A hot July weekend ahead full of summer festivities and events to enjoy. Top picks for this coming weekend include the Virgen del Carmen festivities, celebrating the patron protector of sailors and fisherfolk,  in Arguineguín (a Romería, pilgrimage offering, this Sunday), and in the neighbourhood La Isleta, up in the capital. The Canarias Jazz Festival this weekend comes to the south with two free concerts, just next to the Faro de Maspalomas. A major windsurfing competition starts this weekend in Pozo Izquierdo and not forgetting that Marc Anthony performs at Granja Fest this Friday at the Gran Canaria Stadium.

Upcoming bankholidays:
Saturday 16 July, Mogán- Virgen del Carmen, the patron saint of sailors and fishermen, Maritime Procession
Monday 25 July,  Gáldar and San Bartolomé de Tirajana – patron saint festivities in honour of Santiago Apóstol, Saint James the Apostle
Tuesday 26 July, Gáldar – Festivities in honour or Santa Ana

Upcoming events: 
Pet Shop Boys – Concert 16 July – Gran Canaria Arena
Romeria, Virgen del Carmen La Isleta (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) 23 July
Maspalomas Soul Festival 29-31 July

Gran Canaria Weather: Heatwave expected as temperatures exceed 40ºC in the shade this weekend


*** Check the regular markets and a range of other events on our main calendar at The Canary Guide website***

ALERT: Maximum temperatures 40º+, dry dusty Saharan air <30% humidity and strong winds of up to 70km/h, also brings Risk of Forest Fires across Gran Canaria

Alert for Maximum Temperatures & Forest Fire Risk Across Gran Canaria This Weekend


8-10 July, Mogán
Fiestas del Carmen Arguineguin 2022

The main summer festivities for the southwestern municipality of Mogán, “Fiestas del Carmen” in honour of ‘La Virgen del Carmen’, patron saint of sailors and fishermen are celebrated 8-17 July 2022.
See the full program HERE!

A funky little fun fair can be also found set up at the main Plaza de Mercadillo, market square.

“Remember that there are major traffic and parking restrictions in Arguineguin during these festivities. The influx of people to this, normally quieter coastal village, may cause some mayhem and extra issues finding parking, especially during both weekends of the main events.”

On Friday 8 July:
-A tribute Festival to Antoñito Segura at 21:00 at Plaza Pérez Galdós with a performance by popular Canarian groups “La Trova” and “Los Mala Vida”.
– El Carmen Latin Festival from 22:30 in the Plaza del Mercadillo, aka Plaza Negra, with the performances by Edwin Rivera, the Maquinaria band, and a Tribute to Juan Luis Guerra with the orchestra La Sabrosa.
– DJs Promaster and Humberto on Calle José Manuel Santa, “Chiringos de música”

On Saturday 9 July The main Romeria, pilgrimage offering to Virgen del Carmen.

-After the Eucharist mass at 19:00, the Pilgrimage Procession leaves from Avda. del Muelle with 20 carts, laden with offerings, followed by various entourages, and travels via  Manuel Álamo Suárez (Carpintero de Ribera), passing through calle Miguel Marrero and Graciliano Afonso. The large procession crosses the GC-500 to Plaza Pérez Galdós, where the offering will be made at the church. By the end there will be traditional Taifa dancing in Plaza Pérez Galdós along accompanied by folkloric groups El Mejunje and Los Boinas.

– The Verbena, street party from 23:30 with Paco Guedes and the Arena Group on stage at the Plaza del Mercadillo (aka Plaza Negra)
DJ’s Fano and Nichel B “Chiringos de música”  on calle Jóse Manuel Santana

Sunday 10 July
– Children’s play area between 10:00-14:00 and 16:00-18:00 in Plaza Pérez Galdós to enjoy.
– Children’s Gala in Plaza de las Marañuelas at 20:00.





8-10 July, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Summerland Gran Canaria Moda Cálida 2022
Beachwear Fashion

The 4th edition of ‘Summerland Gran Canaria Moda Cálida’ 2022 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 8-10 July next to the Plaza de la Música.  The Summerland, live summer’ event returns with beachwear catwalks, exhibitors, gastronomy, and a lot of beach essence.

Opening hours: exhibitor area: Friday and Saturday from 12:00 to 21:00 and on Sunday from 12:00 to 19:00.
Gastronomic area:  Friday and Saturday from 12:00-00:00 and on Sunday from 12:00-19:00
Location: Annex to the Plaza de la Música.

There will be four different areas: a catwalk zone for around 200 people, a commercial area with 31 exhibiting brands; in addition to a children’s area and a picnic area.

