consecutive day of sharp falls, after having posted losses almost six times higher than in the first quarter.Specifically, shares in what is one of the oldest travel companies in the world closed at 11.8 pence, their lowest level since July 2012, and approaching their highest ever daily decline since November 2011. A report from Citigroup...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 17-19 May 2019

The weather forecast this weekend shows some expectation of relief after a warm week. It's Eurovision song contest weekend and 19th hole Meloneras is showing whole show live.  International Museums Day is celebrated across Europe and on Gran Canaria on 18 May with special nit time events happening as well as free entry during the day. The Canary Guide Weekend Tips - May 17-19 2019The Canary Guide Weekend Tips - May 17-19 2019Posted by The Canary News on Thursday,...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Córdoba

    13/5/19 Following the disappointing result again last Saturday night in the local derby against Tenerife, losing yet another lead and ending up in a 2-1 defeat, now UD Las Palmas are only 5 points away from relegation. Córdoba sit 2nd from bottom, so this is a massive game for LP tonight to try and avoid being dragged into the relegation battle. A quick start by the away side but their centre forward shoots miles wide in the opening 2mins. 13 mins in and a good chance...

17% Nordic tourism increase in April

Gran Canaria received more than 289,800 foreign passengers during the month of April and experienced an imperceptible drop of 0.6% (-1,700 tourists), maintaining the figures reached in the same month of the previous year, when 291,500 travellers visited, according to the latest data from AENA. More than 60,600 passengers from the Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark,  travelled to Gran Canaria in April, an increase of 17.2%, 8,900 more than in the same...

Gran Canaria first quarter foreign tourism numbers almost maintained

1,409,000 foreign passengers chose Gran Canaria as their destination from January to April 2019, which is overall only 2.67% less than in the same period of last year when 1,448,000 people arrived on the island, a drop of 38,500. In the first four months of the year, the island received 15,124 passengers from Austria, which produced a notable increase of 60.2%, compared to the same period in 2018. Germany has been the leading market for these first four months of this...

Government agrees to extend €50 flat rate for newly self-employed workers to two years

The Government of the Canary Islands last week approved the allocation of part of budget surplus from the Canary Islands Autonomous Community to be used to finance a two-year extension of the Auntonomo flat rate contribution of 50 euros for the newly self-employed on the Islands. Specifically, six million euros will be allocated to this initiative. Thanks to this measure, the newly self-employed on the Canary Islands will be able to contribute just 50 euros a month for...

The Canary Islands, an ideal place for the development of marine wind energy

Regular readers may remember that just less than one year ago the world's first self-erecting telescopic offshore wind turbine was completed here on Gran Canaria, built in the port of Arinaga, and installed alongside the Canary Islands Oceanic Research Platform PLOCAN, off the coast of Telde.  Those passing recently may have noticed that the turbine has at last begun operation, as the proof of concept for the Elsican project which has last more than five years,...

Events: Fiestas Santísima Trinidad in El Tablero 9-19 May 2019

A lovely local fiesta, the patronal saint celebration in honour of the Holy Trinity in the southern residential neighborhoods of El Tablero, on the other side of the GC-1 from Sonnenland, started the summer fiesta season last weekend and will continue until 19 May 2019. Some of the highlights still to coming include On Tuesday from 17:00 Children's activities and and entertainment throughout the main shopping area of El Tablero. On Wednesday 15,  in the main Plaza World...

Events: FIMAR 2019 – The International Sea Fair of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

FIMAR The International Fair of the Sea Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, continues throughout the weekend on the Plaza de Canarias and surrounding areas until Sunday. This 9th edition of the fair has firmly established itself as the primary professional, sports and leisure event for the nautical and marine-maritime sector of the Canary Islands. In addition to the usual space of the Plaza de Canarias and the Santa Catalina Pier, FIMAR 2019 will also have events in INFECAR, the Federación de Vela...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 10-12 May 2019

Its mid May and already feels like Midsummer! By Sunday the forecasters are telling us that hot winds blowing in off the Sahara are likely to raise temperatures to 31ºC in the shade.  11+ = UV Index Extreme A UV Index reading of 11 or more means extreme risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure. Take all precautions because unprotected...

Mogan town hall’s new “AVALON” music festival unexpectedly postponed till September 2019

AVALON. LGTBIQ+ an Association of Liberal Entrepreneurs and Professionals in the Canary Islands have announced on the 3rd of May, with only 5 days to go, that the Avalon Gran Canaria Music Festival they have organised with the support Mogán Town Hall has been cancelled until September quoting "force majeure".The event focused towards the LGBTIQ+ community was clearly set up to try and benefit from the May influx of people who attend the Pride events in maspalomas every year, an...

Gran Canaria again awarded the most “Blue Flags” for clean beaches in the Canary islands

The Canary Islands Government Ministry of Health reports that the Archipelago received 43 Blue Flag awards for clean beaches, and 5 awards for marinas, according to the assessment of the Blue Flag 2019 environmental program international jury in Madrid. The Blue Flag initiative is managed, in the Canary Islands, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, through the Canary Islands Health Service General Directorate of Public Health. The Blue Flag distinguishes those...

Small fuel spill off the coast of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Telde

The Canary Islands Government Ministry of Territorial Policy, Sustainability and Security activated the Specific Contingency Plan for Accidental Marine Pollution of the Canary Islands (PECMAR) at 19:30 on Saturday May 4, declaring a level 1 emergency situation due to hydrocarbon fuel in the sea affecting the north east coasts of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Telde. Reconnaissance carried out Sunday morning from the air and from the sea confirmed visual disappearance of...

Newsbrief: Twenty-six new boat people arrive on south of Gran Canaria

Twenty-six people, apparently of Maghrebi and Subsaharan origin, half of them minors, were discovered coming ashore on Saturday afternoon, May 4, from a patera (open boat), which had possibly come from the Maghreb region, landing between the beaches of Meloneras and Pasito Blanco on the south coast of Gran Canaria, according to a report from the Red Cross, none needed medical attention.The vessel was detected shortly before 7:00 pm near Meloneras beach, in the municipality of San...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 3-5 May 2019

It's the first weekend of May, the month of growing named for Maia, the Greek goddess of fertility. Gardens are blooming, birds chirping and Summer is truly just around the corner. This weekend has so much to offer when it comes to places to visit and a multitude of festivities and events to explore. Mother's Day is celebrated on different dates of the year each country and in Spain 2019, it is this Sunday, 5th of May. The Canary Islands are a starlight destination and...

Events: Strawberry Fair Valsequillo de Gran Canaria

Strawberry, the great treasure of ValsequilloSummer is coming and the VII Valsequillo de Gran Canaria  Strawberry Fair returns with delicious new features, including a prize for the best strawberries and a children's masterclass. The lovely tranquil little town of Valsequillo is preparing for one of the gastronomic events of the year and one of the most popular rural fairs on the island of Gran Canaria. Strawberry Fair arrives this Sunday May 5 for its fair that...

The Saint: UD Las Palmas V CD Lugo

    28th April A good start by the home side and on 9mins, a long cross from the left finds Cedres on the far post who heads the ball across to Castro slotting it into the net. 1-0. Just the start they needed, now to get on and win the game and not sit back too relaxed. 17 mins and a good cross...

Brexit blamed for decline in British tourists to Gran Canaria, the islands and Spain as a whole.

The consequences of the continuing uncertainty surrounding Brexit have been expressed in terms of tourism to Spain during the first three months of 2019 with an overall fall of 4.2% in sales for the British market for the country as a whole, while the Canarian market has seen a 6.8% decrease, according to the Alianza para la Excelencia Turística, known as Exceltur. This industry lobbying alliance, expressed relief for the "respite" that has been provided from the extension to the UK's final...

Fibre optic internet to reach Mogán Valley, Arguineguín ravine and Playa del Cura

Mogán town hall has announced their approval for Telefónica to deploy new generation fibre optic internet access throughout the municipality and several rural neighbourhoods including El Cercado, El Horno, El Palmito, La Humbridilla, Las Burrillas, Los Navarros, El Hornillo , Pie de la Cuesta, Barranquillo Andrés, Soria, Las Filipinas, Los Peñones, El Caidero, El Sao, and Barranco del Cura. The deployment is due to take place, which is scheduled to start in June 2019...

Events : Mogán organizes free activities for children between 15-17 April

The Municipality of Mogán is this week offering a childrens program of free leisure activities "Vacaciones en la Plaza" from April 15 to 17, taking advantage of the school Easter holidays. The events will be concentrated in Pueblo de Mogán, Playa de Mogán and Arguineguín.Parque Nicolás Quesada in Pueblo de Mogán, Plaza Doctor Pedro Betancor León (previous know as Plaza de Sol ) in Playa de Mogán and plaza Las Marañuelas in Arguineguín will host activities aimed at children from...

€1,800 defrauded from customers of a Puerto Rico nightspot venue

A Guardia Civil investigation from the Mogán Main Post in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria, operating since March 26, has identified four people with the initials M.B.C. 34 years old and previous police records, I.C. 23 years old, A.M.C.L. 43 years of age and with no police record and a minor, in relation to three bank fraud crimes committed in the tourist town on the south of Gran Canaria. The investigations began as a result of three complaints made at the Main Post in...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 12-14 April 2019

Mid April and Easter fast approaching yet the weather forecast is practically summer time with highs in the shade of 26ºC predicted, a touch of cloud on the north of the island, perhaps a few drops of rain, but on the south bright blue skies and sunshine all weekend. Motorcycle fans and electric vehicle enthusiasts have a real treat this weekend in Las Palmas, there is a great little commercial fair in one of the most historic towns on the island, Vintage market in our Rum capital,...

Swedish woman found dead in Puerto Rico apartment, husband arrested

A 42 year old Swedish woman was found dead on Thursday morning in a Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria apartment in which she had been living with her 45 year old partner, in the southern municipality of Mogán. Contusions and various injuries on the body suggest she may have been the victim of a violent crime, according to sources close to the early investigations.Events began to unfold at about half past five yesterday afternoon, after emergency services had been called earlier in the...

New Health Clinic in Playa de Mogán expected to be available by September

The Minister of Health of the Canary Islands Government, José Manuel Baltar, visited the construction site of the highly anticipated Local health Centre in Playa de Mogán at the end of February with the current mayor, Onalia Bueno, and several members of the municipal government group. The facilities are expected to be available from September. The new clinic is being built on a plot ceded by the Council of Mogán in 2006 and is to have an area of ​​573.78 square meters...

Events : Playa de Mogán to hold 9th Quick Painting Contest on April 13

The seaside tourist area and neighborhood of Playa de Mogán will once more fill its streets this Saturday, April 13, with brushes and easels to celebrate the ninth edition of the popular Rapid Painting Contest organised by the Town Hall of Mogán. The event will bring together artists of various nationalities who must carry out a single work, in a short period of time, free style in techniques, that deals with the landscape, monuments or people of this Mogañero enclave....

Gran Canaria ranks number 1 favourite destination for TUI customers across Europe this Easter

Gran Canaria has been named as the favourite destination for European customers of TUI, the world's largest tour operator,  this Easter, according to a study published in the TUI Vacation Atlas, made from their reservations. TUI's analysis indicates that the Nordic countries, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark, also choose Gran Canaria as the number one destination ahead of the rest of the islands in the archipelago, the Balearic Islands or Greece. [adrotate...

Maspalomas announces bid for EuroPride 2022

Five Pride events are competing for the right to host Europe’s main LGBTI celebration in 2022. The organisations are from Barcelona (Spain), Belgrade (Serbia), Dublin (Ireland), Maspalomas (Spain) and Variações & ILGA Portugal (Portugal). EuroPride 2022 will be the 30th anniversary of the first EuroPride, and the 50th anniversary of the first Pride events in Europe. EuroPride has been hosted in more than twenty cities across Europe, beginning in London in 1992, and...

Plane crash simulation drill to be staged this week in San Bartolomé de Tirajana

Gran Canaria's southernmost municipality, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, is set become the scene for an aerial accident simulation drill exercise. The #Canasar 2019 maneuvers, carried out by the Air Force through the Canary Islands Rescue Coordination Centre, belonging to the SAR, are to be held on April 10 at an as of yet unknown location. The civil authorities value this type of exercise, essential for all emergency departments so as to be in optimal readiness to act when necessary,  in itself a...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 5-7 April 2019

It's the first weekend of April and there are few big fairs happening around the island and still time to enjoy some Carnival celebrations. The island has had a covering of beautiful greenery due to some long needed rain over the passing week, and the early arrival of the Springtime April showers.  The weather forecast for the coming weekend foresees a possibility of rain, especially in the north and mountain areas, so be wary of adverse weather possibly causing cancellations or postponements...

New flying boat to connect the two Canarian capitals, just 30 minutes each way

A company named Canary Islands WIGs (Ciwigs) aims to start a fast transport service from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to Santa Cruz de Tenerife that will operate out of existing ports using low-flying ships, that will take less than half an hour to complete the journey. All that currently stands in their way is the need for specific regulation and guidance on how these crafts are to operate. These vessels that look like aircraft, however from a legal standpoint, they are in fact...

Rental advertisement in Puerto Rico denounced for discrimination: “No Canarians, no Moroccans”

An advertisement for a rental flat in the highly desirable resort area of Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria has been publicly denounced as "racist and discriminatory". The advertisement was listed on a well-known online web portal offering an apartment in the south of Gran Canaria, however specified that they did not want offers from Canarians or Moroccans. Although the advertisement specifically said in capital letters "NO CANARIOS, NO MARROQUÍES" it seems the advertiser was more than...

Mogán works to erradicate ‘El Trile’, the shell game, along with the cardsharp fraudsters

The Local Police of Mogán on Monday, March 25, launched a special operation to put an end to the scourge of the "trileros", the 3-card tricksters sometimes to be found down in Playa de Mogán, as well as a few other areas around the municipality. A detachment formed by several agents of Local Police will maintain a pressence in the area of ​​Playa de Mogán "daily, constantly and permanently", to prevent the cardsharp trileros from operating, with the aim of definitively expelling the practice...

Truck overturns after impact with motorway sign on GC2

Early this Tuesday morning a truck apparently clipped a large overhead motorway traffic sign, overturning and losing its load on the GC-2 motorway, on the north coast of Gran Canaria, the Department for Roads of the Cabildo of Gran Canaria reported over twitter. The accident took place near El Pagador on the road heading towards Agaete. Because the vehicle lost its load on the road, for safety reasons, road workers had  to close it to traffic for several hours creating...

The Saint: Las Palmas v Elche

    1/4/19 After a good away performance last week against Granada, where LP let slip their lead once again at the last minute for another draw. Las Palmas entertained Elche on Sunday, who are 2 places below them in mid table. After a slow start to the game, LP wins corner in the  7th minute. Ten minutes later the first shot of the match falls to Rafa Mir but his effort goes high and wide. Not much action for the entire first half, just plenty of misplaced passes and...

Head-on collision between two vehicles causes a dangerous rollover in the GC-500

A dramatic head on collision took place at 09.00 this Tuesday morning on the GC-500 old national road though, of the five people who were in the vehicles, including three children, only the two drivers suffered any injuries, reported to be minor.The accident was between two vehicles on the southern coastal road, by the Barranco del Balito, near  Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria. One vehicle overturned on the edge of the security barrier over a cliff edge. Fire Men from Puerto Rico and...

Puerto Rico tourist complex prohibits new owner from accessing apartment for residential use, citing Tourism Rental Law

Residents who ignore local politics, and don't care for warnings about changes to new laws should probably take note of this latest turn in the Tourism Rental Property Law saga, in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria...A Dutch woman has apparently been refused entry to her new apartment in a designated tourism complex located in Puerto Rico, in the southern Gran Canaria municipality of Mogán, which she bought with her partner at the end of February, because, according to the tourism...

Newsbrief: A man in critical condition after falling from a ladder in San Fernando de Maspalomas

A man fell from a ladder this Friday morning on Avenida Gáldar, in San Fernando de Maspalomas, suffering a serious head injury, according to a report from the 1-1-2 Canary Islands' Government's Coordinating Centre for Emergencies and Security. Due to the severity of his injuries, the man had to be transferred in an SUC Canarian Emergency Services medical ambulance to the Insular University Hospital of Gran Canaria in the capital, Las Palmas. The event took place at 09:34. The man was painting,...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 29-31 March 2019

The last weekend of March, just as Spring starts it seems Summer is just around the corner, or at least it will be 1 hour closer with the clocks Springing forward, from 2am to 3am between Saturday and Sunday, perhaps for the last time, if the European Parliament has its way. Carnival celebrations in Arguineguín, Mogán are coming to a head, as well as opening and continuing in other towns this weekend, with plenty of other events going on around Gran Canaria to be...

Gran Canaria Weather: Rain due to arrive on Gran Canaria this Friday afternoon

Spanish State Meterological Agency AEMET has issued a yellow advisory warning for rains expected interrupt the blue skies of the south and to cross the whole of the island this Friday afternoon and into Saturday continuing on the north of the island and inland, though the south should clear up as we move through the weekend. Cloudy intervals look set to punctuate the normally sunny south of Gran Canaria with the probability of occasional showers, particularly heavy in...

Gran Canaria Weather: A little bit of a wet start to the weekend, rain a little heavier on the north, clearing into Sunday

Occasional showers this Thursday, predicted by Spanish State Meteorological Association AEMET, on Gran Canaria mainly inland throughout the middle of the day, could be strong in places. Rain less likely elsewhere. Temperatures with few changes. Variable wind weak, with breezes along the coasts. Cloudy skies continue on Friday, particularly on the north of the island. Occasional showers again in inland areas, possibly quite strong in places. There is a low probability of some...

Drunk English woman dragged off plane on arrival in Fuerteventura

A heavily inebriated English woman had to be removed from a plane by the Guardia Civil on arrival at Fuerteventura Airport. The Ryanair plane had flown from London Stansted Airport.   As the video shows, Civil Guard agents forcibly removed the woman pulling her up from her seat while she defiantly wails "I do not need an ambulance."   The drunken woman had begun to argue with another passenger, when flight attendants were forced to intervene and asked someone sitting...

No changes expected for tourism rentals regulations, at least for the moment

The Canary Islands will not change the current regulations on holiday home rentals at this time, at least not during this legislature. The socialist party PSOE announced last Thursday that they will request a postponement of the debate around the bill after negative opinions were expressed by the Advisory Council of the Canary Islands Regional Government. The decision leaves too little support for the proposed changes to the law to go ahead, as this week's parliament plenary will be the last...

Pre-alert declared for rainstorms incoming

The Canary Islands’ Government’s General Directorate of Security have activated pre-alert status for all emergency services due to rainstorms due to begin today across Gran Canaria. Yellow advisories were issued over the weekend. Since early hours of Monday morning the western islands of La Palma and El Hierro have seen downpours which have advanced through the day to La Gomera, Tenerife and are now set to arrive on Gran Canaria. The storm could leave up to 15 liters of water per square meter...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 22-24 March 2019

It's the first official weekend of Springtime here on Gran Canaria and the Spanish Met Office predicts bright sunshine and blue skies across the island, with perhaps an occasional cloud wandering by, light breezes on the south, with seas a little rough around the coasts for Friday and Saturday.The Maspalomas Carnival is coming to an end with its Big Parade weekend, just as Mogán prepares to get going for another week of hedonism and celebration, we have a lovely night of wine and...

Couple arrested suspected in the murder of a homeless man

Policia Nacional have arrested a couple accused of the murder of a homeless, disabled man whose body was found after having been set alight on January 11 in an abandoned area of ​​the southern municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana (Gran Canaria), where it is thought he used to sleep.The two arrested, who have not been named, are a 43 year old man, of Spanish nationality though Turkish born, and an Irish woman of 50 years of age, who are both residents in San Fernando de...

75-year-old Norwegian hiker rescued in the hills of Mogán

A 75-year-old man was injured on Monday when he fell on a hiking path in the southern municipality of Mogán, on Gran Canaria . The 112 Emergency and Security Coordination Centre received an alert shortly after three o'clock in the afternoon on Monday reporting that a hiker had fallen in the area and could not continue unaided. Emergency resources were deployed including the helicopter of the GES Environment team, in collaboration with Civil Protection, who located the...

The source of the fire in Fataga under investigation

Agents from the National Police Forensic Police Unit on Monday inspected the area damaged by the fire that started around 3 pm on Saturday in the palm grove next to the Molino de Agua Hotel and Restaurant just outside Fataga, which according to the Environment Department, devastated between 30 and 35 hectares of the grove and brushwood area. Firefighters extinguished the last flames in the area about 12 hours after it started, using water and foam, as well as the controlled burning...

2019 Netflix series ‘The Witcher’ shot on location on Gran Canaria 

The filming of the international Netflix series 'The Witcher', which will debut in 2019, has taken place on Gran Canaria. For nine days the production shot at emblematic spots around the island including Maspalomas, Roque Nublo, Cuevas Blancas, Tamadaba and Agaete. Starring the Henry Cavill the series is based on a series of fantastic novels by Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski and this first season will feature eight episodes in which the island will feature heavily....

Road closures due resurfacing of three sections of GC500 in SBT and Mogán

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria this Monday, March 18, began the resurfacing of several sections of the southern GC500 road between Juan Grande and the Tauro roundabout in the municipalities of San Bartolomé de Tirajana and Mogán, as was reported by the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructures, Ángel Víctor Torres. The works will take around 10 days Expect the complete closure of each section between 9:00-19:00, though they will remain open at weekends The works, within...

The Return of The Saint: Las Palmas v Mallorca

    17/3/19After my 3 month long midseason break The Saint returns to find yet another new manager. That’s 7 in 2 seasons!!!!! Now it’s the ex West Brom Manager Pepe Mel. Lets hope he can turn things around for beleaguered UD Las Palmas.LP are sitting mid-table, still drawing in far too many games. But after a good away win at Deportivo last Sunday (10 March), the home fans are hoping for an upbeat performance and a home win against the Balearic side who sit 2 places above...

The Canary Guide Print Edition: Brexit

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Vote in The Canary Awards

Register below to select your favourites from this year's shortlistsThere are 12 shortlist categories, each containing a selection of this years nominees. When you vote we record your IP address and set a cookie in your browser to help us to verify your selections.  All votes are anonymous.Good luck everyone!Don't forget to share this page and let people know that they have the ability to affect the results. [powr-poll id=ab2dc5dd_1552841547][powr-countdown-timer id=0dcc813f_1552919606585]...

The potential of geothermal energy on Gran Canaria

The first phase of a study promoted by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria to help understand the geothermal potential of the island suggests the existence of resources capable of generating electricity using heat from below the earth's crust. The results mean the study can now move on to the second phase so as to determine where it may be most appropriate to undertake three 2.5-kilometre-deep drilling sites, stage 3,  each aiming to achieve definitive confirmation of the possibilities and if they are...

Fire in Fataga sparks major alert and rural hotel evacuation

On Saturday afternoon, just after 3 p.m., a fire was reported in the picturesque mountain village of Fataga, just 20 minutes inland from Masplaomas, within the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana . The fire originated in a palm grove next to the swimming pool of the wonderful little rural hotel, Molino del Agua, which was forced to evacuate its occupants, luckily avoiding any injuries from fire or smoke. The fire is behaving forcefully according to emergency services. Environmental Units...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 15-17 March 2019

Enjoy the Ides of March on Gran Canaria with weather predictions for these last days of sub-tropical winter looking warm and bright, with possible light breezes, an occasional little cloud wandering past and just a touch of hazy calima bringing saharan sand in the air. There are plenty of Carnival festivities happening with the southern carnival season starting this weekend, as well as a major  cheese fair in the mountains, a road rally and not forgetting that Sunday is to be full of...

The Carnival Costa Mogán 2019 celebrates Africa 26-31 March

The poster and the program of events for the Carnival Costa Mogán 2019 were presented at the headquarters of the Gran Canaria Tourism Board on Tuesday, March 12, detailing an edition dedicated to the theme of the African continent. The streets of Arguineguín and Plaza del Mercadillo will be filled carnival from March 26 to 31, when more than 20,000 people are expected to gather for the annual Springtime celebrations. A citizens' vote selected the allegory for the third...

The Government assumes responsibility for environmental impact assessment for new Siam Park Gran Canaria

The Council of Territorial Policy, Sustainability and Security of the Government of the Canary Islands is to take responsibility for carrying out the environmental impact assessment report required for the Siam Park water park project, that German tourism entrepreneurs, the Kiessling family, plan to build on the land located in the El Veril ravine, in San Bartolomé de Tirajana on the south of Gran Canaria .The Official Bulletin of the Canary Islands (BOC) yesterday made public the...

