It is the weekend before the midsummer San Juan Festivities, one of the biggest celebrations on Gran Canaria, and with summer solstice one of the oldest with spring officially becoming summer. This year San Juan lands on a Friday, and together with the eve of San Juan, both days will put ancient traditions on show, and there will be a lot of festivities and events to see and experience. The next Canary Guide #WeekendTips will be out in time to highlight some of these cultural traditions celebrated en masse on Gran Canaria.

This weekend is pretty full of worthy must-see seasonal events. For the first time ever (to our knowledge) Maspalomas Carnival is being held in June, with this main weekend of celebration including “The Day of the tourist”, and the rescue of the Sardine on Friday, from Maspalomas Lighthouse to Playa del Inglés beach, then later an “international” show at the Yumbo, you can expect thousands of people for the parade on Saturday and then the “Sardine’s funeral and cremation” with the “last will and testament” with fireworks on Sunday will mark the end of this hotter than usual Carnival affair in the south.

There will be another edition of the Km.0 Fair Gran Canaria, also happening this weekend, in Arucas along with their Patronal Saint festivities, San Juan is big on this island and no mistake; making it the perfect time to visit this beautiful town and not forgetting their traditional Corpus Christi religious ceremony, with handmade street carpets of coloured salt on Sunday. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria continues with their Foundational Festivities, culminating in one of the biggest celebrations in the city, next week, on the eve of San Juan at Las Canteras beach.

Upcoming bank holidays on Gran Canaria:
Monday, 20 June is a local Bank holiday in Moya – Festivities of San Antonio de Padua ( St. Anthony).
Friday, 24 June is a local Bank holiday in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Telde, Arucas, La Aldea de San Nicolás, Teror
Foundational festivities of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, festivities in honour of San Juan Bautista in Telde, Arucas and La Aldea and Festividad del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús in Teror

** photo: The Church of San Juan Bautista or Arucas Church / photo by Love Gran Canaria 

Weather Outlook

Spanish State Meteorological Agency, AEMET, forecast a weekend starting with light breezes as well as sunshine throughout the coming days in the southern tourism heartlands of Mogán and Maspalomas. Average daytime temperatures will be a rather gorgeous 30ºC, in the shade, on the south, with the possibility of some calima haze, and perhaps some choppy seas with a yellow advisory waning in place for coastal phenomena. In direct sunlight, it is going to feel much hotter.

The weekend looks good around the island, so a great weekend for any adventure or event, whether it’s Carnival, Patron Saint festivities, or just having a walk in the mountains or a beach day. All in all average daytime temperature is looking around  25º-30ºC in the shade. A perfect weekend across Gran Canaria!

*** Check the regular markets and a range of other events on our main calendar at The Canary Guide website***

17-19 June, Maspalomas
Carnaval Internacional de Maspalomas 2022

It’s the big weekend and the last days of the Maspalomas Carnival celebrations this year on the south of Gran Canaria. For the first time held in the summer… We can expect next year the Carnaval to return to February or March, though there are many who want to see more of these events for the summer tourists…

On Friday, “Day of the Tourist” 
at 12:00 rescue of the sardine at the beach. (Maspalomas Beach – Playa del Inglés) – a mad procession along the beach front of Maspalomas Costa Canaria
In the evening in the shopping centre Yumbo and at the plaza: at 21:00 what is know as the Tourist Gala and at 23:00 Mogollón party

On Saturday
at 17:00 The Grand Parade. Parade floats and thousands upon thousands of attendees depart from in front of the Hotel Parque Tropical, and continue along the Avenida de Italia, Avenida de Gran Canaria and end at the Avenida del Turoperador Tui.
at 22:00 Mogollón party

On Sunday 
20:00 Reading of the last testament
20:30 Burial of the Sardine and fireworks


Route for the parade: Departure from the entrance to Playa del Inglés through El Veril, towards Avda. de Italia until
the intersection with Avda. de Gran Canaria, direction Avda. de Gran Canaria until the intersection with the Avda. de Tirajana heading south, continue along Avda. de Gran Canaria, Rotonda Plaza Hierro (Crossroads with Avda. 8 de Marzo, former Avda. Alféreces Provisionales), to Avenida Touroperador Tui, where the parade route and circuit ends.
“Remember, there will be major road closures in Playa del Ingles” 

18-19 June, Arucas
Feria Km.0 Gran Canaria

A new edition of the Km.0 Fair Gran Canaria takes place this time in the beautiful city of Arucas between 18- 19 June.  The fair in Parque de Las Flores is open on both days between 10:00-15:00 featuring 40 local producers on the island.
This regular fair, ‘Feria Km.0 Gran Canaria’ is about local produce, everything from Gran Canaria that requires no transport to get here (hence the name).

