Councilman Samuel Henríquez Quintana said today that San Bartolomé de Tirajana (inc. Maspalomas/Playa del Inglés/San Agustín) have announced the closure of all its beaches on the eve of the Fiestas de San Juan

The Town Council of San Bartolomé de Tirajana announced the closure of all its beaches as a preventive measure against the spread of COVID-19.

Usually this evening is marked by large crowds on the beaches, with bonfires and fireworks and a collective midnight dip in the sea.

Public health is the highest priority during these times of pandemic, and therefore the beaches will be vacated from 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23, with access to them prohibited to prevent mass gatherings and avoid any possibility of an outbreak of COVID-19.

The decision has been made taking into account criteria of prudence and responsibility, thus avoiding the “call effect” that leaving the beaches open could have, due to the similar closures in other municipalities.

The aim is to avoid crowds and thus guarantee health security, prohibiting all activities related to the celebration of the Night of San Juan, such as bonfires, parties or gatherings on the beaches. To comply with this regulation, a police presence on the beaches of San Bartolomé de Tirajana will be strengthened.

The municipality’s beaches will return to normal from 08:00 on Wednesday morning, June 25.

San Bartolomé de Tirajana anuncia el cierre de sus playas en la víspera de San Juan

El Ayuntamiento de San Bartolomé…

Posted by Samuel Henríquez Quintana on Monday, June 22, 2020