Small property owners worried as Canary Islands Parliament readies to vote on vacation rental laws once more

The Autonomous Government of The Canary Islands' Parliament are, over the next 48 hours, allegedly proposing a new and controversial set of changes to the vacation rental laws. The Canarian Holiday Rental Association (ASCAV), themselves informed by some of the top real estate companies on the islands, have said that they foresee the approval of the modification to the tourism laws, scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday in The Canary Islands' Parliament, being an...

The Canary Weekend Tips 8-10 March 2019

Friday, the 8th is the International Women's Day, but let's ask ourselves, should we be celebrating the women in our life everyday!? Carnival celebrations come to a head in the capital with its main weekend and the biggest parade on the island as well as the tear jerking and fun of the Burial of the Sardine on Europe's best urban beach, Las Canteras. The Artisan Fair at the Faro Maspalomas also comes to an end this weekend.  So last chance to get yourself some of that...

Warmest and driest February in the Canary Islands since 2012

More than half of the Canaries archipelago recorded a warm or very warm February, and it has also been the driest since 2012, according to the Climatological Report from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (Aemet). This February was the warmest in the last ten years in places such as the Gran Canaria municipalities of San Bartolomé de Tirajana and La Aldea de San Nicolás as well as in  Tijarafe (La Palma), Las Mercedes (Tenerife). It was also the warmest month in Pájara (Fuerteventura)...

Spanish Tourism Board prepares business for Brexit

As the supposed deadline for Brexit approaches,  uncertainty has not stopped growing. Despite this, Turespaña, the main Spanish Tourism Board, have said that it expects "constant growth in the British market." The general director of the public body, part of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Hector Gomez, himself Canarian, said at the beginning of March that their outlook is that British tourist spending in Spain, as a whole, will increase by 3%. Of course, he warned that talking...

Brexit: Canary islands have already started to record a fall in reservations

Spanish tourism is already suffering from the Brexit debacle that continues without a clear end in site. The frustrating process leading towards the separation between the United Kingdom and the European Union (EU) has already led to a significant fall in package tourism sales for the Canary Islands with reservations of individual stays for the coming summer reportedly down this winter.. On Gran Canaria, sales were already being reported to have declined by as much as 7% by the end of...

The new urban park in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria is opened to public

The new urban park in Puerto Rico was officially inaugurated this week on Monday 4th of March. The new leisure area is located on Calle Madrid in the neighbourhood known as Motor Grande, easily found just under the main motorway bridge.  Residents and visitors are now welcome enjoy the facilities in which the City of Mogán has invested a reported total of around €1.3 million. The new park stands on a plot of 10,100 square meters and includes various public exercise machines, green spaces,...

Spain outlines plans to give residence to 400,000 unregistered Britons in case of hard Brexit

Spain is to facilitate British residents in Spain, even those who today are not registered as permanent residents, in the case that the UK decides to leave the EU without a deal. The Spanish government says it plans to issue new permits to some 400,000 Britons if the UK leaves the EU abruptly potentially leaving these people in limbo. It is one of the measures in a new contingency plan to be approved this Friday by the Council of Ministers, and then issued as a royal decree law extending all...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 1-3 March 2019

Another awesome Carnival weekend ahead on Gran Canaria, particularly in the capital, Las Palmas, as well as many another things going on all around the island. Get ready to experience just some of the multitude of events that the island has to offer over the coming days. Weather predictions are looking good so far for the south and with a slight chance of some rain in the north.  Daytime average temperatures look set around 21ºC in the shade, but will be warmer in...

The Centre for Wildlife Recovery of Cabildo’s new operating room

Stray turtles and wounded shear waters now have a new veterinarian operating room in which to be restored to health at the centro de recuperación de fauna y silvestre de Tafira. The turtle in the photo presents with a shell fractured by a blow from a boat, and will receive daily treatment until back in healthy condition to be returned to the sea. The Cabildo's Wildlife Recovery Centre, located in Tafira receives around 2,000 animals every year, including many turtles sent from the United...

Events: Maspalomas Carnival 14-24 March 2019

One of the biggest annual series of events, Maspalomas Carnival, is celebrated this year between 14-24 March.  The upcoming festivities will be themed around the "Moon", and adopts the name "Maspamoon". With this name the southern tourist destination will pay tribute to the 50th anniversary of the man stepping on the moon for the first time.       Program : All events are held in the Shopping Center Yumbo and on the main stage unless otherwise stated. All...

Kamikaze driver sentenced after quick trial

A man, aged 36, was arrested on the night of Sunday, February 17, after traveling 32 kilometres along the main Gran Canaria GC-1 Highway in the wrong direction, and for testing positive for alcohol, has been convicted in a quick trial, and sentenced to 16 months loss of his license for a crime against road safety . The driver, tried last Tuesday under urgent proceedings in a quick trial, accepted the sentence and the account of the facts brought by the Public Prosecutor, according to sources...

A wall is suddenly built to prevent usage along road closed 18 months ago.

The Cabildo of Gran Canaria began to construct a wall yesterday right across the old coastal road, the GC-500, between Playa de Mogán and Taurito, which was closed to traffic over a year and a half ago after several landslides, the wall is apparently intended to protect pedestrians and cyclists who have chosen to ignore the closure and continue to travel through this area after the road closure, despite the danger posed to their safety by the risk of cliff collapse. Residents have...

Culture: The 52nd Opera Season of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria starts on 21 February

The 52nd edition of the Opera season in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is composed of five operas, which starts with Don Carlo, followed by Norma in March, Tosca will be performed in April and Così fan tutte and La Sonnambula in May. Gran Canaria has a historical tradition linked to the opera that was founded in those first merchants who stopped at the island on the way to America or returned to Europe after crossing the Atlantic. During their stops, these travellers began...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 22-24 February 2019

Looks like a glorious and warm weekend ahead with winds shifting from the north to blow from the south and the east bringing plenty of warm African air to the archipelago, temperatures topping 28ºC in the shade have been predicted, likely to be much warmer in direct sunlight; though we may encounter a little Saharan dust, in the form of Calima. There is a whole caboodle of great events to go and see with a free classical quartet concert in Playa del Inglés, Carnival continuing in...

Man who died in horrific road accident on Friday named

Who could have failed to be shocked on hearing of the young man who died last Friday afternoon when his vehicle collided with a tourist excursion bus travelling along the GC500 near Balito. An outpouring of grief soon followed as the victim was named as a resident of Arguineguín named Jacob, aged just 29, active in local politics, and sports having played for two local football teams, he worked in one of the Spar supermarkets in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria, and had become a father...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 15-17 February 2019

What a weekend ahead on Gran Canaria with some of the biggest events of the year happening at the same time. Are you ready? More than a month of Carnival begins Friday, the Gran Canaria Me Gusta food and gastronomy Fair, a new music festival in Mogán and the last event of the almond blossom season among many others. The weather is looking to cool down a bit back towards normal winter temperatures on the rock after a sweltering week of desert winds and there is the...

The Canary Islands, closer to their objective of reaching 45% penetration of renewables by 2025

A new call for aid to implement 180 MW of wind power is set to expand provision much closer to the goal set by the Government of the Canary Islands to reach 45% penetration in renewables by 2025, which is included in the draft of the Energy Strategy of the Canary Islands . The Minister of Economy, Industry, Trade and Knowledge of the Canary Islands Government, Pedro Ortega, during a presentation, together with the Secretary of State for Energy, talked about the new call for aid to implement...

Events : Almond Blossom Festivities in Tunte 17 Feb 2019

The municipal centre of San Bartolomé de Tirajana is preparing to receive thousands of visitors on the weekend of February 16 and 17. The eighth edition of  "El Almendro en Flor", Almonds in flower and Farmer's Fair, will dress Tunte for the spring time festivities. The event is a recognition to the primary sector and for the first time participating, with a stand, is also the island of El Hierro. On the main Day 17th of February, there will be tastings and a...

Newsbrief : Man who caused fatal accident in the south of Gran Canaria placed in preventive custody without bail

A Court in San Bartolomé de Tirajana (Gran Canaria) has agreed to the preventive detention of the alleged author of the fatal traffic accident on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 5, in the Pasito Blanco area, in the south of the island. The file passed to the court alleges that perpetrator committed a crime serious against public health, and is charged with homicide in relation to a road safety crime and a third charge of attacking a public authority, according to sources in the Superior...

The Lighthouse of Maspalomas reopens to the public after ten years

The Faro de Maspalomas Lighthouse, possibly the most emblematic building on Gran Canaria, has reopened its doors having been fully renovated a decade after it closed to the public aiming to become the guardian of the Island's history through the inauguration of an ethnographic centre and a beacon that will guide residents and visitors to learn about the traditions and crafts of this ancient subtropical paradise. The Cabildo de Gran Canaria have renovated this most distinguished...

Events: The Canary Guide to Carnival Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

  The island and provincial capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, starts Carnival season 2019 this Friday, 15th of February, the biggest of all the carnival celebrations on the island, lasting a whole until the 10th of March. Each year the public take part in an open competition, usually during the preceding summer, to choose a theme on which to base the celebrations for the following end of winter series of events, which together form Carnival. For 2019 the Las...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 8-10 February 2019

The Carnival season on Gran Canaria is about to start in just one week so this upcoming weekend is a perfect opportunity to get ready, get some rest and enjoy some lovely events and activities happening around the island. The weather forecast is looking mighty fine, blue skies and sunshine with average temperatures of 18-21 in the shade daytime, much warmer in direct sunlight, so all options are open for a thrill filled weekend or just a couple of lazy beach days. Enjoy!Friday 8...

Events: NEW Puerto Música festival in Playa de Mogán 15-17 February

Mayor of Mogán, Onalia Bueno, and the Councilor for Culture, Grimanesa Pérez, have announced this week that a new festival 'Puerto Música' is to be held 15-17 February 2019. A weekend set to fill Playa de Mogán with various music concerts of several styles and that will feature, in association with the popular Las Palmas based Big Bang festival, a vintage market, vintage dance workshops, children's activities and an exhibition of vintage cars. The well-known area of...

Man carrying drugs shipment killed another driver near Pasito Blanco in crash while trying to evade police

A 55-year-old man died yesterday afternoon on the GC-500, at the intersection of Pasito Blanco and the GC1 Southern Highway, after a head on collision with another vehicle, slightly injuring the other driver. The man was seriously wounded and was trapped inside his own car, so the Emergency Consortium of Gran Canaria Firemen had to cut him free. The team of SUC Canarian Emergency Service who attended confirmed the man's death later. According to sources from the Guardia Civil, the...

The British tourism market grew in December

Gran Canaria received 420,000 tourists during December 2018, an decrease of 1.7% (- 7,400) compared to December 2017. The British market however experienced a pre-Brexit surge of 5.6% (+ 3,100) more tourists, reaching 58,500 people during the last month of 2018. For its part, the Nordic market maintains its overall combined leadership during winter with 139,800 tourists in December, despite that representing a decrease of 9% (-13,900) compared to 2017. The German market...

Gran Canaria exceeds 4.5 million tourist in 2018 for the second year running

Gran Canaria received 4,510,000 tourists in 2018, surpassing the historic record of 4.5 million foreign and national visitors for the second consecutive year, although there was a recorded decline of 1.7%, 77,750 travellers less than in 2017, according to the latest report prepared by the Canary Islands Statistics Institute (ISTAC). Despite the reopening of various competing markets such as Tunisia, Egypt and Turkey, Gran Canaria is the island that registered the lowest decline out...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 1-3 February 2019

February is here and with it the first weekend of the month, meaning that the island's network of museums run by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria will open their doors for free to visitors, the main shopping area of Triana in Las Palmas will also be hosting  a range of extra activities on Sunday. There is rock music galore in the capital, henna art and african food in San Fernando and the most beautiful mountain village of Tejeda are celebrating their almond blossom festivities all...

Canary Islands Latitude of Life, awarded best pavilion at Fitur

The Canary Islands pavilion stand at Fitur (Spain's annual International Tourism Fair in Madrid) this year was awarded as the best in the category "institutions and autonomous communities", one of the three awards with which the International Tourism Fair recognises the very best of the 816 exhibitors representing 165 countries and regions of the world. The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Canary Islands Government reported that the jury highlighted the design of the pavilion...

Tourist tries to reclaim €8,300 spent in Puerto Rico hostess clubs

The Guardia Civil Main Post in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria, on January 25 launched an investigation into the activities of a foreign tourist with initials HB, aged 47 years and without prior police records, suspected of simulating a crime, by faking and reporting an alleged €8,300 scam supposedly perpetrated against his account associated with a charge card he owned, in order to try to get the bank to return the money to him. The investigation began following a complaint from H.B. on January...

Numbers of Spaniards visiting Gran Canaria on holiday has broken a new record in 2018

GRAN CANARIA CLOSED THE YEAR WITH ALMOST 600,000 VISITORS FROM THE MAINLAND, A NEW RECORD FOR THE NATIONAL MARKET. Spanish National tourism to Gran Canaria has broken a new record in 2018 with almost 600,000 visitors, just over a 5% increase over the previous year, although the increase exceeds 10 percent if you take into account the forecast of the full winter tourist season, that is, up to March 2019. President of the Cabildo, Antonio Morales, pointed out that one of the keys to this result...

Mogán to host the ‘Avalon Gran Canaria Music Festival’, a commitment to gender inclusion, integration and freedom

Mogán has announced it will host 'Avalon Gran Canaria Music Festival' from May 8 to 12, an event focusing on inclusion, social integration and gender freedom. 'Avalon Gran Canaria Music Festival' is to offer activities promoting culture, technology, science, art and education and the various attractions of Mogán, in a new event they say will produce leisure and economic revitalisation for the municipality and the island of Gran Canaria as a whole. 'Avalon Gran Canaria Music Festival' hopes to...

Fourth fatality announced after Sunday’s shocking motorcycle collision near Mogán

The violent motorcycle accident which occurred on Sunday in the Los Azulejos area, near the Veneguera intersection, between Mogán and La Aldea on the GC-200, has resulted in a fourth tragic fatality. 3 were left dead at the scene, including a couple from Tamaraceite and a bricklayer from Arucas, whose 14 year old son rode as his passenger and who it has now been reported died this Wednesday morning, three days after the accident, at the main Insular Hospital where he was being treated in a...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 25-27 January 2019

Almost through of the first month of the year already.  Weather predictions are showing changeable skies at least until Saturday with a possibility of rain across the island, even in the almost perpetually sunny south, but nothing heavy and Sunday looks much more promising indeed for the whole of Gran Canaria.The ever popular almond blossom festival this weekend centre's around the mountain villages of Tenteniguada and Valsequillo, just a short 15 minute drive inland from...

“Shopping with soul for people who buy with the heart” The Market, Puerto Rico opens on the 31st of January

The Market Puerto Rico is the new, fresh, concept commercial centre opening to the public on January 31 2019. This much anticipated new space in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria aim to offer something very different by way of commercial spaces, they say, "led by gastronomy and food, with a varied range of organic produce." This is to be the first full-time "Food Market" on the south of ​​Gran Canaria, to define itself through providing fresh produce daily. 26 businesses will operate from the new...

New Film & TV Audiovisual Production Centre for Gran Canaria

The Cabildo has put out a call for tender to construct a new purpose built cinema and television studio production set, for a budget of €7 million to be completed within 14 months of execution. The future Gran Canaria Audiovisual Production Centre aims to place the island at the forefront of the industry regionally, attracting more film shoots and productions to come to and work on Gran Canaria for greater periods of time. The estimated direct economic benefit to the island over...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 19-21 January 2019

Mid January and the almond trees are in full blossom all across the mountains, from Valsequillo to Tunte, Ayacata to Tejeda; and so Carnival season is fast approaching. The weather predictions look a little unstable for the weekend on Gran Canaria, with wintry showers to the north and colder than usual night time temperatures, so some outdoor events could be cancelled, and you will certainly want to wrap up warm, though the south of the island should remain mainly sunny and still a...

Fred Olsen to connect the Canary Islands with route to the Peninsula

Passenger ship operator Fred Olsen Express has launched a new triangular route to mainland Spain, with the collaboration of the Baleària shipping company, through their alliance project announced last September "Canary Bridge Seaways" (CBS), which now links the port of Huelva with the two main ports of the Canary Islands, la Luz on Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. This new route will be operated aboard the ship Martín i Soler, owned by Baleària. The ship is to...

ECA fuming over Ryanair threats to close Canary Islands bases

The European Cockpit Association (ECA) represents the collective interests of professional pilots at European level, striving for the highest levels of aviation safety and fostering social rights and quality employment.  This week the ECA reported that within the first three days of 2019, in negotiations with cabin crew unions in Spain, "Ryanair threatened closure of two bases in the Canary Islands" (Tenerife South & Gran Canaria) if the cabin crew did not sign...

Puerto Rico Language Centre presents: The Canary Guide to Arucas

For several years The Canary has teamed up with the very finest language teachers on Gran Canaria to bring you exclusive content. Over the last 4 years a native Canarian teacher, fully fluent in both English and Spanish, has been producing content for our print edition, as well as building his own audience online. It is with great pleasure we introduce the first in a little series of The Canary Guide to Arucas, from Puerto Rico Language Centre. Starring PRLC founder Diego Mesa. The historic...

Gran Canaria Weather: Rains, low temperatures and perhaps even snow

Following one of the driest Decembers on record, Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) have forecast weak rains due to arrive this Thursday, ending a clear run of winter blue skies that have accompanied the holiday season on Gran Canaria. After 45 days without rainfall, the north coasts look set to receive some showers to help remove the dry, Saharan dust-laden environment that we have experienced since the end of November.  With repeated calima having brought...

Spectacular footage of truck leaving the road in the mountains of Gran Canaria

A truck driver was caught on camera apparently racing too fast around a bend on the GC41 mountain road near Valsequillo de Gran Canaria on Monday morning. As you can see from this spectacular footage, captured from a dashcam in a vehicle travelling in the other direction, the truck left the road and it was only the safety barrier and a road side tree that prevented it from going over the edge and ending up in a ravine. No other vehicles were involved in the accident and the driver was taken...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips Jan 4 – 7 2019

Well, a long weekend ahead as Monday is officially a holiday; Twelfth night is almost upon us, the Epiphany, preceded by the Noche de Reyes, or night of the kings, when 3 wise men are expected to visit every home in the kingdom, in celebration of a royal child. Many towns and cities throughout Spain will be hosting extravagant major events and parades to welcome these strangers from far off lands who mark the final culmination of seasonal gift giving that will put an...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 28-30 December 2018

The last weekend of the year and the weather forecasters keep offering good news as we move toward sub tropical winter bliss. There are many seasonal events going on over the weekend ahead and here are just some of our hand picked local and island happenings to end the year 2018. 28-30 DECEMBER, MOGÁN CHRISTMAS PROGRAM – MOGÁN TOWN HALL The Mogán Christmas program, like so many others around the island, runs to January 5 and includes various activities and events spread...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 21-23 December 2018

Its the last weekend before most of the foreign residents celebrate their Yuletime dinners and get togethers. Of course here in Spain, and on the Canary Islands, December 25th is a day of quiet contemplation with the main gift giving days being January 5th & 6th in celebration of the Day of the Three Kings, so for Canary Islanders there is still a full week of Christmas shopping to be done.  The weather continues to be glorious and sunny over the coming days, just...

New local law prohibits leaving animals in parked cars for more than 20 minutes, or tied up for more than 2 hours

A new law is being brought into force on the north of Gran Canaria, forbidding citizens from leaving any animal inside a parked car for more than 20 minutes, or from leaving them tied up for more than two hours.  The far reaching and progressive new municipal ordinance also outlaws the use of animals in public shows and their use in films when they may suffer injury, as well as prohibiting their entry into public buildings, the killing pigeons, raffles in which animals are offered as a prize,...

Urban Plan presented for new hotel capacity on the south of Gran Canaria

San Bartolomé de Tirajana is set to grow its tourism capacity over the coming years with a newly presented plan outlining the urban development of lands located on the touristed south of Gran Canaria at Tarajalillo, Meloneras and Santa Águeda. The new General Supplementary Plan, drafted by Gesplan technicians, for the Ministry of Territorial Policy, has been presented before the entire local authorities specifically highlighting these areas in which to increase the amount of accommodation...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 14-16 December 2018

A lovely sunny December weekend ahead across the south as a sunny winter shapes up in the run up to christmas.  14-16 DECEMBER, MOGÁNCHRISTMAS PROGRAM - MOGAN TOWN HALL The Mogán Christmas program runs from December 14 to January 5 and includes various activities and events spread across virtually all neighbourhoods in the municipality. So Arguineguín, Mogán, Motor Grande, Las Filipinas, Barranquillo Andrés, El Horno, Veneguera and Playa de Mogán will all enjoy events...

The primary electoral battle next May will centre on Gran Canaria, with posturing already having begun in the Canary Islands Parliament

Whether you like politics or not, it is the only place you, as a resident, have a real consistent voice in how you are governed on a local and regional level.  It has real effects on your life, everything from building policy, to rubbish collection, to licensing laws, and even how the rules on holiday homes are interpreted, all have a real, every day effect on how locals live their lives. You only have until the end of December to register at your local town hall for...

Mogán Christmas program includes parades, markets and nativity scenes

Mogán have presented their Christmas program and a calendar of events for the municipality in 2019 this week at the Las Marañuelas Training Centre, in Arguineguín.The Christmas program will run from this Friday December 14 to January 5 and will include activities spread across virtually all neighborhoods of the municipality. So Arguineguín, Mogán, Motor Grande, Las Filipinas, Barranquillo Andrés, El Horno, Veneguera and Playa de Mogán will each enjoy events "aimed at the whole...

Dead British girl reportedly argued with her boyfriend before her disappearance on Tenerife

The body of a dead British woman found floating near the Puerto de la Cruz lighthouse, on the neighbouring island of Tenerife, is thought almost certainly to be that of Amy Louise Gerard, an orca trainer employed by Loro Parque who lived in the locality. The Spanish National Police Specialised Violent Crime Unit (Unidad de Delincuencia Especializada y Violenta, UDEV) have opened an investigation trying to reconstruct the final hours of the 28 year old who was last seen alive on...

Sunshine and Saharan Dust for the “Bridge” weekend on Gran Canaria…

This first week of December, marked by two annual national holidays, which this year fall at the end of the week to form what is known as a "bridge" weekend, in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, will be dominated in the Canary Islands by blue skies, an increase of temperatures and the possibility of Saharan sands suspended in the air, known locally as Calima, according to the forecast of the Spanish State Meteorological...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 7-9 December

A warm, beautiful, long December weekend ahead with two bank holidays in rapid succession making it favourable for many locals to enjoy a "puente", long "bridge" weekend break in the run up to Yule time. Expect to see southern beaches with more people from the north than is usual. Thursday is Spanish Constitution Day (Día de la Constitución) and marks the 40th anniversary of a referendum held  on December 6, 1978 to enshrine into law the document that finally converted...

Mogán: €100m of smuggled cocaine seized, 17 members of gang caught red handed in Playa del Cura

National Police have arrested a total of 17 people (including two brothers), in a joint operation with the Customs and Tax Agency, after they landed 2,875 kilos of cocaine on to Playa del Cura, in the southern municipality of Mogán (Gran Canaria). The seizure resulted from an investigation that has lasted a year and a half, and in which officials from Huelva, on the Spanish Peninsula, have participated, as well as agents from the National Police central Drugs and Organised Crime...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 30 Nov-2 Dec 2018

December is here and so it begins. There are markets, Christmas lighting-events, Mogan’s Avocado fair, wine, Christmas markets, gastroevents and much more besides, so pick your favourite because its going to be a busy weekend. You can be pretty sure that every major town will have some event going on during the weekend to celebrate the start of December and the season to be jolly. And if this not enough, there are a few more on The Canary Guide Event Calender for Gran Canaria. FRIDAY 30...

The British ambassador states his support for the exit deal, and future relations with the Canary Islands

The British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, is on a whistle stop tour of The Canary Islands this week as part of a UK foreign office effort to allay fears and shore up support for the "Brexit" deal announced on Sunday, which has yet to gain the approval of the British parliament.  He will be in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria tomorrow to speak to business leaders about the current implications of the deal. Do you have a sensible question for the British Ambassador? click here...

Mogán one of Gran Canaria’s leaders in commitment to the welfare and protection of animals

The Perrera de Mogán, in Motor Grande at the back of Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria, was for a long time in the past just a place to dump stray dogs waiting to be put down or transferred to the the main pound where less than 1/3 the animals who arrived ever left alive. Over the last decade a culture shift has been led by various Animal Protection organisations, with the help of many volunteers, to move the focus away from eradication of stray animals, to their protection...