17-19 June, Gáldar
Dibujando las Islas

A gorgeous art exhibition to enjoy by the sublimely talented English man, Edward Bowness, ‘Drawing the Islands’ until 27 June 2022 in the Museo Agáldar, located in the ancient pre Hispanic Royal Capital of Gran Canaria, Gáldar.

This is a solo exhibition and display of drawings from the artist’s experience of living and travelling around the beautiful Canary Islands. There will be 27 pieces, a mixture of watercolour, oil and linoleum.
The artist himself is said to be present in the museum this Sunday from 11:30 and there will also be a performance by duo Paulina Niemczycka (Flute) and Abraham Ramos (Guitar).

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 09:30-18:30
Saturday and Sunday: 10:30-18:30

“Edward Bowness (‘Edward Arte’)  from Nottingham, is a freelance illustrator based on Gran Canaria. His artwork is inspired by old travel posters, graphic novels and comics, and focused on capturing natural settings to city scenes bustling with energy and bursting with bold colours. He has worked for various clients that include the BBC, Waterstones, Tango, Guardian and Leftlion.”

The Venue:

“The Agáldar Museum tells the history of the city, from its beginnings more than 1,500 years ago with a settlement of the island by populations arriving from North Africa and its establishment as the headquarters of the Guanartemes for a thousand years to follow. A chronology of the evolution of the municipality through 13 rooms. The museum is located in a must-see building: the House of Captain Quesada, home of the former militia captain and promoter of the construction of the current Matriz Temple of Santiago in 1778 -one of the greatest exponents of enlightened classicism on the Canary Islands who replaced the primitive church of Santiago built after the conquest of the Guanartemato de Agáldar. The house is one of the best examples of 18th-century domestic architecture on Gran Canaria, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1990. In 2009 it was acquired and rehabilitated by the Gáldar City Council.”




17-19 June, Arucas
Fiestas Patronales de San Juan Bautista 2022

Arucas is celebrating the Patron Saint festivities of John the Baptist in the municipality between 3-26 June 2022.

Saturday, 18 June,
• KM.0 Fair in Parque de las Flores between 09:00-15:00 both Saturday and Sunday. 
XIV Clásica Automovilistica de Aruca. Old cars cruising in a rally. Program: at 10:00- Verifications of the participating vehicles. at 11:30 start of the first section from the Fairground, recinto ferial
Festival folklórico “Albores” at 12:00 on Plaza de la Constitución, Canarian music and dance festival.
Verbena, a party with HARMONÍA SHOW at 22:00 at Plaza de San Juan

Sunday, 19 June, Solemnidad del Corpus Christi
One of the most famous displays of Corpus Christi will be in Arucas this Sunday. From 07:00 to 16:00 the streets of Arucas surrounding the church will be decorated with handmade “carpets” of salt, flowers and leaf, as well as the decoration of balconies, windows and altars.

At 18:30 eucharist at the church, Parroquia de San Juan Bautista and at 19:30 the main religious procession.

18-19 June, Villa de Moya
Fiestas de San Antonio Padua 2022

Villa de Moya, on the north of the island, is celebrating their patron saint’s festivities in honour of Saint Anthony of Padua between 3-20 June 2022. Monday, 20 June is also a local bank Holiday in the municipality. The extensive program is made up of numerous cultural and religious events, concerts, children’s activities, Craft and Commercial Fair and the Livestock Fair, Romeria; the pilgrimage and the traditional sancocho.

Romería, pilgrimage offering at 19:00 and afterward, traditional Taifa dancing in front of the church.

 The 31st Cheese tasting and local product fair and the 20th edition of Local product tasting of Villa de Moya, from 09:00 on Plaza Tomás Morales

Corpus Christi carpets

Corpus Christi is a special religious event celebrated in major towns and villages around the island, many of which will decorate their streets using colourful “carpets” of salt and dyed sawdust, flowers, and by building small altars. Communities have their own traditions when it comes to Corpus Christi.