The ‘Gran Canaria Me Gusta’ program participates this year, contributing all the essence of local island produce, in order to promote its commercialisation. There will be live cooking activities and shows, as well as children’s workshops, healthy breakfasts, and wine & food tastings. The picnic area will have several food trucks and a cocktail bar.

On Friday at 20:30, a live performance by rockers Los Lola and a catwalk with eleven designer brands from Gran Canaria Moda Cálida (Palmas, Nuria González, Arcadio Domínguez, Suhárz, Vevas, Elena Morales, Libérrimo, Chela Clo, Como La Trucha Al Trucho, Rubén Rodríguez and Aurelia Gil).

On Saturday, the program will be dedicated to the little ones, with children’s catwalks combined with other activities designed especially for them,  games supervised by monitors, promoting teamwork and friendship. The children’s magazine Petit Style will echo the talent of the children’s fashion creators of Gran Canaria and the activities generated around them for children. And the Carameluchi Family, with almost two million followers among its four Instagram accounts, will give an account of all their experiences at this event.

The children’s catwalk will be at 12:30 (El Corte Inglés), at 13:00 (El Barquito de Papel) and at 13:30  (Lady Bug’s Cris).

The exhibiting brands are: SaraDibujando, Súharz, Libérrimo, Aliri, Daria Bae, Tour Man, Boira, Volcano Blood, Belezas do Brazil, Vevas, Siaraboutiques, Muchiachio, Nanue Brand, Toha Canarias, DVINIA ROSEM, Nuria González Swimwear, Arantxa Arenas, Osh Accesorios, Candelea, Universo Hada, Chacho Chacha, Lady Bug Cris, Diazar, Agüita Swimwear, Hammerhoj, Moisés, Amidi Shoes, Fourcosmetics, Zaira, Onblue and El Corte Inglés.


9-10 July, Teror
XXI Feria Regional de Artesanía ‘Villa de Teror’

Teror hosts the 21st ‘Villa de Teror’ Regional Artisan Crafts Fair, which will bring together more than 40 artisans from Gran Canaria and Tenerife on Calle Real de la Plaza and Boulevard González Díaz this Saturday and Sunday.

Opening hours: On Saturday: 09:00 to 19:00 and on Sunday from 09:00 to 15:00

The Fair, held in the context of the Water Festival ( click the link to see the program ), will also include children’s workshops.

On Saturday, a stone painting workshop using the pointillism technique from 11:30 to 13:30. In the afternoon, a soap-making workshop from 17:00 to 19:00.

The Villa de Teror Artisan Craft Fair is the most important held by the municipality and one of the highlights on the regional calendar, and brings together twenty craft modalities, both traditional trades such as wood, textiles, ceramics, basketry, costume jewellery and more, works made in wax, soaps, etc.

Well worth a trip to the mountains the warm summer weekend




8-10 July, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Virgen del Carmen La Isleta 2022

The old fishermen’s quarter, La Isleta, situated on a small peninsula in the capital is celebrating Fiestas del Carmen from 6 July to 31 July 2022.

On Friday, starting at 21:00, the Carmen Interpreter Song Festival held at the Porto Pí sports facility on Calle Guanaben

On Saturday at the Porto Pí sports facility – Calle Guanaben, Queen’s election Gala of Festivities and Miss Isleta, culminating with the ‘Night Salsera’ by the group Salsa7.

On Sunday, children’s games, face painting and the performance by Chiquipanda on calle Umiaga from 11:00 in addition to the Gala for the election of the Child Queen, which will begin at 20:30 in Porto Pí.






8-10 July, Gáldar
540º Fiestas Mayores de Santiago

The 540th Fiestas Mayores de Santiago de los Caballeros (Saint James of the Knights) in Gáldar, starts this Friday with the proclamation at 20:30 in front of the Main Temple of Santiago. See more info about the festivities HERE!

After two years of coronavirus pandemic, the Major Festivals of Santiago return to normal, with the most traditional and popular events such as the pilgrimage, the battle of flowers, La Rama, the night of fireworks, a concert by the municipal band, the main procession, fire horses, a cattle fair, a horse race and the election of Guayarmina and Bentejuí all celebrated in the traditional manner.

On Saturday, a solidarity sports day arrives in the Plaza de Santiago starting from 10:00 with exhibitions of Canarian wrestling and other island martial arts, the popular Onion Trail race and children’s races.
At 21:00 the Grand Election Gala of Guayarmina in Recinto Cultural La Quinta – for which there are eleven candidates – and its court of Tenesoyas and Bentejuí – four applicants – with a performance by Ana Guerra and DJ Ray Castellano.