Mogán tunnel project to re-establish links with Taurito and Playa de Mogán

Mogán town hall, earlier this month, pushed forward a proposal to the Government of the Canary Islands and the Island Council, the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, for the construction of a tunnel between Taurito and Playa de Mogán, given the concern of residents in the municipality who seek safe alternatives to the closure of this section of the GC-500 after landslides that occurred in July and September 2017 which almost cost the life of a mother and her son.  Reports this week suggest...

Ecologists say the Prosecutor’s Office has stressed that the Siam Park developers must pay for the new El Veril roundabout

The Office of the Public Prosecutor has apparently put forward the view that the company owned by the tourism entrepreneurs of the Kiessling family, Loro Park Group, must pay for the execution of the works currently ongoing for the Siam Park roundabout in the south of Gran Canaria, where access to Playa del Inglés from the old national road, GC500, has already been paid by the Maspalomas Gran Canaria Consortium. Roadworks have meant a contraflow system having had to be in place for...

The 33rd edition of the ARC gets underway in perfect cruising rally conditions

Cruisers, racers, and multihulls; sleek ocean racing machines, alongside comfortable family cruisers; superyachts with professional crews, and excited couples living the dream - these were the boats and sailors departing Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on Sunday to start the 33rd Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC).   Bound for the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia, yesterday's departure began an exciting adventure crossing the Atlantic Ocean. For many, it is the culmination of...

Las Palmas Sand Art Nativity begins to take shape -Belén de Arena de Las Canteras –

The Belen de Arena 2018 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, on Las Canteras Beach, is one of the main Christmas references of the city and the island, and has once more begun to come to life. A total of 8 international sculptors have begun modelling the different traditional Christmas scenes so that this artistic project of ephemeral sculpture can begin to receive members of the public from the first weekend of December. The sculptors who participate in the modelling will...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 23-25 November 2018

Despite the rain clouds to end the week, the weekend ahead is looking clear and sunny with plenty to do both outdoors and in. It's one month until you-know-what-mas and Gran Canaria has already had its first Switching on the lights events with many more happening this weekend. In Las Palmas, one of the three main shopping centres, Las Arenas, will have their annual giant tree up in all its full glory, which is always a sight to see. The now famous Sand Art Nativity on Las Canteras...

EC president Juncker cancels visit to the Canary Islands to try to close UKs Brexit negotiations

The president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has cancelled his trip planned for this Thursday and Friday to Gran Canaria, where he was to participate in a summit of outermost regions, so that he can continue in Brussels to wrangle with the UK as they attempt to close their controversial Brexit negotiations. "Due to the many important events [happening] at the moment, the president has decided to cancel his visit to Spain, the president will stay in...

Brit arrested in Playa del Inglés for falsifying a reported crime

Policia Nacional have detained a 62-year-old Brit for having allegedly reported a crime he is suspected of having simulated in order to make an insurance claim. The detainee is accused of making a false complaint, that while he was shopping at a popular shopping centre in the southern Gran Canaria tourist resort, four young men had approached him and beat him up until he lost consciousness. After waking, according to information he submitted to agents, he could see that they had stolen all his...

Gran Canaria launches ten new air routes to reinforce the winter season

The latest report issued by the Spanish airport authority AENA & Gran Canaria Airport has highlighted ten new air routes to reinforce this winter season, following recent additions over the last two weeks. EasyJet started operating a flight to Berlin-Schönefeld, in Germany, from October 30 with a weekly frequency, while Laudamotion, has added two weekly flights to Vienna. On November 1, JetTime launched a route to the Swedish city of Malmö with a weekly flight and on November...

Gran Canaria weather: Blue skies giving way to rain storms which should clear again by the weekend

Tuesday has started with bright blue skies and sunshine over most of Gran Canaria, a welcome break from the close and wet weather of last weekend which brought some spectacular rough seas to the western isles. Spanish State Meteorological Agency, AEMET, forecast a day of transition, weak to moderate rains are expected to reach Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and La Graciosa during the second half of the day, showers which look set to gather strength from the west on Wednesday,...

The Gran Canaria Resident’s Travel Card

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria this month launched the new residents travel card or ‘Bono Residente Canario’ Available to all residents through an online form at a cost of 40 euros per monthly and valid for unlimited use on Globalbus and Municipal Guaguas. Applications can be submitted through the website of the global operator or the Municipal Guaguas site at Gran Canaria Cabildo Councilor for Transport and Mobility, Juan Francisco Trujillo, said in a...

Weekend warnings of rain, wind and waves deliver a blustery Saturday with more on the way

The weekend started with some pretty heavy rain on the south of Gran Canaria, strong gusts coming from the south meant the usually sunny tourist zones got a drenching, with more cloud promised and some more rain into next week, it is fair to say that winter is approaching.  Though of course the sun never hides for long in these parts, still caution is recommended as roads here can get slick very quickly. The day started with yellow advisories, warning of some risk, due to wind and rain...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Granada

      16/11/2018 Las Palmas hosting top of the league Granada. Before tonight's game, LP sit in 6th position 6 points behind the leaders. 10mins and a well worked free kick by the visitors fails to materialise after a weak final shot. 14mins in and LP take their first shot but Tana's effort is well saved. 24mins a powerful shot from Granada from about 35yds out but Raul produces an excellent save. 32mins another good effort from Granada but this time just a bit too high. Then in the 42nd...

Car overturns on GC500 between Patalavaca and Arguineguín

A car overturned this Saturday morning on the GC-500, between Arguineguín and Patalavaca, in the southern Gran Canaria municipality of Mogán, it seems no one was seriously hurt. An SUC ambulance from the Canarian Emergency Services attended the scene along with Guardia Civil and the Local Police.  The roads this morning were slick after the night's rainfall and so this has been suggested as having possible played a part in the accident, although it is not currently clear what actually caused...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 16-18 November 2018

Mid November and unfortunately the weather this weekend is not looking too promising but then it's never long before the sun shines on Gran Canaria... So its good to be aware that, in case of any adverse weather conditions, several events might be cancelled or postponed as a few have already been, though in all likelihood unless there is a major weather warning most happenings will indeed go ahead and happen as planned...  here are some of our highlighted events good for people of all ages and...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 9-11 November 2018

A busy November weekend ahead, with a distinct Autumnal chill in the night time air, down to minimums of around 13ºC, and the next few days promising some clear blue skies, highs of 22-24ºC in the shade, with perhaps a touch of cloud, particularly to the north, which could lead to some rain into early next week. The biggest regional fair in the south is happening in Vecindario this weekend, just 46 days till you-know-when, offering a range of local produce direct from...

The Saint: UD Las Palmas V Deportivo

    3/11/18 Las Palmas take on 3rd place Deportivo. If we win tonight we will go join 3rd. Last week LP let a 2 goal lead slip away at Mallorca , drawing 2-2, so they have slipped to 6th in the league. 10mins and a long ball to Araujo but his first touch let him down. 13mins,LP give away a stupid free kick on the edge of the box but shot went straight into the wall. Good shot by the visitors produce a good save by Raul. 20mins Deportivo hit the bar from a header....

The Market Puerto Rico – High End Sustainable Innovation Aimed at The Environmentally Aware

The Market Puerto Rico, currently under construction in Gran Canaria's popular southern tourist resort, is on a mission to create "a centre involved with its environment, with efficient and sustainable architecture, which responds to a demand for responsible consumption."  They say they want to promote a change in how a shopping centre interacts with its public. A unique concept on Gran Canaria, focused towards fresh, locally and ethically sourced "Slow food" of the highest quality, this 5,600...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 2-4 November 2018

Bright blue skies to end the week, though the national holiday on Thursday threatens the possibility of some Autumnal rains, Gran Canaria looks to have a warm sunny weekend ahead with highs of 25ºC in the shade.  Perfect for a day out to visit some of the roads lesser travelled and some of the exciting events and happenings around the island.A word to the wise, in the south of the island you can expect all sorts of fast cars, road closures and revelling fans lining some of the...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 26-28 October 2018

Well it is already the last weekend of October and it's going to be an interesting one, weather wise... instability is forecast and after heavy storms inundated the archipelago on Thursday, there is probably still more rain coming, though probably less intense. Many joy filled events are also happening  this weekend but remember adverse weather might cause some of the outdoor ones to be cancelled or postponed.  That said, Gran Canarians are a hardy bunch, and so most are likely to go ahead....

Cabildo announce changes to reduce massive traffic jams caused by GC1 daytime resurfacing work

It was announced yesterday that in order to avoid the continued long delays and inconvenience to drivers during the busiest hours at the end of the working day, resurfacing work of the GC-1 between Arguineguín and Pasito Blanco will now finish at 5:00 p.m. The vice president of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and public works councilor, Mr Ángel Víctor Torres, has explained that the highway will now be operational at those times, given that between 16:00 and 19:00 traffic...

Gran Canaria Weather: Autumn is here. Rain, rain rain forecast!

Cloudy skies ahead with a wet weather front approaching from the west bringing probable squalls, potentially strong on the southern half of the island, and throughout inland areas, and they may be accompanied by occasional stormy weather, according to Spanish Meteorological Agency AEMET, particularly from midday and throughout the afternoon on Wednesday. Likely too to be warming up towards end of the day, with maximum temperatures increasing, and humidity likely to...

The Saint: Las Palmas v Numancia

  20/10/18 After a disappointing defeat at Almeria last weekend, losing 3-0 , Las Palmas need to get back to winning ways if they want to stay in the promotion race.  This is a special home game for Las Palmas who have chosen this year to support the raising of funds and awareness for International Breast Cancer Day (the day prior, 19 Oct) by encouraging all their fans to wear pink, selling special commemorative "pink ribbon" t-shirts and playing in their own official pink kit from...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 19-21 October 2018

An exciting October weekend ahead. Unpredictable weather with clouds and rain predicted in many places around the island and at the same time marvellous events are planned throughout the weekend. Here are few of our selected highlights... 19-20 OCTOBER, GÁLDAR FRONTON KING FESTIVAL The international bodyboard championship that has been held every year, on what is considered one of the best waves in all the world: El Frontón, in the Municipality of Gáldar runs for two...

A dog park for Arguineguín, the first of its kind in the Mogán area

The southern seaside town Arguineguín, in municipality of Mogán, is going the get its first ever dog park. The new leisure area for canines will boast 500 square meters of space for canine recreation and will be located in Calle Damascus. The park is to be equipped with play areas and water points as well as with shaded areas for which the town hall took advantage of some of the trees that had had to be removed from the plot where the construction work of the future...

Two suspected theives arrested after stealing documents and car from Playa del Águila

National Police have detained two men, the first aged 38 and with 15 prior police records and the second aged 51 with 69 previous records, as alleged perpetrators of a burglary at an apartment in Playa del Águila, on the South-southeast coast of Gran Canaria. In a Police statement they explained that the investigation began after a man reported that on the morning of September 28 he had noticed that his wallet, which contained cash, bank cards and personal...

Resurfacing of the GC-1 between Pasito Blanco and Arguineguín starts Monday

You might have noticed there is a lot getting done recently, by way of maintenance and development of new facilities.  All necessary work, for sure, but as next year is a major local elections year, you can expect a lot of extra improvements occurring quite prominently.  One of the main ones this autumn is the resurfacing of the main southern highway, which is liable to cause a few inconveniences over the next couple of weeks.  The Cabildo de Gran Canaria begins this Monday,...

“Zombie” Hurricane Leslie really unlikely to hit The Canary Islands… but she could…

The Atlantic storm that just won't die looks set to meet its final end over this weekend after weeks of aimlessly meandering around the warm waters of the mid-atlantic.  Having first formed on Sept 23, Leslie gained full Tropical Storm status on Sept 29 accompanied by the usual doom chorus of calls to batten down the hatches every where from John o' Groats to Cabo Verde, as she gathered force to hurricane strength it seemed at times that the entirety of Western Europe was on alert...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 12-14 October 2018

This week saw a few cloudy and rainy days across various parts of Gran Canaria. The weather prediction for Sunday and start of the next week is still unclear with the left overs of the Hurricane "Leslie" lurking there in the mid-atlantic, with a promise of some wind, rain and stormy seas out to the west of us. The next few days however will give us a little more certainty for a weekend of sunshine and blue skies, with the odd cloud possible and becoming more probable as we head...

October Print Edition Online

For those who haven't yet managed to grab a copy, or our readers from beyond Gran Canaria, please take a look at our electronic edition for October in various forms.  We will be updating our electronic subscriptions soon, so that anyone looking to receive first look copies, or hard copies can do so more easily. Thank you everyone who has been reading online and for those communicating with us through our Messenger subscriptions service, your feedback is invaluable. Any comments or...

34 detained in the south for the sale of counterfeit goods

Agents of the Policia Nacional have detained a total of 34 people for the sale of counterfeit goods in shops located in Playa del Inglés, in the southern tourist municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana. Specifically, 27 men and 7 women between the ages of 20 and 63 years of age, many of them already with prior police records for similar contraventions, were detained as the alleged perpetrators of crimes against industrial property. For the detention, the agents made 17 reports in...

54 earth tremors detected between Tenerife and Gran Canaria, though nothing to fear

More than 54 earthquakes were detected in the marine fault zone separating Tenerife and Gran Canaria, between Sunday morning and early Monday morning. Starting from 12:23 on Sunday, October 7, 2018 until 07:00 Monday, October 8, 2018, the Canary Seismic Network detected a seismic swarm between the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, of which 54 small magnitude earthquakes were located at depths of  between 10 and 20 km below the earth's crust. The largest recorded...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Alcorcón

  6/10/18 Las Palmas looking to get back to winning ways, after their first defeat of the season last weekend away to Sporting Gijon. This should be a close game as Alcorcón have the same points as LP but sit one place behind them, in 4th place. Tonight's visitors are based from just north of Madrid. Good start by the home team, as they win a corner in the first 2mins and from it Garcia should have done better at the far post. Another couple of good chances arrive, but both times...

Gran Canaria Weather: Grey skies and some rain across the island, sunshine again by Friday…

Cloudy skies dominate throughout the Canary Islands this Tuesday morning with occasional showers likely across the archipelago,  according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency, as the very tail end of several Atlantic storm systems lash across the islands this week.  The sun looks set to return, however, by the end of the week. Temperatures were unusually warm yesterday ahead of the rains, but will now see a slight decrease, more pronounced in the...

5th Caminata Maspalomas Contra el cancer unites hundreds in solidarity once more

The 5th Caminata Maspalomas Contra el cancer brought together people of all ages and nationalities on Saturday October 6th to recognise the start of International Breast cancer awareness month.  The local town hall of San Bartolomé de Tirajana estimated  more than 400 people in attendance, including many families, and individuals affected directly or indirectly by cancer. Mayor Marco Aurelio Perez, along with several of the highest ranking members of his council once more attended the event,...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 5-7 October 2018

It's the first weekend of October and the weather forecasts promise warm days ahead but the beginning of next week could be a little more unstable weather wise, so enjoy the weekend! Many amazing events happening around the island to go and see including Musik, Oktoberfest, Crab fest, the Honey fair and many others. Here are our top picks for this weekend ! FRIDAY 5 OCTOBER, LAS PALMAS  LOS40A new edition of the music event "Los40" in the capital of Gran Canaria. On Friday from 20:00 a free...

GC1 motorway closures coming later this month (between the 15th and 26th October)

IMPORTANT NOTICE - The GC-1 main southern highway is set to see closures as of October 15 between 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. until completion of the rehabilitation works between Arguineguín and Pasito Blanco.   ➡️ Southbound toward Mogán from the Pasito Blanco link road to Arguineguín.   · Diversion: via  Pasito Blanco link to the GC-500, exiting by Arguineguín.   · Estimated duration 5 days: from October 15 to 19 inclusive   ➡️ Northbound toward Las Palmas from the Arguineguín link road to the...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Malaga

      23/9/18 Really looking forward to this game as both teams are unbeaten but Malaga having won all 5 games and are top of the league with LP in 2nd. Hope the weather won't spoil it as at kickoff, it's 87f !! (that's 30.5ºC in new money) 2mins in and Malaga have a 1/2 chance but a good save by Raul in the home goal. Another chance for the away side follows 10mins in with a long range free kick but again a good save. LP's first attempt on 14min but the long range shot is well over....

Weather: Gran Canaria expecting higher than average temperatures in the shade, with some Saharan dust in the air

To the north of the island this Sunday, below about 600 meters, some cloudiness tending to clear from noon; elsewhere mainly clear, according to Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET. Inland areas are expected to see increases in temperatures as are the coasts with moderate rises inland, particularly on slopes oriented to the south and west, where it is probable that 34 ºC or higher could be reached locally in the shade. Some Calima looks set to bring Saharan sands and dust to hang in the...

The Cabildo agrees purchase of private land in Guguy (GüiGüí) biosphere reserve

Some may remember reports at the beginning of this year of a real estate broker in china advertising a large property (3m square meters) in the natural bioshpere reserve of GuyGuy (or GüiGüí as media & marketing types and the Las Palmas hipsters like to spell it) as having sparked panic among the Gran Canaria officialdom, as the threat of a Chinese millionaire suddenly taking ownership of one of the most important natural reserves on the island led many to fear the unthinkable.... that a...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 21-23 September 2018

A warm September weekend ahead on Gran Canaria,  according to the latest weather forecast by AEMET, the Spanish state meteorological agency. Many splendid events happening this weekend including Agaete Chill out and Tropical beer fest event in Las Palmas among many others.    21-23 SEPTEMBER, LAS PALMAS EL TROPICAL FEST Santa Catalina Park hosts the Tropical Fest 2018 this weekend. Concerts, DJs, gastronomy, an exhibition of motorcycles and the best national and international beers...

Newsbrief: 27 minors identified during an inspection of a discotheque in Playa del Inglés

Agents of the Policia Nacional, in collaboration with agents of the Policia Local of San Bartolomé de Tirajana and Labor Inspector,  carried out an inspection on Saturday 8 September at a disco in Playa del Inglés, in the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, where 27 minors were identified inside the establishment, of which the majority were consuming alcohol, while seven of them were directed to a hidden exit by one of the employees to evade the agents. In addition, the agents were able...

A highway worker killed in the tunnel of the new La Aldea road

A Public Works and Infrastructures Highway Service employee of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, who has been named as 45 year old Juan Román PM, died on Tuesday just before noon when he was run over in one of the tunnels of the new road from La Aldea de San Nicolás. It is the first reported death on the new stretch of road since the it was opened in April 2017. The operator was working inside a tunnel,  when he was run over by a driver, aged between 70 and 80 years old, and...

British man injured in Taurito

A 25 year old British man was injured last night on a public highway near a hotel in the tourist resort valley of Playa de Taurito, in the southern Gran Canaria municipality of Mogán, according to reports from the 112 Coordinating Centre for Emergencies and Security (CECOES 1-1-2) . The event took place at 03.01 this Wednesday morning, September 19. The victim needed the assistance of medical teams from the Canarian Emergency Service (SUC) after suffering severe...

Crazy car crash in front of shopping center Puerto Rico: Caught on Camera!

A car rolled over on the main roundabout in the centre of popular Mogán tourist resort Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria, this afternoon.  It is not yet clear if anyone was hurt. This exclusive picture sent to us just after 3pm on Friday afternoon shows a "Puerto Rico" branded vehicle having suffered an accident leaving the car on its side and facing the wrong way on the roundabout in front of the big screen at the Shopping Center Puerto Rico. Though emergency services were yet to...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 14-16 September 2018

With a touch of Saharan dust still hanging in the air over Gran Canaria as we head into the weekend, there are a multitude of FREE and must-see events happening around the island for you to go and enjoy and here are just a few of our hand picked highlights for the warm few days September ahead. 14-16 SEPTEMBER, VEGA DE SAN MATEO Fiestas Patronales en honor al Apóstol de San Mateo Patron Saint festivities in San Mateo. On Friday at 20:00 a drag queen gala will be held at Plaza del Mercado -...

Turbulent Atlantic storms suck Saharan sands out over Canary Islands

The Canary Islands were taken by surprise today with a sudden Calima that does not seem to have been predicted by many. Based on the satellite imagery it seems that the three major storm systems in the mid and west Atlantic ocean have pulled a large amount of dust from the Saharan Desert, suspended in the air, out to sea, leaving low visibility throughout the archipelago. The model from suggests it could well stay with us until the end of the week. A "Pre-Alert" was only emitted at...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Gimnàstic de Tarragona (Nástic)

  07/09/18 Las Palmas host 3rd-from-bottom Nástic looking to continue their unbeaten start to the season but looking to get 3 points tonight rather than another draw. A slow start to the game, with both sides passing sound in midfield. LP win the first corner after just 11mins. On 26 mins a good move down the left from the home side finally getting in behind the Nástic defence but the cross is cleared for a corner. 28 mins and the stadium wakes up. A long ball over the top and Castro is in, he...

The Parque Sur Maspalomas closes completely between 10-16 September

The Southern Urban Park, Parque Sur Maspalomas, will be temporarily closed from Monday, September 10 to Sunday, September 16, both days inclusive, due to scheduled maintenance works. The largest municipal urban leisure installation in the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana has been required by the town hall to close for one week as a preventive and security measure, as important refurbishment works have been planned to improve the interior of the site. The park, built two decades ago,...

Gran Canaria tourism allocates €5m to Dunes, Lighthouse, and Tony Gallardo park

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria have announced €5m to recover important southern enclaves such as the Dunes of Maspalomas, the Faro de Maspalomas lighthouse and the little known Tony Gallardo Park, as well as to assist in the permanent installation of Cirque du Soleil in the south and to help expedite the much maligned Siam Park waterpark project, with the aim of adding its institutional weight to the works already undertaken by the private sector to help achieve a high quality offer for tourism,...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 7-9 September 2018

It's a grand weekend ahead and over days that follow with two of the most popular traditional annual celebrations on Gran Canaria. Exceptionally, this edition of weekend tips continues on until 11 September due the famous patronal festivities in La Aldea having 3 main days of celebrations, including the rather epic spectacle of El Charco. Saturday. 8 September is also a bank holiday on Gran Canaria, so most non-tourism oriented shops will be closed to celebrate the...

Performing animal attraction says it is “completely impossible” to free orcas into the sea

Loro Parque, on Tenerife, are one of a dwindling number of tourism attractions around the world that profit from the exhibition of performing captive animals, and who maintain their activities through breeding programs.  Many of their animals are forced/trained to perform unnatural "tricks" for the public, so as to receive food, in some places punished for not performing "correctly" and kept in cramped conditions that are distinct and very much smaller than their natural habitats. ...

Canaries President applauds new car park project in Arguineguín

The President of the Canary Islands Government, Fernando Clavijo , yesterday spoke of a "smart future commitment" from the Mogán Townhall, in Arguineguín, as the construction of a public car park was begun that will provide 486 extra parking spaces for the area, and a covered public square with services for young people and the educational community. While laying the first stone, a ceremony attended by municipal and business representatives of the town, along with numerous...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 31 August – 2 Sept

September is here and there a full weekend of activities lies ahead, with various events and fairs to go and see. We highlight here Maspalomas Music Festival, Wine, mangoes and avocados on offer in Mogán, some Patron Saint festivities in Teror, clowns in Valsequillo, a cattle fair in Tejeda among other events for this first weekend in September edition of The Canary Guide Weekend Tips . FRIDAY 31 AUGUST, MOGÁN NOCHE DE VINOS A wine night is planned in Playa Mogán on Friday in...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Albacete

  26/8/18 A lovely warm summer evening here in Las Palmas, and a great night to watch football. After a good performance last weekend , the home fans hope we can get another win and remain top of the league. The match starts with bit of early pressure from the away team but LP produce the first shot of the match however Tana's effort is high and wide. On 8mins ball played into the box by LP to Castro but he was stretching for it and the keeper makes the save. On 11mins, Castro again goes close...

Spanish statute to recognise Canarian Waters around archipelago

The Constitutional Commission of Congress, in the Spanish Parliament, gave its approval, at the end of last month, to a new statute that is about to make the Canary Islands legally the first Spanish autonomous community with its own recognised sea, something that has always been outside the delimitation of autonomous regional responsibility, including those regions formed by islands. "The spatial scope of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands comprises the Canary...

Heat advisory for the south west of Gran Canaria this Friday…

? The municipality of Mogán have declared a Health Warning Level 1 (yellow) due to high temperatures tomorrow, August 24. This means that the maximum temperatures will exceed 32ºC and the minimum temperatures will not fall below 24º. The General Directorate of Public Health recommends: · Drink plenty of water or liquids without waiting to feel thirsty, unless there is a medical reason not to. Avoid alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea or cola and very sugary drinks. · Avoid sun bathing during the...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 24-26 August 2018

A hot August weekend ahead and many summer events are going on around the island. Recommended places to visit are Teror and Agaete during this weekend, and these are some of the many highlights...   23-26 AUGUST, AGAETE FIESTAS DE LAS NIEVES - BIOAGAETE CULTURAL SOLIDARIO The Festival Bio@gaete Cultural Solidario, was conceived with the ultimate goal of helping those who need it most, thanks to the collaboration of all participants. Each year, several causes are proposed, among which one...

