A powerful storm looks set to sweep across the Canary Islands from west to east on Thursday and Friday, bringing rainfall that could be occasionally heavy and accompanied by thunderstorms, according to forecasts by the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).

The Government of the Canary Islands, through the General Directorate of Emergencies, on Wednesday, declared the pre-alert for storms in the Canary Islands, starting from 12:00 noon on Thursday, November 30.

The decision was made taking into account the information provided by the State Meteorological Agency and other available sources, and in application of the Specific Emergency Plan of the Canary Islands for Risks of Adverse Meteorological Phenomena (PEFMA).

The rains could leave up to 15 liters per square meter in one hour on the peaks and in the east, south, and west of Gran Canaria, while on the western islands these amounts could reach 30 liters per square meter in one hour, and up to 60 liters in twelve hours on La Palma.

This Thursday, the easternmost islands awoke up to partly cloudy skies and intervals of high cloud, becoming set to become fully overcast by the end of the day. In the afternoon, rain will start on the west of Gran Canaria, passing through the weseternmost islands of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, with heavy downpours expected mainly on the south and west, not ruling out thunderstorms, and with minimum temperatures rising slightly, along with rising maximums on the north and easternmost slopes.

For Friday, warnings for rain and thunderstorms are maintained on the islands of the western province, and only for rain on Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, and Fuerteventura, expected during the first half of the day.

Thunderstorms accompanied by lightning, appear to be most likely on the western islands which will be more exposed to the current episode.

Caution Advised

The regional government has issued a statement advising the public to exercise extreme caution and follow self-protection advice to avoid risks.

Before the onset of the rain, it is important to check the condition of drains and rooftops to prevent damage to homes, recommends the Government of the Canary Islands. Once the phenomenon begins, “it is essential to exercise extreme caution while driving, moderate speed, and increase the safety distance”. It is advised to travel on main roads or highways and avoid accessing forest tracks or secondary roads.