The Regional Government in the Canary Islands establishes, within an annual limit of fourteen such dates, a list of official bank holidays for the year 2024, following the publication of the Laboral Calendar in the Official State Gazette (BOE). The local municipality holidays are then published at the end of the year.

The island of Gran Canaria and the Canary Islands share official holidays with the rest of Spain. In addition to these, each of the Canary Islands has its official holiday and each municipality has its own two. This year, a few festive days fall on a Sunday so they are allowed to designate another day of the week to celebrate or move it to the Monday following, meaning there are a few “puente” long weekends this year.

There are also up to ten Sundays/holidays allowed on which businesses may remain open to the public, when the usual regime of business hours does not have to apply. On Gran Canaria these days are: January 7, March 28, September 9, October 12, December 1, 6, 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2024.

Areas of large tourist influx are exceptions to the general schedule regime. Gran Canaria has many of these, so there are always places open on a Sunday.

See all the local holidays in the Canary Islands HERE 

Many of the patron saints’ celebrations will include a range of local and regional events scheduled for several days, and weekends, with Romería processions, live performances, pilgrimage offerings, traditional fiestas, and nighttime events free for all to attend; many attendees dress in traditional clothing to mark the occasion of the main feast day or the day before.

As for the municipalities, Carnival Tuesday, Martes de Carnival’ stands out again, a holiday in many of them. This year, it will be February 13, quite early.

You will find much more information and loads of local events in The Canary Guide calendar, where they are added as soon as the programs are published.




Monday, 1 January
Public Holiday in Spain: New Year/Año Nuevo 

Saturday, 6 January
Public Holiday in Spain: The Epiphany of the Lord/Epifanía del Señor/Reyes Magos




Friday 2 February 
Local bank holiday in Ingenio: Our Lady of Candelaria – Festividad de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria

Tuesday 13 february
Local bank holiday in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Santa Brígida,
Shrove Tuesday – Martes de Carnaval

Thursday 15 February 
Local bank holiday in Agüimes: Carnival Thursday –  Jueves de Carnaval
Local bank holiday in Ingenio: Thursday after Ash Wednesday/Jueves posterior al miércoles de ceniza





Tuesday 19 March
Local bank holiday in Santa María de Guía: Festividad de San José

Thursday 28 March
Public Holiday in The Canary Islands – Holy Thursday/Jueves Santo;

Friday 29 March 
Public Holiday in Spain – Holy Friday/Viernes Santo;










Wednesday 1 May
Public Holiday in Spain – MayDay, Fiesta del Trabajo

Monday 13 May 
Local bank holiday in Vega de San Mateo: Festividad en honor a la Virgen de Fátima.

Wednesday 15 May 
Local bank holiday in Gáldar: Feast of San Isidro Labrador-  Festividad de San Isidro Labrador

Monday 20 May 
Local bank holiday in Valleseco: Fiesta del Patrón del Municipio – San Vicente Ferrer

Thursday, May 30
Public Holiday in the Canary Islands – Canary Islands’ Day, Día de Canarias




Friday 7 June 
Local bank holiday in Teror: Festividad del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.

Thursday 13 June 
Local bank holiday in Mogán: Festividad de San Antonio
Local bank holiday in Santa Brígida: Festividad de San Antonio de Padua

Monday 17 June 
Local bank holiday in Moya: Festividad de San Antonio de Padua

Monday 24 June
Local bank holiday in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Conmemoración de la Fundación de la Ciudad, Commemoration of the Foundation of the City
Local bank holiday in Artenara, Arucas, Telde, Valsequillo: Festividad de San Juan

Friday 28 June 
Local bank holiday in Agaete: Feast of Saint Peter the Apostle -Festividad San Pedro Apóstol.




Tuesday 16 July 
Local bank holiday in Mogán: Festividad de la Virgen del Carmen

Thursday 25 July 
Local bank holiday in Gáldar: Feast of Santiago Apóstol-  Festividad de Santiago Apóstol
Local bank holiday in San Bartolomé de Tirajana: Festividad de Santiago Apóstol.



Monday 5 August  
Local bank holiday in Agaete: Feast of Our Lady of the Snows -Festividad de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves

Thursday 15 August
Public Holiday in Spain: The Feast of Assumption of the Virgin, Asunción de la Virgen

Friday 16 August
Local bank holiday in Firgas: Festividad de San Roque
Local bank holiday in Santa María de Guía: Festividad de San Roque.
Local bank holiday in Valsequillo: Festividad de San Roque

Saturday 24 August 
Local bank holiday in San Bartolomé de Tirajana: Festividad de San Bartolomé, the co-patron saint of the municipality

Monday 26 August 
Local bank holiday in Artenara: Day after the Feast of the Virgen de la Cuevita Agaete – Día posterior a la Festividad de la Virgen de la Cuevita




Monday 9 September 
Bank Holiday on Gran Canaria: The Day after the feast of the Patron Saint of Gran Canaria Our Lady of the Pine, Nuestra Señora del Pino.
(moved because Feast Day falls on a Sunday this year)

Tuesday 10 September
Local bank holiday in La Aldea de San Nicolás: Festividad del Santo Patrono San Nicolás de Tolentino

Wednesday 11 September
Local bank holiday in La Aldea de San Nicolás: Día del Charco

Saturday 14 September 
Local bank holiday in Telde: Festividad del Santísimo Cristo de Telde

Monday 16 September
Local Bank holiday in Tejeda: Festividad de la Virgen del Socorro

Saturday 21 September 
Local bank holiday in Vega de San Mateo: Festividad en honor al Apóstol San Mateo.





Monday 7 October  
Local bank holiday in Agüimes: Festividad de Nuestra Señora del Rosario

Saturday 12 October
Public Holiday in Spain – Fiesta Nacional de España, Día de la Hispanidad

Thursday 24 October 
Local bank holiday in Santa Lucía: Festividad de San Rafael




Friday, 1 November
Public Holiday in Spain – All Saints’ Day, All Hallows Day, Halloween, Todos los Santos






Friday 6 December
Public Holiday in Spain – Day of the Spanish Constitution, Día de la Constitución Española

Friday 13 December
Local bank holiday in Santa Lucía: Patron Saint festivities, Saint Lucy’s Day, Festividad de Santa Lucía

Wednesday 25 December
Public Holiday in Spain – Christmas, Natividad del Señor