On Sunday, July 10 the Livestock Fair from 11:00 to 13:00 in the car park on Calle Real de San Sebastián.
The first anniversary of the Agáldar Museum is celebrated with live music 11:00-13:00. In the evening at 20:00 the Plaza de Santiago hosts a concert by Gerson Galván.




9-17 July, Santa Lucía de Tirajana
Gran Canaria Windsurf World Cup 2022

The Windsurf World Cup returns to Gran Canaria in July 2022. The beach of Pozo Izquierdo in the municipality of Santa Lucía, one of the best spots on the planet to practice windsurf, hosting the third racing event on the 2022 #PWAworldtour calendar and the second on waves, all next week starting on Saturday 9 through to Sunday 17 July.

Competitions every day between 10:00-18:00 as well as extra activities and music performances .

“Pozo’s most famous daughters, Daida and Iballa Moreno (aka The Moreno Twins) have organised the event since 2012. Now taking over from the twins will be none other than multiple World Champion, Björn Dunkerbec.”

• Saturday 9 July, Teror
• 1and1 Aguas de Teror

Teror hosts the obstacle course “1and1 Aguas de Teror” competition this Saturday, 9 July 2022. This sporting event is fully subscribed, having sold out all the places for participants, with 40 couples taking part in the Elite modality and 110 in the Dual.

This is one of the toughest, and at the same time most fun, sporting events of the season.

The 4th edition of this obstacle course “1and1 Aguas de Teror”,  convenes on Saturday, starting at 08:30 with 80 athletes in the Elite mode and 220 in the Dual mode, who will have to overcome various obstacle tests on the 4 km route, which will pass through the Casco de Teror, Parque de Sintes and El Álamo.

40 Elite couples and 110 Dual couples will have to test their skills to overcome the 27 obstacles on the route, including some new ones this year. Both in the Elite and Dual formats, the participants must face the tests in pairs, although in the Dual category collaboration from each partner is possible to overcome the various elements placed throughout the course.


Sunday 19 July, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Eco Mercado – Organic Meeting Point

This Sunday, Eco Market by Organic Meeting Point in Las Palmas with Tao Club & Gardens hosting another edition of the healthy and sustainable lifestyle market. This is the perfect chance to get to know some of the local natural brands and small businesses committed to the health and the environment on the island.

The market, from 11:00-19:00, presents exhibitors of fresh and seasonal vegetables and fruits including La Ecohuerta Canaria, artisans, designers of sustainable fashion, cosmetics, designer jewellery, and crafts.

There is also an attractive program of activities for all tastes, entertaining and instructive talks given by professional experts in nutrition, astrology, therapeutic suggestions, yoga, refresh ourselves with healthy drinks made with a lot of love, and fruits from the farm, by the hand of El Cartuchón Sano, along with so much more….

includes produce exhibitors covering many sectors involved in the ecological world, from organic food and drinks, fashion, cleaning, recycled crafts, renewable energy to ecological agriculture.

“Eco Mercado takes place second Sunday of every month.” 




Saturday 9 July, Artenara
Mercado Agrícola y Ganadero 

The island’s highest altitude mountain village, Artenara, holds an agricultural and farmers market this Saturday from 09:00-15:00 in the picturesque Plaza de San Matias.

It really is a lovely car ride to go to see some of the most impossibly beautiful places on Gran Canaria and a trip up to the summits. This market is held on the second Saturday of every month.

“The municipal village of Artenara is located 1,270 metres above sea- level and has a most charming small community atmosphere. Here you can enjoy the epic mountain landscapes at the heart of Gran Canaria. Visit the viewpoint Unamuno and the interesting little Ethnographic Museum of “Cave Houses“”

In July 2019, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee added Risco Caído and the Sacred Mountains of Gran Canaria Cultural Landscape to its List of World Heritage Sites in recognition of the ancient society of the Canary Islands, the roots of which stem from the population of North Africa and which managed to develop its own culture in complete isolation for more than 1,500 years before the Spanish invasion.

The archaeological sites contained within the Risco Caído landscape reflect the culture of the ancient peoples of the island, a unique process of evolution undergone by the Amazigh people from North Africa who lived in isolation until they were conquered by the Crown of Castile in the 15th Century. The volcanic crater of Caldera de Tejeda overlooks this area, which exists within the municipalities of Artenara, Tejeda, Agaete and Galdar.



is always market day in Playa de Mogán in the morning. This popular market is in one of the prettiest fishing harbour towns on Gran Canaria, very popular with tourists.

On Saturday San Fernando de Maspalomas market offers all kinds of textiles, Objet dart and other articles, outside the Municipal Market, located on Avenida Alejandro del Castillo, with bargains for bargain hunters. It is one of the markets most enjoyed among visitors along with Friday’s in Playa de Mogán;
El Mercadillo de Maspalomas, the main ‘Maspalomas market’  is on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 08:00 to 14:00.

