Gran Canaria’s biggest nativity sculpture, the sand art Belen de Arena 2019 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, is opening next week on Las Canteras Beach. One of the main seasonal attractions in the capital, and for the island, has once more begun the countdown to its opening day. A total of 8 international sand sculptors are creating a range of traditional Christmas scenes in the run up to this annual beach exhibition of ingenious craftsmanship evoking images of ephemeral sculpture which will begin to receive members of the public on 29th of November.

The work of fencing, conditioning and moving the sand in preparation for the construction of the Bethlehem Nativity has already begun in the area of La Puntilla , on Las Canteras Beach.  This work of art, promoted by the Department of Tourism of the city council and the Tourist Board of Gran Canaria , will be modeled by sculptors from Russia, France, Belgium, Italy, United States, Canada and Latvia, starting from this week.

243,000 people visited the sand Bethlehem in 2018 and €25,000  was collected in donations, which will be awarded to worthy causes in the city this coming January..

Inauguration: 29 November
Last day / Closes : 7 January
opening hours : Every day 09:00 – 22:00

Exceptions :  24 & 31 of December and 5th of January  09:00- 20:00