In order to protect people, property and places:
  • As of March 19, only a limited number of daily connections have been allowed between the rest of the Spanish national territory and the islands of the Canary archipelago.
  • Likewise, air connections between the islands of the archipelago have been limited to certain daily frequencies.
  • As of the order, the disembarkation of passenger ship passengers at the islands’ ports which originate in the mainland Spanish peninsula have been prohibited, with some exceptions, but also including the prohibition of pleasure boats of all kinds and all origins, whether used for recreational or sports purposes or nautical leasing.
  • Regarding maritime connections between islands, they are to be determined by the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.
  • As of 00:00 hours on March 18, the landing at all Canary Islands airports of executive aviation, air taxi or similar operations, has been prohibited, regardless of their origin.
    Thus, the Order limits connectivity for all airlines between any airport located within national territory and those located in the territory of the Canary Islands according to the following scheme:

– 2 flights a day between Madrid and the island of Gran Canaria.
– 2 flights a day between Barcelona and the island of Gran Canaria.
– 1 flight a day between Bilbao and the island of Gran Canaria.
– 1 flight a day between Seville and the island of Gran Canaria.
– 2 flights a day between Madrid and Tenerife North airport.
– 2 flights a day between Barcelona and Tenerife North airport.
– 1 flight a day between Bilbao and Tenerife North airport.
– 1 flight a day between Seville and Tenerife North airport.
– 1 flight a day between Madrid and Tenerife Sur airport.
– 1 flight a day between Madrid and Fuerteventura.
– 1 flight a day between Madrid and La Palma.
– 1 flight a day between Madrid and Lanzarote.
– 1 flight a day between Barcelona and Lanzarote.

In addition, on the air transport routes between islands subject to Public Service Obligations, the following maximum number of daily flights per direction has been established:

– Gran Canaria-Tenerife North: 4

– Gran Canaria-Lanzarote: 3

– Gran Canaria-Fuerteventura: 3

– Gran Canaria-El Hierro: 1

– Gran Canaria-La Palma: 1

– Tenerife North-La Palma: 2

– Tenerife North-La Gomera: 1

– Tenerife North-El Hierro: 1

– Tenerife North-Fuerteventura: 1

– Tenerife North-Lanzarote: 1

These prohibitions do not apply to State aircraft, exclusively cargo flights, positional, humanitarian, medical or emergency flights, nor to State ships, to ships carrying cargo exclusively, or to ships that carry out navigation for humanitarian, medical or emergency purposes.

Following the procedure established in the aforementioned order, several airlines reported to the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda their interest in operating basic connectivity by air.

In this way, the authorized frequencies between the Peninsula and the Canary Islands are shown in the following table:






Likewise, the authorized frequencies between the various islands of the Canary archipelago are shown in the following table:










The airlines report their corresponding schedules on their web pages and usual means.

This order will be in force from its publication in the Official State Gazette until the end of the state of emergency or until there are circumstances that justify a new Order modifying the terms of this.