On Saturday in Arguineguín, a second-hand market on Plaza Negra (the marketplace) in the morning 09:00-14:00 with a wide range preloved treasures to be found and discovered.

On Sunday, the “rastro” second-hand market, is on from 08:00 to 14:00 in the main carpark of the Municipal Market, in San Fernando.

This Sunday, the biweekly El Mercado Agrícola de San Fernando de Maspalomas. This Farmers Market is held in the urban center of the area from which it receives the name, just where there is a large esplanade between three unmistakable points; the Municipal Stadium, the Center and the current Municipal Offices of Maspalomas. 🕘 08:00 – 14:00.


Saturday 9 July, Arucas
Mercado Agrícola de Arucas

This popular farmers’ market takes place every fortnight in the facilities of the Cabildo’s Agricultural (Experimental) Farm, located next to the turn off to Arucas from the main GC-2, on the north coast of Gran Canaria. […Click here for the map location…]  The market of exhibitors (farmers and ranchers) who sell their produce direct to the consumer with the aim to lower costs and more directly benefit the producer. From 09:00-13:30

“The Arucas Agricultural and Livestock Market began in June 2008, on the initiative of COAG (Coordinator of Organisations of Farmers and Cattle Ranchers) and the Federation of Cattlemen of Gran Canaria (FedeGran), later moving to the Cabildo de Gran Canaria who now promote the current market.”

A perfect time to also enjoy the beautiful natural pools and beaches on the north coast of Gran Canaria. 

• 8-10 July, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
• Canteras Street Market

“Canteras Street Market” trade fair is on until 17 July 2022 on Avenida de las Canteras in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, from calle Tenerife up to calle Padre Cueto.
The fair is open every day from 10:00 to 20:00 with a total of 70 stalls and where you will find fashion, accessories, literature, decoration, food, cosmetics, perfumes, crafts, toys, jewellery, antiques, swimwear, sportswear and much more.

The Puerto Canteras Open Commercial Zone (ZCA) puts on offer the natural attractions of the area, enhanced by various items sold in a pleasant environment. This forms part of a revitalisation plan, within the commercial area marking the start of a street sales campaign.










8-9 July, Festival Internacional Canarias Jazz & Más 2022

There is some fabulous Jazz music to enjoy this Friday and Saturday on the esplanade of the emblematic Maspalomas Lighthouse. These two concerts are part of The International Festival Canarias Jazz & Más program, celebrated between 1-24 July 2022. The 31st festival edition is celebrated in theaters, auditoriums, and squares of the eight Canary Islands. Highlights include Marcus Miller Gregory Porter SFJAZZ Collective Avishai Cohen Music and many more.

These two concerts in the south are free to attend, until capacity is reached, so best to go there early … or find a nice place close by.

On Friday: Sumrrá and Nate Smith+KINFOLK (100%) at 20:30

On Saturday: La Local Jazz Band and  Samatha Fish at 20:30




GRANCA Live Fest at Gran Canaria stadium 8-9 July 2022 with 22 hours of music.

On Friday, 8 July, starting at 15:00:  Marc Anthony, C Tangana, Myke Towers, Nil Moliner 
On Saturday, 9 July, starting at 16:00:
SumeRR, Camilo, Residente, Dani Martín and God Save the Queen

Tickets are still available from ⇒ Granca Live Fest page, starting from €65


9-10 July, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 
Traditional music and dance 

This Saturday and Sunday, traditional Canarian music and dancing on Plaza de España and in Pueblo Canario.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria once again offers folk performances in the open air every weekend. These performances will continue to take place every weekend throughout the year (subject to bank holidays).
On Saturday on Plaza de España at 11:00, group ‘Granero and Jarana’

On Sunday in Pueblo Canario group ‘San Cristóbal’ at 11:00


The astounding US Rock sensation, now a local star on Gran Canaria, playing out to an international audience and live across the airwaves.

On Friday at Nirvana Bar in Arguineguín, Ancora Centre at 21:00
On Saturday at  Rockabella – Playa del Inglés 18:00-21:00 and later at the Shamrock at 22:30
On Sunday at The Shamrock in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria at 22:30

Johnny Amobi

Without doubt one of the finest British-born live performers on Gran Canaria.  Have worked 25 years starring in West End Musicals, Johnny Amobi has based himself here, to the delight of nightly crowds, on the island and performs regularly at the world class Meloneras dinner venue, Cafe del Mar as one of their star turns every Sunday evening as well as various major events across the island.  

We will include as many of his future gigs here as we can.

This Sunday Cafe del Mar in Meloneras at 21:00




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The Canary Guide