Canarian skies this weekend will see some cloud cover over the north of the island, though mainly clear this Saturday to the south according to Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), with forecasts of Calima blowing in at high altitude over the easternmost islands, and night time lows of around 23ºC and daytime highs in the shade hitting up to 31ºC in the south, temperatures will see few changes from recent days, as moderate winds continue from the northeast.

At sea, winds from the north and northeast of up to force 5 or 6, and an occasional 7 possible offshore, will bring some strong swell, while on the south, west and southwest coasts a variable force 1 to 3 is expected with coastal breezes and some rough seas possible. There will be a north swell with waves of 1 to 2 meters.

Below 900 to 1000 meters, to the north, some cloud cover should open to clearer skies during the central hours of the day, and some occasional drizzle is possible from dawn in inland areas to the north. Elsewhere a little cloud or clear. A low probability of Calima haze is predicted at height. Temperatures will see few changes in general, except for some slight drops to the south, perhaps going as low as 21ºC at night. Moderate northeast winds, with strong intervals on the northwest and southeast slopes.