Arucas on Sunday 19 June

One of the most famous displays of Corpus Christi will be in Arucas this Sunday. From 07:00 to 16:00 the streets of Arucas surrounding the church will be decorated with handmade “carpets” of salt, flowers and leaf, as well as the decoration of balconies, windows and altars.




Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on Saturday 18 June 2022

The Brotherhood of #NazarenosdeVegueta will make two handmade carpet. The Cabildo carpet, on which the work will begin at 09:00 on the Plaza de Santa Ana ( opposite the old Las Palmas de Gran Canaria town hall ) and the Brotherhood’s own, of which the preparations will start at 18:00 on Calle Doctor Chil, the corner with Reyes Católicos.







Later in the evening eucharist at 19:30 followed by a religious procession.








Teror on Sunday 19 June

Handmade Corpus Christi carpets ( making them start early in the morning) on the streets of Casco de Teror and the neighbourghoods of Arbejales ( surroundings of church Sagrado Corazón de Jesús) and El Palmar ( surroundings of Ntra. Sra. de las Nieves), through which the religious processions will pass later in the evening.

– The Corpus Christi procession in the town of Teror will depart from the Basílica del Pino on Sunday after the 19:00 and will go through the streets Herrería, Párroco Obispo Pozuelo, Camino del Castaño, Párroco Juan González, Riego and Real de la Plaza, where the carpets made with natural materials, flowers, salts and pigments will be located.
– In the neighbourhood of El Palmar, the celebration of Corpus will be held with the procession after the Eucharist at 18:00, which will go through the carpets made during the morning around the church
– In Arbejales, the celebration of Corpus, with the making of carpets and altars in the morning and the procession after the Eucharist at 18:00.

Romeria, pilgrimage offering on Saturday 18 June 2022 

Tenteniguada, Valsequillo de Gran Canaria
The picturesque mountain neighbourhood of Tenteniguada in the municipality of Valsequillo is celebrating patron St. John’s festivities, ‘Fiestas patronales en honor a San Juan Bautista’ between 11 June – 3 July 2022. Romería, pilgrimage offering starting at 18:30 in honour of Patron Saint San Juan Bautista.

Villa de Moya
Romería, pilgrimage offering in honour of San Antonio de Padua at 19:00, and afterward the traditional Taifa dancing in front of the church.

17-19 June, Telde
San Juan 2022

The municipality of Telde is celebrating Patron Saint festivities of San Juan between 17-26 June. This weekend, plenty of concerts and events to see.
On Friday, Pregón, the proclamation is read by the Telde journalist Nicolás Castellano in Rincón Plácido Fleitas at 20:00 with the singer Mariví Cabo performing and, later, at 21:00, the first day of the Fibra Sonora music festival will be held, on Plaza de San Juan starting at 21:00. Devitha and Nymura, Soud of Aqua and Belize will perform on stage.

On Saturday, at 10:00, Melenara beach will host the seventh Insular Meeting of Canarian Wrestling Schools, with the participation of some 300 boys and girls. In the afternoon, at 19:00 p.m., the San Francisco Church will host the lyrical concert L’alba Separa Dalla Luce L’ombra and at 21:00, in Plaza San Juan, the second day of Fibra Sonora with The Blue Pillar, Fajardo and Nimañana.

The festive program continues on Sunday in Plaza de San Juan at 10:00  with the Presa Canario ( Canarian dog breed ) Exhibition. Meanwhile, the urban park of San Juan, throughout the morning, will host an Agroecological Day with children’s workshops, starting from 10:00.



Saturday 18 June, Artenara
Artenara Trail 2022

It’s going to be a busy morning in beautiful Artenara, at 1500m+ the highest altitude village on Gran Canaria. The 13th edition of the “Artenara Trail” sporting event is one of the most special trail races in the Canary Islands. Hundreds of athletes will traverse an unprecedented route that will pass through the most emblematic areas of the municipality of just over 1000 inhabitants.

The first modality (10,6 km) of the Trail run will start at 09:00 from Plaza de Artenara and the second (19,5 km) at 9:30. The awards ceremony at 14:00 takes place at the same plaza.