New season of The Saint: Las Palmas V Reus 

    19/8/18 Attendance 12.408 After the disappointment of relegation last season, we have seen much movement among players and management. New manager Manolo Jimenez comes in from AEK Athens. Most of his playing career was with Sevilla where he went on to manage the team as well. He also made 15 appearance for Spain's national team. One of the club's biggest new signings has been Gran Canaria born striker Ruben Castro back to LP after 14 years away, this much-travelled forward has played for...

Canary Islands Government support for organic production

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Water of the Government of the Canary Islands have published a plan for new assistance for organic production within the Rural Development Program of the Canary Islands (PDR) 2014-2020 that seeks accommodate all organic farmers and ranchers across the archipelago that meet the requirements established in the base guidelines, it was announced this summer. This sub-sector may receive up to €3.8 million euros over five years due to the two...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 17-19 August 2018

Middle of August already... and its full-on summer time on Gran Canaria. Weather prediction looks perfect on the south and the north will be little less stable, but as warm as warm can be. Many are events happening over the weekend to go and explore and what's most exciting, so many of them are absolutely for free. 17-18 AUGUST, MELENARA, TELDE  FIESTAS DE MELENARA 17-26 AUGUST  The north east seaside neighborhood of Melenara in Telde, are celebrating their annual...


More than a year has passed since the old coastal road between Puerto de Mogán and Taurito was closed due to a rock fall.  This important highway was not only enjoyed tourists who visited Mogán, amazed by the high cliffs and the view out to sea, but it was also for many a necessary route for workers travelling to the tourist areas of Puerto Rico, Tauro, Taurito and Arguineguín. Many, some say thousands of, resident workers from the neighbourhoods of Playa and Pueblo de Mogán, Veneguera,...

Gran Canaria Weather: Hot desert air meets a humid storm front likely to bring thunder and lightening

Temperatures on Gran Canaria, this Sunday, have risen suddenly as warm desert air has blown in a thick wash of Saharan dust from the African continent east of us, which has in turn met a storm front coming in off the north Atlantic covering the western canary islands archipelago and likely to bring thunder and lightening over the next couple of days, particularly to Tenerife.  As the two fronts collide so we have dust warnings coming from the east and storm warnings to the west,...

A cyclist tragically dies on the GC-505 road to Soria after head on collision

A cyclist has tragically died after going over the hood of an oncoming car, in a traffic accident on Gran Canaria's GC-505 road to Soria, in municipality of Mogán. The accident happened around 6:00pm on Friday evening just beyond the Km16 marker on the road popular with resident and visitor cycling enthusiast. The 63 year old man, as reported by witnesses at the scene, appears to have been hit while travelling down hill, possibly at speed, on one of the more winding sections of the road,...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 10-12 August

Another perfect summer weekend ahead on Gran Canaria. Plenty of events happening around the island to go and explore. This weekend you can also enjoy the best meteor shower of the year. The Perseid shower peak this weekend, promising dazzling views for all you sky watchers in dark areas, so find once of the many places without light pollution and let your eyes get used to the dark to enjoy a magical light show. 10-12 AUGUST, MASPALOMAS XI FERIA DE ARTESANÍA FARO DE MASPALOMAS The 11th edition...

Gran Canaria Weather: Yellow heat warnings in effect for at least first part of the week

Some cloud this Monday morning in the north below about 400 meters, skies clear in the south but with Calima dust evident. Temperatures rising in mid to high altitude areas, mainly during the second half of the day. Temperatures more pronounced on the east and southeast slopes, with in-the-shade temperatures ​​that will exceed 36ºC particularly inland and mid altitude areas facing towards the south, however 38ºC+ has not been ruled out. Yellow advisory heat warnings are in place,...

“Apañadas” managed to remove 43 goats from the Güigüí Special Nature Reserve in a month

Roundup maneuvers in West Gran Canaria's Güigüí natural reserve, to remove feral livestock, have resulted in the removal of 43 goats over the last month, a figure that, added to the rest of the actions throughout the year, show a total of 95 wild goats removed from this protected natural space since September 2017, to add to more than one hundred feral goats of which the cabildo it is aware, but were not listed in the official count. In March of this year the shepherds...

The Cabildo updates official adoption procedures at Gran Canaria’s main animal shelter

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria has launched a new official adoption system for the main Island Animal Shelter this summer, that includes a digital platform enabling those interested in rescuing abandoned animals to find out more about those available and facilitating better telematic management of appointments, a measure that favours adoptions, streamlines procedures and regulates the flow of people through the animals' living quarters. This new adoptions system is based on an...

Livestock farm owner detained for animal abuse and possession of a machine gun

The Guardia Civil recently detained the owner of a livestock farm on Gran Canaria for alleged animal abuse, after they located several corpses of animals on his farm, goats thrown into a ditch, as well as several dogs suffering with open wounds. The detainee, who has a prior police record for similar crimes, was also in possession of an old machine gun, of some historical value, and so he has also been accused of illegal possession of weapons. The arrest took place on...

The new “Mogán Mall” in Puerto Rico to open Autumn 2019

The "Mogán mall" new shopping center is currently on course to open in the autumn of 2019 with 144 stores among them fashion stores and accessories, as well as beauty and catering businesses and a major new Hiperdino. With some €38 million invested by partners Fund Grube group, the company Canfoto and lead investor Amid Achi's group; the new "Mogán mall"  will be an open air facility taking advantage of the extraordinary climate in the southern municipality. The plot where the old...

Hospital San Roque Maspalomas launches 24 hour Pediatric Emergency Service

The president of San Roque Hospitals, Mario Rodriguez,  the corporate director of Development and Hospital San Roque Maspalomas manager Sebastian Sansó, last Friday presented the operational start of their new 24 hour pediatric emergency service. From Wednesday August 1, at 08:00 hours, the service was launched with public assistance coverage for all children between 0 and 14 years old, as part of the assistance agreement with the Canary Islands Health Service. The implementation of this...

Mountain fire brought under control between Cazadores and La Pasadilla

Emergency services of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria managed yesterday to bring a fire declared in morning, Thursday 2 August,  in the Barranco del Moreno, under control in the mountain area of Cazadores - La Pasadilla, which in the end affected some 2.5 hectares of pasture land, scrub ground and fruit trees. The Cecopin Operations Centre for Insular Coordination received an alert from the CECOES 112 Emergency Services Coordination Centre at 7:23 on  Thursday morning, at which time a fire...

Belgian tourist survives fall from 9th floor of Anfi del Mar

A man who fell from the ninth floor of the Anfi del mar timeshare hotel on Tuesday morning has miraculously survived.  The 21 year old Belgian tourist, it seems, accidentally fell from his room in the tourism establishment and dropped 30 meters. In the first instance he was assisted by staff at the establishment who did not believe that, after such a hard impact, that he could still be conscious. Luckily the impact from his fall was lessened by his hitting the roof of a...

Masdunas plan to move 60,000 m3 of sand from Maspalomas to Playa del Inglés

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria has undertaken an ambitious plan for the environmental restoration of the Maspalomas dunes system, the first of its kind ever in the world undertaken on arid dunes, the objective is to avoid the gradual disappearance of the dunes by moving up to 60,000 cubic meters of sand and installing artificial collectors, among other measures. The Masdunas project has a budget of €1,155,000, the Cabildo aims to halt the continual loss of sand and to...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 3-5 August 2018

The long hot August is here and as it's also the first weekend of the month, a busy summer weekend ahead with a bundle of events happening all around the island. Not even going to comment about the weather ....but it's looking marvelous as ever. Friday 3 August, Arguineguín, Mogán Noche de Vinos  What better way to spend your Friday night than with good company, some wine and music.  The Night of Wines and Tapas will have the participation of wineries of Gran Canaria,...

Bodegas Tunte obtains two more Gold and a Silver Medal at the World Extreme Wine Competition in Italy

Multi-award winning local wine brand Bodegas Tunte have obtained three more awards of real merit, this time at the World Extreme Wine Competition held in Italy, with two Gold Medals for their exquisite Oro Blanco and sweet Valara wines and a Silver medal for their highly acclaimed Berode. This oenological contest is reserved only for wines produced in mountain regions or from so-called heroic crops, that is, those grown on terraces or terrains with a more than 30 percent incline, an altitude...

Newsbrief: Suspected Gran Canaria fake holiday homes ad swindler arrested

Guardia Civil in Puerto Rico (Mogán), on the south west of Gran Canaria, together with the Territorial Teams of the Judicial Police of Puerto Rico and Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura), have arrested a 28-year-old woman, with prior history of crimes against property, as the alleged perpetrator of a scam using fake ads for holiday houses on the internet. The detention came after a complaint was lodged back in February by an injured party who reported that, after having seen an advertisement...

Cabildo de Gran Canaria to invest €600,000 in Mogán tourist infrastructures

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria are to invest €600,000 in the rehabilitation and modernisation of tourist infrastructures in Mogán, after signing an agreement with the  tourist municipality that includes the execution of five major projects in Playa de Mogán, Patalavaca, Puerto Rico and the Mirador de El Mulato, reports the Cabildo de Gran Canaria's Minister of Tourism, Inés Jiménez. The objective is to increase the quality of services that the island offers tourists through the renovation,...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 27-29 July 2018

A jam packed last weekend of July ahead. The weather perfect,  a total eclipse of the full moon and many wonderful events happening around Gran Canaria. On Friday 27 July, the maximum eclipse, visible from Gran Canaria, will occur at 21:21, as our planet crosses closest to the centre of our nearest satellite when she is close to horizon, so make sure you have a free line of sight toward the East-southeast. 27-29 JULY, SAN AGUSTIN, STB  MASPALOMAS COSTA CANARIA SOUL...

More Tauro controversy as “bullying” heavies deployed by Anfi to tear down shanty homes

Apparently it is now perfectly acceptable on Gran Canaria to fly in a private "security" outfit to intimidate people out of their homes before you knock them down without due process or oversight. The luxury timeshare holiday club Anfi have, it seems, contracted a controversial "security" organisation to enforce demolition of shanty homes located on its land on the Tauro coast, despite there being no court judgement or any other hearings that would appear to have permitted such an action...

Summer events : Maspalomas Costa Canaria Soul Festival

This coming weekend the fourth edition of Maspalomas Costa Canaria Soul Festival, will be held from July 27 to 29 down on the San Agustín beachfront, in the touristed southern municipality of San Bartolome de Tirajana. This soulful event has been consolidated, in its own right, as one of the most important summer music events in the Canary Islands. Thousands of spectators attend every year, since it’s auspicious beginnings in 2015, to become a wildly popular, free and family friendly event....

Gran Canaria Super-Bug Zombie Apocalypse: Ludicrous British tabloid press claims

On June 28th the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) reported that a "cluster" of cases had been brought to their attention between January and April of 2018 with regard to patients found to be carrying a particular bug known as Klebsiella pneumoniae ST392 in holiday makers all known to have previously travelled to Gran Canaria in the last year.  They produced a report to help medical professionals understand any potential "threat" as the strain may be antibiotic resistant....

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 20-22 July 2018

Another amazing super hot July summer weekend ahead. Plenty of events happening around the island. Weather prediction looks promising for the south. as per... There are multiple celebrations going in honour of the Virgen del Carmen, the patron saint of Sailors and fishermen, including in Mogán, Telde & Las Palmas. 20-22 JULY, PLAYA DE MOGAN  FIESTAS DEL CARMEN  The Del Carmen Festivities, for the patron of sailors, continue in Playa de Mogán until 29 July. You can check our full article...

Ryanair cancels 400 flights in Spain leaving 50,000 passengers to either find an alternative or demand a refund

Ryanair today announced cancellations on 288 flight routes across Europe ahead of the announced TCP cabin crew strikes called in Spain, Belgium and Portugal to demand official recognition for their unions, set for this coming July 25 and 26. In total 400 flights in Spain will be canceled, 24% of the total they fly daily, which will affect up to 50,000 passengers who had planned to travel to or from Spain on either of those two days, according to the Irish low cost...

Incoming Calima raises temperatures on Gran Canaria

The Spanish State Meteorological Agency has warned that Wednesday will see hot desert winds blowing Saharan Dust, known locally as Calima, over the islands and likely to raise temperatures across Gran Canaria. The report predicts some cloudy skies to the north of the easternmost islands in the archipelago, clearing in the afternoon, and a trend toward clear skies, if a little reduced in visibility due to particulate dust suspended in the air. The winds will blow from...

75% travel discounts for all Canary Islands residents are here!

The President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, began a round of meetings with officials last week from the different airlines that operate routes between the Canary Islands and the Peninsula. The objective of these meetings, which began with the president of Iberia Express, Fernando Candela, were to confirm the application of 75% discounts off air tickets for Canarian residents following the agreement signed with the Minister of Development,...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 13-15 July 2018

With the hottest week of the year so far now behind us, this weekend looks likely to bring some relief with temperatures dropping back to a lovely summery 27-29º C in the shade. There are any popular events occurring this weekend so get ready for a busy start to the Summer here on Gran Canaria... 13-16 JULY, ARGUINEGUIN, MOGÁN FIESTAS DEL CARMEN  ...and its the BIG weekend ahead in Arguineguín, and worth noting that the festivities will continue until Monday throughout...

Gran Canaria hotel cleaner arrested for stealing watches, jewelry and money from at least two rooms

The Civil Guard at the Main Post of Puerto Rico -Mogán (Gran Canaria) detained a hotel maid on the south of the island last July 5 accused of two crimes of robbery with force, having used a false key to enter two rooms and steal €300, watches and jewelry worth 2,400 pounds sterling. In a statement, the "Benemérita" (Guardia Civil) explained that the investigation began in the middle of last year, 2017, in collaboration with the hotel after there had been several reports of theft from inside...

Events : Open air free Summer movies by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria is once more hosting, now for the third time, the Summer Island Cinema series 'Cine de una Isla de Verano', organized by the Cabildo, through the Gran Canaria Espacio Digital. Movies may well be in Spanish but this is a great opportunity to catch up, learn and just enjoy some well chosen movies to be shown in the open air in beautiful locations around the island and all completely free.   TOC TOC Spain, 2017. Director: Vicente Villanueva.Screenplay: Vicente Villanueva. Cast:...

Gran Canaria Cabildo trains police and environmental agents in the fight against animal abuse

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria have this month gathered various bodies and security forces involved in the fight against animal abuse in the first Technical Conference on Animal Abuse. The gathering aimed to improve the training of agents in the face of an increase in complaints about this type of criminal behaviour, derived in large part by an increase in social sensitivity over recent years, that is to say reports of animal abuse have significantly increased at least in part because citizen's...

Gran Canaria president stresses importance of Siam Park project and finding solutions

The president of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Don Antonio Morales, said yesterday that the roadworks undertaken by the Maspalomas Tourist Consortium, to create a roundabout at El Veril, comply with current legislation and he downplayed the latest investigation started the Office of the Environment and Urban Planning, following a new complaint from the environmental group Turcón, who recently failed in their attempts to have a court stop work at the site. Morales, who also currently...

Six men detained for selling fashion counterfeits in Playa del Inglés

Policia Nacional have detained six men in the touristed southern municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana between the ages of 20 and 68, three Spanish and another three Moroccan, several of them with previous police records, for alleged crimes against intellectual industrial property. The arrested men were found to be selling leading brand name counterfeit articles, mainly to foreign tourists. Six searches were carried out in commercial premises across the south of...

Weather Warnings for high temperatures across Gran Canaria to start the week

We can expect a hot start to the week on Gran Canaria, according to forecasts from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET, with temperatures across the archipelago mainly expected to exceed 30º C and could get as high as 38º in the shade on Gran Canaria, where a yellow advisory warning has been issued and a state of alert declared for high temperatures by the Government of the Canary Islands. The alert was activated at 8.00 am this morning by the General...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 6-8 July 2018

It's a hot hot hot July weekend ahead with the first of the true summer heatwaves hitting the archipelago. This weekend there are excellent options and varied events to go, see and experience. In particular on the south of the island there is the festivities in honour of our lady del Carmen, patron saint of sailors, there is a mud party, free performances, a big pets fair, a summer night party as well as markets to offer all sorts of local produce for the coming weekend on Gran Canaria....

Siam Park II saga unravels once more – Pause: Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…!

The Loro Parque group last week publicly denounced a new administrative obstruction in their Siam Park II project in El Veril, beside the popular tourist resort area of Playa del Inglés; this time, they say, caused by the San Bartolomé de Tirajana Town Hall. Apparently referring to an unexpected demand for more than €1m in unexpected urban charges. The company now calculate that the long overdue and much maligned water park project on the south of Gran Canaria will not be opened...

The new Arguineguín car park project is moving forward

Mogán town hall have approved the proposal to award the contract for about 6.9 million euros, to build a car park in Arguineguín. The proposal was approved with votes in favor from the main governing group (CIUCA-PSOE). Partido Popular (PP) abstained, and Nueva Canarias voted against. The company OPROLER, OBRAS Y PROYECTOS, S.L.U is the proposed contractor for the work in Arguineguín for a budget of €6,969,907.98 - IGIC included -. The company is to commit to guarantee the work within a period...

Fiestas del Carmen 6-29 July 2018: Arguineguín and Playa de Mogán celebrate

The Fiestas del Carmen 2018 program includes a wide variety of religious, traditional, cultural and festive events for everyone. Aquatics, sports, youth and children's activities, traditional games, concerts, even the now traditional "lowering of the branch" a ritual offering dating back to pre-christian conquest, and of course the main "Romería" pilgrimage processions; all topped off by the annual highlight of maritime processions between Arguineguín and Puerto de...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 29.6 – 1.7. 2018

A busy first weekend in July ahead with many events worth a visit happening around the island. A major running event is happening around Arguineguín on Friday and Saturday. There's Beach Rugby in Playa del Inglés. As with every first weekend of the month, Triana in Las Palmas is open for business on Sunday with extra special activities and the island's network of museums open their doors for free visits, so perhaps the perfect opportunity to take in a little culture and history. The weather is...

1,850 kilos of cocaine intercepted near the Canary Islands

Policia Nacional intercepted a sailboat in waters near the Canary Islands transporting approximately 1,850 kilos of cocaine, in a joint operation with customs officials. Three crew members were arrested, an English national and two French. The operation, called 'GRU', began in 2015 when Customs Surveillance by the Spanish Tax Agency and National Police initiated investigations into a criminal organisation dedicated to the trafficking of narcotics by sea using sailboats....

World´s first self-erecting marine wind turbine arrives in Jínamar, in view of the capital Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

It travelled through the night at just over one knot, begins the unassuming report in Spanish language daily La Provincia, and by 6.50 am on Thursday morning, even before dawn, it reached its final destination at the PLOCAN Canary Islands Oceanic Platform, in the Jinámar bay at the southern entry point to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, beside the GC-1 main motorway. One more iconic structure heralding the capital's imminence, this time an experimental wind turbine built...

Regional High Court rules in favour of new Water Park development in Playa del Inglés

The Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands (TSJC) have endorsed authorisations granted for the construction of the new Siam Park Gran Canaria water park in the El Veril basin, between the GC1 motorway and Playa del Inglés, in the southern municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana. The TSJC announced that the Chamber confirms the order of Court number 4 on October 23, 2017 that rejected a request from the collective Turcon-Ecologists in Action to suspend...

Gran Canaria’s Tamadaba Sky Walker goes viral over Agaete

A video of tight rope walking dare devil and acrobat, Kevin Vega, crossing a Tamadaba ravine, in the ancient north west mountains of Gran Canaria, with a panoramic view of the port town of Agaete in the background, has seemingly gone viral. The slackline walker directly challenges the forces of nature as he crosses the expanse, using little more than a "slackline" and a simple harness at the top of the Tamadaba Natural Park, more than 500 meters above sea level. In the background you can...

Dead fish washing ashore in Playa del Inglés

Dozens of dead fish washed up on the coast of Playa del Inglés this Thursday, in the southern municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana. Around noon, several bathers reported that dead fish had appeared without explanation on the seashore, near kiosk number seven, towards the Punta de Maspalomas , . After inspecting the beach, Local Police found more than sixty dead fisch.  Councilman for Beaches and Care of the Coast, José Carlos Álamo, explained that they were a kind of fish that fishermen...

The Canary Guide “San Juan” Weekend Tips 22-24 June 2018

It's San Juan, one of the biggest celebration weekends on Gran Canaria and throughout Spain, and that entails many traditional fiestas, midnight dips in the sea and various rituals with bonfires and fireworks. Every municipality and neighbourhood is likely to have their own bonfire, as this year there is no fire alert, unlike last year, but there are strict rules to be followed. Saturday  23 June, Santa Maria de Guía  I Fiesta de la Cerveza Canaria  The ancient northern...

The Canary Guide events : Vintage cars in Teror

The beautiful mountain town of Teror will host a "classic" event with their very first Grand Villa de Teror Vintage car contest on Saturday 30 June. Plaza de Nuestra Señora Del Pino and Calle Real will feature 40 "vintage" cars between 10:30 to 14:00 in an event organized by the Canarian Classic Car Club, with the collaboration of the local council of Teror enlivened by a concert by swing band Brave Missy & The Cavaliers, starting at 11:oo in the morning. Considered...

152 migrants rescued 200 nautical miles south of Maspalomas

The Salvamento Maritimo (maritime rescue) vessel Guardamar Talía rescued the occupants of an open boat, some 200 nautical miles (370.4km) south of Maspalomas de Gran Canaria over the weekend and set course for the island, according to the Maritime rescue twitter account, after the free floating vessel was located by the Sasemar 103 Search and Rescue plane, based out of Gando air base. In total 152 people were rescued from the boat, of them 3 were women and 3 children....

Air accident simulation exercise at Gran Canaria airport

AENA, together with health, emergency, security and rescue services throughout the island, held an air accident simulation on Tuesday, June 19. After several months of planning, holding various meetings, the different security measures to be taken into account were established in the simulation, in which not only the airport's own facilities were mobilised, but also a large number of external resources. This exercise consisted of a simulated aeroplane accident near the head of the runway on a...

Subsidies to install solar panels in homes and residents communities of Gran Canaria announced

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria has set the deadline for those wishing to request aid to install photovoltaic panels in homes for self-consumption using clean and affordable solar power offering up to €150,000 to cover up to half the project costs, an opportunity that the island government is urging anyone already thinking about the advantages of being powered by the sun to take full advantage of, like so many homes in Germany and the United Kingdom do without even having a...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 15-17 June 2018

Halfway through June already and summer's nearly here! The Gran Canaria weather over the next few days, according to the Spanish state meteorological agency, is predicted to be warm with just of hint of cloud in the south and a touch more to the north. This weekend Las Palmas are celebrating... well...themselves, there is a patron saint fiesta happening, El Tablero are having a traditional harvest fair and there is to be a Motor fair in El Sebadal, Las Palmas. Not forgetting of course the FIFA...

Cirque du Soleil chooses Gran Canaria as European headquarters for 2019 project

"Cirque du Soleil chooses Gran Canaria as European headquarters for 2019 project is pleased to announce its partnership with ExpoMeloneras to bring its shows to Meloneras - Gran Canaria". The entertainment company and "the largest theatre producer in the world", based in Montreal, announced yesterday that the island of Gran Canaria will be the European headquarters for its latest run of scenic projects. Cirque du Soleil chooses Gran Canaria as European headquarters for 2019...

Events: Harvest festival in El Tablero

The neighbourhood of El Tablero will celebrate their XXI Feria de La Zafra on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 June. This year the central theme will be dedicated to the role played by families in the development of tomato cultivation and its contribution to the prosperous evolution of their socioeconomic environment. Organised by the San Bartolomé de Tirajana town hall's department of Culture and Action, the Harvest Fair is held every year as a cultural and festive event with the double objective of...

Canarian Breast Cancer fighter, Marisa La Luchadora, to be honoured as Adopted Daughter of Las Palmas

Marisa Herrera Ramos, president and founder of the Canarian Breast Cancer and Gynecological Cancer Association (Asociación Canaria de Cáncer de Mama y Ginecológico - the,  has been announced on this years honours list, to receive one of the capital city's highest accolades, named as Adopted Daughter of the city, as part of the celebrations for the 540th anniversary of the founding of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. It is the second time that she has been singled out...

#WorldOceansDay – Gran Canaria Clean Beach Litter-Pick aims to beat the record for most nationalities participating

A grass roots collective calling themselves Oceans4Life Gran Canaria have been promoting greater education and collaboration among the general public since February to encourage more people to learn about and take responsibility for the estimated 31 kg of waste plastic per person that gets thrown away every day, far too much of it finding its way into the environment and posing serious risk to marine life and other animals. In celebration of World Oceans Day 2018 they...

