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Maximum Alerts declared for heavy downpours and possible storm weather bringing strong winds and flooding

Maximum Alerts declared for heavy downpours and possible storm weather bringing strong winds and flooding

The Government of the Canary Islands, through the General Directorate of Security and Emergencies, has declared a Maximum Alert for Rains in the Canary Islands, starting at 00:00 midnight and into the early hours of September 24.

This decision was made taking into account the most current information available and applying the Canary Islands Specific Emergency Plan for Risks of Adverse Meteorological Phenomena (known as PEFMA).

The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) this Friday issued a new special warning regarding the likely formation of a tropical cyclone to the south of the Canary Islands, in the vicinity of Cape Verde, a warning updated at 4:00 p.m. (Canarian time) reporting that the tropical depression has already been named: Ten, as it is the tenth to form this season.

Aemet points out that the US National Hurricane Centre, in Miami, has raised the probability of it forming a cyclone in the next 48 hours to 80% and that, although it is most likely that it will not impact the archipelago, “it will come close enough to produce widespread, intense and persistent precipitation with storms.”

According to AEMET, this weekend and on Monday there will be widespread, intense and persistent rains on all islands. Over those three days, more than 150 l/m² may accumulate on the westernmost islands and on Gran Canaria.

With this data, Aemet has this Friday issued orange and yellow warnings for all the islands due to rain, storms and wind. They come into force this Saturday in the western islands, and already on Sunday, throughotu the rest of the archipelago.

Predicted rainfall for Saturday indicates accumulations of up to 60mm of water in 12 hours on the western islands this Saturday. But on Sunday that figure will be far exceeded. AEMET predicts accumulations of 30 mm in just one hour and more than 100 in 12 hours, except on Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, where it will be less.

AEMET warns that at certain points it could even reach 150 mm accumulated rain in 12 hours on the western islands and Gran Canaria.

They add that sustained winds and maritime storms may not be expected, but strong or very strong gusts of wind are not ruled out at some points, as well as waves of more than two meters.


A large area of ​​pressure, located approximately south west of the Canary Islands, is producing a broad zone of ​​showers and thunderstorms. Conditions for the development of a tropical depression are forecast, beginning to affect the western (southwest) areas of ​​the archipelago at first from Saturday, spreading throughout the weekend to all the islands.

Widespread rainfall is expected, mainly in the form of sudden showers. It is expected that they may be of moderate intensity, and could be locally strong and/or very strong. Accumulated precipitation could top 60–100 mm per 24 hours.

There is a strong potential for storms bringing showers or downpours, often heavy and short-lived, falling from convective clouds, characterised by sudden onset and end and large and rapid changes in intensity.

Wind from the northeast, or with a moderate easterly component, with strong intervals and probable maximum gusts equal to or greater than 70 km/h, are expected to affect the midlands, high areas and extreme north and south of the islands.

There is a possibility of strong storms, which implies the possibility of great electrical activity (thunder, and/or lightning), and strong or very strong rainfall along with possible strong or very strong gusts of wind and/or hail with a diameter greater than 1 cm .

The possibility for flooding has been made clear, with water run off potential in all barrancos at low lying areas.

The population is urged to follow the following  self-protection advice from  the General Directorate of Security and Emergencies.

About The Author

The Canary
News, Views & Sunshine
- Est. 2009

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