Preventive measures to protect health and avoid risks, say the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, have forced the town hall to suspend all festivities and events planned until the end of August 2020.

Based on superior legal provisions, as a consequence of the current pandemic, the Tirajanero Consistory (SBT town council) says it has been forced to suspend the annual festivities planned for San Juan, which are celebrated in at least two communities within this extensive municipality; as well as those fiestas planned in central neighbourhoods and urban centres, which traditionally coincide with this month of May,including the Fiestas de La Trinidad, in El Tablero and the patron saint of San Fernando’s celebrations, in the residential and urban area nearest to Playa del Inglés. The co-patronal celebrations of the municipality, in honour of Santiago and San Bartolomé, which are held in municipalities main administrative town Villa de Tunte, on July 25 and August 24, respectively, in addition to other popular festive events planned for this season, are all cancelled for this year.

Not surprisingly, in this the largest municipality of Gran Canaria, around thirty traditional festivals and popular celebrations are held each year, not counting the large scale events of “great tourism importance and international influx”.

The Town Council, of San Bartolomé de Tirajana has appealed to the understanding of local residents, with this measure aimed at ensuring the health and well-being of the entire population.