Mogán Town Council today announced all sports fields closed in the southwestern municipality over fears they will be unable to avoid infections among the younger population having observed, they say, several not complying with the Regional Government’s safety measures imposing maximum numbers on people allowed at “social gatherings”.

Policia local sealed off all sports spaces after verifying that maximum numbers of people gathered exceeded the rules of the regional executive aimed at dealing with the increase in coronavirus cases seen across the Archipelago in the last two weeks.

The new prevention measures were published in the BOC – Official Gazette of the Canary Islands – making clear that social and family gatherings may not exceed a maximum of ten people, either indoors or outdoors.

Added to this is the use of masks is now mandatory on public roads, in outdoor spaces or any enclosed spaces for public use or open to the public, regardless of whether the minimum safety distance of 1.5 meters can be guaranteed.

Masks are also mandatory in bars, restaurants and cafeterias, with the only exception being at the time of food or drink intake. On beaches it is mandatory at access points, exits or walkways, except when bathing or sun bathing in the same place, without moving from that spot, and always maintaining a safe distance with people who are not living together.

It is every local municipal town hall’s responsibility not only to police and fine, but also protect their local populations ensuring rules are properly followed, however the Ayuntamiento de Mogán does not believe that is possible while keeping sports facilities running and so have announced all sports fields closed from today.