This first week of December, marked by two annual national holidays, which this year fall at the end of the week to form what is known as a “bridge” weekend, in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, will be dominated in the Canary Islands by blue skies, an increase of temperatures and the possibility of Saharan sands suspended in the air, known locally as Calima, according to the forecast of the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) .

Tuesday saw a slight influx of Saharan dust however visibility was extraordinarily good, with the neighbouring islands profiled along crystal clear horizons  to the east and west of Gran Canaria, expected to persist into Wednesday too.

Clear skies and easterly winds are expected to bring a possibility of African dust suspended over the archipelago and by Friday the forecast points to slight variations, with the probability being that the northeast winds could bring a little cloud to the north of the islands, although no rain is expected

So stable weather, without significant rainfall, is expected across the canaries on this last main holiday weekend before the Yule Time break, with temperatures that could be up to 10 degrees Celsius above normal average expected values for this time of year, according to the AEMET.