Saturday 18 June, Arucas 
XIV Clásica Automovilistica de Arucas

The 14th Clásica de Arucas, (vehicles over 25 years old), will be held this Saturday under the organisation of the Motor Fan Club and the collaboration of the Town Council of Arucas, Jardines de la Marquesa, and a wide list of collaborating companies from the municipality. The Arucas Classic gives continuity to the XVI Gran Canaria Classic Cup as well as the XIX Canary Islands Classic.

The Recinto Ferial will be, once again, the starting and finishing point. At 11:30 starts the first section. This part, a 96 km route, is divided into 7 sections, the first section will conclude at 14:25 in Artenara. After a stop, at 15:30, the second section will begin to travel the remaining 99 km divided into 6 more sections to return again to the fairgrounds at around 18:30, where the trophies will be awarded.




is always market day in Playa de Mogán in the morning. This popular market is in one of the prettiest fishing harbour towns on Gran Canaria, very popular with tourists.

#Saturday San Fernando de Maspalomas market offers all kinds of textiles, Objet dart and other articles, outside the Municipal Market, located on Avenida Alejandro del Castillo, with bargains for bargain hunters. It is one of the markets most enjoyed among visitors along with Friday’s in Playa de Mogán; El Mercadillo de Maspalomas, the main ‘Maspalomas market’  is on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 08:00 to 14:00.

#Saturday in Arguineguín, the lovely little second-hand market on Plaza Negra (the marketplace) in the morning 09:00-14:00.

#Sunday “Rastro”, the second-hand market with a wide range preloved treasures to be found and discovered from 08:00 to 14:00 in the main carpark of the Municipal Market, in San Fernando.



Saturday 18 June, Vecindario
Mercado Agrícola de Vecindario

The biweekly Saturday Agricultural Market in Vecindario still takes place on the main street at the Plaza de Los Algodoneros (next to the Hotel Avenida de Canarias ) 🍉🌼🥔🥑🍌  Get the best seasonal fruit and vegetables, bread, flowers and much more, straight from the local farmers and producers.

From 08:30 – 13:30 Plaza de Los Algodoneros


“It is also the perfect opportunity to explore the kilometres-long main street of this neighbourhood, Avenida de Canarias.”




18-19 June, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 
Traditional music and dance 

This Saturday and Sunday, traditional Canarian music and dancing on Plaza de España and in Pueblo Canario. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria revives folk performances in the open air every weekend. These performances will continue to take place every weekend throughout the year (subject to bank holidays).
On Saturday on Plaza de España at 11:00, group ‘Folcklórica Aythamy-Atamarazit’

On Sunday in Pueblo Canario group ‘A.F. Roque Nublo’ at 11:00 


17-19 June, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Fiestas Fundacionales Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2022

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is celebrating the 544th Anniversary of the city’s founding with a wide program of cultural activities and open-air shows between 3-26 June. The celebration culminates with “Noche de San Juan” next Thursday on Las Canteras Beach. Music starts at 21:00, fireworks at midnight, and a dip in the ocean, followed by more music. Friday, 24 June is a local bank holiday in the capital.

This weekend there are plenty of concerts to enjoy. Here are all the free concerts for this weekend in the capital, free entry until capacity full.

Friday 17 June
The 14th Night of Boleros at Plaza de Santo Domingo at 21:00
City Dock Band + Suárez DC at Auditorio José Antonio Ramos in Parque Doramas at 21:00

Saturday 18 June
Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar + Miguel Cedrés at Auditorio José Antonio Ramos in Parque Doramas at 21:00
The 14th Night of Boleros at Plaza de Santo Domingo at 21:00
Olga Cerpa y Mestisay. Concert for the city: El sueño de Cabo Verde. Invited: Nancy Viera and Bau & Stephan Almeida at Plaza de la Música at 22:00.




The most stylish and, rockin’est song and guitar, husband and wife duo in the Atlantic Ocean. Based in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria

On Saturday at Durty Nellys in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria  → Simon Solo Show at 21:00

On Sunday at Barbacoa Gran Canaria in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria →  The new show “Back to the decades” at 22:00


The astounding US Rock sensation, now a local star on Gran Canaria, playing out to an international audience and live across the airwaves.

Friday  Nirvana Bar in Arguineguín, Ancora Centre at 21:00 
Saturday  Rockabella – Playa del Inglés 18:00-21:00 and later at the Shamrock at 22:30 
Sunday The Shamrock in Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria at 22:30 





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The Canary Guide