It’s Easter and Aprils fools all in one weekend ahead and the weather prediction is just gorgeous ! =) The whole island is on a 4 day weekend and Good Friday will bring some amazing religious processions to the capital. UD Las Palmas are playing home game against Real Madrid on Saturday. Its also the first weekend of the month so Gran Canaria’s network of museums open their doors for free visits once again and Triana, the open commercial area in Las Palmas have a special program planned for this Sunday.

A little visit to the capital´s main beach Playa de Canteras will bring you to the now traditional sand art representation of The Last Supper “La Ultima Cena”

Friday 30 March, Las Palmas 

Faithful women dressed in traditional White Canarian scarves, The Sorrowful follow the path of pain of a Mother behind her Son, Crucified. The cortege prays with the Holy Rosary and upon arrival at the Plaza, before entering the Temple, the Bishop imparts a Blessing from the Balcony of the Episcopal Palace. At the entrance to the Cathedral Chopin’s Funeral March is sung. And following the procession, the Sermon of Seven Words is celebrated.

Leaving at 11:00 and arriving back at 13:00. Route : Obispo Codina, Espíritu Santo, Reyes Católicos, Doctor Chil, Plaza del Espíritu Santo, Castillo, Plaza de Santa Ana, Obispo Codina to the Cathedral.

30 March & 1 April, Puerto Rico, Mogán
Easter activities at Angry Birds Activity Park  

On Friday its : OLYMPIC DAY
OPEN 10:00 until 20:00
11.00 Children’s Football Tournament
12.00 Adults Football Tournament
14.00 Children’s Basketball Tournament
15.00 Adults Basketball Tournament
16.00 Children’s Volleyball Tournament
17.00 Adults Volleyball Tournament

On Saturday its : Foam party
15.00 Foam party – lots of bubbles and great sounds from our DJ (don´t forget your towel!)
17.00 Fun and Games on stage with the Angry Birds Team
18.00 Mini Disco

OPEN 10:00 until 20:00
10.00 Meet for Easter Egg Hunt (activities open 10.30am).
10.30 Easter Egg Hunt – where have the birds hidden their eggs?
12.00 Easter Crafts Workshop –all materials are provided you just need to bring your imagination!
14.00 Face Painting
16.00 Rehearsals for our very own Angry Birds Catwalk Collection.
17.00 Fashion Show
18.00 Clown Show


30 March – 1 April, Agüimes  II Jornadas Gastronóminas 

A perfect weekend to to get to know the municipality of Agüimes, try out a new establishments and enjoy  some good local food, atmosphere at good prices. The second edition of the Agüime’s Gastronomic Days of Holy Week involves a total of 17 establishments, which will offer  traditional dishes at popular prices. The main dishes on the menus will be fish and sweet things.

1. Restaurante Villa Rosa , 2. Bar El Lagarto 3. Bar La Estación 4. Bar San Antón 5. Bar Alegranza – Guillermo 6. Bar/Café El Populacho 7. Bar Tasca Canaria Mi Pueblo 8. Restaurante La Fragata 9. Panadería Artesanal de la Villa de Agüimes, 10. Panadería Artesanal Hornos de Leña – Pan de Agüimes, 11. Museo Gastronómico Aragüeme, 12. Restaurante K´Minoa, 13. Restaurante El Salón de la Sal, 14. Restaurante La Farola, 15. Pastelería-Pizzería Valentina , 16. Restaurante Casa Miguel, 17. Restaurante Centro Guayadeque

Did you know !
The Canarian “Sancocho” is one of the most popular dishes in the island kitchen repertoire and it is a tradition to eat it on Good Friday. Normally made with salted fish (cherne, corvina, pompanos or grunt), potatoes and sweet potatoes; it is accompanied with the infamous canarian mojo sauce (red or green) and pella de gofio (a  mixture made basically with gofio, water and salt. The final result is a perfectly compact and solid mortar, which is soft, and served as a complement to different various dishes of Canarian cuisine).


