Gran Canaria find themselves back at Level 3 restrictions this week. The region has done extraordinarily well in coping with and controlling COVID-19 infections over the last year, and though there have been times of real concern, nevertheless, numbers have been kept relatively low in comparison to most places. However after a small, but recent, surge, Gran Canaria returns to Covid-19 Alert Level 3 restrictions again, which came back into force on Monday, March the 22nd, along with Tenerife and Fuerteventura. The rest of the Canary Islands remain at the levels they have had for a few weeks; La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro Level 1 and Lanzarote and La Graciosa at Level 2.  All islands will see “enhanced restrictions” added to their Alert Level as of March 26 and throughout the easter period, until April 9.

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Here are the current basic rules and regulations for Alert Level 3

    • CURFEW 10pm – 6am
      You are not permitted to move around in public at all between the hours of 22:00 and 06:00.
      – Except : “justified trips”, such as for work, or going to buy essential items or medicine, or visiting healthcare facilities, and emergencies, including veterinarian care.
      Get togethers are limited, in both public and private spaces to Max. 4 people.
      Exception : people you live with
      Hospitality establishments must close before 10pm. Outdoor service only is permitted, and at no more than 50% capacity, with a maximum of 4 people per table. No indoor service allowed, whatsoever, though you can still use the toilets, however you must wear a mask whenever leaving your table.

      Exception: health centres, work cafeterias for staff and tourist accommodation for the exclusive use of guests staying at the accommodation.
      You can pick up takeaway food and drinks on the premises and home deliveries are allowed too (home delivery allowed until midnight) .

      On terraces or in other outdoor spaces, dependent on the establishment, all activities are prohibited that fail to encourage the maintaining of interpersonal safety distances and encourage you to dance or move or not wearing masks, such as dancing, karaoke, etc. 
      Outdoor activities are allowed and some indoors but only with max. 4 people per group, including a monitor if you cannot maintain a distance of 2 meters from everyone else. Outdoor space only 50% of capacity and indoors 33%.
      Public transport is limited to carrying 50% passenger capacity.
      Visits to hospitals and social health centres are suspended, except for the most necessary situations, at the sole discretion of the physician and the centre involved.
    • TRAVEL
      All flights and sea journeys, departures and arrivals, are restricted. Except for justified cause that occurs for any of the reasons contemplated in article 6 of Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25. 
      Tourists arriving from outside The Canary Islands, staying in registered hospitality accommodation, are permitted, so long as they observe all the relevant guidelines.
    • Congresses and all kinds of meetings are only allowed online. 

Level 3 will include enhanced measures, along with all other Alert Levels, over the easter holidays, between March 26 & April 9