The health alert Level 3 on Gran Canaria, and restrictions on the Canary Islands, remain generally unchanged, it was announced on Thursday, after the finalisation of the extraordinary enhanced measures adopted over the easter holidays, with the exception that normal mobility between islands is to be restored, depending on the alert level in force on each island, and therefore it is no longer, in general, restricted, across the entire archipelago, to travel only for work, appointments for medical conditions, due to the illness of a relative or to return to the island of residence, or failing all of that with a requirement for negative diagnostic test to certify no active infection.  Travel between the islands will now return to normal rules, with masks and social distancing measures, or as per the restrictions for the alert level in force on the islands in question.

For the latest official data on The Canary Islands, updated daily, check out this COVID-19 dashboard for mobile devices, or for a more feature-rich experience try the dashboard for desktop devices

The islands of La Palma, El Hierro, and La Gomera remain at Level 1, Lanzarote and La Graciosa at Level 2 and Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura at Level 3. The Government of the Canary Islands updated the alert levels for the islands yesterday. For more detailed information (in Spanish) See this official pdf of the measures and restrictions based on each health alert level

Gran Canaria stays at Level 3, along with Tenerife and Fuerteventura

Travel Restrictions. Islands at Alert Level 3 still maintain perimeter closures, which can only be travelled to or from under the assumptions set forward in the law restricting movement to and from high risk islands.

Limitations to the freedom of movement at night . The freedom of movement is limited between 10:00 p.m. and 06:00 a.m. every day, except for essential activities such as the acquisition of drugs from a pharmacy; assistance getting to healthcare centres, services and establishments: assistance to veterinary care centres for urgent reasons and compliance with work, professional, business, institutional or legal obligations; assistance and care of domestic animals or on livestock farms, among others.

Maximum capacity in public and private spaces. Four people maximum, unless all are cohabitants.

Specific measures for hotels, restaurants and terraces, bars and cafes . You may not exceed 50% of the authorised capacity on outdoor terraces. The use of interior spaces, and consumption inside bars is not allowed. Maximum occupancy per table or group of tables is 4 people outside. All establishments most be closed before 10 pm. Home delivery is allowed until midnight.

Sports practice . The practice of physical activity or sports is allowed in interior areas of sports facilities and centres with a maximum capacity of 33%, with masks and a safety distance of 2 meters. Sports are allowed outdoors in groups of maximum 4 people, including the monitor, if an interpersonal safety distance of 2 meters cannot be maintained at all times. No more than 50% of the sports capacity will be exceeded in any of the outdoor sports centres and spaces.

Hospital centres and health care centres. Visits to and departures of residents are suspended except for necessary situations at the discretion of the physician or centre.

Public transport . The capacity remains 50% on regular urban and metropolitan land public transport.

Los #NivelesdeAlerta continúan siendo los mismos:

? #Nivel1 Hierro, La Gomera y La Palma.
? #Nivel2 Lanzarote y La…

Posted by Canarias Saludable on Friday, April 9, 2021