The Governing Council of  The Canary islands agreed in their weekly session held on Thursday, June 10, to approve adjustments to COVID-19 prevention measures including the operation of nightlife establishments on the islands epidemiologically at Alert Level 1, where nightspots may remain open until 2am in the morning and must meet certain capacity and occupancy requirements, as well as register attendees. At Level 1, hospitality hours are now also established until 2am at the latest.

The agreement adopted by the Regional Government also modifies other measures referring to mass events, for which the requirement of prior authorisation is now eliminated when the number of attendees is less than 750 people; congresses, meetings or business meetings, as well as carrying out screenings in asymptomatic population. The new measures have now been published in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands (BOC) this Friday and come into force with its publication, except for the opening of indoor nightlife, which is established at starting from Friday, June 18, always depending on the pandemic situation.


🍽 Hotel and restaurant establishments on the islands at alert level 1 can open from today until 2am.

🕺 Nightlife establishments (discos, bars and karaoke bars) on islands in alert level 1 can now open:

Discotheques, cocktail bars and karaoke bars may remain open until 2am in the morning, with with a register of attendees and without a dance floor.

-Maximum 10 people per table outdoors and 4 indoors-Dancing not allowed-Consumption of food and drink with customers sitting at table

(As of June 18 for interior areas)

👥  Mass events (cultural, sports or leisure): with less than 750 attendees, will not require prior authorisation from the SCS, a requirement that is still to be maintained if they exceed that number of people.

These events may be held in open and closed spaces on alert level 1 islands.

On alert level 2 islands only outdoors, with the public seated and with a maximum capacity of 50%.

On the islands at alert levels 3 and 4, these events cannot be held.

🗣  The maximum number of people at congresses, business meetings and conferences on the islands has now been eliminated on levels 1 and 2.

On islands at levels 3 and 4 they can only be done electronically

Requirements for nightlife establishments

Nightlife establishments, such as discos, cocktail bars with and without live performances and karaoke, on alert level 1 islands (currently those of Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro) must comply with the limitations to capacity and maximum occupancy established, and adequate ventilation, both indoors and outdoors, keeping a record of attendees to ensure traceability in the event of the possible detection of a case during the following 30 days.

The maximum occupancy per table will be 10 people outdoors and 4 indoors. The consumption of food and beverages will be carried out at the table, with the clients seated, a safety distance of 2 meters and the correct use of the mask, except when ingesting food or beverages.

Dancing is not allowed, so the dance floor must be sealed or, where appropriate, be occupied by tables without exceeding the allowed capacity.

Likewise, in interior spaces, forced ventilation will be used, in order to obtain adequate renewal of air.

Mass events

As for the mass events that are held sporadically and in places other than the usual ones, such as demountable facilities or open air, with a number of attendees of less than 750 people, from now on they will not require the prior authorisation of the Directorate of the Canary Service of Health, a requirement that is maintained if they exceed that number of people.

These activities, which include cultural, recreational, leisure or sports events, may be held both in open spaces and indoors on islands at alert level 1 and only outdoors on those at alert level 2, with the public seated and a maximum capacity of 50%, while in alert levels 3 and 4 this type of public spectacle cannot be held.

As these are activities that take place in different places than usual, the total capacity of the venue must be calculated at a rate of 2.25 square meters per person.

Congresses, meetings or business meetings

The agreement also eliminates the maximum number of people who can attend congresses, business meetings, conferences and events promoted by any entity, public or private, held on islands at levels 1 and 2, although for this last level the recommendation is to use telematic means whenever possible. As for levels 3 and 4, they can only be done electronically.

Screening an asymptomatic population

Regarding the screening of the asymptomatic population, the agreement establishes that the groups subject to routine screening will be carried out when deemed necessary and always under the criteria of the Public Health unit.

Population screenings that do not belong to groups subject to routine screening will have a specific objective defined in their technical protocol, while those carried out in the workplace must be framed within the surveillance of workers’ health, carried out by of the occupational risk prevention services.