A man, aged 36, was arrested on the night of Sunday, February 17, after traveling 32 kilometres along the main Gran Canaria GC-1 Highway in the wrong direction, and for testing positive for alcohol, has been convicted in a quick trial, and sentenced to 16 months loss of his license for a crime against road safety .

The driver, tried last Tuesday under urgent proceedings in a quick trial, accepted the sentence and the account of the facts brought by the Public Prosecutor, according to sources in the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands (TSJC).


In addition to losing his driving license for 16 months, he has also been sentenced to a four month fine having to pay a daily fee of six euros.

The man had no prior criminal record and his alcohol test results ranged between 0.70 and 0.71mg per 100 ml of blood, just above the limit considered an administrative infraction, which is 0.60.