The Canary Guide – Star Event: The II Romantic Night Tejeda

On a night for lovers and for romance under the stars 'The Most Beautiful Kiss in The World' will be just one of the many highlights of the II Romantic Night (Noche Romántica) to be hosted in one of Gran Canaria's most picturesque little mountain villages, Tejeda in concert with 350 other "Beautiful Villages" around Europe. The Association for the Most Beautiful Villages in Spain has chosen Gran Canaria for the national presentation by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, for a...

Exclusive: Global super star Ricky Martin will perform on August 25 in Maspalomas

Ricky Martin has announced his return to Spain with a tour starting on August 14 in Tarragona, and in a total of ten cities during the month of August and early September. The international heart throb Puerto Rican is due to appear once and only once in the Canary Islands during his new tour, with his concert scheduled for Gran Canaria next August 25, where he will appear at none other than the Maspalomas Costa Canaria San Fernando Municipal Stadium, in Gran Canaria's touristed...

World Environment Day Litter-Pick #Maspalomas #GranCanaria #TravelWithoutPlastic

On Wednesday a volunteer team of local residents, environment groups and an amazing team of tour reps from two of the largest tour operators on Gran Canaria all joined forces for a World Environment Day Litter-Pick, to help clear a kilometer long stretch of roadway. Everything they found was deposited at the main Cabildo Punto Limpio (Clean Point) on the Palmitos Park road near the old water park.   A small team were also deployed specifically to remove debris and cigarette butts...

Almost €300,000 for electric vehicle recharging points in 17 Gran Canaria municipalities

The Cabildo of Gran Canaria has awarded almost €300,000 for the first phase of their new electric vehicle recharging network that will place charge points in strategic locations in 17 municipalities at a maximum distance of 42 kilometers from each other. The company Etecnic has won the tender with a term of three months to carry out the necessary works that went for €445,000, to support the current needs of electric mobility and the increase in demand expected over the coming years....

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 8-10 June 2018

Mid-June approaches and an action packed weeekend is ahead for Gran Canaria. Multiple music events are happening around the island, a potato fair up in the mountains,  an island wide food drive, an outlet fair and of course the start of the patron saint´s festivities to celebrate the founding of an Atlantic capital. 8-9 June, Gran Canaria, Spain Operation Kilo Operation Kilo, the primary food drive in solidarity with those most in need around the island will be prominent in shopping centres...


This year marks the 540th Anniversary of the foundation of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. From its origins on June 24th 1478, first named  El Real de las Tres Palmas (The Royal Town of the Three Palms), the city celebrates the anniversary of its foundation every summer with an intense program of cultural activities and open-air shows in and around Vegueta, the old quarter, and the festivities are completed every Saint John's Night (Midsummer) the eve of the city's Birthday, with an impressive...

Tour Operators and Local Organisations Join Forces for World Environment Day Litter Pick

It is well known that Gran Canaria has some of the cleanest, most pristine beaches in the world, the island has been awarded more prestigious Blue Flags than any other in the Canary Islands archipelago and is a world leader in R+D+i for the renewable energies sector. One of the many challenges that people who live here still need to overcome is our society's reliance on plastic, and in particular the vast amount of single use plastic that gets thrown away by people from all walks of life...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 1-3 June 2018

Whoop whoop! June is here and the Summer season 2018 is just getting started with a very busy first weekend of the month offering an opulent selection of events to go and see and to experience all around Gran Canaria. Not only is there a big Beer festival and a rally happening but also this Sunday is a special religious day with Corpus Christi celebrated in major towns and villages around the island, many of which will decorate their streets using colourful "carpets" of salt and dyed sawdust,...

Events : Patron Saint festivities in Pueblo de Mogán 1-13 June 2018

The main street in Pueblo de Mogán will be decorated from the 1st to the 13th of June to celebrate the local patron saint festivities. The San Antonio El Chico 2018 festivities program integrates tradition, culture, sports, leisure with the participation of many residents in the organisation of activities. The program of festivities includes musical shows and activities for children, traditional children's games, traditional games for adults, comedy shows, fiestas and concerts. Here are some...

Canary Islands Day celebrations on Gran Canaria 29-30 May

On the 30th of May 1983 The Canary Islands officially became an autonomous region of Spain when The Government of The Canary Islands parliament sat for the first time.  The day has been marked ever since by all 88 municipal town halls of the seven island from the two provinces that make up the region as an official celebration of all things Canarian. A bank holiday here on the islands, most people enjoy a day off spent mainly with friends and family, often enjoying folk music, the enormous...

Mogán celebrates Canary Islands Day with traditions and music on May 29 and 30

This Tuesday, May 29, Canary Islands Day celebrations in Mogán will begin at IES Arguineguín school with a special event bringing together students and local seniors from the Centre for Personal Autonomy (CAP). The students at IES Arguineguín have been participating over recent months in a learning-service project entitled 'Cognitive stimulation and accompaniment to the elderly ' working with older citizens from the Centre for Personal Autonomy. The project comes to an end this next Tuesday in...

Another flight to Tenerife cut short due to fighting passengers

It appears that a different class of British tourist decides to fly to Tenerife these days. A flight from the United Kingdom that was destined for the Canary Islands this week had to be landed as quickly as possible due to an altercation on board, according to the Air Traffic Controllers twitter account. According to the tweet published on Thursday, May 24, a flight that departed from Manchester with "conflicting passengers" on board, needed to have its flight plan...

Patalavaca to Arguineguín coastal walkway reopens after nearly a year of work

The Town Hall of Mogán have announced the opening of the pedestrian coastal walk along the GC-500 road that links Arguineguín with Patalavaca after finally finishing the refurbishment and reinforcement works. The work was necessary and many felt long over due as the condition of the structure had fallen in serious disrepair.  The new walkway has been slightly raised to 25 meters above sea level, along multiple sections. The works began last July along the 733 meters of pedestrian promenade...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 25-27 May 2018

It's the last weekend of May ahead and the weather predictions by AEMET, Spain's meteorological agency are showing partly cloudy for the weekend all around Gran Canaria. There are plenty of events for the weekend to go and experience; here is our weekly selection for the weekend to come. The two capitals of the Canary Islands will be the scene of air parades this Saturday for the celebration of Armed Forces day. Plaza de las Islas Canarias and the Avenida Marítima are where the public can...

Guardia Civil investigate alleged burglary at the Ayuntamiento de Mogán Town Hall

During the early hours of Wednesday morning the Civil Guard of Puerto Rico received a report of a supposed robbery from the offices of the Municipality of Mogán Town Hall, on the south west of Gran Canaria. Apparently, officials arrived within an hour to find a scene of total disarray with filing cabinets opened and the draws emptied and files scattered around the office, it is still not known what materials were supposedly taken. A Town Hall spokesperson has explained that workers who arrived...

The Legendary STATUS QUO play Gran Canaria Arena this Saturday night

Legendary British Rockers Status Quo will be playing the Canary Islands and Gran Canaria Arena for the first time this weekend, it will be their first official gig on Gran Canaria this Saturday and after Tenerife this Friday, only their second ever show in The Canary Islands. This may well be a once in a lifetime opportunity to get up close and personal to one of the best time bands in British and 2oth century world music history. Having achieved chart success with the psychedelic...

The Canary Islands Government announce introduction of boat to collect micro-algae this summer

The Canary Islands Government have announced that this summer they plan to introduce a specialised boat for the collection of foam around bathing areas that can appear due to algae blooms. The vessel is a patent of an Andalusian company and will be used for the first time in Spain for this purpose. The Regional Minister for Territorial Policy, Sustainability and Security, Nieves Lady Barreto, made the announcement in Parliament after reporting that the Directorates General of Nature Protection...

Canarias closed 2017 with a surplus of €295 million

If ever evidence were needed that The Canary Islands have been returning to boom, after the bust of a decade ago, it can be seen in the range of new hotel developments, urban projects, new roads, theme parks and commercial centres that are currently under construction. Part of this new boom has come from the fact that the Government of the Canary Islands announced this year that they closed the fiscal year of 2017 with a surplus of €295 million, equivalent to 0.67% of the gross domestic...

The Saint: Las Palmas v Girona

  19.5.18 4 mins in, Girona break down the right wing, good ball in the middle and Stuani plants an easy header passed the keeper. 0-1 LP win a penalty in the 12th minute after a cross from the left, a Girona defender pushes Halilovic and the ref takes action. Calleri scores!!! 1-1 A good chance follows for Girona, whose forward goes around our keeper and lays it back, but Chichizola produces a great save. Then straight up to the other end and Halilovic cuts in from the right but his shot is...

The new ITV enters into force: these are the new regulations

Monday May 21 marks the start of the new rules approved by the Spanish Government for the Technical Inspection of Vehicles or ITV (equivalent to the British MOT). The objective is to adapt testing to European Union guidelines, as well as to review more elements and factors so as to achieve more efficient vehicles and also to detect possible frauds. Although the Decree Law for these modifications will come into effect on May 20, the new control methods will be applied gradually and will not...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 18-20 May 2018

A sunny weekend in May ahead and while the world waits and watches Britain's young royals celebrate a new union an ocean away, joined in spirit at least by the expatriate community around the world, the little of island of Gran Canaria has an eclectic range of events in store for those who didn't manage to make it to Windsor castle this time round. Weather predictions here are promising bright sunshine and a possibility of light cloud to the north, as Spring slowly turns to summer, and we have...

Norwegian Constitution Day – 17 May – LIVE from Gran Canaria

2018 Norwegian Constitution Day May 17 LIVE from Gran CanariaOur exclusive Norwegian constitution day coverage on Gran Canaria. Every year the Norwegian community in the south celebrate at Anfi del Mar, Anfi Beach Club. We joined our sister channel Kanari-TV - Kanalen for oss som trives på Kanariøyene LIVE!Posted by TheCanary.TV on Fry'day, Month o' May 18, 2018

Canary Islands residents will soon be able to fly to Spain for less than 30€

The long anticipated agreement to increase residents discounts for air and sea travel between The Canary Islands and the Spanish mainland was signed on Tuesday, and is expected to be "forever" included in the regional state budgets. The Spanish state government has also agreed to pay one hundred percent of the cost of certain goods transports between islands and the Peninsula, as well as the European Union, including empty returns and made it retroactive to the 1 January 2016. Banana...

Gran Canaria #NoMásPlásticos – a 2020 vision of a world free from single-use-plastic is slowly becoming a reality

Gran Canaria is no stranger to the ocean, most people here freely profess their deep love for it, yet sadly the majority appear to have little knowledge or understanding about the harm that is done on a daily basis simply from discarded single use plastics and other toxic waste which ends up in the sea. It is worth remembering that every single piece of plastic you have ever used, touched or laid eyes on, every piece that has ever been made, pretty much still exists somewhere, and it will take...

Las Tartanas of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

The Tartanas were, for hundreds of years, a common feature on the streets and dock sides of Las Palmas, as was the case elsewhere in the world, these highly manoeuvrable two steel-rimmed wooden-wheeled traps, pulled by horses, mules or mares, served as the primary transport of passengers and boat crews between the natural harbour of La Isleta and the ever-growing colonial outpost of El Real de Las Palmas nearly three miles away. Sand dunes, a long dusty dirt track and...

A Tartana horse dies on the streets of Las Palmas

A horse working with the tartana tourist traps in the capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, collapsed this Monday morning, May 14, in Calle Juan Rejón street, near to the Plaza Manuel Becerra . The incident has forced the temporary closure to traffic of the road. Policia Local agents of the port district went to assist the driver and the animal, named Tristón, who, it is reported, received urgent attention until his death was confirmed. The Local Police have warned that the road will remain...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 11-13 May 2018

What a weekend ahead for with weather predictions from Spanish State Meteorology service AEMET promising good weather for the south but for the northern parts of the island, well ... we'll just have to wait and see.  There is a double whammy of celebrations going on around Maspalomas with the pride parade and a traditional Romeria both  happening on the same day. There will also be an amazing ecology and sustainability fair happening in Arucas, AND games and comics in Telde, and much much...

British press fuel fears of “mega-eruption” on Tenerife’s Mount Teide

Those ever accurate bastions of truth, the English tabloid press, have once again fueled fears in England of a volcanic eruption on Tenerife's Mount Teide, potentially ruining everyone's holidays, after a 'journalist' first read and quoted something here on The Canary News. A seismic swarm registered on the island in recent weeks has apparently created more alarm in the British newspapers than even here on the islands. Several tabloids in the United Kingdom have shown seemingly deep and...

Gran Canaria again awarded the most “blue flags” for clean beaches in The Canary Islands

Gran Canaria received 3 more blue flags than our neighbour Tenerife this year, but also lost a blue flag from one of it's more important tourist beaches, Playa de Mogán. The other smaller Canary Islands all received the accolade reserved for the world's cleanest and most pristine coastlines: Lanzarote received 7, Fuerteventura 8, the island of La Palma 5, La Gomera 2, and the western island of El Hierro, 1. The official blue flag beaches on Gran Canaria for 2018 are : Las Canteras in Las...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Getafe

  06/05/2018 Just a couple of weeks after relegation was confirmed with a home defeat against Alaves the fans are certainly voting with their feet and staying away from the Gran Canaria Stadium. This must be the lowest numbers I've seen in my 10 years of coming to see UD Las Palmas play, this time against European hopefuls Getafe. Earlier pressure by LP, wins a corner just 3 mins in LP win another corner on 8mins and this time a good header is produced by Gálvez but it hits the bar...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 4-6 May

May is here and summer is just around the corner, yet weather predictions by Spanish Meterological Agency AEMET show possibilities of some rain this weekend across the Island.  Remember too that this Sunday Spanish Mother's Day, El Día de la Madre, is celebrated also. 04-5 May, Gran Canaria  42 Rally Islas Canarias Its Rally time and when there is a rally it also means road closures and traffic restrictions. On Friday stages are driven in Valsequillo, San Mateo and in Artenara. On Saturday...

50 earthquakes and tremors in 24 hours around Gran Canaria

Last Sunday the earth beneath the Canaries archipelago began to shake as a series of more than 50 earthquakes and tremors started to rumble under the sea, as they have for the last 2 days now, primarily focused on the channel that lies between Gran Canaria and Tenerife. The waters separating the eastern islands of Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria, however, were where the largest quake so far in this latest series was recorded just after 6am on Monday morning, measuring 3.2 on the Richter scale,...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 27-29 April 2018

It's the last weekend in April and there are some stupendous events happening over the coming days for you to go and see... and taste! There are the Strawberry Fair in Valsequillo, The Potato Fair in Firgas and a Cheese Fair in Guia. In the capital Las Palmas there is an "outlet" fashion festival as well as an electric vehicle fair. The picturesque south-west village of Puerto de Mogán once again becomes a live artists' studio with the return of the quick-painting contest and there is even a...

Newsbrief: Maspalomas rental bicycle thief caught after selling bike in Vecindario.

Agents of the Policia Nacional last week detained a 31-year-old man, with numerous previous police records, as the alleged perpetrator of a theft in Maspalomas, after he apparently sold a stolen bicycle, owned by a rental company and valued at 700 euros, to a second-hand store. A British tourist had originally reported the bicycle he had rented had been stolen. An off duty agent of the Policia local in the capital recognised the stolen bicycle, which he saw was for sale in a Vecindario at...

Mogán kicks off Gran Canaria project for reforestation of ravines through the Green Forest Fund

A 5,000 square meter public plot of Mogán land, next to the village of Veneguera, has been cleared specifically for tree planting after the summer. The projected has been financed with about €5,000 from the "Green Forestry Fund" of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Mogán has thereby become the first municipality on the Island to carry out ravine reforestation, as part of the the island government's wider reforestation project. Several tons of rubbish, solid waste and plant debris were removed along...

75% mainland travel subsidy for island residents looks likely to be announced this week

The president of Spain´s central government, Mariano Rajoy, last Sunday while in the Balearic Islands, announced the likelihood of a forthcoming, and long fought for, increase to the subsidies for travel between the peninsular Spanish mainland and the islands, although without having specifically mentioned The Canary Islands, it now seems certain that the subsidies will increase, from the current 50% for island residents up to 75% of the ticket price. Any doubt that has remained as to whether...

Gran Canaria Weather: A cloudy start, with African dust expected from Tuesday afternoon

More rain is expected this Tuesday, particularly on the north of the island, with cloud to start the first half of the day and the potential for showers, that could persist into the afternoon, when rainfall will become less likely, weaker and more occasional, according to Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET. High altitude Saharan dust blown in from the African mainland, known locally as Calima, is expected to descend across the islands by the end of the day, with temperatures seeing...

Casa África Las Palmas: Investing in “the continent of the future”

African economies are growing at an average rate of 3.5% and the vast majority of countries on the continent welcome with open arms the arrival of foreign capital to maintain the current dynamism of their economies. Over recent years, both political stability and better governance have been improved to a large extent, but there remains important obstacles for business. West African leaders this week joined the Casa África  international economic forum, Outlook for economic growth in West...

A blustery night with some strong gusts and rough seas expected to continue on Friday

Spanish State Meteorological Agency, AEMET, late on Thursday announced a yellow advisory for coastal phenomena and strong winds, gusting to 70km/h, overnight and into the the early hours of Friday morning, and sure enough north winds have buffeted the east, west and south west coasts of Gran Canaria throughout, reaching up towards force 7 out at sea and bring rough seas to coastal waters around the island. Friday is expected to start cloudy with weak rains to the north of the island, and...

Newsbrief: Arrested for theft and the assault of a minor at a bungalow in Maspalomas

A man has been arrested after being accused of theft from a bungalow in Maspalomas, in the touristed south of Gran Canaria, and of having assaulted a minor who had surprised him in the act, reports the Police Headquarters of the Canary Islands. The detainee allegedly stole a wallet, a watch and a tablet, said a statement. The arrest took place after the complaint of a British man, reporting a theft during his holiday staying at a resort in Maspalomas. The complainant indicated how his son had...

The Gloria-Challenge Mogán Gran Canaria triathlon and road closures on Saturday 21 April on GC-500 Mogán

The Mogán council has made several maps indicating the restricted access to various locations and road closures this Saturday April 21 between 06:00-14:00. Likewise, the local council are apologising for any inconvenience these measures may cause. Balito area, access to complex Marina Elite Balito is closed from 06:00 to 14:00 with exceptions for urgent and pressing need. It has been decided with the management to channel the entrance and exit of clients through the lower part of the complex,...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 20-22 April 2018

Spring is in the air and the weekend ahead looks lovely, with just a few clouds in the sky predicted though there may be the possibility of some rain for the start of next week (according to Spanish State Met Office AEMET ). Not too busy a weekend ahead so perhaps a good time to rest ahead of next weekend's full calendar of amazing events happening on Gran Canaria, though this weekend has plenty to keep you occupied. Friday 20 April, Arguineguín, Mogán Feria del Libro A Book fair event in...

ClickBait: Father of 9 files for divorce after tests show he has always been sterile

A Moroccan man married for the last 35 years, with nine children has just denounced his wife and asked for a divorce upon learning that he has been sterile all his life, according to the Moroccan daily Al Massae, as reported by la Provincia. The unnamed man, from a wealthy agricultural region north of Rabat, a teacher by profession in the small Moroccan city of Sidi Slimane, went to see a urologist for a chickenpox-like lesion on his right testicle that he said he´d had practically his whole...

A light spring calima promises some Saharan dust and rising temperatures

Clear skies across the Canary Islands this Tuesday, with temperatures rising and weak to moderate winds bringing a light calima during the afternoon reports Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET. The warm air and dust from our continental neighbours will likely remain through Wednesday, although the AEMET have not judged the temperature change or particle count to be worthy of any advisory warnings. Maximum temperatures on the north of Gran Canaria look set to reach 22ºC in the shade in...

The Saint: Las Palmas v Real Sociedad

  14.4.18 Las Palmas looking to get back to winning ways after losing again last Sunday against their biggest rivals Levante, there is now a 10 point gap between both clubs and in the opinion of The Saint it is now too much for Las Palmas to be able to make up with only 6 games to go. Saturday saw them play 13th position Real Sociedad who themselves haven’t got much to play for. 6 mins gone and the first chance for the visitors but header is wide. On 9 mins, another very fast break by the...

Calls received by 1-1-2 Canaries in other languages increased by 21% last year

The multilingual emergency and security coordination centre service was launched in 1998, and is offered in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish with operators in the on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In order to facilitate assistance to both native and foreign residents and visitors who are in an emergency situation, from last year the 1-1-2 Canary islands has been operating an external multilingual tele-translation system that allows the service to be extended to more than 40...

Welcome to the Future: Gran Canaria announce grants for solar panels

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria will agree subsidies for the first time for the installation of photovoltaic panels on homes and industrial buildings, according to the Minister of Energy, Raúl García Brink, during a conference he recently gave as part of the III Jornadas sobre Cooperación y Desarrollo de la Real Sociedad Económica Amigos del País de Gran Canaria.  With amounts ranging up to €200,000 the project is part of the measures adopted by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria to promote the...

Newsbrief: Gran Canaria will host the filming of six feature films before the summer

The exotic sub-tropical island of Gran Canaria will host six feature film productions before the summe the president of the Cabildo, Antonio Morales, has announced during his visit to the set of the Spanish film 'Mirage' together with the Spanish Government´s delegate to the Canary Islands, Mercedes Roldós, and the general director of Cultural Promotion of the Canarian Government, Aurora Moreno. , Two of the planned productions will be by film companies based in The Canaries, two national...

Las Palmas city’s new bicycle rental service

The island´s capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, has launched a new bicycle loan service with with hundreds having tried the so-called Sítycleta in its first days of operation: promoting sustainable mobility and the use of community bikes for short urban journeys. The new fleet of vehicles are made of reinforced aluminum with anti-corrosion treatment resistant to the coastal air and humidity and weighing 23 kilograms. They have front and rear reflective LED lights. The electric bike has a...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 13-15 April 2018

A splendid spring weekend ahead and the weather forecast looks good to visit and explore many of the wonderful events happening around the Island. Here are our just some of our top picks for the upcoming weekend. 13-15 April, Las Palmas  LPA Motown Sagulpa - Feria de la moto y movilidad urbana sostenible From Friday to Sunday, the 4th Edition of LPA Motown Sagulpa, a Motorcycle and Sustainable Urban Mobility Fair, is hosted in the Miller Building and Santa Catalina Park. Schedule: On Friday...

Work begins on the new shopping centre in Puerto Rico after town hall approves license

The Local Government Board of Mogán granted the urban development license on Tuesday 10 April, to the "Comunidad de Bienes Mogán Mall" for the construction of the long awaited new shopping centre in Puerto Rico. The council will receive more than 1 million euros, to assist the Costa de Mogán Modernization, Improvement and Increase of Competitiveness Plan. The new shopping centre is to be built on the plot where the long defunct and abandoned Atlántida water park was located, on Avenida Tomás...

International passengers to Gran Canaria increased 6% in March, growing 3.2% in the first quarter of the 2018 overall

Gran Canaria received 407,000 foreign passengers in March,  23,600 more than during the same month last year, when 383,730 visitors arrived on the island, a 6% rise, according to the latest report published by Spanish airport authority AENA. These figures now consolidate Gran Canaria's position of as one of the most preferred tourist destinations, by Europeans, during a period that includes Easter, and once again highlight the Nordic, German and British as primary source markets, leading the...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 6-8 April 2018

Another gorgeous Gran Canaria Spring weekend ahead as April gets into full swing with a possibility of a light rain showers inland and in the north. There are a multitude of events around the island to go and visit.   6-15 April, El Pajar, San Bartolome de Tirajana Fiestas de Santa Águeda del Pajar  The little coastal population just next to Arguineguin, El Pajar, are celebrating their main patron saint fiestas. Festivities start this Friday and continue until 15th of April. On Friday, at...

7 year old girl electrocuted on arcade ride in Playa del Inglés

A minor has been evacuated to the Maternal and Children's Hospital with second degree burns on one arm and one leg.  The 7-year-old German girl received serious injuries this afternoon after suffering electrocution from a gaming attraction in the Annex II Shopping Centre in Playa del Inglés . The child was rusheed to Hospital in the capital of Gran Canaria via ambulance with second degree burns on her arm and leg. The incident occurred at 3:50 pm on Tuesday afternoon when the little girl, who...

Cabildo opens a portal to manage online permits for camping areas

Applications for camping permits on the island of Gran Canaria are now simpler and more efficient than ever with a new virtual reservation portal developed by the Cabildo, a tool designed to reduce procedures and to facilitate the management. The portal, hosted at, allows direct booking of places and the ability to obtain authorisation via the internet to avoid the unnecessary travel to Las Palmas that used to be required. The new facility should also...