31 March- 1 April, Gran Canaria 
Museos en finde 

The Cabildo’s network of museums are opening their doors again this weekend for free visits, as they do every first weekend of the month.

Casa de Colón in Las Palmas: Saturday 10:00-18.00 and Sunday 10:00-15:00
Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós in Las Palmas:  Saturday and Sunday 10:00-18:00
Casa-Museo Tomás Morales in Moya : Saturday and Sunday 10:00-18:00
Casa-Museo León y Castillo in Telde : Saturday and Sunday 10:00-18:00.
Casa-Museo Antonio Padrón. Centro de Arte Indigenista, in Gáldar : Saturday and Sunday 10:00-18:00
Museo y Parque Arqueológico Cueva Pintada in Gáldar : Saturday 10:00-18:00 and Sunday 11:00-18:00, last visit 16:30, limited spaces.

Saturday 31 March, Santa Lucia
Mercado Agrícola y Ganadero

The Agricultural Market in La Karpa, offers the opportunity to purchase fresh produce directly from the primary sector (farmers) at a favourably adjusted price. Vegetables, fruits, honey, cheeses, oil, bread and sweets are just some of the produce that can be found, and bought in support of the primary sector of the region. The freshest produce at your fingertips.

From 09:00-14:00

Saturday 31 March, Juan Grande, San Bartolome de Tirajana
Finca Condal, Museo-Bodega-Eventos

How about a walk through the history of Gran Canaria. The island´s very best museum (in our humble opinion) located in the south, The Finca Condal, where all the information is also available in English (among other languages too) and you get to also taste the local Vega Grande wines together with some amazing stories and the intricate history of this Island, through the lens of the aristocratic del Castillo family.  Open on Saturdays from 10:30 – 13:30.

Entrance : Resident price is €6 for adults. Access via the little chaple hermitage, free parking.


Saturday, 31 March, Teror
La Quema de Judas 

For all you night walkers… The Easter Vigil and the Burning of Judas closes Holy Week in the municipality of Teror as a symbolic religious act marking the fabled betrayal of Judas, and at the same time contains present day social criticism. As is tradition, Judas is performed by a group of young people from the municipality, and represents a modern day famous person, the name of which will not be known until Saturday night, to the surprise of the attendees. In recent years they have passed very varied characters of the “Famosa” for the Burning, as have been Pocholo, la Pantoja de Puerto Rico, Prince Charles and even America’s Trump…

The giant “rag doll” ( a dummy over six meters tall ) will be paraded on Saturday night through the streets of El Casco and El Rincón in a truck to Plaza de Sintes, where it will be burned by the community and there will also be a firework show. After the Burning, at 23:00,  the festival begins in the tent at the Plaza de Sintes, with the orchestra Music Show, to liven up the fire show. 

The Burning of Judas is a tradition that formerly was celebrated in almost all towns and it has continued in Teror.


Sunday 1 April, Las Palmas 
Fin de Semana abierto 

The Triana commercial area in Las Palmas hosts workshops, live music and tastings on the first Sunday of April. The activities will take place from 11:00 to 18:00, with a full day of activities on Calle Triana and it’s surroundings that will host workshops, music and tastings.

The day includes among other ativities; Face Painting for the kids 11:00-14:00 at the corner of Calle Travieso and Calle Cano. Also at the same time there is a keychain workshop for the kids to make their own at Triana number 56.

At number 13 on Calle Torres, the Shack Bar will host an exhibition of vinyl and second-hand clothes (11:00 to 18:00), and live music (13:00 to 18:00)


Sunday 1 April, Parque Sur Maspalomas 
A Walk in The Park with Lilly Rikhter

Free physical training (yoga, pilates, stretching and etc), every Sunday at 12:00, in the beautiful south park, Parque Sur in Maspalomas.

Bring a yoga mat or a towel and water with you.