Spain’s Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, working with Tourism Minister Reyes Moroto, has set out plans for a coordinated approach to tourism planning in the future.

Spain’s Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, working with Tourism Minister Reyes Moroto, has set out plans for a coordinated approach to tourism planning in the future
An extraordinary meeting of the Tourism Sector Commission chaired by The Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, has in principal agreed to coordinate a single health protocol in the face of COVID-19 to prepare for the reopening of the tourism sector once containment measures can be eased.
“Security is going to be fundamental in the new normality that awaits us. There is no certainty about when we will be able to restart tourist activity, but we must reopen in safe sanitary conditions for those who visit us and for workers, residents and the environment” the Secretary of State for Tourism explained.
This homogeneous protocol will include requirements that each sub-sector or tourist activity must comply with various rules on hygiene and sanitary security. Working in concert with economic and social agents in the field to prepare this protocol with the participation of the Institute for Spanish Tourist Quality (ICTE).
At the meeting, on Monday, the Secretary of State conveyed to Spain’s Autonomous Communities the intention to develop a campaign to stimulate national tourism once the evolution of the pandemic allows it. Later, a promotion and marketing plan will be developed for international markets.