The Minister of Public Administrations, Justice and Security, Julio Pérez, announced on Friday night that the forest fire declared on Thursday in the municipality of Arico, on Tenerife, is still active and uncontrolled, although conditions are favourable for the extinction tasks. “We can say that the situation this afternoon is better than this morning.”

The perimeter around the blaze has reached 25 kilometres, containing a surface area of 2,600 hectares of the “forest crown”, however not all of it has been affected by the fire. The flanks have begun to become fixed and it is expected that improvements will continue during the night, although there are pockets of particular danger and the weather is still adverse, fighting against the wind, in high temperatures and low humidity.

The Minister stressed that, despite the improvement, the deployment have not been reduced, and have in fact been increased. Throughout Friday afternoon, more than 300 service personnel from various Administrations were working in the area. To this deployment were added members of various security groups, from the General Corps of the Policia Canaria, the Guardia Civil and the Poilica Local, Civil Protection and logistical support from the Red Cross. About 130 have remained on the ground throughout the night.

#IFArico Tenerife – uncontrolled but favourableThe forest fire #IFArico continues to be tackled by more than 300 service personnel from across The Canary Islands, seven aircraft including two seaplanes and two more on the way, with more than 2,600 hectares affected and according to the latest reports remains “totally uncontrolled”.

Thankfully there have been no casualties reported and the fire remains well away from population centres although it has climbed the slopes into the Teide National Park.

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Posted by TheCanary.TV on Friday, May 21, 2021


As for the aircraft in play, five helicopters -4 from the GES and one from the Cabildo de Tenerife- as well as two state hydroplanes have seen action. Tomorrow a third seaplane is expected to join. A Guardia Civil helicopter has also participated in air traffic control.

Pérez pointed out that there have been no personal injuries, no casualties and no evacuations have been carried out. Even so, he reminded citizens that the Cabildo de Tenerife has prohibited access to the forest trails and tracks of Arico, Fasnia, Granadilla and Vilaflor with respect to the limitations established around the Teide National Park, ignoring this advice may lead to fines.

DGSE technician, Jorge Parra, explained that the perimeter has now been consolidated. Work has focused on the left flank, which is almost under control, except in the area of Salto de las Iiedras, which is a very steep climb. On the right flank it has been very difficult to work because of the large amount of smoke, although it was possible to move forward from the tail to the front. The fire has entered the Teide National Park, but the impact has been minimal because the vegetation is scarce.