The Ministry of Health have today reported a total of 46 active cases of COVID-19 in the Canary Islands with 5 recovered. Of these, 15 cases are in hospital under close supervision, with two of them in intensive care. The accumulated total is 51 cases so far.

On Tenerife 34 positive cases have been reported, of which three have recovered, Gran Canaria has 12 active cases , there is one case in Fuerteventura, two currently on La Palma and two who have recovered on La Gomera .

Containment measures

The Ministry of Health has designed a series of initial measures to try to keep The Canary Islands Autonomous Regional Community in the current containment stage of the Covid-19 control response. Therefore, citizen collaboration is still very much required if we are to protect our population in the face of a world-wide pandemic.

Restriction of visits to hospitalised

Visits to hospitalised patients are now prohibited in all hospitals throughout the Canary Islands Health Service, except in the case of minors who are patients, any patients with disabilities, or the elderly, requiring a companion, as well as those cases in which exceptionally and justifiably, a companion is authorised by the centre’s management. In these cases, the managing centre must take the informative and preventive measures to ensure that companions comply with the instructions established in the applicable protocols. Please work with healthcare professionals and community leaders to ensure the continued effectiveness of our healthcare service.

Those accompanying patients who may need to go to the emergency services facilities provided in centres and services dependent on the the Canary Health Service, unless the patient is a minor or is unable to provide for himself or herself and requires the company of another person, may find that only a single companion will be allowed access.

These restrictions are now in force and by law have been established for a period of 15 days, unless new epidemiological information necessitates its extension.

Measures to protect the elderly

The elderly are one of the most vulnerable groups in this new situation and, therefore, a series of measures have been established for their protection, which include:

The closure of all the clubs and leisure centres for the elderly in the Canary Islands has been ordered.

Visits to all nursing homes throughout the Autonomous Community are now prohibited, except in those cases in which the management of the centre specifically authorises it for a duly justified reason, in which case the should take measures to ensure that the visitor complies with the instructions established in the applicable protocols, the inform the public and prevent infection.

These measures are now in force for up to 15 days, unless new epidemiological evidence merits their extension.

Measures for students

It is recommended that during the 14 days following their arrival on the islands, students avoid departures and any kind of close contact with other people, especially those taking immuno-suppressants and the elderly. They are all asked to closely observe their own state of health in the event of the possible appearance of any symptoms such as fever, cough or a feeling of shortness of breath.

If any person develops respiratory symptoms (coughs, fevers or feelings of a shortness of breath), they should contact the main 112 emergency coordination Centre by telephone, informing them of the history of their travel history and the symptoms they present so that they can make an assessment.

Following a set period of 14 days from your arrival to the island without any symptoms appearing, you will be able to get on with living your normal life. Always observe the hygienic-sanitary recommendations that have been publicly established for the general population.

Students, who as of today have not returned to the autonomous community of the Canary Islands, are being recommended to avoid moving from where they are and to remain at their current place of residence to await the instructions of the health authorities.

Collective activities

In the Autonomous Community, all large professional, national and international sports events will now be held behind closed doors.

All collective activities whether in closed or open spaces that involve, or are estimated to involve, a concentration of more than 1,000 people are hereby suspended or postponed in the community .

In those cases in which these activities are carried out at spaces with a capacity of less than 1,000 people, they can only be held if only one third of the maximum authorised venue capacity is occupied, with the aim of guaranteeing an adequate separation space between attendees.

These restriction measures apply to public, recreational and leisure shows, cultural, religious, sports or similar activities, regardless of whether they are offered by a public or private organiser.

These measures will be in place for an initial duration of 15 days without prejudice to extensions and additional measures that may be subsequently agreed.

Information lines

The Ministry of Health maintains a free telephone line (900 112 061), from which a Nursing team, under the coordination of the Canary Emergency Service (SUC), are available to attend to requests for information from citizens on prevention measures, possibilities of contagion and false information related to the virus.

In addition, it is considered very important, they emphasise, that people who consider they may have symptoms related to the Coronavirus (cough, sore throat, fever and feeling of shortness of breath) and any who have returned in the last 14 days from any of the areas of risk or are in any way related to someone who has travelled from these points, contact the freephone number 900 112 061, so as to completely avoid calling the individual Primary Care centres or Hospital Emergencies Departments.

Do not call 1-1-2 as the lines may collapse.

The extraction of samples from you at home will be managed, although the population is also asked to use this resource rationally with serious forethought and only when the above conditions are met.

These lines received 2,512 calls yesterday; of which 2,222 were to the main information line and 290 to the first response emergency services coordination centre 112.

Since the lines were set up earlier this week a total of 9,246 calls have been received, of which 7,478 have been to 900 Information line and 1,768 to the multilingual 112 Emergency Response Line.

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