The Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council yesterday presented a ‘pink taxi’ , which will travel the streets of the capital during the months of October and November.  The 100% electric vehicle is wrapped in pink with the internationally recognisable pink ribbon and the motto “Together against cancer” Juntos contra el cáncer.

The taxi also carries some painted margaritas in honour of the name of the woman who previously owned and drove the vehicle, who died recently due to breast cancer. In the Canary Islands, one in eight women will suffer from this disease at some point in their lives. This is the Spanish Autonomous Community with the highest incidence of these types of tumor.

The ACCMyG Canarian Breast Cancer and Gynecological Cancer Association, are raising awareness among women, and also men, about the importance of early diagnosis. According to the association president, Marisa Herrera, early detection of this disease can increase your chances of survival by up to 95%.

City Councilor for Mobility, José Eduardo Ramírez, thanked the taxi sector for its “solidarity and involvement in this area to help make this disease visible, which affects so many women, especially in our archipelago.”

Ramírez also said that “once again, the public transport of the capital is put at the service of the citizens, as was the case in other years with the circulation of a pink bus with the same purpose.”

City Councillor for Equality and Diversity, Mari Carmen Reyes said that “90% of women overcome breast cancer, thanks in large part to the early detection programs of the various institutions.” She also said she wished for the City council to “continue collaborating from the public administration so that women who suffer from this disease obtain the best possible medical and psychological treatment.”

The councillor took the opportunity to condemn the sexist murder that occurred yesterday morning in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and recalled that there are already seven women who have been killed by their partners or ex-partners in the Canary Islands so far this year, and 45 in the whole of the Spanish territory.

October is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  ACCMyG will be observing World Breast Cancer Day on October 19.

Source: La Provincia