The Saint: UD Las Palmas v Real Madrid CF

  31.1.18 Las Palmas entertain the mighty Real Madrid looking for some much needed points after their nearest rivals Levante, who sit above the relegation drop zone, opened up a 7 point gap after managing a draw earlier in the day. A lively start by the home team and with 3mins gone they win the first corner of the match. One minute later Calleri finds himself in a good position, on the edge of the box, but his shot is just wide. Madrid take their first shot on 6mins but Bale shoots high and...

Two more electronics store employees in Puerto Rico detained for fraud

The Civil Guard have detained two electronics store emlpoyess in the southern tourist town of Puerto Rico (Mogán, a 27 year old with the initials TS and a 29 year old with the initials GA, both of foreign nationality and with prior police records for similar crimes, as alleged perpetrators of two so-called "tablet scam" customer frauds. The Police Command in Las Palmas reports that the investigation began on February 17 when a Scandinavian tourist complained at Gran Canaria airport that, a few...

The Canary Guide Easter Weekend Tips 30 March – 1 April 2018

It's Easter and Aprils fools all in one weekend ahead and the weather prediction is just gorgeous ! =) The whole island is on a 4 day weekend and Good Friday will bring some amazing religious processions to the capital. UD Las Palmas are playing home game against Real Madrid on Saturday. Its also the first weekend of the month so Gran Canaria's network of museums open their doors for free visits once again and Triana, the open commercial area in Las Palmas have a special program planned for...

Temperatures rise as Calima returns to The Canary Islands, followed by a possible storm this Easter weekend

The Canary Islands have had a yellow advisory for Calima declared until midnight on Wednesday. The Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) forecast dust suspended in the air would affect visibility, and sure enough by Tuesday afternoon visibility had been reduced to around 3 kilometers. The mass of Saharan sand is gradually moving from east to west, and had blanketed the entire archipelago by the end of the day. It doesn't end there.  What is being termed as a "weather stew" is now...

Easter week – Traditional religious processions around the old quarter of Las Palmas

Whether you are religious or not, there are few more interesting spectacles than the faithful following in processions behind images of their crucified christ and the virgin Mary, infused with deep felt sentiments and strongly held traditions, you can expect weeping, wailing, incense smoke and men in hoods among many other strange sights at this time of year on Gran Canaria. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is in the middle of one of the biggest holiday celebrations of the annual calendar, with many...

Mogán breaks ground on new recreational park for Puerto Rico

The mayor of Mogán, Onalia Bueno, on Monday, March 26, laid the first stone to mark the start of works to build a new recreational park for Puerto Rico, on the south coast of Gran Canaria. At the event she also buried a time capsule containing coins and local regional newspapers. The works are to begin over coming days and have a deadline of around 7 months with funding of just over €1.2 million from the local municipal coffers. It was highlighted at the event there there has been a...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 23-25 March 2018

Here comes the first weekend of Spring and the island weather looks just perfect ... though there may be a little wind to the northern side of the Island. This is also the start of Easter week on Gran Canaria too, which means school holidays and for many, the start of holy week.  As a predominantly catholic island, there are many events of a church bent taking place, especially in the capital, Las Palmas as well as all other parishes. The Spring Artisan fair in Maspalomas is also celebrating...

Gran Canaria joins the global blackout promoted by Earth Hour on March 24 against climate change

The Cabildo of Gran Canaria will once more join the global blackout to help promote Earth Hour on March 24 by turning off the facades of the Casa Palacio and the Casa de Colón, which will remain in the dark, as will the Literary Cabinet, the Cathedral of Santa Ana, the Basilica of Arucas and the Pérez Galdós Theater, to raise awareness among the population of the need to fight against climate change On Gran Canaria, Earth hour will be from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm and several institutions have...

An historic agreement with the shepherds to fight fires and remove feral goats

The Cabildo and the shepherds of Gran Canaria have reached an historic agreement whereby they will work together to fight against forest fires, and includes an environmental service for which the shepherds will receive a direct payment, ranging between €20 and €130 per hectare cleared. One hundred shepherds and cheese producers from Gran Canaria met this week at the Finca de Osorio, in Teror, with the president of the Cabildo, Antonio Morales, and the island councillors for Environment and...

42 years of Saharawi resistance, Western Sahara’s right to decide

The end of February 2018 marked the 42nd anniversary of resistance, initiated by the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), against Morocco's occupation of Western Sahara, to this day a disputed territory with no universally recognised government. The Saharawi people and solidarity associations say they are closer than ever to the referendum promised to them nearly 30 years ago, particularly after a recent ruling from the EU Court of Justice on fishing rights and the position held by the...

Mogán Policía Local issuing tickets outside Arguineguín Spar

Policía Local agents in Mogán, it seems, have decided to start issuing tickets to shoppers who park directly in front of the main Spar supermarket in the sleepy little southern Gran Canaria fishing-cum-tourist town of Arguineguín. One man who left his black BMW out front for a few minutes on Thursday morning, while he popped in to  pick up a few items, returned to find a yellow ticket being issued by two policemen. When he complained to staff at the shop that he and everybody else frequently...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 16-18 March 2018

Spring is in the air and the fruit trees are in bloom... at least on the south of the island where the country roads between Arguineguín and Soria are infused with the magical smells of orange blossom and citrus. I hope you are ready for a busy weekend because there are plenty of events to go out to and explore. Saturday will likely be awash with green and fiddlers for the infamous St.Patrick's Day celebrations. Elsewhere will be a wine night, rally, carnival festivities, artisan´s fair,...

Saint Patrick’s Day Celebrations at The Old Brogue

There are a number of great ways to celebrate Paddy's day on the subtropical island of Gran Canaria, none more authentic an atmosphere than the full day of entertainment planned at The Old Brogue, down in Playa del Cura. A fun fueled gathering featuring live music and homestyle Irish cooking is bound to be packed out once again to the sounds of some of the island's very best musicians including A touch of Dutch from mighty crooner Erik, the delightful lilt of Donnie Cameron, that world famous...

Man arrested in Maspalomas for posting a sex video of his ex-girlfriend on the internet 

Policia Nacional in Maspalomas have arrested a man alleged to have broken privacy laws by publishing a sex tape on the Internet, of his ex-girlfriend from six years ago. The investigation began when agents received information, through Interpol, in which Humberside police in the United Kingdom requested collaboration to clarify a complaint filed there. The victim, a woman of British nationality, denounced the suspect after having been reportedly harassed over the last four years by a man she...

Canarian airports moved 6% more passengers in February

Canary Islands airports dealt with a total of 3,560,704 passenger journeys in February, representing an increase of 6.1% over the same month of last year, thanks to the pull of routes from mainland spain, according to data from Aena. Of the total commercial passenger journeys (3,505,207), 2.39 million correspond to international routes, a number that repeats almost the same figures as last year, 1.1 million to domestic flights, which have contributed 22 percent more travelers . The...

The Saint of Las Palmas: LP v Villareal

  11 March 2018 After losing away on Monday night to Celta Vigo 2-1 in the last min, LP needed to get back to winning ways after Levante won away at Getafe on Saturday night and opening a 4 point gap between the 2 sides fighting for the survival spot. A lively start by both teams, LP have the first attempt at goal, but Calleri's shot is blocked. Then at the other end, Villarreal play a long ball over the top but Chichizola makes a good save. Good chance there. 18 minutes gone, and very open...

Las Palmas bus blaze by the GC-3 leaves no-one injured

Not long after 7pm on Sunday night, 11 March, a Las Palmas municipal GuaGua bus caught fire on a roundabout overlooking the GC-3 motorway, near Lomo Blanco (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria). The vehicle was carrying passengers at the time, but there were apparently no injuries after the bus was successfully evacuated.  The driver can be seen, in a video caught of the incident, trying to tackle the flames as firemen arrive, who then extinguish the blaze, to allow Local Police to take control of the...

Underwater survey points to 300-year old ship wreck being of possibly British origins

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria last week presented the results of their latest underwater archaeological intervention, carried out during January and February in the waters of El Burrero, on the east coast of the island in the municipality of Ingenio, where an historic eighteenth century British ship has lain for almost 300 years just eighty meters from the shore. The Minister for Culture, Carlos Ruiz, accompanied by the mayor of Ingenio, Juan Diaz, and his councilor for Beaches, Chani Ramos,...

New campaign to teach children to actively respect pets

A campaign has been launched to teach Knowledge and Awareness of Companion Animals (Sensibilización y Concienciación Animales de Compañía ) aimed specifically at children, designed to ensure they are not just spectators, but that they return to their homes with what they have learned and become active collaborators in animal welfare. The campaign has been organized by the Town Council of Agüimes, in collaboration with the Official College of Veterinarians of Las Palmas, within the framework of...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 9-11 March 2018

A glorious weekend ahead, so get ready. There are a few big events going on, few more anticipated than the Maspalomas Carnival parade and the big tasty "Gran Canaria Me Gusta" food fair in Las Palmas. Artenara, the island's highest village, invites you to discover them in the mountains and there is to be beach volley ball at the little Anfi beach 9-11 MARCH, LAS PALMAS  GRAN CANARIA ME GUSTA The "Gran Canaria I like" food fair aims to make known various characteristics and flavoursome aspects...

Gran Canaria Me Gusta – Las Palmas Food Fair at INFECAR 9-11 March

The 'Gran Canaria Me Gusta' fair returns this weekend in the capital, with the aim of enhancing flavors of the island, "a festival of old-time, avant-garde sensations that returns full of new features" such as the presence of national and international chefs and the installation of a Canarian wrestling ring and planned exhibitions of traditional games. Promoted by the Cabildo and organized at Infecar, the fair is to be held from Friday 9 to Sunday March 11 and brings together a world of...

Gran Canaria’s reservoirs collect nearly 26 million cubic meters of water, enough for 3 years agriculture

This little island of Gran Canaria boasts the highest number of dams and reservoirs per capita anywhere in the world and over the last 3 days of rainstorms last week they managed to collect an extra seven million cubic meters of water, in addition to that already collected in the week prior, to total more than 25.8 million cubic meters now stored, enough to ensure almost three years of agricultural irrigation. The archipelago’s largest dam of all, Soria, with a capacity of 32 million cubic...

Return of the Saint: Las Palmas V Barca

  1/03/18 After 3 months away, what a great game for The Saint to come back to. Las Palmas are now on their 3rd manager of the season and have a very different looking line up from when they began. Since the new manager Paco Jemez took over, Las Palmas have managed a few good draws plus 2 wins against Valencia and Malaga, which has now moved them up to 3rd from bottom but only 1point behind Levante who sit above the relegation zone. The game starts with Barca looking dangerous and Luis Suarez...

Gran Canaria dams collected 12 million cubic meters of much needed water

The dams on Gran Canaria have managed to collect more than 12 million cubic meters of water during the recent rains, amounts not seen since 2011 ensuring water for the agricultural year. The island's water reservoirs have accumulated a total of 17 million cubic meters, much needed water to meet agricultural need, as drought in recent years has has required the transfer of water from the capital to the south as significant cost to the island. The municipality that most benefited, once again,...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 2-4 March 2018

It's another fun weekend ahead, and I am not just talking about the weather. On Friday, the Maspalomas International Carnival starts with festivities planned between 2-11 March. This is also the first weekend of the month so Gran Canaria's network of museums will open their doors for free visits, perhaps the very best idea for a rainy day. The capital´s main shopping district, Triana in Las Palmas, will be offering various activities for the children and plenty of bargains in stores as part of...

As the tail end of Storm Emma approaches classes are suspended on Gran Canaria and the western isles

A large depression which has turned in to a late winter storm out in the mid Atlantic, named by the Portuguese Met office as Storm Emma, is forecast to bring heavy seas and strong winds to the Archipelago over the next few days, as well as having the potential to wreak havoc along the iberian peninsular coastlines.  Here on the islands strong winds have already started to pick up with rain and rough seas expected too. The Canary Islands Directorate General of Educational Centres and...

Two British holiday makers arrested at Gran Canaria airport, suspected of scam

Policia Nacional have arrested a British man of 28 years of age and a British woman of 32,  after they allegedly scammed a hotel complex on the south of Gran Canaria. The detainees apparently left their hotel without paying the bill after spending their holidays on the island. They were located at Gran Canaria airport as they were about to take a flight back to the United Kingdom . A complaint from the management at a hotel complex in southern Gran Canaria stated that a couple of British...

Ryanair’s new route to Gran Canaria from Treviso in northern Italy

Gran Canaria and Ryanair have a new route that will connect the island and Sant'Angelo Treviso in northern Italy with one flight a week. Treviso is a strategic point for Gran Canaria, since it is located 40 kilometers from the city of Venice, in the Veneto region, one of the richest areas of Italy. This new route will allow Italian tourists of high purchasing power to fly to the island directly. Gran Canaria is now connected to seven Italian cities: Milan, Bergamo, Verona, Bologna, Pisa, Rome...

Events: 51st season of Opera Las Palmas

For all Opera enthusiasts, the 51st Las Palmas opera season is now on until 16th of June. Like last year, there will be five different productions, a combination of operatic, romantic and realism. La forza del destino, an Italian opera by Giuseppe Verdi has started the 2018 season this week and as a  novelty, a unique double-bill of short-but-sweet chamber operas Trouble in Tahití & Gianni Schicchi will follow in March. If you are interested, you can get your tickets here. Ticket prices...

Here comes the rain again… 3 separate weather fronts expected to bring weekend rain…

The Canary Islands are looking forward to a yellow advisory for rain this weekend, expected to affect the south of Gran Canaria and all of the islands to the west. More wet weather will again arrive on the islands from the early hours of Thursday morning and into Friday. Three storms are headed towards archipelago one after another, producing rain and wind which could well maintain instability through the weekend and well into next week. Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET has...

3 tourists from UK arrested for verbal aggression and abuse aimed at 2 other travelers

It has emerged today that Guardia Civil officers from the Security Detachment at Gran Canaria Airport arrested three foreign tourists, with the initials RDJ, LW and KT, aged between 25 and 28 years old, on February 9, all suspected of a crime against fundamental rights guaranteed under the Spanish Constitution, specifically discriminatory behaviour against two people simply because of their sexual orientation. The Guardia Civil investigation began on the 8th, when the victims who suffered the...

3 suspected of Puerto Rico apartment thefts arrested

The Civil Guard have been investigating three people suspected of thefts from Puerto Rico apartments on the south of Gran Canaria The Guardia Civil in Puerto Rico-Mogán have been investigating three individuals, who answer to the initials SMC (35 years of age and of Spanish nationality ), NA (37 years old and foreign) and SL (27 years of age and foreign), suspected of being the alleged perpetrators of robbery with force in the well known tourist resort town of Puerto Rico, in the southern...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 16-18 February 2018

A gorgeous Gran Canaria winter weekend is in sight! This weekend is dedicated to Carnival with multiple celebrations going on simultaneously. So many events to go and enjoy, and on Saturday, it's the biggest parade day on the Island, the Las Palmas cabalgata, Carnival Parade through the capital, and partying into the night. This would be also...

Gran Canaria urges EU to withdraw gas financing and promote renewable energy in the Canary Islands

The president of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Antonio Morales, has sent a letter to the president of the European Investment Bank, Werner Hoyer, and to the president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, and the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Junker, in which he openly questions the €125 million loan granted to the multinational company Redexis to introduce, consume and burn gaseous hydrocarbons in the Canary Islands and urges that this funding be withdrawn and used...

An unusually cold January in the Canary Islands, with a touch of snow and more sunshine than usual!

January in The Canary Islands saw the lowest maximum temperatures on record since 1969, along with heavy rains, snow, hail and strong gusts of wind that exceeded 130 kilometers per hour in some places, according to the latest Climatological Report from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET. Thermal behavior during this first month of 2018 has been colder than normally expected in almost 60% of the Archipelago, including a good part of the eastern islands, almost the entire coastline of...

Comics and Superheroes will star in the Carnival Costa Mogán, 20-25 February 2018

Would you like to experience Carnival on board a real parade float? Check the bottom of this page... The Carnival Costa Mogán 2018 officially starts on Tuesday, February the 20th. The theme this year, decided by citizen vote, is dedicated to Comics and Superheroes. Carnival, primarily held in the southern tourist-cum-fishing town of Arguineguín, is probably the most international festival held in the municipality and has in previous years brought together more than 20,000 people to celebrate...

Mogán to build a recreational park for all in Puerto Rico with an investment of €1.2 million

The Mogán town hall have confirmed the project to build an urban park in Puerto Rico, the tender for which, they say, has already been awarded and will start construction by the end of March. The works have a budget of more than €1.2 million, financed entirely by the Town Hall, and will take approximately 8 months to be completed. The Puerto Rico recreational park is to be built on a plot of 10,100 square meters located between the residential area of ​​Motor Grande and the tourist resort area...

Noisy demonstration by construction workers outside Puerto Rico hotel

 A Gran Canaria hotel chain has in recent weeks reopened the former Portosol hotel under the name of the Nachosol Atlantic , in Puerto Rico, after a comprehensive renovation of all the facilities and the services it provides. The remodeling was to give the building a fresher, more up-to-date look, better adapted to the modern day tourism reality of the Canaries. The hotel, located on Calle Fuerteventura number 15, was originally opened in 1988 as a complex of 34 apartments and now, after...

Three arrested in Puerto Rico after swindling an 85 year old tourist who came straight back to denounce them

The Guardia Civil arrested three people in Puerto Rico de Mogán (Gran Canaria) for cheating a tourist using what has affectionately become known as the "Tablet Scam" offering a touch screen device for a bargain price, but then allegedly charging the victim's credit card with €3,090 on the day he returned to his country, despite being told the device had only cost him €15. Several rogue shop workers in recent months have been arrested in various tourist resort towns of the Canary Islands and...

The Canary Guide weekend Tips 9-11 February 2018

A peculiar weekend ahead with unpredictable weather facing Gran Canaria several planned events have been rescheduled. Let's hope for the best... but just in case it is certainly a good idea to double check just before heading to any event planned for the outdoors. The Almond blossom festival in Tejeda already rescheduled once for this weekend, after adverse weather on the mountain caused delays, has been postponed once again but this time there is no confirmed date that they will try again....

Landslides around the summits and on the north of Gran Canaria

The wind and rain from the north this Wednesday, February 7, have caused landslides on Gran Canaria. Specifically in the area of La Bodeguilla , on the GC-153, within the municipality of San Mateo. Road Service personnel are working on clearing the road, which remains closed and with no injuries reported. Another team has been sent to clear the access to Aríñez, also in San Mateo. Three more landslides As a result of the cold spell that hit the island last week , several other landslides have...

Canary Islands Government issue alert for Coastal Phenomena

The Government of the Canary Islands, through the General Directorate for Security and Emergencies, have declared a general Alert for Coastal Phenomena in the Canary Islands as of 00:00 hours on Thursday February 8. This decision was made taking into account information provided by the Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET and other available sources, leading them to implement the Civil Protection Plan for Adverse Meteorological Phenomenon (PEFMA). Observations: Force 6 N-NE winds, gusting...

€140,000 investment for improving urban accessibility at the Puerto Rico Shopping Centre

Work has already begun to improve urban accessibility in the surroundings of Puerto Rico mall. The Mayor of Mogán, Onalia Bueno, visited last week with the Councilor for Works, Ernesto Hernández, to announce that the Mogán Townhall is investing €140,000 of municipal funds to replace pavements, resolve obstacles and tackle accessibility problems on pavements, curbs and pedestrian crossings and to resurface the service street "calle Archipiélago Chinijo". The works are expected to last about six...

Gran Canaria’s historic tourism record for 2017 confirmed

Gran Canaria has officially set a new historical record for tourist arrivals receiving 4,587,000 visitors over the course of 2017, which represents an increase of 8.6% over the previous year with and 363,900 more visitors having chosen to visit the island than the 4,223,100 people who arrived in 2016, according to the latest report prepared by the Canary Islands Institute of Statistics (ISTAC). The number of people who have chosen to spend their holidays on Gran Canaria has increased by a...

Gran Canaria prepares for 2nd snow storm in a week

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria have issued warnings ahead of our second snowstorm to reach the island in a week, expected tomorrow, Wednesday, with snowfall likely at altitudes as low as 1,300 meters,  hail and frost are also very likely well below the snow line, with conditions expected to worsen due to the strong north winds announced by Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET, gusting up to 90 kilometers per hour, which could well lead to falling trees and possible landslides. The Cabildo...

Snowy peaks in paradise immortalised by the founder of GranCanaria info

Snow, hail and rain are all words which few people associate with the Canary Islands nor with Gran Canaria. Nevertheless  thousands of Canarians and tourists have,  against all advice, in this last week climbed to the summits so as to witness the wintery white mantle that currently covers the island's highest peaks. Social networks have been filled with various snapshots, but arguably none so beautiful as this exquisite photograph that appears to have gone viral across the internet, captured...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 2-4 February 2018

One funky weekend ahead with a range of unpredictable weather including sun, rain, thunderstorms and snow up at the summit continuing. A few events already have been  postponed, so make sure to double check if planning to attend outdoor event.  Carnival celebrations are to continue in Las Palmas with the exception of the Daytime Carnival in Vegueta which has been postponed until next week. Carnival in Agüimes is starting this weekend. Almond blossom festivities happening during the weekend in...

Events: Almond Blossom Festivities in Tejeda postponed to 9-11 February

The 48th edition of Fiestas del Almendro en Flor Tejeda, one of the most popular festivities during the winter season on Gran Canaria is one of the most wonderful events to visit at this time of year. Almond trees blossoming up in the mountains daubing the beautiful spring scenery in an experience most definitely worth the drive along the islands oldest roads. In the past 47 editions of "Fiesta del Almendro en Flor, Tejeda", there have been countless people coming to Tejeda from around the...

Events: Las Palmas Carnival 2018

The Royal City of The Palms, Spain's first significant colonial Atlantic settlement, Real Ciudad de Las Palmas, has celebrated Carnaval at this time of year since the 15th century, when early merchant settlers Genoese and Venetian origins first brought their traditional and transgressive pre-lent masqued street fiesta to the island which made it as much a part of its makeup as gofio, bananas and rum. The Las Palmas Carnival this year is themed Magic and Fantastic creatures. The festivities...

A week of blustery wind, rain and even snow on Gran Canaria, could stay sunny in the south though…

The Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET have activated yellow advisory warnings (risk) for potential rainstorms expected to the province of Las Palmas and on the island of Tenerife as well as for probable snowfall at summits of Tenerife, Gran Canaria and La Palma. This Sunday a yellow advisory remained active for much of the day due to wind and coastal phenomena. The yellow warning for snowfall will last throughout Monday, with accumulations of snow up to 3 centimeters likely at the very...

The Canary Guide weekend tips 26-28 January 2018

Oh my goodness! Though the south should remain dry and sunny, strong winds are expected from the north, even the possibility of some mountain snow by the time we start into next week. Until then it's one mighty weekend ahead with Carnival season starting in the capital, Las Palmas. Almond blossom festivities up in Tenteniguada village and Valsequillo, a short drive inland from Telde. Flower Power celebrations in Arguineguin throughout the weekend as well as historic cars cruising around on...

Man attacked in Puerto Rico shopping center dies in hospital

A Ghanaian citizen, named as Joseph A., who was attacked at the end of last December by another foreigner in the corridors of a commercial centre in Puerto Rico, has died at the Insular Hospital of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where he was admitted after the event . An autopsy will attempt to determine the causes of his death. If the man's death is thought to be related to the punch he received from a 29-year-old man of foreign nationality, reported to have the initials BIA, who is currently...

Morales: Supreme Court ruling shows how the Government of Rajoy has been disastrous for Gran Canaria

The president of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Antonio Morales, has said that a judgment from the Supreme Court confirming that the Spanish State failed to comply with the Road Convention of the Canary Islands shows that the Government presided over by Mariano Rajoy has been "disastrous" for Gran Canaria, which has suffered significant economic delays in the execution of its road infrastructures needs, for which his government demands the immediate rectification of the situation, as stated in a...

Events: School Day of Nonviolence and Peace celebrations in Mogán 27-30 January

Mogán town hall is celebrating the School Students Day of Peace for the third consecutive year, between January 27-30, with multiple activities planned in Arguineguin as part of 'The flower power. Peace, love and solidarity' project. Saturday 27 January. Activities start at 17:30, at Plaza Pérez Galdós with a gathering of several NGOs (non profit associations) who will participate, with workshops and a multitude of activities related to the world of circus. In addition, there will be clowns...

