The Mogán town hall on the sunny south west of Gran Canaria have spent the last week carrying out oxygenation work to the sand on its beaches. This action, they say, will improve the quality of the sand as it compacts over time and can be uncomfortable for beach users.

The works started on the beach at Taurito, where a tractor carried out intense and continuous plowing of the sand down to 30 centimeters deep, so as to aerate it and kill any bacteria that might proliferate in areas where the sea water does not usually reach.

The work has then continued at Playa del Cura, and the beaches of Patalavaca and Las Marañuelas, with all the surface sands being renewed. After this procedure, regular maintenance tasks will continue to be carried out with beach cleaning machines, which also help filter and aerate the sand.

The town hall have used the current situation to carry out these tasks now as there are few if any people on the beaches due to limitations established during the State of Emergency caused by the COVID-19 crisis.