Policia National in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria have arrested two squatters, aged 18 and 35, both with previous police records, alleged to be the perpetrators of crimes of robbery with force and crimes against public health. They reportedly provided narcotic substances, alcoholic beverages and psychotropic drugs to various minors, in order to encourage them to carry out criminal activities. They are also believed to have committed several robberies with force and one of them physically assaulted a man in a neighborhood of the city. Three minors between 15 and 17 years of age have also been arrested for crimes of a similar nature.

On the afternoon of January 23, the National Police received a call from a woman, via their direct line number 091, stating that she had surprised two individuals inside her property. When they were rebuked, the two men left the place quickly, leaving inside the farm a backpack with numerous personal effects and a smaller bag containing personal documentation and a large quantity of psychotropic drugs.

A police investigation was then initiated, which allowed them to fully identify the two individuals who had committed the home invasion and also to determine that the recovered effects had been stolen in various crimes of robbery with force committed in the neighborhoods of Tafira Alta. and La Montañeta.

The police investigations determined that the suspects had not only participated in several crimes of robbery with force, but were also sleeping in a squatted building in the well-to-do neighbourhood of Tafira, where minors went daily to obtain narcotic substances, alcoholic beverages and psychotropic drugs in exchange for them committing criminal offenses for the two squatters.

The building was known among the youth of the area as “the mansion”, where up to five minors between the ages of 15 and 17 were identified, all suspected to have committed robberies from vehicles, all ordered by the two squatters who have now been arrested.

Three of the minors were arrested as suspected perpetrators of crimes of robbery with force inside a vehicle and, once the procedures were completed, they were handed over to their legal guardians. Two of them had been on the run from their homes for several nights.

Days later, one of the men under investigation went in the company of another minor to the El Fondillo neighborhood of the capital, where he beat up a man whom he blamed for stealing “medicines” from his minors. The victim, a 32-year-old man, had to be treated urgently at a medical center in the capital, after being diagnosed with multiple injuries.

The police investigation ended with the location and arrest of the two men aged 18 and 35, for crimes of robbery with force and against public health. The youngest of the two arrested also had a request in force from a juvenile court in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Once the corresponding police report was instructed, the adult detainees were placed at the disposal of the competent Judicial Authority, and the 18-year-old man was ordered to be imprisoned.
The police intervention was carried out by agents of the South District Police Station of Las Palmas de GC