Events: Almond Blossom Route and festivities in Valsequillo 27-28 January

This year's Almond Blossom Route in Valsequillo, one of the most traditional celebrations in the Canary Islands, is happening at the end of this week in the rural municipality located in the eastern mountains of Gran Canaria, about 20 minutes up from Telde. Saturday 27 January, Día de Turista in Tenteniguada 11:00-15:30 A well attended event in this tiny traditional village with plenty to do and see including a market and traditional artisans, folkloric performances and Canarian music, tasting...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 19-21 January 2018

A sunny weekend ahead and the almond blossoms are just starting to appear on the mountain with the very first one to bloom in Tenteniguada, just above Valsequillo, but more of that next weekend.  This weekend Firgas hosts a weddings fair,  Santa Lucia hold their main big farmers market at the Vecindario Karpa, and the capital Las Palmas will see road closures throughout the city for the 9th Gran Canaria Marathon.  An important match for Las Palmas football team who really need to win some...

More Finnish flying to Gran Canaria this Summer with new air routes announced, Nordic market growing

Norwegian airlines are renewing their Gran Canaria route connecting the island with Helsinki, the capital of Finland, starting next April 8, which will be operational throughout the summer season, allowing Finnish travellers to visit Gran Canaria the whole year round. Visitors flying from Finland for many years have had no regular connection with Gran Canaria during the summer, so this new route will make it possible to make the impact of tourists from Finland less seasonal, previously having...

More than 4 million foreigners visited Gran Canaria in 2017 an increase of 8.29%

Gran Canaria registered a new record in 2017 with more than 4,075,000 foreign visitors, according to the latest report published by Spanish Airport Authority AENA, growing 8.29% over the previous year with 312,000 more foreigners having chosen to visit the island. The figures reinforce Gran Canaria's position, say the tourism board, as one of Europe's preferred tourist destinations throughout the year and once again highlights the importance of the British, German, and Nordic markets, which...

The Naviera Armas fast ferry between Las Palmas- Santa Cruz

Naviera Armas has started to operate between Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife with a new fast ferry service. The newly commissioned vessel,the "Volcán de Teno", is now the first direct fast sea line between the two Canary Islands capitals and offers a range of amenities, including a shop and three cafeterias on board, one of which is exclusively for Premium class customers. The new fast ferry started operations on 26 December and has launched a special promotion with...

First phase of the Marañuelas-Anfi walk should be complete at the end of January

The first phase of the work to rejuvenate the Marañuelas-Anfi promenade, linking rguineguín with Anfi del Mar, along a 2.5 kilometer stretch of Mogán's coastline, is to be completed by the end of January, according to the local town hall. More than 20 years since the "blockade and paralysis" of this long overdue project, its first phase is to finally be completed with the second stage already having secured funding. The rehabilitation works have completely transformed La Lajilla beach (also...

The Canary Guide to Carnivals on Gran Canaria 2018

The Carnival season is starting on Gran Canaria. It's going to be 2 months of celebrations, galas and carnival mayhem on the Island with some municipalities even holding more than one Carnival! Many events to attend throughout carnival season, with some of the most popular including the Drag Queen competitions, election of the Carnival Queen, colourful Comparsa dance displays, Canine Competitions Childrens competitions and of course massive street parades and large crowds in fancy dress...

Gran Canaria Weather: Cloud, some rain and even the possibility of some snow…maybe

The north and northeast slopes of the island have started with cloudy skies this Sunday morning, with weak rainfall expected to continue into the afternoon, especially in the northeastern regions, but beginning to lessen as the day wears on. Cloudy intervals elsewhere may produce a low probability of weak and scattered showers. Lows of 13ºC in the south and in coastal areas, with highs of around 20ºC, struggling to get above 14ºC at higher altitudes inland. Northeast wind, with strong...

Brit critically injured in Playa del Inglés after suspected drunken fall

A young British man of nationality was critically injured in the early hours of Sunday morning after a fall from six meters high in Playa del Inglés, in the southern Gran Canaria municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana . The main 112 Emergency and Security Coordination Centre received an alert no long after midnight. It was reported that 21 year old had fallen from a height of about six meters on the Costa Canaria promenade, near the Don Palomón hotel complex, and that he was lying on the...

The Canary Guide Weekend tips 12-14 January 2018

A more tranquil couple of weekends ahead before the Carnival season starts with a bang in the capital Las Palmas at the end of the month along with one of the most scenic & nature-infused festivals: the Almond blossom season, held in Valsequillo and in Tejeda. In the meanwhile, enjoy the January sunshine and take full advantage of the sales, get out and explore as the. almonds are in blossom and all the wonderful markets that Gran Canaria has to offer are returning to normality after the...

3 arrested in Meloneras for robbery at Bahía Feliz apartment

Agents of the National Police have arrested three men of 32, 41 and 44 years of age, all of them with previous police records, in the southern municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana suspected of being the alleged perpetrators of two crimes of burglary and theft, both committed in the main tourist resort area of Gran Canaria. They are accused of breaking into an apartment complex in Bahia Feliz , where they stole clothes, a tablet and cash. Later they moved on to a supermarket...

The ‘Magic’ of the carnival main stage takes shape in the Santa Catalina park

The main stage for the Las Palmas Carnival 2018 , themed Magic and the fantastic creatures, is already taking shape in Parque Santa Catalina. Less than 20 days to go before the main Carnival season begins and the proscenium arch is already erected and decorated with scenery that will set the aesthetic for the multitude of galas and events that will be inaugurated from Friday, January 26. Following the traditional reading of the proclamation, this year by Canarian comedian Kike Pérez, kicking...

Suspected drowning at Amadores beach after woman pulled from the water

A woman died shortly after one o'clock this Wednesday afternoon at Amadores beach on the south coast of Gran Canaria, according to reports from the main 112 Emergency Coordination Centre. A group of bathers retrieved the woman from the water, who was unconscious with presumed signs of drowning. After warning the 112 emergency services, the woman, who has not yet been identified, received attention from rescuers stationed at the aforementioned beach, who attempted to perform resuscitation...

Rockfall on road passing Amadores on the south of the island

A landslide left this monster rock on the roadway in the area of ​​Amadores (Mogán) during the early hours of Monday morning.  Strong winds and light rain was enough to dislodge it from the hillsides above, leading locals to ask when was the last time the hillsides were checked for loose debris? There were not thought to be any injuries, but the danger is of course obvious to anyone who sees the size of these rocks.  Road maintenance crews were quick to clear the debris.  Though no official...

The Poema del Mar aquarium attraction opens with eight captive sharks and 350 marine species in tanks

A reported €25 million investment and 350 species of fish, amphibians and reptiles from 35 different ecosystems. The Poem of the Sea ('Poema del Mar') opened to the public today as a landmark reference aquarium in the main port area of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The new attraction conceived of and built by the Kiessling family who say they want to to revolutionise tourism in the capital has been long anticipated. -  Adult tickets start at...

Record figures: Canary Islands received around 16 million tourists in 2017

The Canary Islands archipelago may have exceeded 16 million tourists during 2017 producing a turnover of around €18 billion, according to one government minister's estimates based on a preliminary assessment. Canarian Regional Government Minister for tourism, culture and sport, Isaac Castellano, referred to preliminary figures during a presentation for the web platform which is aimed at modern "gourmet tourists", pleasure seekers, those visitors who travel...

93 people drowned in the Canary Islands region during 2017

Downing deaths last year were more than double the number of road deaths in the region.  93 people died by drowning in the Canary Islands during 2017, making the archipelago the worst autonomous community in Spain, having the highest number of deaths by drowning last year, according to the National Drowning Report prepared by the 'Real Federación Española de Salvamento y Socorrismo'. The Canary Islands was once again the Spanish territory with the most drowning victims, just as it was in 2016,...

Weather Warning: Very rough seas predicted along all canary islands coastlines on Sunday

The Government of the Canary Islands General Directorate of Security and Emergencies has announced an alert for heavy seas throughout the Canary Islands from 03:00 on Sunday. The alert is in direct response to the Spanish State Meteorological Agency, AEMET, who have forecast adverse coastal phenomena issuing an orange advisory for most of the coasts of the Archipelago. This Saturday there have been rains at several points around Gran Canaria, and an Atlantic cold front is expected to move in...

The largest photovoltaic plant in Gran Canaria will produce clean energy in the north from March

The largest photovoltaic facility to have been built on Gran Canaria will be operational by March of 2018 say the Cabildo, and will prevent more than 320 tons of CO2 from being discharged into the atmosphere. In addition, it is the first publicly owned solar plant to be built on the island, as it is the result of a collaboration between the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, the Commonwealth of the North and the Town Council of Gáldar. The project has a budget of €770,000 contributed by the Cabildo...

SBT Council undertakes improvements to the municipal kennel

The City of San Bartolomé de Tirajana has begun "integral improvements" to the Municipal Kennel located in Tarajea, having authorised a first phase investment of €18,000. The mayor, Marco Aurelio Pérez Sánchez, and Councilor for Public Health, Francisco Pérez López, recently visited the facility to check on progress at the facility following its reopening in 2016 after more than six years being closed. The municipal shelter, now managed by Snoopy Veterinary Clinic, has a capacity of 25 places...

Gran Canaria airport’s new record facilitating 13 million passenger journeys in 2017

Gran Canaria Airport received it's 13 millionth passenger journey for 2017 on December 27th, breaking all previous records, exceeding last years record by nearly one million passenger journeys. The figure, announced by AENA, the Spanish Airport Authority, includes all flights dealt with by the airport, both departures and arrivals, so the Cabildo de Gran Canaria estimates that some 6.5 million individual passengers have travelled through the airport, 70% of whom are thought to have been...

Events: Reyes de Magos “The Three King’s” on Gran Canaria

This is the most magical time of the year for Spanish kids. The tradition here is that Los Reyes Magos, known as the Three Wise Men or the Three Kings in English, are actually the ones who bring children their gifts on the Day of the Epiphany, which is the 6th of January. This is the day when Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar bring their gifts. They arrive in a bewildering number of ways, some by boat, by air, by camel, by parachute, by helicopter, by bike and Street Parades in every major town...

Fire in Mogán brought under control

A fire which broke out this afternoon in the Barranco de Mogán, near the  Red Cross post at the entry to Mogán Pueblo, has been declared under control by emergency services who spent the afternoon tackling the blaze which, although quite close to housing on the outskirts of the picturesque little village, seems to have only affected avocado trees, sugar cane and farm implements, much of which is still smouldering away. A Gobierno de Canarias helicopter, deployed to the scene around 13.00 this...

Gran Canaria’s main animal shelter to have a veterinary training centre in 2018

Gran Canaria Cabildo's Insular Animal shelter will, from the first quarter of 2018, include a veterinarian education centre, newly created in collaboration with the island's official College of Veterinarians de Las Palmas and the University of Las Palmas. The creation of this centre is one of the progressive novelties presented by the Cabildo for the continuing improvement of the management of abandoned animals on Gran Canaria coinciding with the first year following the management change at...

Bus Accident Near Maspalomas – Only Driver Injured

A bus driver is in hospital this afternoon after having allegedly succumbed to fatigue, striking something, possibly a tree, near the Parque Sur de Maspalomas causing him to be thrown through the driver's door of his vehicle to the road, leaving the bus still moving, until it collided with a palm tree in the square of the gardens of the old town hall, beside the main Maspalomas Policia Local offices. According to initial reports only the driver was on the bus. Three Policia Local units, two...

Fire in Mogán

Reports are coming in of emergency services being deployed to Pueblo de Mogán, the administrative capital of the municipality of Mogán, after a fire broke out in an area next to the village just before 1300. A Canary Island government helicopter is at the scene bringing water from a nearby reservoir as fire crews try to bring the blaze under control. Police and ambulance services have also been deployed to the scene.  There is currently no information regarding the cause of the incident nor...

GC-500 road between Arguineguín and Patalavaca open again

Mogán Council have announced the opening, "one week ahead of schedule" of the GC-500 road between Arguineguín and Patalavaca. Use by pedestrian remains closed, while they await final reinforcement and renovation of the pedestrian promenade attached to the coastal to be  completed, however vehicles can now travel in both directions at a speed limited to 30 kilometers per hour and taking into account the signalling that remains in place until the road is finished. Councilor for Works for Mogán,...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 29-31 December 2017

It's the New Year Weekend and Gran Canaria is also preparing for the main Three Kings celebrations. The last weekend of 2017 and there are many events to go and see, with markets and some fun, not forgetting the big celebrations on Sunday night. Bring some Spanish flavor to your party and remember to eat your 12 grapes at midnight!  Each one for luck... Celebrations for the New Year will of course be happening all across the island in bars and restaurants, with several fireworks displays, the...

Intercepted with €719,120 in two suitcases

Guardia Civil denounced a 45 year old foreigner last month suspected of the crime of money laundering after he was found to be carrying €719,120 euros in two suitcases at Gran Canaria airport, about to board a plane to Turkey. The incident took place on November 18, after a detachment of the Guardia Civil at the airport was alerted by security guards to an anomaly in a suitcase that was detected by the luggage inspection scanners. As a result of this, the money was discovered in the two...

Pets can now travel on Global busses for the first time on Gran Canaria

Dog owners on Gran Canaria are thrilled at being allowed for the first time with their pets to travel on a bus on the island, an initiative by the Global bus company supported by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, who are working to extend the measure to all the transport operators. Lauded as a great step forward for animal owners from whom there is much demand, said the president of the Cabildo, Antonio Morales, in the presentation of the good news alongside the Minister of Transport and Mobility,...

Weather: Clear blue skies and light breezes with a touch of Calima

It looks like clear skies across the Canary Islands this Monday, December 25, with maximum temperatures likely to rise slightly and the possibility of Calima returning to the islands, according to AEMET the Spanish State Meteorological Agency . Maximum temperatures of around 20ºC in the shade are expected in the capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, with minimums of around 15ºC with light to moderate winds from the southeast in the early hours of the day moving round to blow from the northeast...

The Canary Guide to Christmas Weekend 22-24 December 2017

Ho Ho Ho! Yule Time is here. Many events and concerts to be enjoyed during the weekend in the spirit of the holidays. The weather looking nice for the weekend with sun, and a cool calima bringing sand and "fresh" air with the occasional cloud up in the sky. Friday 22 December, Mogán  Mogán town hall Christmas program - Puerto Rico in Motor Grande Plaza, Puerto Rico, it's an afternoon for children, with Christmas workshops, bouncy castles, video games etc. from 17:00 to 20:00 In...

3 alleged thieves arrested quickly after stealing from a tourist in Playa del Inglés

Even holiday destinations as safe as Gran Canaria are occasionally targeted by criminals attempting to take advantage of our visiting tourists, but the police can also be very quick to react to calls for help. Policia Nacional agents in the south Gran Canaria municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana have arrested two men aged 34 and 42 and a 41-year-old woman, all of them with previous police records, suspected of being the alleged perpetrators of a robbery with violence at a shopping centre...

The British Prime Minister writes…

The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, has written a letter to UK citizens living in the EU, ahead of the Christmas period, published through the government's own official Facebook page for UK Government information relating to UK Brexit negotiations, in which she gives an update on citizens’ rights in the negotiations with the EU, following the December European Council last week. On the other hand, HMA Spain, Simon Manley, will send a Christmas video message later this week, which we will...

Public Health Department order immediate restrictions on water consumption in Arguineguín area

Sanitary authorities have today ordered restrictions on the human consumption water from the main supply in Arguineguín due to an excess of chloride detected in the most recent analyses carried out by the Public Health Department of Gran Canaria. The water should not be used in any way for drinking, cooking or preparing food until chloride levels have ​​normalized. In the latest analyses carried out by the Public Health officials in the supply zone of Arguineguín, where the Mogán Town Council...

Mystery surrounds Swedish resident’s death in Tauro

Mystery still surrounds the death of Susanna, a Swedish lady, aged about 50 years old, who was discovered yesterday by the pool of ​​her home in Tauro where she had lived for more than a year, in the south west Gran Canaria municipality of Mogán. At first this was suspected to be a case of gender violence and her Irish ex-boyfriend was considered the possible primary suspect, however after he came forward and volunteered his testimony he was released without charge and the investigation...

Arguineguín campsite closure threatens to leave residents and families homeless

More than 200 people gathered at the gates of the “campsite” in Arguineguín on Friday to protest the imminent eviction of those residing at the site, after the San Bartolomé de Tirajana townhall ordered the company managing the space, Canaricamping SL, to close the facility. The reason indicated by the southern town council is a lack of appropriate licenses. The facilities, on land owned by the aristocratic Del Castillo family, have been open to the public for almost a decade. The order...

Woman found dead in Tauro, Guardia Civil seeking her partner

A foreign man, thought to be British, is being sought by police after a woman was found dead at a house in the Gran Canaria town of Tauro, in what is being treated as a case of gender violence. The Civil Guard report that at 10.15 am on Sunday they became aware of the possible homicide after a person, known to the woman, turned up at the Guardia Civil Main Post in Puerto Rico-Mogán informing them that she had seen the woman’s body in the pool area of the holiday villa. Several agents went to...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 15-17 December 2017

It's the last weekend before Christmas and many events are happening around the island. Weather predictions suspect some more rain but since we are on Gran Canaria, only time will tell, and the south of the island is looking pretty dry compared to the north. So it's a happy weekend ahead with shops open throughout, a little bit of sport, concerts, markets, nativity scenes and with all the municipalities celebrating their Yule Time programs until 5 January. 15-17 December, Mogán Mogán Town hall...

Town Hall organised Christmas events 2017 in Mogán announced

The municipality of Mogán begin their Christmas program on Friday 15th of December. This year events are happening in many neighbourhoods around the municipality; in Arguineguín, Mogán Casco (Pueblo de Mogán), Playa de Mogán, Motor Grande, El Horno, Veneguera, Barranquillo Andrés, Las Filipinas and Puerto Rico. The official Christmas program runs until January 5, 2018 with parades, concerts, carols, markets and lots of activities for the younger ones. One of the novelties this year is 'Mogán...

Average temperatures of 18˚C and a little rain expected for the weekend

The north half of Gran Canaria started Wednesday covered in cloud, with generally weak rains, mainly during the early morning, more abundant inland, tending to dissipate as the day moves on, while in the south a cloudy, breezy morning with no rain expected. According to AEMET, the Spanish State Meteorological Agency, temperatures will see few changes today, averaging around 18˚C with highs of around 20˚C and lows down to 13˚C. The strong northeast wind, more intense on southeast and northwest...

The best wines of Gran Canaria -guide

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria has published a wine guide that includes the best wines from the island introducing readers to 33 'Designation of Origin' wineries on the island.  The guide offers, among other information,  ideal pairings for grancanario wines and the recommended temperature for consumption. The book, which is also published in digital format, has a free mobile application with which anyone interested can learn about the wineries. The Denominación Gran Canaria wineries produce...

Santa Lucía celebrate their Patron Saint on 13 December

The reception of the Canarian and Swedish 'Lucías', Ciara Alemán Asensio and Paula Isaksson,  and a cattle fair,highlight this Wednesday, 13 December, as the main day of the festivities of Santa Lucía, also a local holiday in the municipality. The big weekend in the municipality with the Judgment to the Haragán, the dance of Taifas and the popular Pilgrimage of the Labradores, this Sunday. The celebration of the "Lucía Sueca" dates back to 1963, when a Swedish merchant marine captain, called...

Several landslides affect roads on Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria awoke on Tuesday morning to several landslides having occurred overnight due to the rains that have affected primarily the north of the island. Staff from the Cabildo de Gran Canaria have been busy all day removing fallen material, stones, earth and security barriers. This afternoon the only route that remained closed to traffic was the access road to Finca Tirma from the La Aldea road (GC-200), where crews have worked to clear debris. On the same road, but in the Roque Faneque...

Weather: Wet week ahead with Yellow Advisory as tail of Storm Ana brings rain and wind to Canary Islands

Storm 'Ana' hit Spain on Sunday leading to alerts for heavy wind and rain across the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with winds predicted to reach up to 140 kilometres an hour, strong seas and abundant rainfall are expected, in some areas, to deposit up to 100 litres per square metre, according to Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET. Though the storm did not directly affect the Canary Islands over the weekend the cold front being pushed away from it did and, the tail end of...

€1.3 million for the second phase of the promenade between Las Marañuelas and Anfi beach

The Director General of Tourism Infrastructure for the Canary Islands Government, Hector Suarez, has announced the investment of €1.3 million for the second phase of works on the seafront walk that connects Las Marañuelas beach in Arguineguín to Anf beach, in the south-western municiplaity of Mogán. This was announced during a meeting with the mayor of the municipality, Onalia Bueno, in which they analysed the status of the first phase of the work, which is now said to be in its final stretch....

Tourist detained for falsifying a theft of €600 in a Maspalomas hotel

Agents of the National Police have detained a 73 year old Swedish tourist after he falsely reported the theft of €600 from the inside of his room in a five-star hotel in Maspalomas, in the southern municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana . The arrest occurred after the tourist filed a complaint reporting that upon returning to his hotel room he realised that the money deposited in the safe had been stolen, according to the National Police in a press release. Subsequently, agents initiated an...

The Canarian Regional Government to implement its own weather observation network

The Ministry of Territorial Policy, Sustainability and Security, directed by Nieves Lady Barreto, has launched implementation of the Canary Islands' Government's own meteorological observation system to improve forecasts and make more localised predictions. The public company Grafcan will work with them to install a sensor network across all the islands, with a total budget of €600,000 to be completed within the next two years. Grafcan will lead the project to act as the Office of ...

31 year old foreigner arrested in Maspalomas for suspected breaking and entering

A man was arrested in the south of Gran Canaria last weekend, accused of stealing from an apartment complex in Playa del Inglés, on the touristed south of the island, following a break in, reported the Police Headquarters of the Canary Islands (Jefatura Superior de Policía de Canarias). The theft took place on November 21, when the owner of the apartment, in a complex in Playa del Inglés, said that, upon returning to her home, she had found the door broken and a television stolen along with...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 8-10 December 2017

The second weekend of December normal Winter weather for this time of year predicted, temperatures averaging just above 20ºC in the shade . Perfect for some seasonal shopping, markets and events. It's also a double whammy for National Holidays this week with Wednesday and Friday being full bank holidays, it's going  to be a long 'bridge' weekend holiday for many. 7-10 December, Parque Sur, Maspalomas CHRISTMAS MARKET MASPALOMAS COSTA CANARIA 2017 From Thursday to Saturday 18:00-00:00 and on...

Maspalomas Costa Canaria Christmas Market

The second Maspalomas Costa Canaria Christmas Market, emphasising solidarity and family,  will be held from 18:00 on Thursday December 7, until 19:00 on Sunday, in the Parque Urbano del Sur. The event is part of a municipal campaign entitled 'Un poco de ti, es mucho' ("a little from you, is a lot"), which the town hall is promoting out throughout the municipality to collect non-perishable food items, especially for children, and personal hygiene products for children and adults in impoverished...

Hotel housekeeping staff union call for general strike due to poor working conditions

The Sindicalistas de Base Union, who represent housekeeping staff working in the tourism industry, have agreed to call for general strike of room cleaning chambermaids at hotels and apartments throughout Canary Islands on December 25 and January 1. Union leader, Manuel Fitas, explained in statements to the Efe news agency that the reason for calling the general strike is due to continuing poor working conditions, low quality employment and the absence of occupational health and safety still...

Weather: Dry African dust over Gran Canaria, with temperatures reaching up towards the mid 20s

This first week in December on Gran Canaria has begun with a mass of dusty Saharan air reaching the island and looking set to continue through Tuesday and Wednesday, with moderate winds blowing in from the African continent bringing Calima (Saharan Air Layer) to the archipelago in high concentrations for the next few days or so. According to the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), desert dust concentrations should reach their peak around Wednesday, meaning there could well be some...

The Canary Guide Weekend tips 1-3 December 2017

December is here and oh my ..  not sure if the weekend is long enough to visit and see all events happening. You can be pretty sure that every major town will have some event going on during the weekend to celebrate the start of December and the season to be jolly! The weather is reflecting the time of the year so lets see if we don't get few drops of rain as the predictions keep suggesting. Christmas fairs, markets and Christmas lights in various towns this weekend, there is also wine on...

Event: Doggie Race Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2017

Parque Romano will host "Doggie Race Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2017" on 16 and 17 December , a race in which dogs will be the real stars. The initiative, which includes workshops, talks, dog shows and other activities, seeks to raise awareness about the importance of responsible pet ownership and the need for Pet Friendly spaces. On December 16, the race for the care and adoption of pets is being celebrated, a unique and special race where people and their pet dogs run as a family. The race...

“Hunting” cows, donkeys, horses, sheep and goats labelled barbaric by animal protectors and hunters.

According to La Provincia, the Canary Islands Government Vice-Ministry of the Environment of the of the is preparing a decree project that will include production animals (cows, pigs, goats, horses and donkeys) among big game species authorised for hunting. Article 2 of the text, whose public exhibition process ended on the 13th of November, says "wild game animals are considered [to include] feral production animals", which "have been abandoned after the closure of their farm and that" lack...

Federation of African Associations in the Canary Islands warn of likely increase in people trafficking

The Federation of African Associations in the Canary Islands has warned that arrivals of irregular immigrants to the Islands could be on the increase, which it considers to be a symptom of a diversion towards the Atlantic by those who seek to leave the African continent and find it increasingly difficult to do so via the Mediterranean. "We are seeing how cayucos [small, unseaworthy boats] have returned carrying 60, 80 and up to 100 people", in what they see as a return to "the year 2006",...

Another fire, thought deliberate, destroys 4 vehicles near Las Palmas. Suspect sought

A fire in the early hours of Monday on the outskirts of Gran Canaria´s capital Las Palmas, has mobilised firemen and municipal police to the scene at about 1430 where a total of four vehicles were burned , three of them ambulances and the fourth, a van. All of them, according to Local Police, were vehicles abandoned on a plot in near Calle Tablero de Gonzalo, in the neighbourhood of Salto del Negro . The National Police have taken charge of investigating the incident. The blaze follows a...

Ambulances destroyed in blaze, suspected to be intentional

A fire in the early hours of Saturday morning destroyed 8 of the 10 ambulances operated by the Canary Emergency Service ( SUC ) from its base in Telde.  Used for the non-urgent transfer of patients from the municipalities of Ingenio and Valsequillo to health centres and hospitals, the service was severely affected this Monday with delays, although efforts have been made to alleviate the loss of 80% of the fleet used for non-urgent sanitary transfer. The fire started according to all...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 24-26 November 2017

It's Black Friday weekend ahead, so lets see if we are going to get any black skies as well. Switching on the Christmas lights has already started and will continue in different places around the island over the next week or two. Massive discounts are on offer this Friday in many shops, shopping centers and chain stores. There's double wine night going on, a major tourism fair, rally, a vintage fair, and then some. The new shopping center Alisios has opened its doors so its a good opportunity...

Gran Canaria Weather: Cold rains to the west kept at bay by warm dusty winds from the southeast

An epic battle has been raging over The Canary Islands, although you might be hard pressed to have spotted it. A cold front to the west of us raised alarm bells earlier this week, and has now started to mix with a rainstorm in the mid-atlantic, which has been whipping up warnings of incoming and unpredictable rain expected over the western islands. Meanwhile, warm subtropical air has been pulled in off the African continent and up from the equator, creating an unseasonably warm air system over...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Levante

  19/11/17 - Images courtesy of Las Palmas entertain mid-table Levante. LP must start winning and break this losing streak which is now 8 games in a row. This is a good chance to pick up the much needed 3pts. 10 minutes gone no real chances for either side. Then in the 12th minute, the first chance of the match falls to the away side but it was wasted at the far post. 3 minutes later and the best chance so far to Levante but Raul, in the home goal, makes a good save. First...

Guardia Civil request information about missing girl aged 17

The Guardia Civil have requested information and assistance, through their twitter account with more than one million followers, in resolving the disappearance of a 17-year-old girl on Gran Canaria. The Guardia Civil tweeted to their 1.1 million followers, for help yesterday afternoon, to find Irene Ramos, a 17-year-old living in the district of Pedro Hidalgo, whose whereabouts have been unknown since last 7 November.   Guardia Civil ✔@guardiacivil #MuyUrgente Irene es una #menor que ha...

The 3rd Avacado Fair will be in Arguineguín on Sunday December 3rd

The third edition of the Mogán Avocado Fair was presented on Monday by the mayor of Mogán, Onalia Bueno, and her councilor for Rural Development, Ernesto Hernández; to be held on December 3 at the Plaza Pérez Galdós in Arguineguín. The event was also attended by Councilors Grimanesa Pérez and Pino González and representatives of the sponsors, Caja Siete, together with the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. The mayor thanked the Ministry of Agriculture of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and Caja Siete for...

New shopping center Los Alisios opens on 23 November

A new shopping centre will be open for business this week starting from 23 November, conveniently just before "black Friday", the manic day when electrical goods are sold at discounts to make space before the seasonal gift buying frenzy begins. Located in the Tamaraceite commercial area, up on north of the island, where Leroy Merlin opened their second DIY store here back in 2014, as well as sporting goods chain Decathlon last year. The new open air commercial zone has around 60.000m2 to play...

November rain predicted from mid week, increasingly likely on Gran Canaria around weekend

The slight weekend chill gave way on Monday morning to warm breezes blowing in from the east, as forecasters warn that the abnormally warm, dry autumn this year looks set to be interrupted on Wednesday, November 23. Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET are predicting a storm that looks set to arrive on the western Canary Islands bringing downpours to the archipelago. This week has started with low chances of rain, but by midweek the situation looks set to vary substantially, according to...

Denounced for overtaking school bus dangerously on a La Aldea road

The Guardia Civil have denounced a 23 year old resident of the west coast village of La Aldea de San Nicolás, for overtaking a school bus full of students on a series of curves on the road that connects with Agaete. This type of reckless driving can carry fines of up to €500 and a 6 month ban from driving. Agents from the Group for Investigation and Analysis of Traffic (GIAT) discovered the facts last Tuesday when they saw a recorded video, from another driver, that was spreading on the social...

Seeking volunteers to help replant trees after the Gran Canaria fire…

Would you like to volunteer to help in the official reforestation effort on Gran Canaria?  The official Cabildo project is called Greening Gran Canaria.  The Canary is working with the Volunteer Network Gran Canaria, and the Nabojelpen project in Arguineguín, to organise community involvement from English speaking residents on the island, with transport funded by donations to The Long Walk 2017. If you would like to be included in future communications regarding this effort, please email...

Winter season starts with 49 new air routes

Airlines have opened 49 new national and international routes to Canary Islands airports between October 29 and November 10, the first two weeks of the winter season. The unprecedented increase in connections looks set to bring still greater record numbers of tourists to the Archipelago over the coming months.  Particularly with concern over Catalunya expected to further boost Canary Islands tourism. Gran Canaria airport has 18 new routes, three of them domestic with Tenerife North (46 flights...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 17-19 November 2017

It's a busy November weekend ahead, the forecast looks promising with lovely winter weather (highs in the mid 20s) expected. Many events are going on around the island. There is a 3-day Vintage Festival in San Fernando, Telde is celebrating their patron saint festivities so Friday is also a local holiday in the municipality. Flavours of the world- offers top nosh in the heart of Playa del Inglés on Friday, Valsequillo are showing off their best with a local business fair on Sunday and the...

Canary Islands law to prohibit cockfights, circuses with animals, and to better manage animal welfare

There have been a number of very progressive actions over the last year when it comes to animal protection, rescue and legislation.  The Cabildo de Gran Canaria has been particularly active in assessing and spearheading actions to reduce the numbers of animals being abandoned and destroyed as well as developing policies and guidelines to ensure animal protection associations are well run and regulated.  On Monday more great news was announced from the Autonomous Regional Government, aiming to...

22 year old detained for property rental scams in Las Palmas

Policia Nacional last week detained a 22-year-old man, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, with the initials KJVO, alleged to be perpetrator of four scams related to holiday rental homes. The man apparently has 35 prior records for similar crimes committed on Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Lanzarote, La Palma and El Hierro. The individual rented real estate for small periods of time and once in possession of the keys he sub-leased them to third parties for a long term contract, managing to collect up to...

Monkey seized with guns and drugs on Gran Canaria

Agents of the Guardia Civil's Nature Protection Service (SEPRONA) in San Mateo, Gran Canaria, have arrested a person of Spanish nationality as alleged perpetrator of an offence against public health, denouncing him for weapons and contraband infractions. An investigation was initiated after a citizen informed the Civil Guard of the existence of a farm with a large number of marijuana plants in the La Mina ravine in the municipality of Vega de San Mateo, in the north eastern mountains. The...

Brits account for 30% of total tourist turnover in the Canary Islands

British tourists who travel to the Canary Islands spent a total of €4.5 billion last year, 30% of total tourist turnover. The Canary Islands Government Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sports, Isaac Castellano, stated during this year’s World Travel Market in London that the level of spending has not reduced since the 'Brexit' referendum last year, remaining around €1,073 per trip The Minister for Tourism also said that "the loyalty of British tourists to the Canary Islands is beyond doubt,...

The mystery of Gran Canaria’s black swans, is there now a third bird?

  Over the last couple of weeks rare Australian black swans have been mysteriously appearing on the coasts of Gran Canaria, with four or five sightings so far, the most recent being in the waters off the south west coast of Mogán last Thursday. Two birds have so far been captured, but now it seems there may be a third on the loose.  On the Playa de Mogán beach last Thursday, bathers were surprised to be joined by one of these majestic birds, as they shared photographs and videos to social...

Gran Canaria Weather: Calima expected on Saturday, temperatures rising over the weekend

The weather forecast points to changes for the weekend. The thermometers will record a rise in daytime temperatures and there will be a predominance of high clouds, according to the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) . A cloudy start expected for the north of the island on Saturday, elsewhere  clear, with possible cloudy intervals in the morning and high clouds in the afternoon. Incoming calima predicted, more intense during the afternoon, affecting most areas across the island, from...

Ex-mayor of Mogán, Francisco (Paco) González, sentenced to eight years disqualification for lying

Criminal Court No. 2 of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has sentenced the former mayor of Mogán Francisco (Paco) González (of the conservative Partido Popular) to eight years disqualification from public office, along with the ex-municipal secretary of the town council, Domingo Arias, for the crime of prevarication, in order not to convene a plenary session requested by the opposition. The sentence considers as criminal the procedures followed by González and Arias, and the men criminally...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 10-12 November

With just 7 more shopping weekends to the Yule Time fortnight begins in earnest, a lovely November weekend ahead with weather predictions of winter sun and just a few clouds. There are some big events happening during the weekend such as the return of WOMAD to Las Palmas, the Southeast fair in Arinaga, Maspalomas Rally ( which means road closures ) and free shows in the Yumbo, markets all around the island, and much more besides... 10-12 November, Las Palmas  WOMAD  After a five year absence...

Historic families & women-friendly budget with changes for the Canaries in 2018

The Government of the Canary Islands has approved the budget for the Autonomous Region for 2018, which has grown by 12.9% to €8.23 billion and will this year be the highest in the history of the archipelago. In short : • The accounts for 2018 amount to €8.239 billion , €938 million more than in 2017, an increase of 12.9% • The extra financing of essential public services is to increase productive investment and employment, and provide tax reductions, which are the main priorities of budgets •...

Collision in Playa del Cura leaves one injured

A traffic accident occurred between two vehicles in Playa del Cura (Mogán) on the south of Gran Canaria around 7:00 am this Saturday morning leaving at least one driver injured and one of the vehicles upended against a palm tree. Firefighters from Puerto Rico intervened, cutting the roof off one of the cars to rescue the person inside.

Gran Canaria Weather: Autumnal cloud with possibility of weak showers

According to the forecast from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET, we can expect cloudy intervals in general this Friday on Gran Canaria, tending towards more cloud inland as the day wears on. Temperatures with few changes, around the seasonal norms, with lows of about 16ºC and highs of up to 23ºC in the shade. Variable winds and breezes, prevailing from the north. Saturday too looks likely to start cloudy particularly in the north and northeast, with weak rains possible during the...

South Gran Canaria’s Global ‘GuaGua’ Bus diversions during GC500 Road Closure

Starting next Monday, November 6 and until the end of the works (estimated to be at least one and a half months), the GC-500 is being closed to traffic between the kilometre points 28.8  (Cola de Ballena (Whale's Tale) roundabout) and kilometre point 29.92 (Patalavaca roundabout). The Global Bus company have announced that their alternative routes will be as follows: Arguineguín - Puerto Rico: Once at the Arguineguín stop (14001), a change of direction is made at the Cola de Ballena (Whale´s...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 3-5 November’17

It´s the first weekend of November and the weather predictions are offering some cloudy days ahead and even a small chance of rain, primarily on the northern parts of island... Gran Canaria winter is here. There are many interesting events going on this weekend including Fashion & friends, the Regional Wine, Cheese and Honey-fair in Santa Brigida as well as a big comic and manga festival at Infecar among others. 3-5 November, Las Palmas Gran Canaria Fashion & Friends 2017 Trends, music...

Monopoly – Canary Islands edition

A Canary Islands of one of the world's best-known board games has just been released by British company Winning Moves, manufacturer of Monopoly under license from the American Hasbro corporation. The new version for the archipelago has the support of Canarian companies like Lopesan, Fred Olsen and Caja Siete. Besides entertainment, it will allow participants to better know the islands and what they offer, in terms of culture and natural heritage, national parks from the dunes of Maspalomas to...

Events: Flavors of the World – November 17

Returning this year to the south of Gran Canaria is Flavors of the World, 'de tapas en Maspalomas'. The first deputy mayor of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Elena Álamo Vega, presented the poster announcing the event scheduled for Friday, November 17th. This second edition, will repeat this hugely successful evening in the surroundings of Parque Europea, on one side of the Águila Roja (Irish) shopping center in Playa del Inglés. In addition to the traditional local flavors and other Spanish fayre,...

Gran Canaria’s great work reducing animal abandonment and promoting responsible animal care

Editor's Opening Comment: It has long been known that irresponsible animal owners on Gran Canaria have been a huge problem, and until recently it was simply left to, often well meaning, groups and individuals to try and stem the seemingly relentless flow of dogs and cats dumped without care, who more often then not would end up being caught and then destroyed. Following a very serious incident last year, when a privately run "rescue" association sent at least one animal to Norway which,...

The Saint: Las Palmas Vs Deportivo La Coruna

    - 30/10/17 - Images courtesy of LP entertain Deportivo after more disappointment away to Villarreal last weekend losing 4-0. But they did beat tonight's opponents away on Thursday night, in the away leg in the Copa Del Ray cup match, winning 4-1. Let’s hope for same result tonight. LP our still 3rd from bottom in La Liga but a win tonight would move them above tonight’s opponents. 5mins in and first attack by LP, ball gets played to Remy but his shot hits the side netting at...

Milestone time for Shearwater chicks right now

Each year at this time, hundreds of shearwater (pardela) chicks fall or crash ashore while learning to fly for the very first time. They can become easily disoriented by the nocturnal lights of human activity. Without help, most do not know how to take flight again. More than 50 shearwaters were released this Monday 30 October, at Playa de la Laja near the capital Las Palmas, to meet the sea for the first time. The release coincided with the Pardelas del Cabildo Campaign, an activity that is...

Events : Noche de Finaos – Halloween on Gran Canaria 2017

A most traditional celebration this week on the island, where families gather and tell each other stories of the family members long departed, ancestors of note, parents, grand parents and the occasional spooky ghost story.  Of course American ideas have seeped in over recent years, but the more traditional Canarians will see this as a great opportunity to reconnect with the past and munch on freshly roasted sweet chestnuts as the community gather together to celebrate mid autumn. Whether its...

Mogán forced to close part of the GC-500 for at least two months

The Municipal Town Hall of Mogán are being required to close the GC-500 coastal road, linking Arguineguín with Patalavaca to traffic, starting on Monday, November 6, due to new Works Inspection requirements. The closure is to be maintained for at least two months, until the completion of works between kilometre 28.8 (the whale's tail roundabout) and kilometre 29.92 (Patalavaca roundabout). Traffic is to be diverted along the GC-1 main motorway. The closure of the road, which the town hall...

Air Europa begin inter-island flights between The Canary Islands

Air Europa this Monday, October 30, start to operate flights between the individual Canary Islands. The third largest Spanish airline is headquartered in Majorca, a subsidiary of Spanish travel and tourism company Globalia, and a member of SkyTeam. One of their three ATR 72-500 aircraft assigned to the new routes is already on Gran Canaria, while the other two were also scheduled to arrive in the archipelago on Sunday. Two planes, with capacity for 68 passengers, will start the inter-island...

Vueling connecting Gran Canaria with two new routes

Vueling, the Spanish low-cost airline announced last week that this winter season they will be opening two new routes to Gran Canaria. Granada, the south Andalusian city, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, with two flights a week, starting from December 4; and Lyon, the capital city of France’s Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region will fly weekly from 4 November. In addition to the Ginebra route from Switzerland, which began operating last summer, these new routes add to the winter...

More Saharan dust and heat expected Friday and Saturday on Gran Canaria

This has been the warmest October on record for 30 years, and it looks like the end of October heat wave is not yet ready to leave the Canaries, with the next few days expected to remain hot and dusty. The prediction from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) indicates that the Saharan dust suspended in the air over the last few days will continue through to at least Friday, October 27, with the afternoon expected to be particularly intense. The general forecast for the last Friday...

Four men arrested, suspected of gang-raping a tourist

The Judicial Police Team (EPJ) and the Guardia Civil of Puerto Rico-Mogán, have this week detained four men with the initials ME, AA, IY and BA, aged between 26 and 32, as the suspected perpetrators of a heinous sexual assault and abuse carried out in the early hours of December 26, 2016 at a southern shopping and leisure centre on Gran Canaria . The investigation began as a result of the victim's report of a crime, filed the same day, stating that an individual had raped her, after driving...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips 27-29 October

Well its a very warm last weekend of October ahead, with Halloween just around the corner, the shops are filled with commercial stuff like pumpkins and costumes to celebrates the eve of All Saints' Day next week. Many festivities are happening around the island also on Monday and Tuesday, particularly the local day of the dead, Finaos, where families gather to tell stories of the dearly departed and remember their more recent ancestors. Wednesday, 1st of November is a National bank Holiday, so...

Gran Canaria Weather: High temperatures return with more desert dust

Summer just does not want to leave the island of Gran Canaria. After a few days of temperatures having returned to seasonal norms, with some weak and occasional autumn rains, mainly on the north of the island, the hot weather and Saharan calima dusts are set to return to the islands this week. From Tuesday a mid-Atlantic storm expected over the Azores, looks likely to pull a mixture of humidity from the Mediterranean and then Saharan dust from our nearest desert neighbours that looks set to...

Siam Park Gran Canaria work to channel the El Veril ravine begins this week

The works for channeling southern Gran Canaria's El Veril ravine, the large area of waste ground between the GC500 old national road at Playa del Inglés and the main GC1 motorway, in preparation for the long awaited Siam Park water park project, is to begin "immediately" said chief executive Kristhoff Kiessling last week, confirming initiation of work on the hotly contested and widely anticipated new tourist attraction.  This initial part of the preparatory construction work will last four...

Disrupted: People trafficking network that brought hundreds of sub-Saharans to the Canary Islands

An investigation by the National Police initiated in 2014 has led to the dismantling of an active criminal organization dedicated to encouraging irregular immigration of sub-Saharan citizens from El Aaiún (Disputed Territory of Western Sahara) to the Canary Islands, by means of pateras (wooden open boats). Two of the ringleaders have been arrested in Moroccan territory by the Gendarmerie of the Kingdom of Morocco under an International Order of Detention issued by Telde's Court of Instruction...

Clavijo: “The application of article 155 also does not fix the problem” 

The President of the Autonomous Canary Islands Government, Fernando Clavijo, has this week called for dialogue and peace, as well as reform to the Spanish Constitution because, in his opinion, the application of Article 155 "neither fixes the problem" nor can it be ignored that there are more than two million Catalans who want independence from Spain. The Autonomous Government of Catalunya, The Generalitat, attempted to hold a long-time promised referendum on October 1st regarding a question...

The Canary Guide Weekend Tips: October 20-22

The perfect mid october weekend to visit our capital city with our full highlight list of events going on over the next couple fo days. There is a traditional pilgrimage offering (Romeria) happening in the city centre, Triana Celebra Excelencia, a beer festival in Parque Santa Catalina, and pirates for the family event in San Cristobal on the outskirts of the city as well as a lot of wedding stuff at Infecar.  On the south there is a lovely wine and tapas night in San Fernando, a solidarity...

The first rains of autumn arrive in the Canary Islands

Temperatures in the Gran Canaria capital, Las Palmas, over the next couple of days are expected to drop to between 21˚ & 25˚C according to predictions from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET, with moderate winds from the northeast, gusting at the summits to in excess of 60 kilometers per hour. In the waters around the archipelago winds from the north or northeast of force 3 to 4 are expected reaching force 5 at times, occasionally choppy seas with 1 to 2 meter waves from the...

Spanish political parties move to curb unpaid overtime

The Spanish political parties Unidos Podemos - En Comú Podem - En Marea, PNV and the UPN have all supported a proposal admitted in the recent plenum meeting of the Congreso de Los Diputados (Spain's lower house, similar to the house of commons in the UK) to process a PSOE bill (proposal of law) that looks to compel companies to keep a record with the hours worked by each employee. Regardless of the votes of Esquerra Republicana or the PDeCAT, who were understandably absent during the debate on...

The Saint: Las Palmas V Celta Vigo

    16/10/17 - Images courtesy of After the last home match against Leganes, Las Palmas coach Manolo Marquez has become the third La Liga manager to leave his job this season, calling a surprise news conference on Tuesday 26th September to announce his resignation after losing four of the first six games of the campaign. Las Palmas were 15th in the League with six points. Marquez had never coached a top-flight side before landing the job in July after leading the club’s reserve...

Invest in your health

SPONSORED POST:  Some people are mainly focused on the price when they look for a health insurance and they decide to contract the cheapest one, but… Watch Out! Inexpensive health insurances are available on the market at the time of contracting the policy, but as the person gets older the price of the policies drastically increases considering the change to a higher age bracket. ASSSA does not increase the price due to age, which means that the premium will remain the...

The water supply in Mogán smells of chlorine!

"This is one of the many expressions that have been used by residents of El Horno neighborhood in recent days when they turn on a tap and get bleach instead of water," say the opposition Partido Popular (PP) de Mogán on social networks, according to reports from Spanish language news portal "For weeks, the residents of this town in the Arguineguín ravine have been complaining about the amount of chlorine contained in the water supply," they add. The opposition party, led...

‘Ophelia’ the closest hurricane to the Canary Islands ever recorded

'Ophelia' has been named as the hurricane to come the closest ever to the Canary Islands since records began, say climatologists. The warm African winds currently over the archipelago may well have acted as a buffer that helped ensure 'Ophelia' did not come any closer, protecting us from its tail end. Some suspect that Ophelia herself was the cause of that hot air being sucked up from the African interior. The now level 2, Ophelia, will make her closest approach to the peninsular coasts of...

Could the recent hot Calima winds in The Canaries be connected to the mid-atlantic hurricane headed for ireland?

As the 30th anniversary approaches of the hurricane winds that battered the UK in 1987, England has been enjoying unusually warm 20˚C autumn temperatures.  Here on Gran Canaria two days of sweltering heat will begin to dissipate, after an unexpected heatwave with temperatures now at last beginning to descend towards normal for mid October. The strange white mist that blanketed the islands from Thursday, brought desert dust and sand blown on winds from the east and south-east, from the Saharan...

The Canary Weekend Tips Oct 13-15

It’s a long weekend ahead for many on Gran Canaria, with the National Day falling on a Thursday many will have taken the Friday off as well to get a long “puente” bridge weekend. Many in the English speaking community will be donning their training shoes to join in with the big charity fund raising weekend and the Walk against Cancer, Caminata contra El Cancer. Looks like it will be nice and hot as well as yet another heatwave blesses us ... once again with  temperatures soaring into the 30˚Cs...

Invest in your health

SPONSORED POST: Some people are mainly focused on the price when they look for a health insurance and they decide to contract the cheapest one, but… Watch Out! Inexpensive health insurances are available on the market at the time of contracting the policy, but as the person gets older the price of the policies drastically increases considering the change to a higher age bracket. ASSSA does not increase the price due to age, which means that the premium will remain the same age bracket that you...

Argh, Mateys! Welcome to ABC Playschool Summer Camp

Welcome to ABC Playschool Summer Camp Why does it take a pirate so long to learn the alphabet? Because they’re always getting stuck at "C" Ha harrr! Not this summer though. At ABC playschool, our little pirates are set to land on our Tropical Tikki Island filled with treasure, healthy treats and swashbuckling games. Arts, crafts and more await our little pirates as they are welcomed ashore by our trusting yet clever Tikki girls. Tikki is a small beautiful island, whose leaders are a little bit...

Ethics Policy are an ethics driven publication, focused on providing truthful and accurate information, particularly from a social justice standpoint. We do not allow opinions or reportage that promotes hatred, violence or any other sort of criminal behaviours, as governed by the laws of Spain and the European Union

The Canary
News, Views & Sunshine
- Est. 2009

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